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In order to operate successfully in today's work force, gerontologists need to learn, and to utilize, marketing of their gerontological skills. Entrepreneurial gerontology focuses on creative marketing for the individual gerontologist who wants to create gerontological positions within new or existing organizations and on the gerontologist who seeks to develop a gerontology‐related business. Essential are academic gerontologists who instill and promote within their students, their professional colleagues, older persons, and, indeed, within themselves, the entrepreneurial spirit, the innovative approach.  相似文献   

Investigators in this study wanted to know if student nurses were increasing their factual knowledge and changing their attitudes about the elderly, as well as, desire to work with them. Respondents included two groups of undergraduates from a main campus (n = 87) and two from a satellite campus (n = 47) of a Baccalaureate College of Nursing (BSN) in a southern university during 1992‐1995. E. D. Palmore's (1990) quizzes (FAQ1, FAQ2, FAMHQ) were used as pre‐tests (upon entering the junior year) and post‐tests (upon completion of the senior year). E. D. Palmore's (1988) “documentation” and “classification” of items were used to calculate knowledge and attitude scores. Feelings about working with the elderly were part of demographic data, as were “determinants” in E. D. Palmore's (1982) “Theoretical Model.” Mean scores within groups were by dependent t tests. Grand Means for comparison between campuses were by independent t Jests at a ≤ .05 level of significance. Students from the main campus scored significantly less on the FAQ2, significantly more on the FAMHQ for knowledge, with significantly less negative attitudes on post‐tests. Subjects from the satellite campus scored significantly higher on FAQ1 for knowledge, with somewhat less negative attitudes on post‐tests. From 25% to 52% of all students checked “really like” working with the elderly on post‐tests. Recommendations include evaluation and revisions of BSN curricula for gerontological content, assisting faculty to enhance expertise in gerontology, and encouraging students to pursue career tracks in gerontology.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a partnership made up of a university‐based gerontology center, a state department on aging, and agencies serving older people to examine differences between urban and rural areas in the provision of services to an elderly clientele. Five steps of the collaborative process are described: (1) building a collaborative relationship, (2) development of a research proposal, (3) discussion of the results, (4) principles and conclusions, and (5) the payoff.

The first two steps describe the context in which the substantive issues were addressed and the formal development of a proposal and work plan for the conduct of the research. The principles emphasize the usefulness of task allocation based on existing resources, skills, and interests; recognition of the costs of participation by rural agencies; and schedules that accommodate the extra time necessary to revise, review, and reach consensus on issues of concern. The payoff describes actions taken by the aging network following acceptance of the final report, and research activity generated by the findings.

The step‐by‐step process described is a potential model for partnerships encompassing university resources and agencies serving the elderly.  相似文献   

Most health care and social service providers are routinely required to work with elderly clients and clients’ aging family members. Research suggests that students entering these professions have knowledge deficits and lack positive attitudes toward older people. Few prefer to work with aging clients. Professional curricula are not providing students with adequate training to serve the current needs of this population, much less to meet projected increases in demand for services. To examine this issue, 67 master's students in nursing and social work completed questionnaires assessing (1) knowledge about aging, (2) attitudes toward old people, and (3) perceived barriers to gerontological education. Results confirmed the existence of knowledge deficits among respondents. Attitudes tended to be neutral rather than strongly positive or negative. Knowledge scores were related to attitudes, to respondents’ ages, and to their having lived in households with older relatives. Nursing students identified the greatest barriers in gerontological education as insufficient curriculum time and lack of academic role models. Social work students perceived lower status of work with the elderly and limited experience with healthy older people as the greatest barriers. The two groups agreed that fragmentation of services contributes to inadequate gerontological preparation. Findings suggest a need for didactic and experiential learning opportunities, reinforced by appropriate academic role models, for students in service professions.  相似文献   

A unique development program was designed to assist faculty in integrating gerontological concepts in selected undergraduate courses. The disciplines of social services, human performance, psychology, nutrition, audiology, and nursing were targeted for the program. The faculty development program took place in four phases over a 17‐month period. In Phase 1, faculty members studied theoretical concepts in gerontology relevant to their academic discipline. During Phase 2, faculty members obtained practical experience in gerontological settings to complement the knowledge gained in the first phase. In Phase 3, the faculty developed instructional units for their courses based on their Phase 1 and 2 experiences. During Phase 4 the faculty pilot tested, implemented, and revised the curricular materials. In addition, Phase 4 included opportunities for each faculty member to develop a research agenda for the continued study of gerontology. As a result of knowledge gained in the project, 10 faculty members developed SO instructional units, which were integrated into existing undergraduate courses. Approximately 300 students demonstrated significant gains in knowledge in gerontological concepts during the first semester of implementation. It is estimated that continued use of the modules will result in more than 800 students per year being exposed to gerontological concepts.  相似文献   

