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Anin -depthunderstandingofthelearningstylesofadultlearnerscanbebeneficialtothefollowinggroupsofpeople :coursedevelopers,whocanthendesignteachingandlearningmaterialsgroundedonscientificprinciples ;instructors ,whocandelivercoursesinamoreeffective ;andeffic…  相似文献   

IntruductionEarnest Hemingway was one of the most celebrated andmost controversial of American writers. He was seen variouslyas a sensitive and dedicated artist and as a hedonistic adven-turer, as a literary poseur and as the stylistic genius of thecentur…  相似文献   

Within the broad range of literature on the funds of knowledge approach, several positive impacts have been documented. In particular, participating teachers have reported meaningful changes in their relationships with students’ families as a consequence of the home visits. However, few studies have assessed the limitations of the approach, or areas for improvement. Hence, the aim of the study described here was to identify what teachers felt were the strengths and the weaknesses of the approach and to record their proposals for improvements. The teachers involved had participated in all phases of the program: from the initial training to the creation and implementation of educational activities based on the funds of knowledge identified from home visits. The positive aspects identified include improved family–school relationships; a better understanding of student behavior and attitudes, and the support of their colleagues and the University staff in the context of the study group created.  相似文献   

Appellation not only reflects the social relationship between human beings,but also shows the social structure and culture in different countries,regions and societies.This paper focuses on the comparison of appellation in these two languages and analyses the reasons for this difference from cultural and psychological aspects.  相似文献   


As of year-end 2014, the Confucius Institutes—the largest international educational cooperation project in human history, and the largest internationalization project in the history of Chinese universities—celebrated their first decade of existence. This case study examines 27 Confucius Institutes in 15 countries spread across six continents around the world and relies on first-hand empirical data to reveal their development models, experiences, and challenges; disparities in operations in developed countries and developing countries; and the far-reaching significance of Chinese Universities 3.0: Going International with respect to the development of world civilizations. The significance of the Confucius Institutes’ past decade of development is not limited to Chinese teaching and the popularization of Chinese culture around the world, but rather rests in the proactive promotion of the Chinese model for educational development, diversification of human civilization, and bidirectional cooperation, truly embodying a new realm of peace, cooperation and equality. This model actively assumes and promotes the peaceful mission of exchanges and dialogue between different civilizations, providing a positive lesson for the further development of the Confucius Institutes, for international cooperation and educational development by Chinese universities, and even for UNESCO, the World Bank, and other institutions for international development.  相似文献   

程丽恒 《双语学习》2007,(11M):222-223
At the beginning of seven century B. C, as the conflicts between vassals were getting fierce, a bodyguard with force and courage was needed by the monarch of feudal China. Then stabber - the first type of the hanger - on of an aristocrat appeared. They served and protected their master. At the state of war they could lead soldiers to fight. At zero hour, they even threw themselves into the breach to save their master. Later came the Warring State Era - a multinational era. It became popular for aristocrats to maintain hanger - on of an aristocrat. Such as Gentleman Mengchang in the feudal state of Qi,[第一段]  相似文献   


Professional development is a critical systems-level intervention thought to facilitate Response-to-Intervention (RtI) implementation. The current study examined the relations between professional development, educator outcomes, and problem-solving implementation within an RtI framework using growth curve modeling. School leadership teams from pilot schools (= 34) participated in 3 years of training. Pilot schools also received job-embedded coaching. Comparison schools (= 27) provided a referent group. Results indicated that problem-solving implementation increased faster at pilot schools (β = 0.10, SE = 0.05, t = 2.03, p < .05). In addition, beliefs regarding data-based decision-making (β = 0.36, SE = 0.17, t = 2.13, p < .05) and perceived problem-solving skills applied to academics (β = 0.30, SE = 0.10, t = 3.07, < .01) positively related to implementation. Implications include the needs to further explore professional development activities and for consultants to utilize evidence-based professional development principles when supporting RtI implementation.  相似文献   

