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The objectives were to describe the stated motives of participants who enrolled in a program at the Open University for the Elderly (UnATI, in Portuguese), identify correlations between the stated motives and sociodemographic data, and find a set of predictors related to the listed motives. A total of 306 middle-aged and elderly adults aged 50 or older were surveyed through a sociodemographic questionnaire and a five-item scale to check their motives to enroll in the program. The following motivational factors were identified, in order of importance: enhancing general knowledge, investing in personal development, increasing social interaction, learning more in order to help others, and employing one's free time profitably. Age and years of schooling combined were strong predictors of participants seeking new knowledge. Being single and not retired was correlated with the motive Investing in Personal Development. Having attended elementary school only and being married was closely correlated to the motive Increasing Social Interaction. Employing One's Free Time Profitably was associated with single or widowed individuals with family income between 3.1 and 4.0 times the minimum wage. As for Learning More in Order to Help Others, no predictors were found for this motive. It was found that participants seek to satisfy a desire to learn/ know more, to be up-to-date, to exercise their rights as citizens, and to play an active role in society. Our data suggest that these are the assumptions that drive middle-aged and elderly adults to look for various types of educational programs.  相似文献   

This article provides information on trends in formal and informal adult education in Italy, with a particular focus on the older learners (over 65). Main providers, programs, objectives/motivations, and financial and legal framework are described. In general, over-65-year-old people were found to be underrepresented in participation. They were also concentrated in activities of informal education (through, for example, Third Age Universities) instead of formal courses that are oriented mainly towards the development of skills/competencies for the labor market. In order to improve the situation of older people in the future, the question of financing is one of the main challenges to be addressed by policymakers.  相似文献   

This study aims to verify the effects of an education program on home renovation for fall prevention among older people, more specifically fall efficacy and home renovation intentions. A quasiexperimental study with nonequivalent control and comparative groups was conducted to demonstrate the effects of the education. A total of 51 older people participated, and fall efficacy and behavioral intentions towards home renovation were measured twice, before and after the education, by survey and in-depth interview. After the education, the fall efficacy of the experimental group had increased more than that of the control and comparative groups. In terms of the behavioral intention towards home renovation, a considerable proportion of the experimental group showed actual behavioral changes in housing improvements; for instance, repairing handrails on staircases or applying antislip spray to their bathroom. The results demonstrate that the provision of appropriate education could be used as a crucial intervention for fall prevention because it can encourage confidence and preventive behaviors.  相似文献   

成人继续教育是终身教育的重要组成部分,成人继续教育与全日制普通教育有着质的差异;成人继续教育必须以交通便捷的办学地点、符合社会需求的课程设置、优质的教学条件和后勤保障、优良的师资和服务等为基础,才能赢得自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

成人继续教育是终身教育的重要组成部分,成人继续教育与全日制普通教育有着质的差异;成人继续教育必须以交通便捷的办学地点、符合社会需求的课程设置、优质的教学条件和后勤保障、优良的师资和服务等为基础,才能赢得自身的可持续发展.  相似文献   

本文通过对不同区域人才培养需求的分析,及浙江大学在区域人才培养方面的实践,探讨了高层次继续教育在服务于区域人才培养方面发挥的作用,提出了为推动区域人才培养的若干建议。  相似文献   

地方高校继续教育应从事业发展定位、管理体制创新、办学体系构建、办学基本保障等方面进行改革创新,以适应区域经济及社会发展的需求,并着力构建起立足区域的服务型继续教育体系。  相似文献   

在农业实现现代化的过程中,需要数以万计的农民进一步提高科学文化和劳动技能素质。要通过完善政府扶持体系,从制度上确保农民继续教育的工作开展,开展多层次,多形式的继续教育活动,做到系统教育与短期培训相结合,注重实际,不断提高农民的科技文化水平,鼓励和引导科技型人才投身农业,在结构上改善农民的整体素质。  相似文献   

明兰 《毕节学院学报》2009,27(11):107-111
创新是指运用已有的知识想出新办法,提出新见解,开拓新领域,创造新产品.创新掣人才是指能够孕育出新观念,并能将其付诸实施,取得新成果的人.大学是创新型人才培养的主要渠道.同时又是高层次创新人才集聚的战略高地,创新型人才的培养,应在传承既有培养模式的基础上.力求从另一个新的角度来思考.  相似文献   

文章通过介绍西班牙巴斯克地区在职业教育中对创新型人才培养方案的设计,分析西班牙巴斯克地区职业教育的成功经验,结合当前我国职业教育人才培养方案中存在的质量标准不规范、职业教育所用技术和管理手段缺乏创新等问题,借鉴西班牙巴斯克地区职业教育的做法,对我国职业教育人才培养提出采用统一的质量认证标准、通过政策和制度保证职业教育创新等建议。  相似文献   