To assure that gerontology students meet their educational objectives and are prepared to assume professional roles, gerontological program assessment is imperative. This paper situates gerontological academic program assessment within the framework of the American Association of Higher Education's principles of assessment. It presents clear guidelines for the assessment of gerontological programs and courses. These guidelines incorporate indirect and direct assessment methods to examine both processes and outcomes of gerontological education. Also presented are guidelines for the communication of results, recommendations, and plans for follow-up to stakeholders.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Japan has developed many exemplary social policies for their expanding older population and programs to foster elderly workforce participation, shortage of personnel with a comprehensive understanding of gerontology has limited these efforts. In response to the need for greater gerontological education among the Japanese who will work in the allied health professions, we developed an intensive training program on “Successful and Productive Aging,” with two associate degree colleges in Japan. Emphasizing lessons learned from the United States experience, the three‐week program covered issues in health promotion/ disease prevention, health maintenance/independence, mechanisms of formal/ informal caregiving, and preparations for retirement. Instructional methods included didactic presentations by a multidisciplinary faculty, case‐based problem‐solving exercises, and field visits to various agencies and geriatric facilities in the greater Boston area. The educational program was field‐tested with 5 faculty from Japan who were asked to evaluate the program based on whether the learning objectives were met, perceptions of relevance of subject matters to students in Japan, and perceptions of teaching methods’ effectiveness. We present the results of this successful cross‐national collaboration, with emphasis on how information gathered is being integrated into teaching plans upon returning to Japan.  相似文献   

Geriatrics, a new medical specialty, is closely linked with scientific research in experimental gerontology, the biology of aging, and social gerontology and gerohygiene. The importance of using gerontological research data and data on relationships between the aged, family, and society is discussed. Emphasis is placed on (1) the development of diseases of the aged, (2) the significance of genetic factors on aging, (3) the relationship between chronological and biological age, and (4) the importance of physiological reactions in the aged to various types of treatment. The significance of international cooperation in the improvement of education and training of medical personnel in geriatrics is also stressed.  相似文献   

Presidents of AGHE‐affiliated colleges and universities expressed a predominantly negative assessment of their elderly faculty members in response to a national survey (Kastenbaum & Schulte, 1988). They anticipated that the abolishment of mandatory retirement (scheduled for 1994) would lead to deterioration of instructional quality and scholarly productivity as well as a negative economic impact at their own academic institutions. However, very few of the responding institutions reported having completed studies relevant to this assumption. The present study is a follow‐up survey addressed not to the presidents but to the directors of all gerontology centers in the same academic institutions. The respondents were asked if their own administration had asked their assistance in matters concerned with the status and potential of elderly faculty. This study of gerontology on the “home front” finds that gerontological expertise is rarely sought by administrators on such topics as developing a plan for continued growth of older faculty members, new ways to utilize older faculty members, or personnel policies affecting older faculty members. The range of utilization across five items was between 3.26% and 7.09% of the 172 responding programs. Gerontology programs were somewhat more likely to initiate their own activities in these areas, ranging from 8.66% to 14.17%. Within the limits of this study, it appears that an academic institution's membership in AGHE does not necessarily signify a readiness to call upon its resident gerontologists with regard to age‐related issues on campus. The pattern of data from both surveys also suggests that (a) there ir a nationwide emphasis on encouraging older faculty to take early r irement, (b) accompanied by a prevailing assumption that older faculty perform less adequately, although (c) little effort has been made to obtain and review data on the actual performance and potential of older faculty.  相似文献   

Libraries with a specific gerontological focus were studied to obtain perspective on services available through them and to analyze needs in this area. Questionnaires were designed to develop a profile of the libraries and the service they provide. Three types of collections emerged from the date: private/special, general libraries, and gerontological libraries. It was found that there is a need for the creation of communication channels between gerontological libraries to promote referral services, the building of collections, and interlibrary loans. As a result of the study, criterion for standards in the field of gerontology can be formulated.  相似文献   

Having regained independence from Russia in 1990, Lithuania is in the process of developing a social service system to meet the needs of its older citizens. This paper describes the current situation of older persons in Lithuania and the early stages of gerontology education and gerontological service provision in that nation. Future social service providers (n = 22) who participated in one of Lithuania's first gerontological education training programs completed the 17 items of Kogan's Attitudes Toward Old People Scale. Results indicate that future service providers hold generally neutral to positive attitudes toward older persons. The absence of negative attitudes toward older persons among the first generation of Lithuanian gerontological service providers bodes well for the development of gerontology education and services for older persons in Lithuania.  相似文献   

