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The system of higher education in the USA comprises the undergraduate programs of the colleges and the graduate programs in research universities. This distinction has no equivalent in Germany. The idea of elite education is connected exclusively with the colleges. Its meaning and functions are demonstrated with an analysis of the criteria which are used for the ranking of higher education institutions. The ranking of the colleges is addressed to the students and is based on indicators, which give expression above all to the educational priorities of the students and the alumni. The ranking of the graduate programs focuses on specific academic programs and is addressed to the members of the various academic fields and to their prospective students. A few rankings cover whole educational institutions and serve to inform the higher educational management. We use these data to identity the specifics of outstanding research universities and their role in American higher education.  相似文献   

Dieser Beitrag untersucht Konzepte der Organisationsentwicklung einerseits als diskursives Ereignis im Foucaultschen Sinne und andererseits als institutionelle Handlungslogiken. Das hier zu untersuchende Wissen funktioniert auf normalisierende Weise. Es entwirft den „lebenslang lernenden Unternehmer seiner selbst“. Das „F?rdern und Entwickeln“ l?sst sich als Normalisierungswissen zur Steigerung der Leistungsf?higkeit von „Humanressourcen“ beschreiben, das innerhalb eines Machtdispositivs zur Geltung kommt. Dieses Machtdispositiv entspricht nicht mehr dem pyramidenf?migen Modell der Maschinenbürokratie, sondern dem netzf?rmigen Machtmodell des Organisationstypus „Markt“. Die Brücke zwischen Diskursanalyse und Organisationsforschung l?sst sich mittels eines Verfahrens „loser Kopplung“ schlagen. Auf der Ebene einer organisationssoziologischen Analyse lassen sich organisationstypische Varianzen des diskursanalytisch untersuchten „Drehbuchwissens“ feststellen. Verschiedene Organisationen nutzen dieses Wissensangebot auf verschiedene Weise. über die Singularit?t und Partikularit?t des Einzelfalles hinausgehend lassen sie sich in die Typologie von „Bürokratie“, „Clan“ und „Markt“ einbetten. In dieser Typologie nimmt das P?dagogische systematisch unterschiedliche Positionen ein. Die Position des „F?rderns und Entwickelns“ l?sst sich dem Organisationstypus „Markt“ zuordnen. Auf der Ebene eines diskursanalytischen Konstruktivismus hat die Organisation den Stellenwert des Ortes, an dem die Norm sich ausstellen kann.  相似文献   

Research in educational history has opened itself up increasingly in the past years to questions related to “space” The focus of this essay is on the current research category “educational space” and the related concept of “educational landscapes”. Both concepts are presented, beginning with a comparison of similarities and differences from an early modern historical perspective and ending with an analysis of different epochs. The study also expands upon influences of the concept of cultural transfer on the concepts of “educational space” and “educational landscape” and presents a current research project on early modern educational history using both categories.  相似文献   

This contribution looks at a series of qualitative and quantitative investigations on the study success and study behavior of so-called non-traditional students. Of particular interest are two aspects: the combination of qualitative and quantitative findings, which are mutually complementary and in a sense present plausible corrections for one-sided observations, and controlled observations over a long period of time, as the first studies were carried out within the framework of an international study in 1998 and the last one within the framework of a project sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2007. This longer time period certainly increases the plausibility of the cautious diagnoses made, which attempt to capture the relevant changes in this field of research. Such mixed methods research (Derzin 1970, 1989; Flick 1992) – i.e. the link between quantitative and qualitative research and survey methods often termed “triangulation” (cf. Prein/Kelle/Kluge 1993; Flick 1995) – has the advantage that a complex field of research can be scanned using different instruments and through a type of “convergence model” (Jacob 2001) the data won from different methods can be used to mutually validate the results. The qualitative material used in this study comes from theoretical sampling (cf. Glaser 1965; Strauss/Corbin 1996) of data from six German higher education institutions from two points in time (1998 and 2005; n=2x c. 400 surveyed respondents). The quantitative analysis, which was especially carried out for our study, profits from the fact that 2500 interested people responded to our recruitment search for biographic-narrative interviews. This group of people was then asked to participate in a special online survey in 2007 – a cooperative initiative in which around one third of the initial respondents took part. That does, however, mean that the quantitative study is not representative. Our overall research design remains complex, but retains an exploratory character  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht die Frage, was Humboldts Theorie des Verstehens im Blick auf die Herausforderung der Erziehungswissenschaft durch die zunehmende sprachlich-kulturelle Pluralit?t moderner Gesellschaften zu leisten vermag. Zur Kl?rung dieser Frage wird zun?chst Humboldts hermeneutische Auffassung des Verstehens als Methode der historischen Forschung er?rtert (1), um dann die Bedeutung seiner Sprachtheorie für eine Konzeption des Verstehens als grundlegender Form menschlichen Welt-und Selbstbezugs zu rekonstruieren (2) und im Blick auf eine Theorie interkultureller Bildung zu interpretieren (3). Die zentralle These lautet, dass Humboldts Auffassung der Sprachen als je verschiedener Weltansichten seiner Konzeption des Verstehens insofern eine entscheidende Wendung gibt, als darin die Vielfalt der Sprachen nicht nur als MLoglichkeitsbedingung, sondern zugleich auch als Grenze interkulturellen Verstehens begriffen wird. Sofern Bildung mit Humboldt als Transformation der eigenen Weltansicht durch die Auseinandersetzung mit fremden Sprachen gefasst werden kann, stellt diese Grenze des Verstehens auch eine unhintergehbare Bedingung von )interkultureller) Bildung dar.
Summary „All understanding is simultaneously a noncomprehension — Wilhelm von Humboldt’s contribution to hermeneutic and its significance for a theory of intercultural education” At the centre of this paper lies the question of what Humboldt’s theory of understanding has to offer in terms of the challenges facing educational sciences as a result of increasing linguistic cultural plurality in modern society. To clarify this question, Humboldt’s concept of understanding will be discussed as a historical research method (1). His theory of language will then be reconstructed as a concept, which views understanding as a fundamental form of human world-and self-reflection (2) and interpreted from the perspective of a theory of intercultural education (3). The main argument is that Humboldt’s view of languages as different world views gives this concept of understanding a decisive turn, since the multiplicity of languages is not only seen as a facilitating condition, but equally as the boundary of intercultural understanding. As far as education can be seen with Humboldt as a transformation of one’s own world-view through confrontation with foreign languages, this boundary of understanding is also an unavoidable condition for (intercultural) education.

