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This study draws on the nationally representative British Birth Cohort Study (BCS70) to examine (1) the association between social background and early socio-emotional and cognitive competences at age 5 and (2) the relative and independent contributions of early socio-emotional and cognitive competences to educational and socio-economic attainment in adulthood. A multi-dimensional (multiple exposure, multiple outcome) approach is adopted in conceptualising social background, childhood competences and adult outcomes by age 42. Indicators of social background include parental education, social class, employment status, family income, as well as home ownership, enabling us to test which aspects of socio-economic risk uniquely influence the development of early competences. Indicators of childhood competences include directly assessed cognitive competences (i.e. verbal and visual motor skills), while measures of socio-emotional competences include hyperactivity, good conduct, emotional health and social skills, reported by the child’s mother at age 5. Adult outcomes include highest qualifications, social class and household income by age 42. The findings suggest that multiple indicators of social background are associated with both socio-emotional and cognitive competences, although the associations with socio-emotional competences are less strong than those with cognitive competences. We find significant long-term predictive effects of early cognitive skills on adult outcomes, but also independent effects of socio-emotional competences, in particular self-regulation, over and above the role of family background. The study supports calls for early interventions aiming to reduce family socio-economic risk exposure and supporting the development of cognitive skills and self-regulation (i.e. reducing hyperactivity and conduct problems).  相似文献   

Background:?Although on-demand testing is being increasingly used in many areas of assessment, it has not been adopted in high stakes examinations like the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A level) offered by awarding organisations (AOs) in the UK. One of the major issues with on-demand testing is that some of the methods used for maintaining the comparability of standards over time in conventional testing are no longer available and the development of new methods is required.

Purpose:?This paper proposes an item response theory (IRT) framework for implementing on-demand testing and maintaining the comparability of standards over time for general qualifications, including GCSEs and GCE A levels, in the UK and discusses procedures for its practical implementation.

Sources of evidence:?Sources of evidence include literature from the fields of on-demand testing, the design of computer-based assessment, the development of IRT, and the application of IRT in educational measurement.

Main argument:?On-demand testing presents many advantages over conventional testing. In view of the nature of general qualifications, including the use of multiple components and multiple question types, the advances made in item response modelling over the past 30 years, and the availability of complex IRT analysis software systems, coupled with increasing IRT expertise in awarding organisations, IRT models could be used to implement on-demand testing in high stakes examinations in the UK. The proposed framework represents a coherent and complete approach to maintaining standards in on-demand testing. The procedures for implementing the framework discussed in the paper could be adapted by people to suit their own needs and circumstances.

Conclusions:?The use of IRT to implement on-demand testing could prove to be one of the viable approaches to maintaining standards over time or between test sessions for UK general qualifications.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the classed and early professional experiences of middle-class novice teachers in England experiencing and contemplating working in schools serving socio-economically disadvantaged communities. Through an examination of the visibility and invisibility of social class in education set within an increasingly unequal and changed social landscape, the article reports upon research which seeks to better understand the class identities of these teachers. Evidence is presented of the key, yet complex, role that social class occupies within the working lives of new teachers and reveals the different ways in which teachers respond to the classed dimensions of their early professional experiences. It is concluded that the fundamentally important role that social class plays in terms of shaping early professional experiences in teaching suggests the need not only for a commensurately enhanced focus as part of early professional development, but also for attention that is sensitively attuned to the class identities of teachers.  相似文献   

Nambury S. Raju (1937–2005) developed two model‐based indices for differential item functioning (DIF) during his prolific career in psychometrics. Both methods, Raju's area measures ( Raju, 1988 ) and Raju's DFIT ( Raju, van der Linden, & Fleer, 1995 ), are based on quantifying the gap between item characteristic functions (ICFs). This approach provides an intuitive and flexible methodology for assessing DIF. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain DFIT and show how this methodology can be utilized in a variety of DIF applications.  相似文献   

在目前广大师生对于大学英语作文部分的要求和评分体系缺乏清楚认识的前提下,本文从语言测试学的角度展示CET作文的基本要求和大学英语写作能力的实质及构成要素,对于大学英语写作教学尤其是作文的整体质量的提高有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

文章对我国高考英语听力测试与英国雅思(IELTS)听力测试(学术类)的题型进行了对比研究。通过把雅思常用的五种听力测试题型应用于高考英语听力,以探讨是否有的听力测试题型比其他题型能更好地测出高考考生的英语听力理解能力。研究结果显示:所采用的五种不同的听力测试题型的测试结果呈统计上显著性差异;简答、选择和句子填空题比信息转移和配对题型的效度更高,其中简答题型的效度最高,配对题型的效度最低。  相似文献   


