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艺术设计教育是一个高度实用性、高度实用主义的教育。这里的实用性最突出的表现在艺术设计教育是否跟上或者适应了市场的需求。当前我国艺术设计教育的滞后是显而易见的。许多新兴专业的设计人才不能及时培养,学生对专业的学习与把握也无法跟上市场的需求。现代艺术设计教育培养具有现代设计意识、现代科技头脑和现代思维的创造型人才;培养的学生应该是兼顾文科、理科的综合  相似文献   

周艳芳 《教育探索》2003,(10):52-54
环境艺术设计专业是一门建立在现代环境科学研究基础之上的新兴边缘学科,是一个与可持续发展战略有着密切关系的艺术设计研究领域。环境艺术设计人才应具备较高的综合素质、创造性设计思维和创造能力。培养合格的环境艺术设计人才,一要紧跟时代步伐,迎接市场的需求与挑战;要转变教学观念,二把提高学生的综合素质作为教育发展的方向;三要拓宽环境艺术设计教育的领域。  相似文献   

大学艺术设计教育的重点应该从技术设计转为创意艺术设计,强调创造性思维的开发,突破单纯技艺传授的方式,着重培养学生的创造力,建立以培养创造型艺术设计人才为目标的教育体系。如何在艺术设计教学中有效地开发与挖掘学生的潜能、培养学生的创造性思维,是现代高校教学改革项目中的一个重点课题。文章从平面艺术设计教学的实际出发,从三个方面探讨了如何培养学生的创造性思维。  相似文献   

高校艺术设计专业继续教育存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国从上世纪80年代正式设立艺术设计专业到现在已经20多年,本科教育体系已经初具规模。但受本学科多元特点的影响,培养的学生大多数是模糊型设计人才。因此,高校艺术设计专业的继续教育就成为本专业人才培养必要的补充。但受多种因素的制约,艺术设计在继续教育发展方面存在着很多问题,本文结合多年的教育实践,就高校艺术设计专业继续教育发展中存在的问题进行探讨并寻找对策。  相似文献   

艺术设计是艺术、技术和科学的结合,集成性和跨学科性是它的本质特征.设计思维与设计表达这两个问题是不相矛盾的,设计思维是用来为设计表达服务的,而设计表达也离不开设计思维,二者是相辅相成、缺一不可的.在现代设计比以前更加复杂和更加综合的环境下,当前艺术设计教育应该重视对学生设计思维和设计表达的培养,优秀设计人才要做到创造性设计思维和多样的设计表达相结合的设计,这样的设计作品才能广为流传、深入人心.  相似文献   

高职院校对艺术设计专业人才培养的定位是具有独立设计思维和现代设计能力的高级应用型人才。掌握并精通各种专业软件应用是艺术设计专业学生提高职业岗位能力,实现人才培养的必须条件之一。本文针对软件应用类课程教学中的一些问题,提出要加强它的实用性,提高与学生职业培养接轨的速度。  相似文献   

我国现代设计教育起步晚,大学设计课程存在着局限性。缺乏适合本土设计现状的教学体系,过多注重理论教育而忽视了教学实践的重要性。依据当前大学课程对培养艺术设计专业人才中存在的种种问题,并结合现代艺术设计创新型人才素质构成要求,分析校企联合培养创新型设计人才的重要意义,对校企联合培养创新型设计人才进行探讨。  相似文献   

王凯宏  王宇  沈业 《林区教学》2009,(11):110-111
中国高等学校的艺术设计教育是随着市场经济建设发展起来的,高校艺术设计教育应该尽快顺应新形势下对设计人才的需求,结合学校办学优势,整合优化相关专业课程和部分基础课程,构建一套具有特色的现代艺术设计教育体系,增强学生的实践能力与市场意识,不断提高教师的专业素养,培养出具有综合创新能力和设计审美能力的人才。  相似文献   

对艺术设计教育现状的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在艺术设计教育中,存在着基础课训练与专业设计脱节、重技能训练轻创意、重电脑效果轻草图构思等问题,从而影响了艺术设计人才的培养质量。只有突破传统的思维模式和办学方式,提倡创新,培养个性,重实践、重传统、重基础,提倡个性化办学模式,建立开放式的教学环境,才能使我国的艺术设计教育不断地向着更高、更新的领域迈进。  相似文献   

装潢艺术设计专业培养的是具有装潢艺术的基本知识和基本技能,具有一定艺术素养,拥有从事产品包装、装潢设计、书籍装帧、商业广告设计、企业形象策划、展示设计等多方位岗位能力的复合型高级技术应用型人才。创新思维是装潢艺术设计专业学生必须具备的基本能力,本文从改进和优化装潢艺术设计专业课程体系设置、改进和优化装潢艺术设计专业实践教学、引入优秀思维方法培养装潢艺术设计专业创新思维等方面对装潢艺术设计专业创新思维的培养进行了一些初步的探索。  相似文献   

For the past few years, creativity has gradually become an important element in the national cultivation of talent in Taiwan. Although traditionally art education is closely linked with creativity, the academic research on general art education is very insufficient. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate how creativity could be cultivated in curriculum planning for general art education at technology universities as well as what students’ learning process was when they participated in a course's creative activity. The research applied the theory and steps of creative problem‐solving (CPS) on a general art course to design a group practical activity combining with the local community. This involved converting the steps of creative problem‐solving into different stages of group design activities with the goal of constructing a design process equivalent to the process of problem‐solving. The main research results revealed that students could experience the problem‐solving process through group design activities and develop their divergent and convergent thinking at the same time. Moreover, the cooperative learning model is the most appropriate teaching strategy for students from non‐art‐related departments when cultivating their creativity.  相似文献   

