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Die Auslandsaktivitäten der Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf studentischer Ebene kann man in die vier Kategorien: Praxisse-mester, Sprachintensivkurse, Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen sowie Studienabschlüsse gliedern, denen sich mehrere Merkmale zuordnen lassen, die für die Förderungswürdig-keit der Programme bedeutsam sind. Aus der Fülle unterschiedlicher Austauschprogram-marten erfolgt das Vorstellen des Reutlinger sowie des Osnabrucker Modells mit dem gemeinsamen Merkmal ‘Doppelqualifikation von zwei national anerkannten Hochschul-graden’.

Structure of Joint-study-programmes in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain. Academic links for students of Fachhochschulen are mainly structured in four categories: industrial training, intensive language courses, examinations, national degrees. The following six characteristics can be attributed to the above mentioned categories: activity with academic or national recognition; activity on an obligatory or voluntary basis; activity that can be done within the normal 4 years period of study or which causes a prolongation of study; activity that works reciprocally; activity with the chance of becoming a normal study course; activity on a binational or even multinational basis. These six characteristics are important for students to be eligible for scholarship through the ERASMUS Bureau or other organisations. Out of the plenty of different joint-study-programmes, which are classified by the categories mentioned, the ‘Reutlinger and the Osnabrücker models’ are presented as courses with double qualifications.  相似文献   

The basis of this study is a prognostic model derived from the theory of work and organizational psychology, from research about the selection of college students and from teaching and learning research. The model includes cognitive and psycho-motivational criteria for selecting students as well as objective and subjective indicators for study and job success. In a four-year longitudinal study with three measuring points, the prognostic validity of the selection criteria is tested (n?=?760). The basic hypotheses are that differences in the prognostic validity of the model for teacher training and subject-specific diploma students (both in the area of mathematics) exist, and that it is easier to predict study success than job success. Secondary school exit exam, classes in advanced mathematics, interest in mathematics, subject-specific study motivation and self-efficacy are the predictive indicators taken into account. Evaluative indicators for study success are study duration, intentions of dropping out, stress experiences, the results of university exit exam and students’ second state exam. Evaluative indicators for occupational success are the job status five years after graduation, job satisfaction and stress experiences. Bivariate correlations and regression analyses support the leading hypotheses.  相似文献   

The overview article deals with the interaction of internal and external evaluation within the current paradigm of school governance. The actual practice of both approaches and the current state of research about the effects on school development is described. Both evaluation approaches are less focused on aspects of school output such as student performance, and more on school processes such as school management or the quality of teaching. External evaluation in the form of school inspection mainly fulfills the function of accountability and the identification of weak schools. Internal evaluation is probably a better way to achieve school development. However, the necessary competence to use internal evaluation as a systematic process of quality management for which each individual school takes responsibility is currently underdeveloped. Considerations about the future relationship between internal and external evaluation focus on using external evaluation as a kind of “meta-evaluation”. But before external evaluation can build on results of internal evaluation in this way, a broad capacity building in schools and a different understanding of the role of inspectors are necessary.  相似文献   

The human rights-based orientation embedded in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which mandates inclusive education for all students and counts segregation as discrimination, poses fundamental challenges to institutionalized (special) education systems. However, it does so to different extents, with the Nordic countries having the most inclusive systems worldwide. This analysis contrasts the challenges and opportunities regarding the institutional transformation of special education and inclusive education in Germany, Iceland and Sweden. We address the questions: How do these countries provide educational supports for students considered to have special educational needs? What perspectives can be derived for the implementation of inclusive education, especially for Germany, which is still among the most segregated systems in Europe, from such comparative analysis? The study reveals key differences in three institutional dimensions that hinder or enable inclusive education ? educational ideals and disability paradigms, organizational forms, and regulations.  相似文献   

Test-based reforms of schools and teaching have become popular instruments of German educational policy. However, performance assessment and its implementation differ widely between the German states. The differences between the comparative tests used in Thuringia (years 6 and 8) and Baden-Württemberg (year 6) are particularly clear. For instance, the Thuringia competency tests are embedded within an extensive concept for teachers’ continual professional development and the teachers receive fair, criteria-based feedback. A quantitative teacher survey in both German states (n=1136) was carried out in order to find out whether these differences led to differences in the respective teachers’ acceptance and appraisal of the tests and whether the test results initiated internal discussions amongst teachers. The results show that teachers from Thuringia had a higher acceptance and estimation of curricular validity, uses of the data for learning diagnosis and for future lesson planning. Singularly, the use of the central test results to mark students received a higher evaluation from teachers in Baden-Württemberg. The tests results are also more frequently the subject of systematic discussions in school forums in Thuringia.  相似文献   

