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Two experiments investigating odor production and utilization in rats under the effects of Thorazine and Elavil injections, respectively, are reported. In Experiment 1, significantly slower speeds shown by the Thorazine-injected subjects indicated that this drug depressed performance. It is felt that depressed performance allowed these subjects to attend and respond to odor cues earlier in Phase 1 than did saline-injected control animals. Reversing the injection conditions (Phase 2) failed to disrupt already-established patterning. During the first phase of Experiment 2, Elavil-injected subjects failed to establish patterned responding, whereas such responding was readily established by saline-injected subjects. Reversing the injection conditions (Phase 2) resulted in the rapid development of double-alternation patterning by the subjects that were shifted from Elavil to saline and in the maintenance of such responding by the animals shifted from saline to Elavil.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch) were tested in three two-choice visual discrimination experiments. Although, on average, squirrel monkeys performed more accurately than titis, the range of response accuracies in the two species overlapped considerably in all three experiments and changes in response accuracy over test sessions and across experiments were similar in the two species. Thus, the species shared several behavioral characteristics expected of New World primates in this setting. Squirrel monkeys’ performance appeared to be more affected than titis’ by task difficulty, and squirrel monkeys were individually less consistent than titis. These differences were associated with higher activity levels and briefer overt attentiveness to the repetitive task in squirrel monkeys and, conversely, with lower activity levels, slower working speeds, and sustained interest in the task in titis. The associated differences are discussed in relation to each species performance in other laboratory settings and the characteristic patterns of foraging and use of space in nature.  相似文献   

This is not the profile or an account of the scientific contributions of an individual but a sharing of personal experience with a visionary, missionary and grass-root researcher — Yelavarthy Nayudamma — who made the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) rise to glory. His is a life that raises the hopes and aspirations of youth from small towns. His contributions are part of a living legacy. His research on the shrinkage1 phenomena of leather and the theory of tanning has stood the test of time. His leadership qualities carry many lessons for leaders of scientific establishments for generations to come. The League of Nations heeded as Nayudamma spoke for the cause of developing nations and for connecting science to development. Theory and practice for him were like two eyes essential for depth vision. For many who knew him he is a living inspirational spirit — his legacy lives long after his passing away in a tragic air crash in 1985.  相似文献   

Generally, a person who is diagnosed as dyslexic remains diagnosably dyslexic all his/her life. However, occasionally, an individual compensates for his/her difficulties in some way, and by adulthood is no longer diagnosably dyslexic. In what ways are these compensated dyslexics different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics? We compared IQ, achievement test, and spelling error scores in adult dyslexics, adult nondyslexics, and adult compensated dyslexics (N=25) in the two studies reported here. The second study differed from the first in that the subjects were matched for age, education, IQ, and SES. In both studies, compensateds were significantly different from nondyslexics on the WRAT Spelling subtest and Reading Quotient scores. In the second study the compensateds differed from the nondyslexics in total raw score and average reading speed on Gray Oral Reading Test. On the other hand, they were different from dyslexics on all reading and spelling variables in both studies, except for PIAT Reading Comprehension in Study 2. Finally, in Study 2, the compensateds were different from both dyslexics and nondyslexics in average reading speed. In conclusion, it appears that compensation does not result from differences in IQ, education, or SES, though it may be influenced to some extent by sex. Compensateds appear very similar to nondyslexics in their reading and spelling skills; however, there appears to be a difference in the automaticity with which they apply these skills.  相似文献   

Certain mathematical concepts were not introduced to solve a specific open problem but rather to solve different problems with the same tools in an economic formal way or to unify several approaches: such concepts, as some of those of linear algebra, are presumably difficult to introduce to students as they are potentially interwoven with many types of difficulties as formal ones and far away from the actual knowledge of the students. The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology for studying the introduction of such concepts in linear algebra during tutorial sessions at the beginning of university, the wording of the concepts being yet presented during lectures. For this purpose, we amend a general methodology of Pariès, Robert and Rogalski inside the general framework of Activity Theory. This methodology lets us take into account several specificities of these concepts and studies the mathematical activity the teacher organises for students and the way he manages the relationship between students’ actual activities and mathematical tasks. We also present an implementation of this methodology based on a French university course to illustrate our approach and discuss its possibilities.  相似文献   

