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科学观是科学教育的基础。传统的科学观注重实用的科学知识的传授,文化转向的科学观呼吁科学的人文关怀,后现代科学观呼吁科学与人文的统一与融合。科学观的转向呼唤体现人文关怀、走向生活世界、凸现科学道德教育的和谐向度的科学教育。  相似文献   

文章通过回顾中国近现代史上先后出现的器物科学观、方法论科学观、启蒙科学观、唯科学主义观以及“奇技淫巧”说与玄学派科学观等种种科学观,笔者得出的看法是:中国近现代史上出现的各种各样的科学观实际上是各种各样的科学价值观。因此,与其说这是中国近现代史上科学观的嬗变,还不如说是科学价值观的嬗变。嬗变的科学观反映了中国近现代知识分子在科学能否经世致用问题上的认识变化的过程。  相似文献   

编辑学研究中提出了几种主要的编辑观,即主体、客观编辑观、作、读中介论编辑观,化缔构编辑观,信息智化编辑观。确立科学的编辑观是构建编辑学理论的基础。确立正确编辑观的科学原则是:运用哲学的科学原则,理论与实践统一的科学原则,批判与继承的科学原则,编辑与编辑学本质统一的科学原则。  相似文献   

该文针对学术界存在的多样而又混乱的科学观的状况,从科学哲学的层面上,运用辩证唯物主义的基本原理和逻辑与历史统一的基本方法,从科学(观)的研究中概括和推演出四种基本的科学观:科学的真理观、科学的成果(知识)观、科学的活动(过程)观和科学的实践观;同时从正反两方面论述了这四种科学观的基本内容、特征和优劣以及它们之间的内在过渡和必然统一的关系,从而有助于学术界整顿和治理当前科学观的多样和混乱,形成有序规范的、全面完整的科学观.  相似文献   

科学观的教育价值及其课程实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学观是制约科学课程发展的重要变量。就类型而言,科学观包括本质观、发展观、价值观和习得观等内容;从形态来看,科学观包括显性、隐性和"实践"等存在形式。恰当的科学观教育有助于学生世界观、自然观、发展观和人生观的形成与发展。由于实现途径的差别,科学观对科学课程的规划、设计和实施的制约表现为观念性和资源性影响两个方面。  相似文献   

科学观是对科学的本质、社会功能的哲学反思。西方哲学的科学观经历了四个历史阶段:古希腊自然哲学中的科学观,文艺复兴之后的近代科学观,现代科学观,后现代科学观。20世纪初,“科学”取代“格致”开始在中国流行。马克思、恩格斯从唯物史观的角度把人类对科学的性质和作用的认识推进到了新的阶段。随着后现代社会的到来,科学的价值、科学精神、科学与道德等问题引起越来越多的人的关注。  相似文献   

文章指出大学数学教育不仅具有科学的内涵而且还具有丰富的人文价值。随着我高等教育大众化时代的到来,科学与人文融合的理念对大学数学课程观的影响逐渐凸现。科学与人文融合的理念对其课程观的改变。主要包括数学课程的价值观、目标观、内容观以及数学课程实施观和评价观等方面。  相似文献   

刘秀英  丁邦平 《中学教育》2020,17(1):90-100
我国关于学生科学观的已有研究多是自上而下的"应然"研究,缺少对学生科学观"实然"状况的质性研究。本文应用现象图析学的方法得到高中学生的九种科学观,结果表明学生的科学观是多样化的,不只包括科学知识观、科学探究观和科学事业观;部分学生对科学的理解是"以学校为中心"的,将"科学"等同于"学科"或"实验";一些学生将科学看得太宽泛,将"生活"等同于"科学",带有"科学主义"的思想倾向;许多学生过多地关注科学的实用性,将"科学"与"技术"或"产品"混为一谈;还有些学生不能区分"自然"与"科学",对科学本质的思考比较欠缺。提出科学教育须关注科学本质的教学,学生的科学观不同于科学家和科学哲学家,科学观教育须以学生的认知为起点。  相似文献   