Voluntary work is regarded as a learning environment which facilitates character development and skills acquisition in adolescents. Based on a sample of young adults who completed a year of voluntary work in the social sector, this study investigates whether a volunteer service is accompanied by personality development, networking opportunities as well as amplified cognitive, social, and personal competencies. It is further investigated to what extent the potential for learning and personality development is shaped by the field of activity in which subjects are involved. To this end, this study analyzes retrospective self-ratings of volunteers. The findings indicate that voluntary work is linked to a variety of positively evaluated developmental changes regarding personality and skills. Moreover, the results reveal pronounced differences between different fields of activity. Four domains within the non-profit sector are described and analyzed, with each domain relating to a distinct horizon of experience and unique learning opportunity. These four domains are care and ministration, ambulance and rescue service, education and culture, and sport and exercise.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the assessment of educators and parents on the prosocial behavior of 5?year old kindergarteners. Using the data of the Kindergarten cohort (SC2) of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) we show that the assessments of two raters differ tremendously on the same subject. Further, the parents assess the prosocial behavior more positive than the educators do. While the parents’ assessment remains mostly stable across the investigated variables, the educators’ assessment highly varies. We find significant differences in the educators’ assessment regarding the age and the sex of the child as well as their language competencies.  相似文献   

The introduction of comparative tests in a low-stakes system was carried out in the expectation that the data feedback to schools would act as a stimulus for the development of the schools and the standard of classroom teaching. By contrast with the use of data to develop teaching, the use of data for personnel development has not yet been studied in Germany. On the basis of an on-line survey of head teachers and a paper-and-pencil survey of teaching staff, the study examines for the first time the extent to which comparative test data is used by head teachers for personnel development and as a means to plan in-service training in subject conferences, and what factors influence whether the data is used in this way. Of the head teacher characteristics which were studied (attitude in relation to the perceived usefulness of the data, qualifications, organisation and age of the head teacher), usefulness is the only characteristic which has a positive effect on the use of the data. The use of comparative test data to plan in-service training in subject conferences is positively influenced by data-wise leadership by the head teacher and by collaborative evaluation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors want to relate the issue of “learning in museums” with “aesthetic education”. The contribution is focused on the voluntary and self-organized learning in museums. The objects and the variety of their presentations in regard to the visitor are analyzed, focusing the polymorphism of learning processes, related to aesthetic experiences. This heterogeneous field is reflected from the perspective of visitor research, museology and educational psychology by reflecting the conceptualization of learning processes, their identification by empirical research and the intersection of the different perspectives. Finally, open questions and perspectives for further research concerning learning in museums are discussed.  相似文献   

This contribution will describe the empirical trends regarding civic society in Germany between 1999 and 2009, especially the development of the main issue: volunteering. The basis of the analysis constitutes three volunteer surveys with large representative samples of 14 year olds, which were commissioned by the German federal ministry for family, elderly, women and youth. The participation of the population in civic activities increased over this period, particularly the willingness to undertake public responsibility voluntarily. Between 1999 and 2004, the share of volunteers rose from 34% to 36%. These are people who execute specific activities or offices within the framework of their membership of clubs, organizations or public institutions. This share has, however, stagnated since 2004. The willingness to volunteer has, therefore, not led to an increase in actual volunteering since 2004, especially amongst young people, for whom the share even dropped slightly. In the difficult context of demographic change, social reform and an increased pressure on young people in schools and vocational training and on employees and the unemployed, the level of engagement could at least be maintained in Germany. This is largely due to older people and families, which have tended to take on more tasks in social and health areas and in services for children and young people. In view of the continuance of these societal problems, one can expect the level of voluntary engagement to stay broadly the same in the future.  相似文献   

The authors argue that learning is not only a process basing on speech but as well one of the body. Learning also includes civilizing the body, being able to control the muscles and the emotions and to behave in different contexts. Each institution and culture develops modes of bodily behavour. Institutions like schools, societies and political systems present different models that are to be learned. The question of the following article is that which models for pupils the two German systems had developed and how these where performed by the pupils. The autors show that the model of the diligent pupil was present in both systems, because the behaviour connected to this model is functionally adequate for learning. Western Germany also promoted the model of the “pensive” pupil which was mainly presented for male students. The GDR developed the “socialist pupil personality” that included a political role as an activist and “polytechnics”. But it was difficult to find an own presentation for that. From the sixties on the model ressembled more and more that of the diligent pupil.  相似文献   