Separate groups of rats were trained and tested on asymmetrically and symmetrically reinforced successive delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) or delayed discrimination (DD) tasks in Experiment 1. Each rat received training and testing on symmetrically reinforced DMTS and DD tasks in Experiment 2. The only difference between each task was that the rats had to respond correctly to a light or tone test stimulus, S2, if it matched a light or tone sample stimulus, S1, in DMTS, but could respond to either S2 if S1 had been a particular stimulus in DD. Only correct leverpresses were reinforced in the asymmetrically reinforced version of each task. Both correct presses and correct omissions were reinforced in the symmetrically reinforced version of each task. Response biases to leverpress during tests for delayed responding to S1 were reduced in both symmetrically reinforced tasks, but only in the DD task did such contingencies produce consistently poorer performance in responding to either S, in Experiment 1. Declines in accuracy of performance that occurred in both experiments were greater to the visual than to the auditory S1 only in the DMTS tasks with increased intervals between S1 and S2. A third experiment, in which rats had to respond to S2 if it matched S1 (DMTS) or if S2 mismatched S, (DMmTS), was carried out. Modality of S1 similarly affected accuracy of delayed responding in each task, as in the first two experiments. Methodological and theoretical implications of these results are discussed in terms of Honig and Thompson’s (1982) dual-process theory of working memory.  相似文献   

Danilo Dolci 《Prospects》1973,3(2):137-146
The writings of Danilo Dolci have been translated into many languages; he himself has lectured around the world on his theories and activities. In a number of countries organizations have been formed for the sole purpose of supporting and extending his programme.Born in the north of Italy, Danilo Dolci has identified himself with the lot of the poor peasants of Sicily. Faced with the power of the Mafia, supported by a number of politicians, he has endeavoured to organize the peasants in co-operatives which might successfully resist those who exploited them. As a consequence, he has encountered the hostility of local authorities and has been imprisoned on several occasions.One of his best-known books is entitledThe Man who Plays Alone (Chi gioca solo), a reference to a Sicilian proverb: The man who plays alone never loses. Danilo Dolci had to fight not only against the Mafia and their allies but also—he affirms—against this Sicilian tendency to go it alone, to avoid all social entanglements except for the immediate family. He has succeeded to a great extent, and a number of Sicilian co-operatives are now functioning successfully. One striking accomplishment has been the building of a dam which is helping to irrigate the farms over a wide area.The keynotes of his activity are co-operation and dialogue. In the preparatory phase of the new centre which he is in the process of creating in Partinico, he has not only consulted educators and psychologists; he has brought together for group discussion the children themselves, and also their parents, so that the school might meet the needs and desires of those most directly concerned by the educational process, rather than merely accepting the decisions by outsiders who know what is best for the children. Among his numerous publications are: Conversazioni, Chi gioca solo, Inventare il futuro, Chissà se i pesci piangono.  相似文献   

The delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) task was used in three experiments to investigate how pigeons code information about sample stimuli. In all experiments, each trial consisted of a signaled presentation of a sample stimulus for a fixed duration followed, after some delay, by the presentation of three comparison stimuli. After incorrect first choices, the bird was allowed a second choice between the remaining two stimuli. It was found, in Experiment 1, that the probability of a second choice error declined with increasing sample duration. This result is consistent with a gradual short-term memory encoding process but not with a simple two-state all-or-none process. In the second experiment, it was found that the distribution of first-choice errors was affected by the particular sample occurring on a trial. This result is inconsistent with a two-stage discrete state memory/attention model based on the assumption that encoding of the sample and attention to the comparison stimuli are both independent all-or-none processes. The third experiment involved symbolic DMTS, in which the sample stimuli varied along a dimension different from that along which the comparison stimuli varied. With increasing delay between sample and comparison stimulus presentations, the pigeons were more likely to confuse test stimuli than to confuse sample stimuli. The results of these experiments lead to the conclusion that pigeon DMTS performance depends on a gradual encoding process in which a representation isomorphic with the test stimuli is generated and maintained.  相似文献   

