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信息时代变化着的工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新技术的发展正深刻地改变着工作的性质 ,引导着就业和工作的转型 ;与此同时 ,也对教育提出了新的要求 ,潜在地导致教育的转型。在信息时代 ,知识和信息成为将个体重新整合入高生产率工作场所的基础。新的信息经济呼唤新型工人 ,因而正规学校教育和在职培训的重要性日益增加。学校教育与劳动过程都需要增强弹性、合作和参与性 ,并且二者之间应加强相互联系。  相似文献   

Six commonly used basal readers were examined to determine how the aged were depicted. The results indicated that although the aged were shown in a positive manner, rarely were they the main characters of the stories and rarely were their personalities fully portrayed. An adjective checklist revealed that the aged typically were shown as active, kind, wise, and hardworking. They rarely were portrayed as fashionable, attractive, or good‐looking. Illustrations also tended to be stereotyped, with women portrayed as bespectacled, wearing aprons and their hair in bows, and sitting in rocking chairs. Men tended to smoke pipes, be bald, and wear suspenders. These results tend to substantiate those of previous studies.  相似文献   

马、恩在揭示人类社会的一般发展趋势中,提出了经济文化较为落后的国家有可能和西方国家共同走上社会主义道路。列宁深入分析了帝国主义时代经济政治发展的不平衡规律,认为这一规律决定了经济文化不发达的一国或数国可以首先爆发社会主义革命。列宁根据世界历史发展的一般性与特殊性的辩证关系,提出了一个非常大胆而富有独创性的论断,即东方各国也可能走上一条更加特殊的发展道路。这一思想体现在列宁晚年《论我国革命》一文中,从列宁晚年思想看一般性与特殊性的关系对建设有中国特色社会主义具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the creative process and creative products across the adult life span. The subjects were 61 women, ages 20 to 83 years, who were comparable in intelligence, education, and interest in writing. They completed a creative writing project and took three standardized creativity tests and two intelligence subtests. Both quantitative and qualitative differences were found favoring young adults. Predictive but not construct validity was demonstrated for the creativity tests with this population of young and old adults. Both methodological constraints and the ecological validity of these measures of creativity are discussed.  相似文献   

Rural hospitals face difficult times as Medicare health insurance threatens their survival. A small community in Polk County, North Carolina, developed a program that was designed to take advantage of the Medicare skilled nursing benefit as a payment source and which can be implemented by any rural hospital that has Medicare-certified swing beds or distinct nursing facilities. This program involves the development of a special unit, the Restorative Care Unit (RCU), which provides subacute care to older adults. A major element in the RCU care system is a highly structured continuing education program for hospital staff. The continuing education component trains personnel to implement and manage the RCU care system using a team approach. The Appalachian Geriatric Education Center Consortium recognized the need for dissemination of this model of service. They took the concept, developed a curriculum and implemented it with eight rural hospitals. The purpose of this article is to describe in detail the RCU care system continuing education element, and present results from a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the program. The stages of the development of the program are described, in addition to the content of the curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to summarize the recent literature on caregiving in order to identify viable ways to educate families to care for elderly relatives in the home environment. The demands and stresses currently associated with providing home care to older members are discussed, followed by an overview of support services that represent promising and workable approaches in enhancing families’ home‐caregiving capacities. With few exceptions, this paper is based on caregiving research published in the past five years.  相似文献   

Dear Friends,Giving advice is one of the most popular pastimes known to mankind. Everyone has some advice to give to everyone else. It is easier to give advice than it is to take advice. Most of us have been given more advice than we can possibly use.I am drawn to this topic because many of our readers ask me to give them advice on a variety(变化,多样性)of different prob-lems.This can be very flattering(讨人喜欢的), and I appreciate your willingness to ask me. I respond to your questions, and I feel free to give my opinions and my comments on any subject. These comments  相似文献   

随着社会的变迁和我国人口老龄化的加剧,家庭的结构和规模、家庭养老文化以及老年人在家庭中的地位等发生了巨大的变化,带来了家庭中老年人的赡养负担加重、家庭中代际矛盾深化等一系列的影响家庭发展的问题,老年教育作为一种有效的解决家庭变迁中老年人问题的途径,将在降低家庭供养压力、帮助老年人自立和调和家庭代际矛盾等方面产生巨大的作用。  相似文献   

