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当代世界出版产业发展走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“二战”之后的前十几年,世界各国经济都处于重建和复苏期,许多国家特别是发展中的第三世界国家也发生了深刻的社会变革,更多的人有了受教育的机会。美、英、法、德、日、荷等国在战后大力普及高等教育,读书人数的增加和读者素质的提高推动了图书出版业的迅速发展。从20世纪50年代至今半个多世纪的时间里,西方发达国家的出版业已  相似文献   

随着我国出版体制改革的不断深入,大学出版社转企改制已成为业界关注的问题。本文从大学出版社转企改制的基本问题入手,对转企改制过程中校社之间关系处理、改制后公司治理结构的建立与健全、劳动人事制度改革及激励机制与约束机制的建立等方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

To put an end to the large copyright trade deficit, both Chinese government agencies and publishing houses have been striving for entering the international publication market. The article analyzes the background of the going-global strategy, and sums up the performance of both Chinese administrations and publishers.
Qing Fang (Corresponding author)Email:

1870年"法国九月革命"后成立了法兰西第三共和国,自此法国逐步结束了出版单位特许制和原稿审查制,开始实行出版单位登记制和出版内容追惩制.根据法国1881年7月29日公布的<新闻自由法>(Loi du 29 Juillet1881 sur la liberte de la Presse),法国出版和印刷完全自由,任何人和机构都可以申请创办出版印刷企业.在法国,除了创建青少年读物出版社外,设立出版企业和设立其他企业一样,只需要遵守商业法和社会保障法的要求即可,无须行政审批.对一般违法出版物的管理,主要是通过法律的手段进行,但法国对青少年读物内容的事后审查非常重视,还专门成立了审读委员会,负责审查青少年出版物的内容是否健康.  相似文献   

出版评论与现代出版产业相伴而生,是现代出版业行业自觉性的集中体现。出版评论对现代出版业起着引导、协调、监督等作用。出版评论工作的滞后已经影响到我国出版业的可持续发展,出版界应充分重视出版评论工作。  相似文献   

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world with more than 250 million people and 17,000 islands. Indonesia was the guest-of-honor at the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair, and as such was the first southeast nation to be represented. The publishing industry in Indonesia has an annual net revenue of USD 466 million (2013) and is dominated by a few large players. Almost 40,000 new titles are published annually. About half of all books published are translations. Ebooks currently contribute only 2 % of total turnover.  相似文献   

The publishing industry in Malaysia has an annual net revenue of USD 335 million. Almost 20,000 new titles or new re-editions are published annually which amounts to 639 titles per million inhabitants (2012). Malaysia has a population of 30.7 million (2014). There is room for growth and the government has been active in promoting reading and publishing and aims to achieve a goal of 30,000 new titles a year.  相似文献   

Due to its own cultures of publishing, distributing, reading, and life styling, the publishing industry in Thailand is much complicated to be penetrated. Our readers are changeable as always. It has been much difficult to predict them. So a newcomer in the industry has often been agitated by readers. Many have gotten left this business as soon as their first book have been never published. Since their book expected to publish was out of Thai readers interesting anymore. However, the industry has still been continuing on. Sometimes, it has been so peak in meaning of an outstanding industry is calling newcomers jumping in the game. Still, there were many hopes in this industry during a declining economic. So economic conditions may impact the sale of books but it is not a main reason for change in Thailand. The different distribution and reading culture in Thailand are main factors of the industry.  相似文献   

"产业集群"(Industrial Cluster)这一概念是美国哈佛大学教授、著名企业战略专家迈克尔·波特于1990年在其代表作《国家竞争优势》中提出的.1998年,他又在《哈佛商业评论》上发表论文《集群与新的竞争经济学》,对产业集群这一现象作了充分论述.在这篇文章中波特教授提出,产业集群就是指在某一个特定的产业领域内,大量联系密切的企业以及相关支撑机构在特定地区的集聚和发展,并形成强劲、持续的区域竞争力的现象.简言之,产业集群就是在某个产业领域里相互关联的公司和机构在地理上的集中.  相似文献   

中国出版业标准化概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对经济全球化进程进一步加快,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈的大势,标准作为一种技术基础,已经成为重要的竞争手段.当今世界谁掌握了标准,谁就掌握了竞争的主动权.标准现在不仅是控制生产的手段,而且已经发展为调节贸易的手段,已经成为发达国家实行贸易技术壁垒的撒手锏.面对这样的国际局势,我国的出版业也必须加快制(修)订出版标准,完善出版标准体系,并加快在出版行业内深入宣传、贯彻相关标准的步伐,这样才能在全面建设小康社会的进程中有效保障我国出版业的健康发展和我国的文化安全.  相似文献   

