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Processes of internationalisation are not a novel phenomenon: they have been present since the beginning of human history and have been the subject of theories and analyses since the early days of social-science research. This article highlights (1.) the social pre-conditions of historical and current processes of trans-regional communication and exchange, and argues that (2.) these conditions were not superseded but reinforced by the rise of nation states and their international relations. They are based on processes of cultural standardisation, differentiation and competition, which also fuel and transform elite formation and elite competition. (3.) With the emergence of international organisations in the wake of World War II, historical processes of international standardisation and competition were extended to national education systems. (4.) National education systems are currently witnessing a transformation which originates partly from the competition between national and international elites, and partly from new dynamics in international migration.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the recent political discourse on elite and excellence in the German education system, this paper examines how such constructions manifest themselves in programmatic concepts of schools and in the orientations of their pupils and their peers. They are reconstructed on the basis of a qualitative research project on educational careers of young people. This paper focuses on pupils and their peers at an elite school of sports and an international school. Firstly, the state of research on those types of school as well as on educational careers of their pupils will be presented. Secondly, the theoretical reference points and the methodological design of the study will be introduced. At the core of the paper is the analysis of the education related orientations of selected cases of young people and their peers: How do they position themselves towards elite and excellence in their individual and collective orientations and how is this relevant for processes of distinction and coherence building in the groups? In the resuming part of the paper, the results will be summarised and related to the state of research and the scientific discourse on elite and excellence.  相似文献   

通向博士的路径:在精英选拔与规模扩张之间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着知识社会的出现,博士培养越来越成为制度管理、国家和超国家政策的关注对象。结构化的博士培养被提上欧洲高等教育改革议程,并得到了各个层面的政策支持。本文揭示了这一趋势下博士生规模扩张与精英选拔之间的矛盾,并探讨了通过博士培养模式多样化解决这一矛盾的可能性及其后果。  相似文献   

The International Council of Women (ICW), founded in Washington in 1888, was the first international association of bourgeois women. Planned as a federation of women’s organisations united in national associations, it dealt with every question of the social, legal and political status of women. As for earlier national women’s movements, education held a key position; it was the means by which women were striving for emancipation and equal rights of the sexes. As late as 1909, however, when there already existed commitees for peace, law, morality or welfare, and on the other hand the congresses had lost their importance, a commitee for education was constituted. Its goal was to achieve the equality of boys and girls in the educational system and to increase women’s influence on education and school administration, in order to “civilise” children and teach them social responsibility and democracy. In the face of the cultural differences, which influenced the national educational systems as societal sub‐systems, exchange within the commitee for education had been operationalised by detailed research questions. However, the world congresses in Chicago, London and Berlin, which will be dealt with in more detail, still showed the complete variety of controversies in and between the countries. This essay will ask if or how, despite a variety of political and cultural differences, transnational understanding was possible, which educational topics were negotiated – i.e. were for the first time made understandable for an international audience with regard to their national contexts. It will ask in which way this debate was re‐“translated” into national debates and reform processes regarding education, and how then, based on new foundations, it was possible to exert influence there; in which way, on the other hand, did national solutions influence the transnational debate? By the example of these discussions it will be shown in what way these ICW congresses (their programmes and topics, their invitation, science and education policies) contributed to the development of an interplay with achieving national and international competence. This multi‐level communication on the topic of female education policy will be made clear through the examples of three educational fields: nursery school education, child study, as well as university studies for women and “female science”.  相似文献   

本文以精英二分理论(Elite Dualism)为框架,探讨党内资历、教育背景以及其他人口统计变量对大学校长和书记的不同角色所产生的不同影响。经验分析表明,高校主要领导人的党内资历对一个领导担任书记职位而言有着显著的正面影响;同时,相对于书记而言,大学校长这一角色往往对任职者的教育背景有着更高的要求。  相似文献   

Research on elites (that is, on status groups that occupy dominant positions) is characterized by the lack of connection between studies that focus on elite recruitment and those that focus on the exercise of power by elites. As underlined by Giddens (Elites and power in British society, 1974), both types of approach are important and should complement each other in the analysis of mediations between the class structure, the organizational structure and the power structure in a given society. Giddens also insists on the need for recruitment studies to take account of two different dimensions: the types of channel that are privileged by elite groups to reproduce their social position, and the degree of social closure or openness of these channels to other groups (Parkin, The social analysis of class structure, 1974). This distinction is used to organize the present chapter, which focuses on a single channel that has come to play a crucial role in post-industrial societies, that is schools and, more precisely, upper secondary and higher education institutions, and on their influence in three different national contexts: France, the United Kingdom and the United States. In the first section, the specific features of elite education are examined. The second section explores the extent and modes of institutional and social closure.  相似文献   

