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<正>高中物理的知识点环环相扣,是一门连续性、阶段性学习的综合运用学科,学习的重难点是运功和力学。下面以高中物理必修2中的抛体运动为例研究高中物理高效学习。抛体运动主要分为运动的合成与分解、竖直方向上的抛体运动、平抛运动和斜抛运动,下面我们以竖直方向上的抛体运动为例进行学习方法  相似文献   

斜抛体运动是力学知识的难点之一,研究斜抛体运动的规律是对力学知识的综合应用.能否使学生对斜抛体运动的过程有一个比较直观、清晰、全面的理解是学好这部分知识的关键.本文借助矢量作图法直观地再现了抛体运动的动态过程,并通过矢量图浅显易懂地推导出位移公式和速度公式的矢量形式和标量形式,同时也揭示了其运动轨迹的形成过程.用这种方法可培养学生在“动”中求“静”,在“静”中看“动”的辩证思维过程.给学生留下深刻的印象,明显地提高了这部分内容的教学效果.  相似文献   

张全顺 《天中学刊》2004,19(5):100-101
许多教材中,在处理力学部分的相对运动时,都是从不同参照系描写运动出发来讲述相对运动.这样,使得相对运动的内容显得较抽象,学生接受有困难.中学物理中,学生对抛体运动是很熟悉的.处理抛体运动时,中学物理中采用了将其分解为水平方向上的匀速直线运动和竖直方向上的匀加速直线运动的方法,从而将抛体运动的求解得到了简化.其实,这种方法的依据就是运动叠加原理.可见,运用运动叠加原理求解相对运动问题,往往能使问题变得容易被学生接受,以下通过实例来说明.  相似文献   

新课程标准对“抛体运动”的内容标准是这样规定的:(1)会用运动合成与分解的方法分析抛体运动.(2)关注抛体运动规律与日常生活的联系.教材是课程标准的具体体现,是贯彻课程标准及理念的载体.教学设计时横向比较三个不同版本的教材,以发现他们在内容及研究思路上的差别,有利于提高教学设计的有效性.  相似文献   

郭守月 《中学理科》2005,(10):38-39
斜抛体运动是力学知识的难点之一,研究斜体运动的规律足力学知识的综合应用.能否使学生对斜抛体运动的过程有一个比较直观、清晰、全面的理解是学好这部分知识的关键.本文借助矢量作图法直观地再现了抛体运动的动态过程,并通过矢量图浅显易懂地推导出位移公式和速度公式的矢量形式和标量形式,同时也揭示了其运动轨迹的形成过程.用这种方法能培养学生在“动”中求“静”,在“静”中看“动”的辩证思维过程.给学生留下深刻的印象,明显地提高了这部分内容的教学效果.  相似文献   

刘成华 《物理教师》2008,29(7):25-26
本刊在2007年第12期刊登了《抛体包线方程的推导及其应用例举》一文,该文根据抛体运动的轨迹方程推导出:若抛体在平面内以恒定初速不同的抛射角抛出,得到抛物线族的包络线为抛物线.读后深受启发,对抛体运动的轨迹方程作进一步研究,发现其几个特殊性质,与大家共享.  相似文献   

1 教材分析 抛体运动是本章的重要内容,教科书用了两节课来展开抛体运动的教学过程,它和传统的做法有很大的不同.其中"抛体运动的规律"这一节课相比传统教材有三个特点:  相似文献   

本文结合了作者的教学实践,举例阐述了"几何画板"动态图示在力学教学中的一组应用实例,绘制了抛体运动、圆锥摆运动和与宇宙速度相关的轨迹等动态图示.  相似文献   

1教材分析 抛体运动是本章的重要内容,教科书用了两节课来展开抛体运动的教学过程,它和传统的做法有很大的不同。其中“抛体运动的规律”这一节课相比传统教材有三个特点:  相似文献   

抛体运动是指物体以一定的初速度抛出后,在地面附近不大的范围内仅在重力作用下的运动。在高中物理的学习中,我们会遇到的抛体运动主要有平抛运动、斜上抛运动、斜下抛运动、竖直上抛运动等。我们在遇到抛体运动问题时,若能依据运动的独立性和等时性,将其分解为某两个方向上的直线运动,若能巧妙选择参照物,就可以依据直线运动的规律迅速求解了。一、可以分解到水平方向和竖直方向上的抛体运动因为抛体运动仅受重力作用,所以抛体运动最  相似文献   

