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The Scorpion King is back-but this time he's the good guy trying to destroyan evil ruler, free the people of the land and win the love of a sorceress' (女魔法师的) fair.All in a day's work for this hunky(匈牙利人) hero.  相似文献   

Anebbish(无用的人,无足轻重的人) young man gets bitten by a radioactive spider and turns into a web - spinning superhero, doing his best to save a city from the clutches (支配) of evil,while also trying to impress the girl next door. Yep, it's Spidery-time! Story 剧情  相似文献   

The true story of an elite(精锐) group of U. S. soldiers whose peacekeeping mission to Somalia(索马里) turns deadly when hostile (敌方的) civilians mount (准备进行) an unexpected attack. Story (剧情) It's 1993, and a group of some 150 elite Delta(三角洲) Commandos (突击队) and Army Rangers (突击队员) are on their way to Mogadishu(摩加迪沙), Somalia, to hunt down a warlord(将军) who has been intercepting(截取) international food shipments(出货) intended for starving Somalis. Their mission is to capture the warlord's aides at a home in an area heavily controlled by his people. The plan is to drop in via (通  相似文献   

According to this film' s depiction(描述),the mam-mals(哺乳动物) of bygone (过去的) times are more intuitive(富于直觉的),cunning(机灵的), flexible and humorous than carbon dating (碳定年) gives them credit for.  相似文献   

华兹华丝著名的诗歌—《水仙》,勾勒了一幅人与自然融为一体的图景,突现了记忆力的强大,回应了其诗歌理论。  相似文献   

奥斯卡是海底世界一条小鱼儿,一贯爱虚荣,说大话,常常惹麻烦,闯大祸。一次他正好目睹鲨鱼恶帮老大的儿子被渔船的铁锚砸死,利用这一千载难逢的好机会,他摇身一变,成了英勇无比的鲨鱼杀手,成了人们心目中的英雄。然而英雄难过恶帮关,面对鲨鱼黑帮的紧紧追杀,这一次他难逃一劫!唉,说大话丢小命,太不值!  相似文献   

《零下八度》这部影片采取了与纪录片相似的拍摄风格,壮观的南极冰雪世界,惊险的逃亡场面,面临危难下人性的复杂表现,人与其最忠实伙伴狗的依恋,一一展现在人们的眼前,真实震撼、感人至深。  相似文献   

罗歆灵 《海外英语》2012,(20):198-200,203
《麦田里的守望者》被视为美国成长小说的经典。作者J.D.塞林格遵循了美国成长小说"诱惑—出走流浪—迷茫困惑—顿悟"这一基本写作模式,向读者展示了主人公霍尔顿不愿随波逐流过平庸生活,渴望儿童般的纯洁,在试图逃避虚伪成人世界的流浪过程中明白童年的天真无邪短暂易逝,最终接受现实走向社会的心路历程。该文主要基于美国成长小说的这一特殊写作模式对主人公霍尔顿从青春期过渡到成人的成长过程进行细节分析,主要探讨成长小说中"流浪"和"困惑"在青年性格与心理成长过程中的决定性作用。  相似文献   

The Moment:The Rabbit of Seville (1950).Who's to Thank:Chuck Jones(director),Mel Banc (Bugs Bunny).Arthur Q.Bryan(Elmer Fudd),Carl Stalling(music)and Michael Maltese(story)The Setup:Elmer Fudd chases Bugs Bunny into a pro-duction of Rossini's The Barber of Seville.What a maroon.  相似文献   

The Moment:Lucy hawks’Vitameatavegamin(May 5,1952) Who's to Thank:Lucille BallThe Setup2:You knew it would end badly,but you just couldn't have imagined how stink-ing-drunk-like-Foster-Brooks-at-the-Friar's-Club badly.  相似文献   