This article explores the changing dynamics between gender, cultural capital and the state in the context of higher education expansion in contemporary China. With a particular focus on the one-child generation and women’s opportunities and aspirations, I draw upon empirical evidence from a first-hand survey study and in-depth semi-structured interviews with female undergraduates from one-child families in 2007. The findings from the survey study suggest that singleton status might mediate the impact of socioeconomic status and cultural capital on students’ academic performance and elite opportunities. The qualitative interview data provide further evidence on how singleton women’s aspirations are related to their socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. The most significant finding is concerned with singleton girls’ strategy of applying for Chinese Communist Party membership as a way to minimize their social and gender disadvantages. I argue that there emerges a bottom-up approach of women empowerment through qualifications and political selection during China’s transition. Political selection is dressed up in seemingly meritocratic selection, thus becoming more appealing to female undergraduates who, in turn, take advantage of party membership to add a silver lining of political loyalty to higher education qualifications.  相似文献   

通识教育在国家精英大学体系的建构中具有重要的符号象征意义。美国高等教育体系中,以通识教育为主的小型精英文理学院和作为一流研究型大学核心的文理学院是美国精英大学的象征性符号,是典型案例;法国高等专科学校建构国家精英大学身份的过程看上去最不需要通识教育的象征性资源,但实际上却存在明显的对后者的接纳与汲取,是最小可能的关键案例。而中国研究型大学是深受欧陆影响的以专业教育和专业院系为主导制度逻辑的精英大学体系,但改革者对于通识教育的基本认知与共同想象却是由美国通识教育与文理学院模式所塑造的,这一符号植入与专业逻辑之间的不断冲突与反复调试,成为中国研究型大学通识教育改革的独特面相。  相似文献   

Globalisation has affected many aspects of daily life, including education. In the last decade, ‘internationalisation’ has become one of most popular terms in the education arena. A wide discourse exists, including the definition of internationalisation, its purpose, strategies, policies and practices, its assessment methods, and the motivation of different stakeholders to engage in it.

Internationalisation is not a constant phenomenon, but rather a process undergoing continuous change, influenced by external and internal social, economic, political and academic factors. Much has been written about its current and future dimensions and directions. This paper aims to add more insights to the existing literature by presenting emerging directions in the field of internationalisation in education on global, national, organisational and individual levels. Specifically, I discuss the convergence and unification of two processes heretofore addressed independently – internationalisation in schools and in higher education. I also present the connection of national and organisational processes into individual internationalised (cosmopolitan) competencies and discuss the secondary value of internationalisation in reconciliation and peace processes.  相似文献   

晚清时期,外国资本主义借助国家强力进入中国。与列强的不断冲突使清政府越来越感觉到新式人才的缺乏,发展新式教育逐步成为社会精英和国家的共识。戊戌变法和新政时期,国家的教育政策发生重要转变,由精英教育转变为国民教育。教育政策的转变客观上使国家成为国民教育的积极推动者和办学主体。作为办学主体的国家使用了抽收捐税等各种手段筹措教育经费,这些手段激起了民众的反抗。这可以看作是国家推动社会转型过程中的一种伴生现象。总的说来,晚清的教育转型还是比较成功的。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Aus der Sicht der historischen Bildungsforschung liegt eine neue Deutung des Nationalsozialismus als Sackgasse nahe, in die die überforderten Bildungsschichten und breiten Volksmassen sich selbst man?vriert haben. Die beiden seit der Aufkl?rung in Wechselwirkung verbundenen Bildungskreisl?ufe (h?here Bildung und volkstümliche Bildung) sind eigendynamisch derart gewachsen, dass es um 1930 durch Verwertungskrisen in beiden Bereichen („Arbeitslosigkeit“) zum Konflikt zwischen den Eliten und den breiten Volksmassen kam. Der Nationalsozialismus l?sst sich als widersprüchliche Einheit im Rahmen dieses eigendynamischen Zusammenhangs auffassen. Im Bezugsrahmen einer „biologischen Politik“ wurden die Unterschiede zwischen der Auslese der Arten in der Natur und der Bildungsselektion in der Kultur allm?hlich eingeebnet und verwischt. Das scharfe Selektionsklima machte viele Zeitgenossen bereit, sich auf das nationalsozialistische Abenteuer einzulassen. Die Bildungsselektion, im Rahmen von Rassenwahn instrumentalisiert, führte zur T?tung von Staats wegen und zum V?lkermord. Seit dem zweiten Wachstumssprung des Bildungssystems (1960–1980) entwickelt sich auch in Deutschland eine international orientierte und selbstorganisierte „Kultur von unten“, die auf einer Vermischung von „Elite“ und „Masse“ beruht.
Summary   Educational expansion and National Socialism From the standpoint of historical educational research National Socialism can be reinterpreted as a dead end, into which an educationally-driven higher social stratum and the lower social classes maneuvered themselves. The two educational cycles which had been characterized by an interdependence since the Enlightenment (i.e. higher education and popular education) grew to such an extent that a utilization crisis („unemployment“) provoked conflict between the elite and the lower social classes. National Socialism can be conceived of within this context as an inconsistent and unstable unity. The differences between natural selection and culturally determined educational selection were leveled out and blurred within the framework of the national socialist „biological politics“. The commanding climate of selection encouraged many contemporaries of the time to opt for the national socialist adventure. Educational selection, which was instrumentalized under the delusion of race supremacy, lead to death by order of the State and to genocide. Since the second period of expansion in the education system (1960–80) an internationally orientated and self-driven ’grass-roots culture‘ has been able to develop in Germany, which is founded on a mixing of ’elite‘ with ’mass‘.