A brief account of developments in the experimental and theoretical investigations of Brownian motion is presented. Interestingly, Einstein who did not like God’s game of playing dice for electrons in an atom himself put forward a theory of Brownian movement allowing God to play the dice. The vital role played by his random walk model in the evolution of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and multitude of its applications is highlighted. Also included are the basics of Langevin’s theory for Brownian motion. Shama Sharma is currently working as lecturer at DAV College, Punjab. She is working on some problems in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Vishwamittar is professor in physics at Panjab University, Chandigarh and his present research activities are in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. He has written articles on teaching of physics, history and philosophy of physics.  相似文献   

在普通物理学的力学部分 ,几个常用的定律和定理是 :牛顿定律、动量定理、动量守恒定律、功能原理、机械能守恒定律等 .它们反映了物体运动所遵循的基本规律 ,是解决力学问题的钥匙和原则 .其中最基本的或者最重要的是牛顿第二定律 ,其余各定律或定理都可以通过适当的转换而推导出来 .本文通过对牛顿第二定律的研究 ,找出力学基本规律的内在结构关系及各自成立的条件 ,从而有利于正确灵活使用各定律、定理解决有关物理问题  相似文献   



The relationship between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics is illustrated by considering how we form the images of moving objects. Brownian motion is an helpful example because it can be analyzed in two related, but different frames which show how the images we construct depend on the conditions of our observation and on some intrinsic characters of the observed objects.  相似文献   

三维各向同性谐振子基态能量及波函数的两种计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谐振子运动的研究,无论在理论上还是应用上都具有重要意义。而三维各向同性谐振子是谐振子模型中的较具代表性的模型之一,也是量子力学中的重要模型之一,要正确深入研究此模型,必须分析其基态能量和波函数。文章从两种不同的角度对此问题进行了探讨,即选用不同的坐标系(直角坐标系和球坐标系),采用两种不同的方法(分离变量法和尝试解)计算了三维各向同性谐振子的基态能量和波函数,并对结果进行了相关讨论。  相似文献   

The study and utilisation of pendulum motion has had immense scientific, cultural, horological, philosophical, and educational impact. The International Pendulum Project (IPP) is a collaborative research effort examining this impact, and demonstrating how historical studies of pendulum motion can assist teachers to improve science education by developing enriched curricular material, and by showing connections between pendulum studies and other parts of the school programme especially mathematics, social studies and music. The Project involves about forty researchers in sixteen countries plus a large number of participating school teachers.The pendulum is a universal topic in university mechanics courses, high school science subjects, and elementary school programmes, thus an enriched approach to its study can result in deepened science literacy across the whole educational spectrum. Such literacy will be manifest in a better appreciation of the part played by science in the development of society and culture.  相似文献   

实验教学水平的高低是衡量高校综合教学水平的重要组成因素之一。该文在分析流体力学课程现状和实验课程存在的问题的基础上,提出了引入CFD软件进行流体力学实验教学的必要性,CFD模拟技术具有强大的计算能力,将复杂的流体运动以云图的形式展现,将抽象的理论具体化,提高了实验教学的质量和效率,拓展了实践教学环节,提升了学生的科研能力和职业能力。  相似文献   

This study reports how children switch from intuitive to scientific models of explanation of motion when the numerical conditions in the presented problem are changed. Previous studies have suggested that student knowledge of mechanics may be compartmentalized: their everyday intuition serves in everyday contexts and their scientific model is activated, if ever, in academic contexts. In this study we investigate a case where significant numbers of students appear to draw on different models of motion in what is essentially the same, academic context, i.e. the prediction of the motion of a block on a smooth surface under the action of horizontal forces. Many students exhibit combinations of Aristotelian-like intuitions and Newtonian conceptions depending on the magnitudes of the quantities involved. The students' experience of being taught Newtonian theory in mathematics and physics has small but significant effects on the explanations they offer. The notion of anchoring and bridging is re-examined as a teaching strategy in such situtions.  相似文献   

证明了牵连运动为平面运动时的速度与加速度合成定理,并用实例叙述了定理的应用。这是对理论力学的深化和补充。  相似文献   

The law of inertia is a problem in teaching due to the impossibility of showing the proposition experimentally. As we cannot do an experiment to verify the law, we cannot know if it is correct. On the other hand, we know that the science based upon it is successful. A study in the history of mechanics has shown that there are different foundations for the law but also that the law plays the same role in the science since Newton. To avoid a statement of which we cannot be sure, the present paper proposes to understand the law through its function in the theory. In this case, we do not have to say how a free body moves, but rather that the rectilinear and uniform motion is the motion of reference in Newtonian mechanics.  相似文献   

利用力学原理和麦克斯韦速度分布率,从分子运动理论出发,讨论了惯性系中理想气体的压强,证明了理想气体压强只决定于无规则热运动的分子对器壁的碰撞,而与系统整体的惯性运动无关.  相似文献   

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