科学创新人才培养的内核在于引导大学生对科学精神、科学文化、科学本质进行深度体悟,形成合理的科学观。科学创新人才培养与科学观的养成具有内在的统一性。传统科学观简化了对科学的认识,抑制了大学生的科学思维和科学想象。对于我国科学教育而言,设置独立的科学史课程、创建跨学科的人才培养平台、改革学业考试制度、加大科研创新考核比例是更新大学生科学观的着力点。  相似文献   

教学科学观与科学教学观是两种不同的认识信念。教学科学观是把教学本身作为科学看待的信念;科学教学观是指以科学的态度和方式看待和处理教学的信念。教学科学观以传统知识论作为认识论基础,以"物性化"为前提,追求教学规则的"通性"为基本价值取向。科学教学观在"人性化"层面审视教学的本真,以研究教学的情境、生成、智慧和创新为基本宗旨,以追求教学操作的"个性"为基本倾向。教学科学观面临难以回避的困境,向科学教学观的转变是教学发展的应然追求。  相似文献   


Using data from the 2006 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), we explored nine aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy, science self-concept, enjoyment of science, general interest in learning science, instrumental motivation for science, future-oriented science motivation, general value of science, personal value of science, and science-related activities) as outcomes and predictors of science achievement. Based on results from multilevel modelling with 4456 students nested within 132 schools, we found that all aspects of science engagement were statistically significantly and positively related to science achievement, and nearly all showed medium or large effect sizes. Each aspect was positively associated with one of the (four) practices (strategies) of science teaching. Focus on applications or models was positively related to the most aspects of science engagement (science self-concept, enjoyment of science, instrumental motivation for science, general value of science, and personal value of science). Hands-on activities were positively related to additional aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy and general interest in learning science) and also showed a positive relationship with science achievement.  相似文献   

Scientists’ science differs remarkably from school science. In order to be taught to students, science is recontextualized from scientific research communities to science classrooms. This paper examines scientific discourse in scientific research communities, and discusses its transformation from an internally-persuasive and authoritative discourse to a purely authoritative discourse under recontextualization. It presents the challenges that recontextualization of science poses for achievement of science literacy goals, and discusses remedial steps that science education community can take to meet them.  相似文献   

The implementation of science reform must be viewed as a systems-level problem and not just focus on resources for teachers and students. High-capacity instructional leadership is essential for supporting classroom science instruction. Recent reform efforts include a shift from learning about science facts to figuring out scientific phenomena in which students use science practices as they build and apply disciplinary core ideas. We report findings from a research study on professional development (PD) to support instructional leaders' learning about the science practices. After participating in the PD, the instructional leaders' familiarity with and leadership content knowledge of the science practices significantly improved. Initially, principals used their understandings from other disciplines and content neutral visions of classrooms to make sense of science instruction. For example, they initially used their understandings of models and argument from ELA and math to make sense of science classroom instruction. Furthermore, some principals focused on content neutral strategies, like a clear objective. Over the course of the PD workshops, principals took up the language of the science practices in more nuanced and sophisticated ways. Principals' use of the language of the science practices became more frequent and shifted from identifying or defining them to considering quality and implementation in science classrooms. As we design tools to support science, we need to consider instructional leaders as important stakeholders and develop resources to specifically meet their needs. If the science feels too unfamiliar or intimidating, principals may avoid or reframe science reform efforts. Consequently, it is important to leverage instructional leaders' resources from other disciplines and content neutral strategies as bridges for building understanding in science. We argue that the science practices are one potential lever to engage in this work and shift instructional leaders' understandings of science instruction.  相似文献   

Scholars have argued that the history of science might facilitate an understanding of processes of science. Focusing on science education for citizenship and active involvement in debates on socioscientific issues, one might argue that today’s post-academic science differs from academic science in the past, making the history of academic science irrelevant. However, this article argues that, under certain conditions, cases from the history of science should be included in science curricula for democratic participation. One condition is that the concept of processes is broadened to include science–society interactions in a politically sensitive sense. The scope of possibilities of using historical case studies to prepare for citizenship is illustrated by the use of a well-known case from the history of science: Millikan’s and Ehrenhaft’s “Battle over the electron”.  相似文献   

