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挑战与行动:面向21世纪的职业培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,特别是面对加入WTO将要带来的种种挑战,中国比以往任何时期都更需要通过职业培训来提高广大劳动者的素质。为此,必须改变鄙薄职业教育的传统观念,加强职业培训队伍建设,以落实就业准入制度为突破口,实现培训与就业紧密结合,从改变政府对职业教育的管理方式入手,提高职业培训的管理效能。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的高分子科学实验课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出将高分子化学、物理、成型加工三门实验课程有机地串联起来,组成一门从高分子材料设计、聚合物合成、物性表征到加工成型,能环环相扣、系统化、柔性化、互动式的高分子科学实验课程的初步设想和实践方案。  相似文献   

文章围绕在新西兰Unitec理工学院进修学习主题"面向21世纪的教学策略",就高等教育的教学观和建构主义教学法等7个方面的内容作了重点介绍,梳理和研究其理论来源,并探讨其对地方院校教学实践和改革的启示.  相似文献   

We have something in photography that is called a zone system . . . the zone system is completely constructed around what makes white people look best. It is our system and our theory – photo theory – for understanding what a good print is, and it is based on white skin. So the very base of photography and the way that photography has been developed in the West as a science, because that’s what most of it is, is based on ideas of whiteness. What would have happened, for instance, if photography, had been developed in Japan? The images would look very different, and what is theoretically impossible or even practically acceptable would be very, very different as well. [Carrie Mae Weems in conversation with bell hooks, Art on my Mind. pp. 91–92] We face as a nation the deep, profoundly perturbed and perturbing question of our relationship to others – other cultures, states, histories, experiences, traditions, peoples, destinies. There is no Archimedian point beyond the question from which to answer it; there is no advantage outside the actuality of relationships among cultures, among us and others; no one has the epistemological privilege of somehow judging, evaluating, and interpreting the world free from the encumbering interests and engagements of the ongoing relationships themselves. [Ibid. p. 65]  相似文献   

This is an exciting time to be a biologist. The advances in our field and the many opportunities to expand our horizons through interaction with other disciplines are intellectually stimulating. This is as true for people tasked with helping the field move forward through support of research and education projects that serve the nation''s needs as for those carrying out that research and educating the next generation of biologists. So, it is a pleasure to contribute to this edition of CBE—Life Sciences Education. This column will cover three aspects of the interactions of physics and biology as seen from the viewpoint of four members of the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation. The first section places the material to follow in context. The second reviews some of the many interdisciplinary physics–biology projects we support. The third highlights mechanisms available for supporting new physics–biology undergraduate education projects based on ideas that arise, focusing on those needing and warranting outside support to come to fruition.  相似文献   

专业课教学是高等院校本科生教学中的重要环节。本文对如何搞好《集成电路工艺原理》课进行了一些初步尝试,同时对今后如何进一步加快专业课教学的改革步伐提出了一些新的设想。  相似文献   

教育体制改革一直是我国教育改革的重要内容,当前,又面临来自多方面的挑战,出现了一些新的问题和矛盾。在新世纪里,以建立健全中国特色社会主义教育体制为目标的创新,应当是我国教育体制的选择。  相似文献   

本文以近20年来生命科学领域所取得的巨大成就为依据,论述了21世纪生命科学在自然科学中的领头地位。同时,对21世纪生命科学的几个重要研究领域和人才培养进行了评述。  相似文献   

21世纪堪称生命科学的世纪。实验技术是生命科学创立和发展的基石。现代生命科学呼唤与时俱进的实验技术,从而既造福于人类,又促进生命科学的发展。  相似文献   

冯茜 《煤炭高等教育》2005,23(3):98-99,102
高等师范院校中文专业的外国文学教学.需要进行教学重心、教学观念、教学手段和方法的转变,从而适应21世纪的信息时代人才培养的需求。  相似文献   

