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宋捷 《收藏》2009,(7):122-124
博局纹俗称规矩纹,西方学者也称“T、L、V”纹。这种纹饰源于先秦两汉时期的六博戏。六博戏又简称为博、六簿、陆博,是我国目前所知最早具有完整规则和道具的棋类游戏。  相似文献   

王善德  于株洲 《精武》2005,(12):28-29
某武刊刊登《心意拳源新探》(以下简称《新探》)一文,对心意拳的源流提出了新观点,这个设想很新颖。由此联想起山西人民出版社出版的《形意拳术大全》(以下简称《大全》),书中考证得出结论,心意拳是姬隆丰祖师所创。《新探》则认为姬祖师的心意拳是由太祖门的红拳衍化而成,其理由是“姬隆丰如果不是在民间现有武术的基础上有所创新,则无异于放着现成的针不用,却偏要去磨铁杵”。  相似文献   

朱家角位于上海西隅淀山湖之滨,是一个47平方公里的折扇形小镇,历史悠久,风光秀美,被誉为上海的威尼斯,1991年由市政府命名为文化古镇。朱家角在宋元时期已形成集市,明万历年间正式建镇,名为珠街阁,又名珠溪。清嘉靖年间,以珠里为镇名,俗称角里。《珠里小志》述:“今珠里为青溪一隅,烟火千家……其街衢绵亘,商贩交通,水木清华,文儒辈出……过是里者,群羡让耕让畔之凤犹古,而比户弦歌不辍也。”至清末民初,朱镇米业鼎盛,工业、手工业、金融业、商业、娱乐业百业俱兴,新式邮运自然也应运而生。  相似文献   

宗鸣安 《收藏》2007,(8):126-126
丁亥春节刚过,长安瓦当收藏大家任虎城兄即来电邀去其处,他兴奋地说:“有好东西可看!”虎城兄收藏瓦当品种、数量之多,足称大观,其中不乏稀世之品,此次又得何种珍品,让人心中期待不已。  相似文献   

李秒丰 《精武》2008,(3):23-25
引言:遵化位于河北境内,京东150公里,燕山脚下,属唐山辖。遵化旧辖三县称洲,后复县制,今为遵化乃县级市。遵化乃武术之乡,太极拳在遵化有长短拳之分,十三式(太极拳)分为三节,共90式(也有称88式的),称为短拳;太极长拳共四节108式,重复动作较多,所以在遵化有“长拳不长,短拳不短”之说。遵化的太极拳及太极长拳,皆由本乡人士姚馥春先生所传。  相似文献   

伍秋鹏 《收藏》2007,(5):74-76
在四川和重庆两地的古玩市场上,时常可以见刮一些黑釉堆塑罐,具有很强的地域特色。它们在四川及重庆的许多县市均有出土,存世量较多。对这类堆塑罐,常有不同的称呼,有的称共为“鬼罐”,意为明器;有的称其为“老钱罐”,认为其用途是存氧中装纸钱灰;有的称其为“谷仓罐”,认为其用途是存储五谷随死者下葬,寄意亲人死后衣食无忧;也有的称其为“龙罐”,因为其罐身之上多数都堆塑有龙纹。依据习惯,这类器物似乎称“谷仓罐”更为确切些。  相似文献   

张天琚 《收藏》2007,(5):72-73
四川邛窑始烧于东晋,发展于南朝,成熟于隋,兴盛于初唐,至唐末五代延烧不衰,结束于南宋中晚期,共经历了约9个世纪。  相似文献   

李铁锤 《收藏界》2014,(9):62-67
烧香始于西周,用以祭天祭神。汉代普及至民间,唐宋时期烧香民俗之风大盛,给后世留下许多香具艺术珍品,处于四川盆地的巴蜀之地也是如此。图1是件汉代灰陶香炉,炉体与炉盘由三足相连。图2是件隋代青釉瓷香炉,与上图基本形态相似,只是连接处变成了五足,香炉的这种相似形态竟延续了四五百年之久。图3是成都顺达博物馆收藏的陶质绿釉博山炉,博山炉是汉代流行范围很广的熏炉,从图上看,它不仅是熏与炉,还可作为香插使用。图4是件三国至西晋时期的青瓷熏炉,从釉发黄、底发红的情况来看,显然不是青羊宫窑制品,绵阳窑有类似器物。图5的南北朝晚期熏炉,釉面光亮玻璃感强,但已由青色开始变褐,这是青羊宫窑制品这一时期的特征。在隋代以前的巴蜀古陶瓷中,尚未看到专门的香插。  相似文献   