纳质是蒙古的一种传统。此政策经成吉思汗及后继者的发展,逐步成为一套独具特色的制度,它给蒙古国和元朝在政治、军事上造成了深远的影响。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInthispaperwewilldiscusssomeproblemsoninventoryreplenishmentpoliciesfordeteriorat ingitemswithshortagesinadecliningmarket.Replenishmentpoliciesofdeterioratingcommodi tieshavebeenaninterestingresearchtopicinin ventorymanagementsinthepast,anditwillre mainlikelythesameinthefuture.SinceGhareandSchrader (1963 )publishedthefirstpaperconsideringdeteriorationofinventory,manypa perspresentedvariousmodelswithdifferentas sumptionsonpatternsofdeteriorationwithorwithoutshortages.Allofthem…  相似文献   


Using the recent controversy surrounding Elian Gonzalez as a centerpiece, and employing a Marxian critique of United States capitalism and imperialsm as a heuristic device, this essay explores the major contradictions surrounding the position taken by the Miami Mafia with respect to Elian and Cuba's communist regime. In doing so, it criticizes the US media portrayal of the saga surrounding "the miracle child". Paramount in this controversy is the campaign of misinformation directed at creating an erroneous image of life in Cuba grounded in the reactionary and virulently negative critique continually waged against Cuba's postrevolution social project. The authors explore the role played by the "Miami Mafia," the anti-Castro Cuban exile population in the United States, in conjunction with official pro-capitalist, "anticommunist" government and media apparatuses designed to create an environment of defamatory rhetoric against the nation of Cuba. In doing so, the authors bring to the surface contradictions and injustices inherent in both the rhetoric and the reality of US capitalism. In addition, this essay highlights the many achievements of the Cuban socialist project, focusing specifically on education. The authors share a concern about Cuba's recent economic experiment and put forward an argument about why market socialism should not be a viable option.  相似文献   

从London开往Liverpool(利物浦)的train来到了一个小站,要在这里停a few minutes。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use theoretical frameworks from mathematics education and cognitive psychology to analyse Cauchy’s ideas of function, continuity, limit and infinitesimal expressed in his Cours D’Analyse. Our analysis focuses on the development of mathematical thinking from human perception and action into more sophisticated forms of reasoning and proof, offering different insights from those afforded by historical or mathematical analyses. It highlights the conceptual power of Cauchy’s vision and the fundamental change involved in passing from the dynamic variability of the calculus to the modern set-theoretic formulation of mathematical analysis. This offers a re-evaluation of the relationship between the natural geometry and algebra of elementary calculus that continues to be used in applied mathematics, and the formal set theory of mathematical analysis that develops in pure mathematics and evolves into the logical development of non-standard analysis using infinitesimal concepts. It suggests that educational theories developed to evaluate student learning are themselves based on the conceptions of the experts who formulate them. It encourages us to reflect on the principles that we use to analyse the developing mathematical thinking of students, and to make an effort to understand the rationale of differing theoretical viewpoints.  相似文献   

To organize nearly five decades of research regarding teacher preparation in literacy across the disciplines, this study systematically examined and qualitatively synthesized the what, when, and how of the research, resulting in three overarching categories: (a) perceptions, (b) resistance, and (c) experience. Key findings include that when preservice teachers receive instruction through coursework and practicums, their perceptions toward providing literacy instruction in future teaching contexts became more positive. However, researchers often measured such instruction's effect upon content-area literacy courses in the short term, rarely exploring future classroom implementation. Additionally, recommendations for practice and implications for future research are given.  相似文献   

The use of self-generated drawings has been found to be a powerful strategy for problem solving. However, many students do not engage in drawing activities. In this study, we investigated the effects of the enjoyment of the drawing strategy, anxiety about the drawing strategy, and prior intramathematical performance on the use of the drawing strategy and modelling performance. We explored the role of the drawing strategy as a mediator between emotions and modelling and whether intramathematical performance moderated the effects of emotions (N = 220, mean age 14.5 years). Enjoyment and anxiety with respect to generating drawings and intramathematical performance predicted the use of the drawing strategy. Enjoyment positively affected modelling performance indirectly via the use of the drawing strategy. Anxiety negatively affected modelling performance via the use of the drawing strategy for students with lower intramathematical performance. Our findings demonstrate that experiencing activating emotions (i.e., enjoyment and anxiety) with respect to strategies and prior intramathematical performance are important for strategy use and modelling performance. Implications for the theory of self-generated drawing and the control-value theory of achievement emotions and practical implications for training and supporting the drawing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

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