The debates on ageing in educational sciences have neglected processes of standstill and loss in the past. The focus was instead on development based on activation and progression. The study presented here approaches the question of individual and institutional treatment of loss and constraints during the ageing process from an educational perspective (using the example of age-related visual impairment). An investigation of this subject requires a theoretical concept, which considers the individual’s life-worlds as well as the institutional and socially structured infrastructure they are embedded in. For this aim this study, working with a qualitative approach, uses the heuristic of “social worlds”. These worlds encompass a multitude of pedagogic forms, to which the respondents relate differently. Considering such relations within the framework of social worlds from an actor-perspective demonstrates that it is not possible to deal with age-related loss of competences by linear conceptions of pedagogic action as progression. Furthermore, it can be shown that the pedagogic actions are institutionalized in social forms, which are closely linked to non-pedagogic forms of action.  相似文献   

Definitions of formative assessment include assessment, feedback and differentiated instruction as key components. We investigated the effects of prepared teaching materials designed to support teachers using learning progress assessment (LPA) to give feedback and adapt differentiated instruction. We also examined to what extend this modular approach can be implemented in regular reading lessons in third grade. In a three-group design all teachers (N?=?44, N?=?945 students) employed a computer-based LPA tool, while teachers in two conditions additionally received prepared feedback material (FB) or feedback and reading instruction material (FB+FM), to support the implementation of the different components of formative assessment. Over the course of one schoolyear, we assessed the implementation outcomes using questionnaires as well as students’ reading achievement and further student outcomes. While acceptability is high, teacher ratings of feasibility are low. In comparison to the LPA group, the additional support in form of prepared materials had no effects on student outcomes. Results are discussed regarding the question of how teachers can optimally be supported in using formative assessment.  相似文献   

The importance of investing in early childhood is widely acknowledged in policy circles. Particularly formal Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is seen as key to creating equal opportunities and combating poverty by increasing educational achievement of children and supporting parental employment. This social investment perspective has in recent decades supported the rapid development and expansion of ECEC in most European countries. However, the international social investment discourse masks fundamental differences in European ECEC systems and detracts attention from the way ECEC is embedded in the wider welfare regime of a country. This paper critically examines the ‘social investment potential’ of ECEC systems by comparing an early social investment country, Sweden, with two ‘late movers’, the UK and Germany. It argues that investing in ECEC is not per se a panacea for social inclusion. To the contrary, if not combined with other, partly ‘traditional’ equality measures both in education and social protection, ECEC investment may have the opposite effect of increasing social inequality.  相似文献   

The Youth Culture Barometer provides recent data on cultural participation of the 14- to 24-year-olds in Germany. The focus is on cultural and artistic interests, the visit of cultural events, attitudes and desires for cultural visits, as well as cultural biography profiles in this age group. Thereby, culture is conceptualized as an active engagement in the “arts”.With the 2nd Youth Culture Barometer, that is now available, it is possible to have a look at comparisons over time, which reveal that age specific role models break up increasingly and that youthful interests can be classified as rather generation-specific influenced by current social underlying circumstances, like an alternated media- and leisure praxis. In addition, the milieu-specific factor—and in this case education—appears to be particularly imprinting.  相似文献   

The transition from teacher training into the teaching profession is seen to be key in the biography of a teacher. Yet there is a lack of enquiry into the development of the content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) held by teachers at the end of their education, and into the significance of this knowledge for situational and behavioural cognition. On the basis of data from the international comparative study TEDS-M 2008 and the Germany-based 2012 follow-up, this contribution investigates the knowledge and skills development of teachers during the transition from teacher training to the teaching profession in a four-year longitudinal study with n = 171 mathematics teachers. Three test formats (paper-and-pencil, video-vignettes and speed tests) are used to examine various indicators for teacher expertise. In addition to the analysis of changes in mathematical CK and PCK levels, path analysis is used to determine the extent to which this knowledge functions as a predictor for the perception and interpretation of classroom situations, the decision-making in these situations, and the quick identification of student mistakes. The results show only small changes in the group mean (for MCK there is a small loss, whereas MPCK remains constant), but high fluctuation (i. e. weak correlation) in the MPCK ranking between the two measurement occasions, pointing to differential learning effects gained from teaching practice. There are also significant differences in predictability: MCK is important for the speed indicators of teacher expertise; MCK and MPCK for the perception and interpretation of situations, and for the generation of action strategies. These findings can on the one hand help to facilitate the evaluation of beginning teachers’ need for support and, on the other hand, they indicate the necessity for the early integration of practice-based elements into teacher training programmes with the aim of developing PCK and related skills.  相似文献   

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