蔡骐  梁茜薇 《出版科学》2016,24(4):46-49
当前,媒体融合成为文化经济发展中的新常态。影视与出版这两大文化行业之间的合作,逐渐从图书影视化进阶到影视图书化的新阶段,这一转变彰显了影视对出版创新的反哺作用。从媒介视角看,影视反哺是媒体融合时代的一种文化互利;从受众视角看,影视反哺现象的盛行离不开粉丝型受众的参与,粉丝们在情感逻辑的支配下演绎多样化的趣缘传播行为,以强大的传播力和消费力推动影视向图书顺利转化;从产业视角看,影视反哺现象彰显了 IP 经济的发展潜能,出版行业应围绕图书 IP 进行多维度的产业开发,建设以出版文化为基础的产业融合生态,致力于全民阅读的复兴与书香社会的建设。  相似文献   

An essay discussing the challenges and opportunities in global publishing and in particular the are addressing many of the big questions publishers are facing today which arise from the marriage of content and technology. Includes examination of three major verticals (STM, Education and Trade publishing) and considers the possibilities offered by cross-industry collaboration to evolve global standards.  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   

在我国出版业的改革改制中,政企分开、政事分离的任务已经基本完成.许多出版单位,包括一些新成立的出版集团都是从原行政机关脱离出来的,目前这些出版单位都在忙于改革与改制,进行组织结构调整、人员调整、资源整合、市场整合,一些出版单位还在实行企业流程再造、管理信息系统的建立.这些都是十分必要的,走出这一步将为我国出版业发展提供新的机遇、良好的发展平台、广阔的发展前景.但许多出版单位转制后,发展势头并不快,内部矛盾还有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

陈璐颖  宋建武 《编辑之友》2021,(4):19-26,33
5G技术将开启出版业由数字化向数据化转型的新阶段.内容生产方面,海量用户和机器直接参与内容生产,改变了生产主体间的关系,重构了出版流程;内容呈现方面,超高速率和超低时延的5G网络将提升虚拟现实内容的用户体验,各类传感器接入网络将推进数据的广泛采集,促进多维度数据的可视化呈现;内容分发方面,信息载体的泛在化将带来全新的内容产品形态,促进内容的场景化分发,内容数据与用户数据的匹配则为内容精准化分发提供了可能.面对5G技术带来的挑战,出版机构应集中优势资源建设智能出版平台,连接出版行业的多元主体,将自身从内容传播的中间商转变为内容服务平台的运营商.  相似文献   

With the continuous progress of technology, the publishing industry is in the important period of accelerating transformation and upgrading, integration of traditional media and developing new media. We have to face that the traditional book market has been strongly impacted by the e-commerce, on the other hand also respond to the new technology to bring the needs of the reader changes to the publishing process. Opportunities and challenges coexist. In this tide, Winshare based on years of traditional publishing and book distribution, is rapidly advancing and upgrading the digital publishing transformation. This article will focus on the four aspects of the integration of technology and publishing industry development, from the market environment, new technologies to promote industry changes, to meet the new needs of consumption, and the changing Winshare practice.  相似文献   

出版产业政策体现政府对出版业的主体构思,中国加入世界贸易组织后出版产业政策有很大变化.该研究通过对出版产业政策“入世”前后的演变进行分析,从出版产业政策的演变轨迹和演变逻辑两方面着手梳理.“入世”前,出版产业政策针对国内出版经历了架构格局和改制调整两个阶段;“入世”后,出版产业为与国际社会接轨,政策向完善出版法制法规、建设发行集团、与境外出版发行机构合作等方面倾斜,经过了规制出版、优化质量、融合技术三个阶段.伴随演变轨迹的逐步深入,产业逻辑、市场逻辑、规制逻辑贯穿出版产业政策发展的始终.  相似文献   

从出版产业政策调整、出版产业转型和出版单位创意策划能力不足三个方面回顾了出版工作室兴起的产业背景,分析了出版工作室的四项基本职能,重点论述了出版工作室发展对我国出版产业链建设所具有的三个方面的重要意义.  相似文献   

论出版产业链建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在对产业链的内涵进行综述研究的基础上,界定了出版产业链的概念,归纳出了出版产业链的基本特征;在分析困扰当前我国出版产业发展主要问题的基础上,指出了进一步理顺我国出版产销关系,建立顺畅的出版产业链的必要性,并提出了建设我国出版产业链的基本思路。  相似文献   

肖展 《出版经济》2003,(8):49-50
对大多数英语出版商而言,牙买加、特立尼达和多巴哥、巴巴多斯是加勒比海地区三个最大的英语图书市场。从20世纪30年代起,这里就成为英国出版商在英联邦国家里最稳定的市场之一。因此,到加勒比海地区从事图书贸易的商人们,一定要去特立尼达的圣·费尔南多商业街和牙买加的金斯敦商业区。  相似文献   

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