Against the background of discourses concerning regional educational landscapes and the increasing interest in theoretical constructs of “space” in educational theory, this article addresses the question of how educational spaces are collectively understood in adult education organizations. This question is examined through a qualitative reconstructive study. Data sources for the study include group discussions and interviews from nine general adult education organizations chosen through theoretical sampling. The data analysis was conducted using a documentary interpretation method. The results indicate that the organizations studied reveal perspectives of educational spaces that differ along lines of territorial and experiential understanding. The concluding discussion provides hypotheses concerning possible connections between socio-economic structures and a territorial understanding of space and between the organizational or subject matter constitution of organizations and an experiential understanding of space.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) models can be subsumed under the larger class of statistical models with latent variables. IRT models are increasingly used for the scaling of the responses derived from standardized assessments of competencies. The paper summarizes the strengths of IRT in contrast to more traditional techniques as well as in contrast to alternative models with latent variables (e. g. structural equation modeling). Subsequently, specific limitations of IRT and cases where other methods might be preferable are lined out.  相似文献   

A diagnostic goal of the “Profile analysis according to Grießhaber” is the assessment of the grammatical ability to place verbs in German sentences in the correct syntactical position. To evaluate the test quality for the first time, 403 monolingual and multilingual primary school children were randomly assigned to three different test materials: Test material that specifically stimulated the target competence led to the best test results. This indicates a low objectivity of application. In addition, ceiling effects for primary school children were detected, which means that the profile analysis can only slightly differentiate among the grammatical abilities of the children. Retest reliability and objectivity of analysis are also too small. In summary, the test quality of the assessment tool should be improved with respect to all of the test quality criteria considered. Hence, we recommend standardizing the profile analysis better and adding more sensitive diagnostic criteria for primary school aged children. Other aspects of profile analysis, for example the improvement of diagnostic competencies of teachers, are recommended for future research.  相似文献   

Wie die historiographische Forschung gezeigt hat, lassen sich die deutschen Geschichten der Pädagogik des 19. Jahrhunderts durch die Elemente ?Personalismus“, ?Eklektizismus“, ?Kanonisierung“ und ?Nationalismus“ kennzeichnen. Ausgehend von diesem Befund wird an den besonders und von alters her programmatischen Einleitungen untersucht, wie die Geschichten der Bildung des 19. Jahrhunderts sich selbst rechtfertigen: Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man überhaupt die Geschichte der Pädagogik? Welche ?Selbstwahrnehmung“ lassen die Vorreden zu den Geschichten der Bildung des 19. Jahrhunderts erkennen?  相似文献   

石猛  王树青 《文教资料》2006,(14):40-41
孔子的礼、仁、中庸是一个一脉相承的发展体系,在不同的时期有不同的表现,并且处处体现着“和”的思想。  相似文献   

陆游词中“梦”“鬓”“泪”的出现频率很高。“梦”“鬓”“泪”出现的心理机制是什么,陆游的“梦”“鬓”“泪”之间有何联系,这些意象在词中有什么作用,本文对这些问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

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