Recent research in science and technology studies changed the way we understand science as it is practiced—that is, how scientific knowledge emerges from social, natural, social, political, cultural, historical, and economic contingencies of scientific work. Many science educators agree that students should learn not only science but also about science. In this article, we (a) outline important findings, research methods, and ways of reporting research that emerged from science and technology studies; and (b) show how familiarity with science and technology studies research can provide science educators with valuable insights about curriculum design and research on learning. We conclude that science and technology studies can serve as a resource to science education and that there is a potential for conducting collaborative work between science education and science and technology studies. Such collaborations have the potential to yield better theories about how people become competent in science from childhood to adulthood. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 213–235, 1998.  相似文献   

自19世纪中叶起,西方小学科学课程发展经历了实物教学、自然学习和现代小学科学课程三种形态,教育目的从最初的促进个人心智发展到今天的促进个人-社会共同发展.进入21世纪,重视小学科学课程的基础性作用、构建平衡的科学课程将成为未来的重要发展方向.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the factors accounting for science learning self-efficacy (the specific beliefs that people have in their ability to complete tasks in science learning) from both the teacher and the student levels. We thus propose a multilevel model to delineate its relationships with teacher and student science hardiness (i.e., the courage that is needed to turn stressful changes from burdens into advantageous growth in science education settings). The current research was conducted through collecting survey responses from both teachers (i.e., using the self-report teacher science hardiness questionnaire) and students (i.e., using the self-report student science hardiness and the self-report science learning self-efficacy questionnaires). A total of 45 Taiwanese science teachers were solicited from junior high schools. Also, we recruited students who were taught by these 45 teachers. In total, 1145 junior high school students whose ages ranged from 12 to 16, with a mean of 13.68 (SD?=?0.90), were invited to take part in the study. Of these students, 268 were in the seventh grade, 430 were in the eighth grade, and 447 were in the ninth grade. The results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) confirmed our hypothesis that teacher science hardiness fostered student science hardiness, which in turn contributed to the students’ science learning self-efficacy. The findings revealed that both teacher and student science hardiness play important roles in explaining the structure of science learning self-efficacy. To enhance science learning self-efficacy, educators should develop programs for teachers and students to increase their science hardiness.  相似文献   

This study explores the perceptions of culturally relevant science teaching of 35 teachers of American Indian students. These teachers participated in professional development designed to help them better understand climate change science content and teaching climate change using both Western science and traditional and cultural knowledge. Teacher perceptions of practices using culturally relevant instruction were evaluated. The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results from the survey analysis show that the teachers’ existing practices of culturally relevant science teaching were limited in choosing topics relevant to American Indian culture. We found three common themes from the teachers’ perceptions of culturally relevant science teaching, meaning of culturally relevant science teaching, teaching strategies, and purpose of culturally relevant science teaching from the qualitative data. We also found that teachers with higher survey scores perceive culturally relevant science teaching differently than teachers with lower survey scores, specifically for the purposes and teaching strategies of culturally relevant science teaching. The results show that teachers with higher survey scores tended to perceive culturally relevant science teaching as a two-way learning process between teachers and students where the teachers can learn traditional science knowledge from the students. They also tend to perceive using concrete traditional science examples as effective teaching strategy for culturally relevant science teaching and building strong relationships with American Indian students as the most important purpose of culturally relevant science teaching. We also discuss common challenges faced by science teachers when trying to implement culturally relevant science teaching with American Indian students.  相似文献   

美国20世纪80年代中期以来开展的新一轮基础科学教育改革,是60年代科学教育改革的继续和深化。其基本特点蕴含着值得我国科学教育改革借鉴的丰富经验,如科学教育改革得到全社会的支持,尤其是科学界和企业界的大力支持;科学课程改革具有系统性和配套措施;科学教育改革高度重视科学探究和科学教育的普及;尤其值得我们重视的是,美国科学教育改革有大量的科学教育理论研究的支持。  相似文献   

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