This paper offers a review and critique of research carried out over the past 15 to 20 years designed to investigate the effects of various types of day care provision on the development of preschool children. It is argued that in view of the diversity of provision offered in different countries, simple, global, generalisations about the effects ofout‐of‐home, preschool experience on later development can not be sensibly justified. The fact that type and quality of care varies widely within and between countries must be taken into consideration if accurate assessments of the impact of day care on children's social, emotional and intellectual development are to be made. Also, in assessing the effects of care, it is important to recognise and take account of, the relationships between a child's home environment and the characteristics of his or her preschool experience. It is argued that conflicting results from previous studies can best be evaluated in terms of a model which looks at the balance between the quality of a child's home experience and that of his or her day care experience. The paper also discusses new findings which are beginning to emerge from international, comparative research projects on the effects of preschool care, and calls for greater efforts to be made in co‐ordinating cross‐national research in the future.  相似文献   

水利是农业和整个经济建设的生命线,水利事业需要高素质的职工队伍,提高职工队伍整体素质要靠教育。在论述教育在水利事业中重要地位的基础上,提出了水利教育面向21世纪的发展目标、运行机制和发展战略构想。  相似文献   

为应对全球化、知识时代与科技发展等挑战,各国或地区结合自身经济、社会和教育发展需求,从不同角度提出了面向21世纪的核心素养。这些素养需通过多层次的复杂教育系统最终落实到实践中。由于核心素养提出的时间并不长,全球总体上很多地区尚处于框架制订和论证阶段,还缺少广泛的、系统的教育实践;其实践效果在学生身上得以体现也尚需一段时日,因此对核心素养教育的实践成效展开述评为时尚早。但各个国家、地区或国际组织官方文件和相关研究报告中所展现出的实例,可反映出其对21世纪核心素养教育推进方式与途径的思考和认识。这些实例显示,课程、教学与评价三者均需围绕核心素养进行整体设计,具体包括要选用真实情景、以学生为中心展开教学、依托多样化的测评,引导和推进21世纪素养教育。  相似文献   

Education reform cannot be limited to what goes on in the classroom. Innovation does not inevitably lead to change until and unless the innovators take back control over factors exogenous to the classroom, factors like pre-college selection, outside testing, accreditation requirements, and class size. If nothing else changes, even the most promising of the curricular, pedagogical, laboratory, and classroom innovations will fail, unless the input/output flow of students is changed as well.  相似文献   

本以《力学》的教材建设、物理学思想、教学内容、教学手段和教学方法等方面阐述了21世纪物理专业人才知识、能力和素质的培养对《力学》教学的要求。  相似文献   

当今中学历史教学,过分强调政治教育、应试工具功能,知识学习代替了能力的培养,教育目标极为偏颇.面向21世纪的中学历史教育应是为通才的教育奠定人文素质基础;为公民人格的养成提供正确的国家意识和国际意识;为高素质人才的成长提供创造性思维能力的训练.  相似文献   

讨论了21世纪对教育的需求特点,多媒体网络环境下教学模式,及高校发展远距离教学的必要性。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the changing patterns ofresourcing (financing) education in thetwenty-first century. It identifies five trendsthat are altering the resourcing and provisionof education through their impact on theorganization of education systems. As aconsequence of these trends, it puts forwardthe view that the role of government ischanging from direct provider of education toone of regulator of the education industry.  相似文献   

今天我想说两个问题。第一个问题是 :2 1世纪中国高等教育面临的大背景 ,或者是在 2 1世纪建设一个什么样的高等教育。第二个问题是 :完善体制改革 ,深化教学改革 ,强化教育思想观念的改革。要从过去“教育体制改革是关键 ,教学改革是核心 ,教育思想观念的改革是先导”的 ,关键、核心、先导过渡到完善、深化和强化。第一个问题是 ,进入 2 1世纪以后 ,建设一个什么样的高等教育 ?这是我们近几年一直在思考的问题。现在已经进入 2 1世纪了 ,我们中国的高等教育怎么办。或者说 2 1世纪中国高等教育面临大的背景和环境是什么 ,我想有几点可以提…  相似文献   

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