Flipped classes are well-known for reversing the typical in-class lecture and out-of-class homework structure by instructing students to learn by themselves from on-line learning materials and inviting them to ask questions based on their individual difficulties in class. Many attempts at integrating this teaching method into English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms have proven to be beneficial to students’ learning achievement and motivation. However, there is little research on how to organize interactive, engaging and effective in-class activities for an EFL flipped classroom. In this study, a student response system (SRS) is proposed to support teachers in organizing in-class activities in a flipped class. To investigate the effectiveness of this approach, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an EFL classroom in an engineering school. The experimental group used the SRS to do in-class activities while the control group followed the conventional method. The results showed that the use of the SRS increased students’ learning motivation and self-efficacy in learning English grammar and improved their participation and engagement in the in-class activities of the flipped learning process. Furthermore, the questionnaire results showed that students accepted the SRS as an instructional method in an EFL flipped class. However, the use of the SRS was not effective in improving students’ grammar learning achievement.  相似文献   

为比较结构方程模型和 IRT等级反应模型在人格量表项目筛选上的作用,以《中国大学生人格量表》的7229个实际测量数据为基础,针对因素二“爽直”分别以Lisrel8.70和Multilog7.03进行结构方程模型和等级反应模型的参数估计与拟合,比较两种方法的项目筛选结果.二者统计结果均认为项目5、6、7、8拟合度不佳,在结构方程模型上表现为因子负荷较低,整体拟合指数不理想;在等级反应模型上表现为区分度参数和位置参数不理想,相关项目的特征曲线和信息曲线形态较差.但结构方程模型倾向于项目6、8更差,而等级反应模型则倾向于项目5、6更差.结构方程模型和 IRT等级反应模型对人格量表项目的统计推断结果从总体上讲是一致的,但在个别项目上略有差异.二者各有优势,可以结合使用.  相似文献   


A prominent explanation of intergenerational educational inequality is Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory. Indeed, previous studies have frequently shown that children’s cultural capital relates to academic outcomes. However, it remains unclear how children convert their cultural capital into achievement. While Bourdieu argued that cultural capital influences academic outcomes primarily by biasing teachers’ grades, other researchers have proposed the alternative explanation that children’s cultural capital absorption directly translates into academic skills. Using survey data on 2975 fifth graders from the German National Educational Panel Study, we disentangle these two mechanisms of children’s cultural capital conversion; and argue that the main conversion mechanism depends on the cultural capital dimension examined. The results of our structural equation model suggest that both mechanisms are at work and that the main conversion mechanism depends on the dimension of cultural capital examined.  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically analyze institutional mission statements as discursive texts replete with symbolic meaning, as we believe these texts reveal a great deal about the ways in which higher education remains increasingly stratified. We argue that beneath the generalized rhetoric of institutional mission statements, lie powerful messages seemingly coded with varying forms of class-based academic capital. We further argue that these messages reflect two distinct, competing discourses surrounding the purpose and value of higher education, that parallel the stratification of the larger system itself. Findings reveal evidence of these competing discourses and contribute to larger discussions surrounding educational inequality.  相似文献   

刘萍 《现代教育技术》2011,21(12):77-81
2008年开始的大学英语四、六级网考尚处于试点阶段。对网考问题与对策的研究有利于网考的完善、成熟与推广,促进考试与教学之间的互动。项目组通过问卷与访谈,调查了考生在网考中感受到的困难与问题,以及为适应新的考试形式对今后教学提出的建议。调查结果显示58.9%的考生认为网考的视听部分难度大,主要原因在于:语速快,对原声语音、语调不习惯,对题材、体裁不熟悉,词汇量大等等。调查结果也表明考生对屏幕呈现、输入、提交方式、答题时间、顺序的程序控制等网考方式的不适应。研究揭示了造成网考问题的三大主要症结:大学英语教学与网考要求脱节;网考自身的设计问题;设备状况与考试环境欠佳。基于调查分析,研究提出了教学双方、考试设计方以及学校管理方可采取的应对策略。  相似文献   