Art and design programmes are educationally unique in that students themselves play a central role in determining their own learning needs. To be successful in their study, art and design students are required to operate with a high degree of independence and self‐direction. Developing the skills for greater self‐reliance requires students to become aware of their conceptions of the subject of study, and of themselves as learners in a particular learning context. Developing greater self‐awareness as a learner and becoming more independent in one's learning is captured by the concept of meta‐learning. In this article I present an alternative strategy to prevalent diagnostic approaches to assist in developing a student's capacity for meta‐learning in the subject context of art and design. An inquiry cycle was created to provide a structure within which to facilitate generative thinking about learning through engaging with fundamental questions related to the subject of learning (art and design) rather than the learning subject (i.e. the student). This method represents a departure from existing approaches to engaging students in meta‐learning. A pilot study used to trial the effectiveness of this strategy is also presented here. The inquiry map, and the conceptual base upon which it was developed, were found to be useful ways to structure reflective thinking about learning and to assist in developing a student's conception of the subject.  相似文献   

葛菲 《教育教学论坛》2020,(11):194-196
“双钻模型”是英国设计协会提出的设计方法,“双钻模型”的教学方法是针对设计人才培养特色、设计教学目标而进行的一种课程建设与教学方法的探索与实践。在弥补传统教学模式不足的情况下,以学生为中心,运用体验式教学激发设计类专业学生学习兴趣与热情,培养学生的创新思维与设计思维,通过反思达到提高学生设计能力。  相似文献   

高校艺术设计专业的人才培养不仅关系到专业素质培养,还跟市场的需求紧密相关。因此,普通高校要完善艺术设计专业人才培养的模式,解决学生实际操作能力不强,实践机会较少的问题,致力于培养应用型人才,提高学生的综合职业能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

To explore the reasons and counter-measures for the absence of creative thinking among my Chinese students majoring art design, my learning develops from single-loop learning to double-loop learning. On the basis of professional expertise in art design, students' inner interest and enthusiasm can be promoted by establishing learning organization and self-managed learning.  相似文献   

高校美术教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,是艺术专业的一门必修课。当前我国高校美术教育存在的问题如何解决,怎样运用想象教学去培养学生的创造性思维能力,并营造培养创造性思维能力的环境,为我国培养一批又一批高素质、有创新意识和创造能力、社会急需的美术实用人才显得尤为突出和重要。  相似文献   

目的让高职护理专业一、二年级学生提前接触临床,培养学生的临床思维能力和动手能力,调动其学习积极性,尽早进入职业角色。方法对高职护理专业2008级学生260人、2009级学生340人分批到教学医院进行见习,发放回顾性评价表进行效果评价。结果 72.49%的学生认为早期接触临床使他们各方面受益匪浅;通过见习、观摩等,及早熟悉医院环境,尽早熟悉专业及职业特点,对学习专业课有促进作用。结论合理安排时间让学生提前进入临床,及早培养临床综合素质,对提高高职护生的职业能力及培养高素质的技能型应用型人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在艺术设计中,好的创意或构思只有在得到应用和展示的时候才能体现其价值。而当今的艺术设计教育由于实践能力和创新能力培养的匮乏,缺乏将知识贯通和应用的能力,无法圆满的完成从知识到产品设计应用的整合。实训教学体系是实践能力和创新能力培养的有效教学模式,在教学探索中形成贯通式、模块化、多层次、开放式的新型的实训教学体系;教学中加强项目课题开发,增加学生应用、实践的环节;密切实训教学与社会需求的关系,不断调整人才培养目标使其更具时代性和针对性。  相似文献   

气象学与气候学是高师地理专业的专业基础课程,其教学效果影响着地理科学专业学生专业认知中数理基础的构建。本文从逻辑思维、实证思维和创新思维三个角度,提出了教学过程中理科思维方面的培养思路:对于概念和规律的学习应结合其基本原理,了解其来龙去脉;理论学习结合实际应用,使教学内容生动;结合当前学科前沿理论,进行探索式学习,旨在探究培养学生的理科思维方法,为基础创新人才培养提供理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

Recent educational initiatives have emphasised the importance of fostering critical thinking skills in today's students in order to provide strategies for becoming successful problem solvers throughout life. Other scholars advocate the use of critical thinking skills on the grounds that such tools can be used effectively when considering social justice issues. In this article we make the case that the teaching and learning strategies of analytic art criticism can serve as fundamental tools used not just for the study of art but can also centre critical thinking and analysis in all aspects of the art education curriculum. Our argument begins with a review of literature on the use of art criticism for critical thinking and meaning making. Then we describe our efforts to address critical thinking with our students by using the critical analysis model of art criticism and applying it to learning environments for forming reasoned judgments about teaching and learning, and also as springboard for examining social justice issues. We believe that promoting this form of affectively driven, intellectually guided critical thinking makes our students potentially more successful not just in their encounters with art and education, but also in their lives as human beings beyond school.  相似文献   

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