精英教育是一种以培养社会精英人才为目的的高质量、高标准的分流教育,也是一种差别化的可以体现教育公平的教育。新加坡通过采取精英教育促进了经济的飞速发展,可以说新加坡经济的快速崛起和其独特的精英教育培养体系有着很大的关系。从本质上来说,新加坡精英教育体系是一种通过分流考试选拔精英并致力于经济社会发展的服务型精英教育培养体系。中国的国情和新加坡有很多相似之处,我国教育大众化背景下仍然需要再实行精英教育,但是我们的精英教育存在许多问题,通过研究新加坡精英教育的培养体系,借鉴其成功之处可以给我们的精英教育带来启示,提高我国的教育实力,促进创新型人才的培养和经济社会的发展。  相似文献   

探讨了在经济高速发展的条件下,在科学发展观理论指导下的国家创新体系建设中,中国高等教育在精英教育向大众化教育转变,并逐步迈向后大众化阶段关于发展模式和发展理念转变的改革措施。揭示我们必须寻找出高等教育全面、协调、可持续发展的理论和路径,建立起适应后大众化阶段发展的国家创新体系,实施创新性教育,实现精英教育的回归和学术权力的解放。  相似文献   

Women??s colleges and universities persist around the world, even as the vast majority of tertiary institutions are open to men and women. In nearly every nation, women can attend even the most elite formerly all-male universities, and in several nations women are the majority of all college students. Questions therefore arise about the continued need for a single-sex sector in the 21st century. In this study I examined the contribution of these institutions to their national systems of education and society. I used a qualitative, comparative, multiple case study approach to understand 14 diverse women??s colleges and universities in nine nations on five continents. Five key roles emerged: access, campus climate, gender empowerment, leadership development, and cultural paradox. I make recommendations for research and practice.  相似文献   

韩国的英才教育大致经历了三个历程,从20世纪80年代的起步,到90年代的速进英才教育,再到21世纪的英才学校,在探索英才教育的道路上积累了不少的经验,主要体现在全社会高度重视英才教育、有组织地识别和选拔英才、开发辨别英才的测量工具并使之科学化、多种角度多渠道地培养英才、开放课程领域和内容等方面。我国作为教育公平和英才教育同时发展的国家,在推进基础教育改革的过程中,可以从中得到启示,要认识到实施英才教育,理念必须先行;实施英才教育,制度立法是保障;实施英才教育,课程与师资是关键。  相似文献   

我国公共教育制度与教育均衡化发展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
“教育的均衡发展” ,是近年来我国基础教育发展的政策导向 ,也是国家公共义务教育体系的价值追求。教育均衡化是围绕教育公平提出的教育发展思路和政策 ,但是不等于教育公平。教育均衡化问题的提出 ,集中地反映了建国以来我国基础教育发展的根本矛盾。我国公共教育制度在社会主义计划经济时代与向社会主义市场经济转型时期所表现的教育公平形态是不一样的。教育均衡化所挑战的是我国公共教育结构性的问题 ,教育均衡化政策集中反映了最高决策部门在中国公共教育发展思路上的改革与创新。它是对趋于失范的公共教育制度的一种及时的调整和再规范。  相似文献   

高等教育的毛入学率,是衡量一个国家高等教育规模扩张程度并划分其历史发展阶段的量化指标,马丁·特罗先生依此将高等教育发展的历程划分为"精英、大众化和普及化"三个阶段.在对其理论进行数理解读,界定新概念"高等教育总积淀率"的基础上对其修正和拓展,演绎成为高等教育发展四阶段理论:即精英教育、大众化教育、普及化教育和义务化教育.  相似文献   

在中日两国教育现代化的起步之前,这两个国家的教育发展状况已经有了较大的差距.从教育的视角来看,魏源所著的近代地理巨作<海国图志>在中日两国经历了迥异的传播过程,而这一现象揭示出彼时两国在精英教育和社会认识上的明显差异.正是中日两国在教育发展状况上早已存在的落差,决定了之后其教育现代化的不同起点与进程.  相似文献   

In this essay, I explore how two groups of undergraduates — Americans and Australians — participate in the reformulation of the “global imagination” through their experiences of studying abroad. Specifically, I question the assumption that the global imagination constitutes one shared, common experience that is the same across nations. In contrast, I demonstrate that though American and Australian students are certainly among the elite in global terms, their shared economic position does not necessarily correspond to a common global imagination. Instead, they have markedly different notions of both national and global identities. American students’ strong national identity often prevents them from exploring the possibilities of global affiliation. Australian students’ relatively weak national identity allows for a robust global sense of place, but is sometimes constrained by a limited tolerance for racial and ethnic diversity. In conclusion, I argue that the global imagination has not one, but numerous manifestations, which have the potential to both enable and constrain the enhancement of justice and democracy in a global context.  相似文献   

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