梦斋主人 《收藏界》2010,(7):104-105
香港私人珍藏一西晋青瓷人形灯(图1﹚,造型古拙趣怪,十分罕见,聊备小文记之。 该灯由灯盏和灯柱两部分组成,呈上小下大圆筒状;中空,塑一人形,头顶一帽状灯盏,灯盏内正面有一空心瓷管通向盏心,为置放灯蕊之用。人物露牙、突脐及带兽尾,怀中搂一温驯之巨鼠,双手合于鼠口下持一物喂鼠;肩膀两侧各攀附一只长尾猴;两只手臂上各塑一只小老鼠,面向巨鼠作亲昵状。平底露胎,带深褐色窑红及垫饼痕﹙图2﹚。施青釉,局部对称点褐彩,器身遍布无色细开片,莹润如脂。人与各种小动物之间搭配合谐有致,率真自然,隐隐透出一种神秘静谧的美。  相似文献   

小林仁 《收藏》2010,(5):34-37
中国西南毗邻的越南,以元青花瓷为范本,在陈朝(14世纪后半段),一边应用釉下彩绘的技术,一边在半瓷胎的胎土上施白色化妆土,生产出具有自己独特风格的青花瓷。此后,由于明代洪武帝的海禁政策,中国瓷器对海外出口量锐减,与此同时,特别在中东、近东和印度尼西亚等国,中国青花瓷依然广受欢迎,并有很大的需求。越南为了生产出中国青花瓷的替代品,不断提高窑业技术,至15世纪中期迎来了一个繁荣期。  相似文献   

旅日  苏枕书 《收藏》2011,(7):I0068-I0071
平安时代的名著《源氏物语》里有个叫空蝉的女子,是书中难得的一位终生拒绝源氏之爱的人。源氏求之不得,辗转反侧,只留得她一件单衫聊作纪念,乃有和歌云:“蝉衣一袭余香在。”  相似文献   

周文昭 《收藏》2011,(7):I0056-I0057
北京大学龚鹏程教授曾讲道,“中国使用香的起源,大概是6000年前先人祭祀的‘燎祭’。他们认为香气可以愉神,故而在祈求祷告时燃起贵重的香木,在香气氤氲中获得通神的能力。向世人转达神的预言。”  相似文献   

Many slo-pitch coaches and players believe that generating spin on a ball can affect its trajectory. The influence of air resistance on a ball that is thrown at a moderate speed and spin is unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of spin on the ball's trajectory in slo-pitch pitching using both experimental results and ball flight simulations. Fourteen pitchers participated in the study, each of whom threw five backspin and topspin pitches each. Data were collected using standard three-dimensional videography. The horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, angular velocity, release height, and horizontal displacement of the backspin pitches were significantly higher than those of the topspin pitches. The ball flight simulations were developed to examine the influence of the ball spin, and it was concluded that the spin of the ball had a significant effect on the ball's vertical and horizontal displacements. Furthermore, our results suggest that a backspin pitch that reaches the maximum height allowable and lands in the front edge of the strike zone has the steepest slope. The present results add to our understanding of projectile motion and aerodynamics.  相似文献   

Many slo-pitch coaches and players believe that generating spin on a ball can affect its trajectory. The influence of air resistance on a ball that is thrown at a moderate speed and spin is unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of spin on the ball's trajectory in slo-pitch pitching using both experimental results and ball flight simulations. Fourteen pitchers participated in the study, each of whom threw five backspin and topspin pitches each. Data were collected using standard three-dimensional videography. The horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, angular velocity, release height, and horizontal displacement of the backspin pitches were significantly higher than those of the topspin pitches. The ball flight simulations were developed to examine the influence of the ball spin, and it was concluded that the spin of the ball had a significant effect on the ball's vertical and horizontal displacements. Furthermore, our results suggest that a backspin pitch that reaches the maximum height allowable and lands in the front edge of the strike zone has the steepest slope. The present results add to our understanding of projectile motion and aerodynamics.  相似文献   