九丹用《乌鸦》打破了一段时间以来文坛的沉寂,以“身体写作”为卖点主动迎合所谓的“时尚”,九丹和《乌鸦》的走俏既不体现文学的价值,也不代表女性话语权力的增强,却恰恰证明了网络时代文学魅力的衰落,文学传统功能的降低以及男性话语霸权的根深蒂固。  相似文献   

This article, written from the point of view of a French academic, who is a labour union leader, examines and discusses the problem of conflictual situations in higher education. To the traditional problems of conflicts between employees and employers and of students with regard to study and living conditions, the crisis situation in French higher education (and in other European higher education systems as well) has created new areas of conflict. In terms of large categories, these conflicts are related to such questions as the evaluation of qualifications for the recruitment and the promotion of staff, the relative weight given to research versus teaching, the ways in which new institutions and teaching/learning disciplines and groups of disciplines are created, and the general financial crisis besetting the higher education system as a whole. The solutions proposed emphasize the importance of transparency and democracy and the need for international instruments to deal with the conditions of university personnel and with academic freedom.  相似文献   

We are what survives of us.Dear Friends, My past columns have concerned various aspects of life. This is because life is common to all of us. Life is what we experience every minute of every day. It may be hard for some to accept, but there is something else that we all share in common regardless(不管,不顾)of where we live or what we believe. Each of us is perishable(容易腐烂的).Our lives willterminate(停止,终结)in dying.  相似文献   


Dear Friends, This column,the ninth in our series,deals with Prob—lems.These should be familiar to all of us.Problems are im-portant ingredients1 in our existence.If there were no problems,every day would end at the moment we awake in the morning.Therewould be no meal times,no work times.no leisure time2.Problemsprovide the stimulin3 that add substance and excitement to our lives. Problems can be our best friends.They stimulate our imaginationand challenge our assumptions4.We would be lonely without them.Aworld without problems would be a dull,predictable,and emptyplace.Problems are as indispensable as air!  相似文献   

Old age gives us the privilege to explore, to innovate, to challenge.Dear Friends,This is our twelfth monthly column and the first-year anniversary of our conversation together in the pages of Overseas English. We call this a milestone in English. Is there a Chinese word for it?I would like to begin our column with one of my own poems.  相似文献   

全球化与大学--不平等世界的神话与现实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于全球化对高等教育的影响,已经有许多讨论了。有人认为,全球化、互联网与科学共同体可以使各国在知识相互依存的新时代,在高等教育这一竞技场获得平等的机会。有人则宣称,全球化不但意味着世界性的不平等,而且会导致大学“麦当劳化”。也有人认为,当前高等教育所面临的压力,从高等教育大众化到私立高等教育的增长,都是全球化的结果。在这些假设中,有些是正确的、符合实际的,但是也存在不少误解。本文的目的在于“揭示”高等教育全球化与国际化的真实状况,着重讨论全球化对高等教育的一些影响方式。本文特别关注的是:全球化在怎样影响着发展中国家,特别是那些在未来几十年面临着高等教育规模扩展的国家。  相似文献   

Faith communities have become privatized and secluded from the daily lives of parishioners. Meanwhile secular media raises religious questions. When learning communities visit the vocational worlds of people in the parish, they can listen and learn in the languages people speak there: architecture, real estate, medicine. What are their worldviews, values, belief systems, joys, and struggles? A nurse anesthetist in Eau Claire, a librarian in Colorado Springs, a firefighter in Syracuse reflected theologically on the issues they face and more clearly discerned their callings. Listening to people speak about their faith and life in their terms on their turf helps develop a multilingual learning community.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the state of the art in studies of higher education and the world of work, based on papers, some of which are published in this issue, presented at the 1992 annual meeting of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers. It considers the contributions made to the study of the subject by different disciplines and sketches the range of relationships between higher education and work. It discusses the contribution of higher education to the labour market, its diversity and dynamics, and the employment experiences of graduates. It analyses the different value systems of the two sides, their expressions of needs, and reciprocal impacts. It asks what role government and institutions play in effecting the relationship. It analyses the knowledge and skills content of higher education. And, finally, it offers a research agenda. The emphasis of the paper is on the substantive issues against their institutional and structural aspects.  相似文献   

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