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刘海明 《今传媒》2010,(8):21-23
一、楼市的舆情预警早在两千多年前,孟子就曾提出了他所理想的社会生活景观:“居者有其屋,病者有其医,勤者有其业,劳者有其得,少者有其学,童年有其乐,读者有其校,弱者有其助,老者有其养,车者有其位,工者有其薪,农者有其地,商者有其利,优者有其荣,能者得其用,阅者有其悟,学者有其为。”安居方可乐业。  相似文献   

跟大多数白领和商务人士一样,我的抽屉里也塞满了别人的名片。闲暇翻一翻,真是五花八门:有教师,有公务员,有医生,有杂志社老板,有客车司机,有包工头,有开发商,有卖保险的,有送盒饭的,也有上门清洗抽油烟机的……这说明我接触过的人不能算少。问题是,它们很难让我想得起来名片主人的样子。这说明我很健忘,同时也说明那些名片的主人不是什么巨星大腕。当  相似文献   

孙茜 《记者摇篮》2009,(5):23-23
在世上的万物中,有阴就有阳,有对就有错,有上就有下,有生就有死。因此在新闻报道中,有正面报道,也就必然有与之相对的所谓的“反面报道”。  相似文献   

做一个广告人不容易,做一名优秀卓越的广告人更难,做一名九度广告人难上加难!九度是对广告人的高标准和严要求。九度广告人即:理想要有高度,思想要有深度,视野要有宽度,知识要有广度,专业要有厚度,办事要有速度,工作要有精度,业绩有要量度,为人要有美誉度。理想要有高度一个人一个组织都要有理想梦想。习近平总书记为中华儿女描绘了中国梦:民族振兴,国家富强,人民幸福。让每个人都享有梦想成真、人生出彩的机会。  相似文献   

在中国急剧变化的历史进程中,有两件大事在深切影响着所有媒体的走向:城市化和碎片化。因为城市化,有了社区社群,有了互动,有了自媒体;因为碎片化,有了聚合重构,有了分众,有了流媒体。  相似文献   

岁月如潮,不断更替。不同的时代,造就不一样的人群。可以说,有什么样的年代,就有什么样的记者;有什么样的记者,就有什么样的新闻;有  相似文献   

斗转星移,中国传媒业已经走过而立之年。回首传媒经营30年的泥泞来时路,有喜有悲、有苦有甜、有兴奋有沮丧,更有不断前行的力量。  相似文献   

思想决定思路,思路决定出路。湖南经济社会发展相对落后,从客观上讲,有历史的原因、有区位的原因,有观念的原因,有项目的原因,有资金的原因,有体制的原因,有人才的原因,有工作的原因。但改革水平不高,观念相对滞后,思想解放不够,视野不够开阔,思维激发不活,发展环境不优,工作华而不  相似文献   

世界上本没有王,想称王的多了也就有了王。在报纸运作领域,有几种关于王者的说法,并时而有新的说法出现,人们的理解莫衷一是,各有各的理,有交叉也有不交叉的地方。  相似文献   

从1995年开始,六盘水日报社遵循社会主义市场经济的规律,在改革创新求发展的道路上已走过了12个春秋。回首这12年,有酸有甜有苦有辣,但更多的是苦尽甘来的成就感。反思这12年,有很多经验值得总结,有很多认识需要升华。  相似文献   

《国际机读目录格式手册:书目格式》(以下简称《UNIMARC手册》)(第3版)于2008年正式出版,它包含了2005年以来《UNIMARC手册》(第2版)第5次更新后的格式变化。《UNIMARC手册》(第3版)的修订主要包括以下几个方面:扩展了字段链接,设立了003字段永久记录标识,增加了字段的功能,新增了字段,部分字段增加了子字段,改变了部分字段名称和字段的功能,改变了部分字段指示符的值。目前《UNIMARC手册》(第4版)的修订工作正在进行,它将使UNIMARC进一步适应编目对象的多样化,适应不断变化、更新的新技术和新编目规则,提高网络环境下UNIMARC的可用性。  相似文献   

The 1994 Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standards for information management will change the way health care librarians respond to JCAHO accreditation surveys and may affect the way libraries are managed. This article will highlight the changes in the standards and the new opportunities they offer. Implications for library operations and the challenges inherent in working with the new Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (AMH) are also explored. The long-awaited 1994 Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (AMH) is now on most hospital library shelves. As expected, librarians will find that the section on Professional Library Services (the PR chapter) has disappeared and that the standards previously in that section are now incorporated in part into the new Management of Information, or IM chapter. Although this method of grouping standards may be new to many health sciences librarians, the incorporation of library services into IM may actually provide many more opportunities for librarians than the previous method of addressing library services separately.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Museums: A Place to Work By Jane R. Glaser and Artemis A. Zenetou Preservation of Library and Archival Materials: A Manual Edited by Sherelyn Ogden  相似文献   

图书馆协会管理什么——解读美国图书馆协会工作手册   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对《美国图书馆协会工作手册》进行了解读,介绍了该《手册》的要点,以及美国图书馆协会管理的策略与措施,论述在行业管理方面该手册可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

文章首先对IT基准安全防护手册(I]-BPM)进行了详细的介绍。然后,在分析了高校校园网业务的基础上,应用ITBPM中五个标准环节进行校园网信息安全的分析和安全防护措施的设计。为校园网信息安全防护提供了一种简洁高效的方法。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Museum Experience , John Falk and Lynn Dierking Manual of Curatorship: A Guide to Museum Practice , Second Edition, John M. A. Thompson, Editor Marketing the Arts , Simon Blackall and Jan Meek, Editors  相似文献   


A central tenet of the open data movement is that, to the extent permitted by law, data—especially data collected or produced by government agencies—should be published without restrictions on access or reuse. Proponents of open data believe that unrestricted access to raw data yields many benefits to society, including increased organizational transparency, accountability, public engagement with democratic processes, and economic growth. This article presents a case study based on one of the data sets created under the federal government's open data program, an XML version of the United States Government Manual published by the Office of the Federal Register. Working with the Government Manual data set uncovered various quality issues that presented technical barriers to data reuse, despite its compliance with open data principles of formatting and licensing. This experience raises questions about the purported link between open data and its promised benefits, which I discuss within the wider context of critiques of open data.  相似文献   

This article is about the conceptual framework of the original cataloging process that is used to catalog the audiovisual a materials at the New York Chiropractic College Media Resources Library. The cataloging norms serve as the conceptual underpinnings to the Cataloging Policy Manual of the New York Chiropractic College Media Resources Library. The paper describes the use of the various cataloging standards and policies that are used as well as the use and assignment of the National Library of Medicine classification to ensure access to the audiovisual collection.  相似文献   

依据机读目录使用手册,对译著图书的书名原文提出正确的著录方式。  相似文献   

This paper examines the terminology introduced in the Third Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-111) of the American Psychiatric Association in relation to the thesaurus terms available in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and The Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.  相似文献   

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