The multiple and complex needs of the elderly require interdisciplinary collaboration among many different professionals to provide comprehensive care. As a result, educators must develop interdisciplinary programs and learning experiences that address educational needs and facilitate a better understanding of the various roles and expertise of providers from many fields. Using the framework of a program evaluation model, the Charting the Outcomes of Educational and Clinical Approaches model, this article addresses the outcomes and effects of an interdisciplinary approach to continuing gerontological education used by one summer institute on gerontology. Over its 12‐year history, this institute has attracted more than 2,600 participants from many professions and occupations. The interdisciplinary approach of the Summer Institute has been evident in its planning committees, the delivery of diversified programs by a variety of providers, the facilitation of informal networking among registrants, and the organization of group discussions that bring together professionals and learners from different disciplines to communicate and collaborate on mutual concerns regarding aging issues. One theme on case management, which addressed policy and practical issues related to service delivery for the elderly, was presented by representatives from academia, government, the nonprofit service sector, and consumers to an audience of providers from various fields including business, gerontology, health promotion, nursing, occupational therapy, psychology, recreation, social work, and sociology. Thesue cess of the interdisciplinary approach to gerontological education used by the institute has helped to establish McMaster University as a Canadian leader in this field of continuing education.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider different approaches to teaching research methods in gerontology across a continuum of educational program levels. Our goal is to offer a conceptual framework and stimulate productive discussion of key issues and challenges in teaching research in gerontology. It is our belief that education in gerontology should include some level of training in research methodologies across all levels of gerontology instruction. Therefore, we have sought to identify those components of research training most appropriate for each level of gerontological education. Thus, basic understanding of research methods is appropriate at the associate's degree level and introductory exposure to basic issues involved in conducting research with elders provides a necessary backdrop to undergraduate programs. More in-depth understanding of gerontological research methods, particularly those involved in applied research, is a component of quality master's level programs. Finally, in-depth knowledge and the ability to apply distinctively gerontological research methods are necessary for conducting advanced original research at the doctoral level.  相似文献   

Aging education is relatively new to the university, and our understanding of the perspectives students bring to aging populations is correspondingly limited. This investigation surveys 546 students at a midsized, Midwestern university to explore students' views toward elders, toward serving elders, and toward the relevance of aging education for various other areas of study. Our results suggest generally favorable attitudes: older students and students with greater contact with aging populations were more positive than their counterparts; gender, GPA, and aging courses taken showed sporadic or no effects on various attitudes. These preliminary findings offer a baseline for future investigations. Our findings suggest that students who have more contact through friendship and volunteer experiences have more positive attitudes toward working with older adults. Additional research is needed to examine if type of gerontological instruction is associated with attitudes toward aging and aging education.  相似文献   

This article describes a pilot project designed to encourage career interest by minority high school students in health professions in geriatrics and gerontology. This multifaceted educational program used a contextual training approach and was conducted over a five-week period. Program components included classroom sessions, group as well as independent activities and research, guided field trips, faculty lectures, and the development of a final report directed at health careers in gerontology. The majority of the students were planning or considering a career in geriatrics or gerontology at the completion of the program. Students' evaluative comments revealed a more positive attitude toward the elderly, significant interest in gerontology careers, and strong support for the program. A strategy for longterm follow-up of participants is presented, as well as lessons learned and plans for future programming. This program was implemented by the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center, in collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Urban Field Center, in response to the "Kids Into Health Careers" initiative established by the U.S. Bureau of Health Professions.  相似文献   

This article describes a highly successful short‐term experiential project in minority/ethnic communities developed for Oregon State University gerontology students. This project can serve as a model for universities that lack opportunities in the local community for students to interact with elderly of different minority/ethnic backgrounds and where geographic distances make long‐term practicums in minority communities impractical for the majority of students.

This project enhanced academic study and provided students a meaningful introduction to elements important in designing and implementing effective health and social service programs for minority/ethnic elderly. Details of a three‐day intensive experience at the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon are discussed.  相似文献   

Gerontology is a multidisciplinary field with a need for specialized sources of information. Standard reference tools can be used in a search for gerontological literature; however, many questions are more easily searched with specialized works. The publication of acquisitions lists from gerontology centers, the development of the National Clearinghouse on Aging, and the trend toward new reference books in gerontology are encouraging the development of bibliographic control of resource materials. This article discusses various reference tools in gerontology and points out areas for further growth.  相似文献   

Theorists argue that one's personal view of communication affects the actual communicative relationship. This paper explores the positive, growth‐promoting implications for communication between generations when the model that persons bring to the cross‐generational relationship is transactional, and discusses implications of the transactional model for trainers and educators in gerontology.

With the rising number of older persons in American society, the question for persons working on a consistent basis with the elderly (kin, social service provider, etc.) of how to relate most effectively on an interpersonal basis with an older person is an issue of great import. The authors suggest that the transactional perspective to interpersonal communication with older persons is the answer to most effectively dealing with factors affecting communication cross‐generationally and suggest that educators adopt this perspective. Factors that the transactional perspective addresses directly include negative stereotypes and fears of aging, crises encountered as the person ages, shifts during the later life cycle in exposure to interpersonal communication, and ability to negotiate relationships.  相似文献   

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