分析了现阶段信息类专业成人教育学生知识水平和课程体系结构等特点,明确信息类专业的人才培养目标,对信息类专业成人教育教改方案和具体实践措施进行了探索和研究。  相似文献   

以人为本:马克思主义中国化的典范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"以人为本"源自<管子>.古代的"以人为本"是中华民族文化之精华.现时代的"以人为本"是中国特色社会主义理论体系的最新成果.党中央提出"以人为本",强调人民是社会历史的主体和主人,人民利益是全部工作的出发点、目的和标准.把它确定为科学发展观和执政治国的核心理念,这是党立足当代现实和实践,继承中国传统文化之精华,用马克思主义世界观和方法论加以改造和发展的重要成果,是马克思主义中国化的典范.  相似文献   

公众对继续教育的理解就是提升学历和文凭的途径,虽然在思想上既接纳文化的不断创新,也认同全球文化你中有我、我中有你,但对知识更新、补充、拓展和能力提高总是不能全面接受,理由是受教育的时间不对、教育方式不对、知识内容不对,这些都是许多人面对继续教育中各种各样的思虑。在当下国际化的时代,经济、金融、传媒、人才、资源都趋向全球化,这些的关键基础是人才和能力、技能和知识的延展性、更替性,这也是在全球化时代,继续教育发展和创新的关键点。让继续教育理念主体终身学习,重要的是对知识更新补充扩展去学习,而不再是为了学历的提升去学习,从而适应全球化和信息技术变化所带来的压力。  相似文献   

中国造价工程师继续教育课程框架研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文给出了确定中国造价工程师继续教育课程框架的主要因素,并通过对中国造价工程师人员素质、执业范围等的研究,借鉴英国皇家工料测量师学会的相关经验,对中国造价工程师继续教育的课程框架进行了设计,最后给出了该课程框架培训效果的评估和反馈渠道。  相似文献   

Violations of alcohol policies constitute most of the judicial referrals on college campuses. Many counseling centers provide alcohol education as the primary sanction for these violations. These classes are often ineffective. This article presents a new alcohol education model that uses group counseling with peer counselors.  相似文献   

发展西部继续教育既顺应了终身教育潮流又符合科教兴国战略,注重西部继续教育的适应性和超前性、更新观念、加强素质教育、深化教育管理体制改革、强化师资队伍建设、发展西部继续教育网络建设等应该成为西部继续教育的必然选择。  相似文献   

护理教学中的叙事教育是以研究为基础,通过解释现象学的方法,解释、分析和重构学生、教师、临床护士的生活经历,以达到教育目的的一种教学方法。采用叙事教育的方法,有利于提高高职护生的人文关怀能力和综合素养,值得推广。  相似文献   

双语教学是我国研究生教育与国际接轨和素质教育的必然趋势。因此,高校必须认清当今双语教学存在的问题,用科学的态度和方法寻求解决问题的途径,探索高效优质培养双语人才的教学方法。  相似文献   

面向创新型国家,推动中国工程教育改革   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文在引述创新型国家特征和国际竞争力报告相关数据的基础上,提出要以“创新型国家”的视角来审视我国工程教育制度现状中存在的某些误区和不足之处;研究发现,如果要迅速提高我国综合国力以及工业产品国际竞争力,实现经济增长方式的转变,其根本途径在于培养与造就现代化的工程型人才,这就需要迅速地展开“面向创新型国家的中国工程教育改革”,转变我国现有的工程教育制度,建立更合理的基于大工程观、大系统观、大集成观的工程教育专业体系和课程体系,以及相关的保障支撑机制,以工程教育制度的改革来呼应创新型国家建设的需求。根据研究设计思路,本文还初步提出了一些工程教育改革的发展路径建议。  相似文献   

The demographic shift towards an older population combined with the increasing demand for self-reliance and community-based care for the elderly calls for a thorough examination of continuing education programs in local communities as a viable means of promoting successful and active aging. This study examined patterns of older adults’ motivations for, and perceived benefits from, participating in a publicly funded local continuing education program in relationship with their gender, income, and self-perceived general health. Six hundred ninety-nine learners over 60 years old were surveyed. The study found both commonalities as well as distinct patterns of difference due to the influence of gender, income, and health. The results of the study provide validation and additional knowledge to buttress previous studies, while underscoring the necessity for further research on older adults’ participation, motivations, and benefits in the intersection with sociodemographic and health factors. The findings of this study also reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and developing an affordable, accessible, and inclusive continuing education program in local communities for achieving successful and active aging for all.  相似文献   

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