Social class of origin is apparently an imperceptible attribute among doctorate holders seeking academic jobs. Yet, recent studies in different countries reveal that social class of origin may still be influencing the chances of PhD holders from low social class being hired at prestigious universities. Drawing from the theory of social and cultural reproduction, normative ‘fair’ academic hirings frameworks, and qualitative evidence collected in Chile, this research identifies the mechanisms that trigger (un)conscious social class bias in the stages of recruitment and selection of candidates in seven academic departments in economics and industrial engineering (46 interviews). Findings did not prove explicit classism manifestations, but practices of inclusion/exclusion of candidates based on the prestige of PhD-granting universities, and networks. These reproduce the relationship between social class and unequal chances of being connected to prestigious universities. Recommendations to address (un)conscious social class bias in academic hiring are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对1999年以来我国中考命题质量评估历程的分析,揭示开展学业水平考试命题质量评估的困境成因在于:缺乏命题质量评估界定,缺乏命题质量标准,缺乏命题质量评估主体标准,评估实践的“只技术”思维,缺乏命题质量评估文化。在此基础上,提出3条解困对策:建立学业水平考试命题容错制度,依法治考,专业化与标准化双管齐下。  相似文献   

国家颁布的《课程计划》中设有活动课。活动课旨在丰富学生感性经验 ,提高学生的综合能力 ,培养学生的自主参与精神和创造能力。科技活动课是活动课中重要的一种形式 ,它对培养学生综合能力、科学素养有着巨大优势 ,尤其是当今素质教育中 ,科技活动更是大有作为。开展科技活动要紧密联系学生生活实际 ,联系社会生产实际 ,联系生态保护  相似文献   

This article outlines the ‘Big Ideas’ approach to curriculum reform, as applied in the ‘Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education’ project. A critical analysis follows of the outcomes of the University of Exeter’s ‘Identifying Principles and Big Ideas for Religious Education’ project, which sought to apply the same approach to Religious Education (RE) in English schools. This project made great headway in generating ‘Big Ideas’ to inform and improve the selection and sequencing of RE curriculum content. However, its primary focus on subject content knowledge means that ‘Big Ideas’ about epistemology and methodology are lacking. The article recommends an additional focus on multi-disciplinary, multi-methodological, inquiry-based, reflexive learning, which would ask why, how, where and by whom our ‘knowledge’ of religion(s) and worldview(s) is generated. In this regard, the article posits four ‘Big Ideas about the study of religion(s) and worldview(s)’ to highlight the symbiotic relationship between knowledge and knower, and to reject the false dichotomy between the object of study and method of study. In so doing, it draws upon the theoretical framework underpinning the ‘RE-searchers approach’ to primary school RE, which correspondingly exemplifies how such ideas can be taught in practice.  相似文献   

数学课堂提问是数学教学的重要成分,是实现高效数学教学的关键。但在当前的数学教学实践中,课堂提问存在多种误区。应以高效数学教学行为的特征为标准,从整体规划课堂提问,展现思维过程;有效运用元认知提示语;及时分析统整学生的回答;创设有疑而问的情境,引导学生提有意义的问题等方面对数学课堂提问进行优化设计,实现提问价值的最大化。  相似文献   

In this research, the author addresses whether the application of unidimensional item response models provides valid interpretation of test results when administering items sensitive to multiple latent dimensions. Overall, the present study found that unidimensional models are quite robust to the violation of the unidimensionality assumption due to secondary dimensions from sensitive items. When secondary dimensions are highly correlated with main construct, unidimensional models generally fit and the accuracy of ability estimation is comparable to that of strictly unidimensional tests. In addition, longer tests are more robust to the violation of the essential unidimensionality assumption than shorter ones. The author also shows that unidimensional item response theory models estimate item difficulty parameter better than item discrimination parameter in tests with secondary dimensions.  相似文献   

本文结合 19982 0 0 0年综合能力测试题 ,选择典型例题作了简明分析 ,阐述了在目前我国的高考改革中所试行的“综合科目考试”与“综合能力测试”的区分  相似文献   

高中课程改革成败与教师专业素养有着密切关系。通过对教师专业素养内涵进行解析。将其划分为三大领域,分别是教师专业知识、教师专业能力以及教师专业情意。在此基础上挖掘当前课改过程中教师专业素养中存在的问题,并针对存在的问题分别从职前师范教育及职后教师培训中寻求相应培养策略支撑,以期能够促进教师专业素养的形成与发展,从而促进高中新课程改革的顺利推进与实施。  相似文献   


Based on an ethnographic study, this article presents the class-based disparities of Chinese parents’ usage of WeChat, the dominating social networking mobile application in China, in their educational involvement. We find that middle-class parents are the privileged ones who have exploited the use of WeChat not only as a medium for communication, but more as a mode of influence. Through WeChat, their various forms of capital are channelled to catalyse changes in their children's education. In contrast, working-class parents tend to act as absent participants in using WeChat for their educational involvement. We argue that WeChat has brought forth the consequence of widening the arena for winning or losing at the educational game for parents from different social classes. We call for corrective policies and guidelines on the usage of WeChat and other SNSs technologies in home–school dynamics.  相似文献   

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