王娟 《海外英语》2011,(6):289-292
《洛丽塔》作为纳博科夫最具有代表性的经典之作,一直以来都在吸引着全世界批评家的目光。《洛丽塔》是纳博科夫第一部以美国社会背景进行创作的小说。小说主人公亨伯特因其有悖伦理的恋情不仅使《洛丽塔》成为二十世纪最受争议小说之一。本文对《洛丽塔》的分析另辟蹊径,从多种视角对该小说的写作风格进行:1)第一人称和第三人称叙述和亨伯特的双重身份;2)病历和自白书;3)流亡和旅游小说;4)侦探小说;5)童话故事和美女与野兽的故事;6)语言的多样性。该文认为纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》是一部极具艺术特色和文学价值的经典作品,表现了纳博科夫极高的文学创作天赋和艺术造诣。《洛丽塔》是语言的盛宴,充满具有艺术性的构思是一部集多种写作风格之大成之作。希望通过对《洛丽塔》独特的写作风格的探讨,引起更多学者对纳博科夫这位独树一帜的文学家更多的重视,使对他及其作品的研究能够向更深,更广的方向发展。  相似文献   

简·爱从小就是一个孤儿,在里德婶婶家里过着寄人篱下的生活,受尽了虐待。后来又在劳伍德学校生活了十年。她的童年和少年都是在不幸和痛苦中度过的,但是简顽强,而执着地和命运进行抗争。从学校毕业后,简受聘至罗切斯特的桑菲尔德庄园做家庭教师。简虽然相貌平平,但她的深沉自信,她的不卑不亢,她的高洁秉性以及她的才气彻底征服了罗切斯特那颗早已支离破碎的心。而简也不知不觉地爱上了脾气古怪的男主人。正当他们举行婚礼时,却因为罗切斯特已婚而不能结合。简只得黯然离开。罗切斯特的庄园后来因其疯妻纵火而烧掉,罗切斯特也因此成了盲人。简·爱与他心灵感应,从远方赶回庄园,有情人终成眷属。  相似文献   

Story (剧情) Loosely based on the (rather lame) 1960 Rat Pack film,dashing(活跃的), understated(朴素的)-but-cool thief Danny Ocean (George Clooney) orchestrates (组织) the most sophisticated(完善的), elaborate (精心筹划的) casino (娱乐场) heist(抢劫) in history, less than 24 hours after being released fiom jail(监狱). In one night, Danny's handpicked(精选的) 11-man crew of specialists—including an ace(一流的) card sharp (内行,骗子) (Brad Pitt), a young-but-masterful (专横的) pickpocket (Matt Damon) and a demolition(破坏) genius (Don Cheadle)—will attempt to steal over $ 150 million from  相似文献   

《生命赞歌》是美国浪漫主义诗人亨利.华兹华斯.朗费罗创作的一首发人深省的抒情诗歌。它揭示了"珍视生命,抓住现在"这一积极向上的主题,一方面给读者带来视觉、听觉、思想和情感上美的享受,另一方面也充分展示了诗人非凡的审美才能和语言天赋。  相似文献   

Do you like reading?Reading English stories is good for your English study.Let me show you a nice English story-book.One day,Danny went to the museum.He saw dinosaurs.Suddenly,a dinosaur became real(真实的)and talked to Danny.  相似文献   

You think you know me Word on the street is that you do You want my history What others tell you won't be true I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep Nobody's really seen my million subtleties[细微之处] Got stains[污点] on my T-shirt and I'm the biggest flirt[卖俏者] Right now I'm solo, but that will be changing eventually, oh Got bruises[伤痕] on my heart and sometimes I get dark If you want my auto, want my autobiography[自传]  相似文献   

<正>Subject:The brief introduction to English drama from the very beginning to the present time gives usgeneral knowledge about the characteristics of different periods in English drama's history. Special emphasislaid on the trends of drama and the most important dramatists and their representative works. English drama is cme of the most important part in English literature. English plays are theng,energetic and poprlar in Western Culture.  相似文献   

戏剧符号学是一门萌芽于20世纪初并结合了结构语言学和形式主义文学批评的学科。鉴于荒诞派戏剧语言的枯燥性,符码表达至关重要。本文以《等待戈多》为例,分析了剧中相关符码的作用,以帮助读者多角度理解剧本。  相似文献   

Alonely photo technician at a large discountstore develops a twisted obsession to onefamily—and we cringe as he spiralsdownward into his own dark and murky mind. Story  相似文献   

I. Choices 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. A  相似文献   

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