体育标语价值审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析新中国成立以来,不同时期体育标语对体育文化传播的作用和意义,从政治、外交、竞技、人本等方面阐述了体育标语所负载的体育文化内涵.认为体育标语是政治化的表达、跨文化的诉求、竞技化的核心、以人为本的追求.  相似文献   

郭裔 《体育学刊》2012,(6):127-131
通过文献资料与实地调查对目前关于唐豪先生生平行谊的一些年日的记述错误进行考证,得出以下结论:唐豪先生生于1896年;唐豪先生于1929年初东渡日本,并与同年底回国;1930年1月24日,唐豪先生就任中央国术馆编审处处长,1931年5月辞职;1941年秋,唐豪先生迁居安徽,先寄居于歙县烟村,1942年迁居屯溪,1949年6月初回到上海;唐豪先生墓碑碑文有7处明显错误。  相似文献   

郭红卫 《体育学刊》2013,20(1):20-23
运用关键词检索方法,以physical education(英文“体育”)和education physique(法文“体育”)为关键词,对国外知名图书馆和出版商的英文和法文历史文献数据库及数字图书馆进行在线检索,提出新的认识并修正了国内已有观点.英文文献中出现physical education的时间应不晚于18世纪法国学者杜博斯所著《诗画论》第5版英译本问世之年即1748年,麦克拉仁和斯宾塞的著作都不是最早使用physical education的著作;education physique在法文文献中的出现时间应不晚于杜博斯《诗画论》1733年法文原版问世之年即1733年,卢梭的《爱弥尔》和巴勒克泽尔的《论儿童的身体教育》都不是最早使用education physique的著作.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(3):273-284
The increased global popularity of social media has led many consumer brands to increasingly turn to consumer-to-consumer marketing methods in recent years. One such method, user-generated branding (UGB), is defined as “the strategic and operative management of brand related user-generated content (UGC) to achieve brand goals” (Burmann & Arnhold, 2009, p. 66). Other disciplines have identified potential benefits of UGB such as cost effectiveness, the ability to track consumers, and immediate feedback regarding a brand and its products or services (Burmann, 2010). Hambrick and Kang (2015) also posited that UGB might be effective in developing stronger relationships between brands and consumers and eliciting greater engagement with consumers on social media. This study sought to fill the gap on UGB research within the sport management field. Utilising Porter’s (1985) generic strategies as a theoretical framework, the Instagram accounts of six purposefully selected running brands were examined to determine to what extent brands utilised user-generated content on their Instagram accounts and whether differences existed in audience engagement based on the type of content posted. A quantitative content analysis method was employed, and results indicated that those brands utilising a differentiation strategy and posts with an overt focus on the product or brand were most successful in eliciting engagement from followers. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed in greater detail in the paper.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that situational interest in physical activity may derive from five dimensional sources, Novelty, Optimal Challenge, Attention Demand, Exploration Intent, and Instant Enjoyment. The purpose of this study was to examine the multidimensional sources in elementary school physical education. The five dimensions were measured in 5,717 students in third, fourth, and fifth grades from a random sample of 30 elementary schools. Students' responses were randomly divided into two samples for a two-step confirmatory factor analysis. The results confirmed that the five dimensions are primary sources of situational interest for elementary school physical education. The findings implied that situational interest should be taken into account as a necessary curricular component in elementary physical education.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the destination image and behaviours of marathon participants with different levels of behavioural running involvement. This study focused on the Kyoto Marathon in Japan. The survey was conducted on marathon participants. The data of marathon participants was obtained through the Kyoto Marathon 2017 runner survey website. The participants were classified into two groups by cluster analysis – those with high running involvement and those with low running involvement using their experience of marathon events and running history variables. A comprehensive destination image scale was used to assess the practical implications of a sport event. MANOVA and ANOVA were used to test the influence of running involvement on a marathon participant’s destination image perceptions, place attachment, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. These results do not support the role of sport involvement in terms of the key-dependent variables of the study, namely place identity and dependence, intentions to participate in the event again and destination image perceptions. However, the influence of destination image factors and event satisfaction were still evident in their ability to predict sport event tourist intentions to revisit a sport event that is held in the same destination every year.  相似文献   

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