The usual procedure in delayed-matching-to-sample (DMTS) experiments is that the most recently presented sample stimulus is correct on choice tests. The present paper reports two experments in which the first of two samples was always correct. Theories based on trace strength, such as the Roberts and Grant trace strength competition model, predict that such a procedure will yield below chance performance, because on the average the more recently presented stimulus will have the greater trace strength. In contrast, D’Amato and others have proposed that DMTS performance is mediated by a temporal discrimination process and, since either stimulus may act as S+ in a discrimination problem, monkeys should be capable of learning to choose either the secondor the first of two sample stimuli. Performance did not exceed chance in either experiment. The generality of these results is tentatively explored.  相似文献   

“The Scientific Method” as it has been portrayed in popular and introductory contexts has been declared a myth. The variation that one finds in introductory presentations of “The Scientific Method” is explained by the fact that there is no canonical account among historians and philosophers of science. What, in particular, is wrong with “The Scientific Method”? This essay provides a fairly comprehensive survey of shortcomings of “The Scientific Method”. Included are corrections to several misconceptions that often accompany such presentations. Rather than treating “The Scientific Method” as a useful approximation or an ideal, the myth should be discarded. Lessons can be learned for introductory pedagogical contexts from considering the shortcomings of the myth.  相似文献   

Informal observations of Prolog learners showed that, despite being presented with correct information and models, students still tended to construct their own idiosyncratic explanations of events, and, characteristically, they defended these ‘stories’ fiercely when tutorial intervention was attempted. Although the stories were often so flawed that the student's future progress was potentially hampered, it was nevertheless true that learning could not have proceeded at all without them. It seems that if we are to understand the novice Prolog programmer, we need to know about these stories, their source, and what, if anything, they have in common from one learner to another. Pain and Bundy (1987) posed the question “What stories should we tell novice Prolog programmers?” in order to teach them Prolog. In our research, we ask: “What stories do novices Prolog programmers tell themselves?” in order to learn Prolog. Observational studies undertaken showed that students used tacit knowledge of human discourse processes both to interpret the language used to communicate with the computer and to interpret the behaviour of the machine. Students did not appreciate the fundamental differences between natural discourse (as takes place amongst humans) and formal discourse (as takes place between humans and machines), and confused elements of the discourse levels. This can be an effective initial learning strategy, but unless its limitations are recognised, programs are inevitably incomplete at some level. Examples from these studies are reported here with illustrative protocol fragments.  相似文献   

Gordon and his associates (e.g., Gordon & Feldman, 1978,Learning and Motivation,9, 164–178; Feldman & Gordon, 1979,Learning and Motivation,10, 198–210; Gordon, Taylor, & Mower, 1981,American Journal of Psychology,94, 309–322) have reported that a reactivation treatment significantly enhances memory for prior forcings in delayed alternation using rats. The reactivation treatment consisted of placing the rat in the goal arm to which it had been forced previously on that trial. The confinement occurred in the absence of food and was 5 sec in duration. The present experiments explored the possibility that the treatment might influence performance by affording an opportunity for new information to be acquired during the confinement period. Evidence consistent with this view was found in that (1) accuracy was reduced on trials in which the initial event was a 5-sec confinement to the arm opposite that of the target forcing and (2) increasing the duration of the confinement from 5 to 15 to 45 sec increased the magnitude of this effect. It was concluded that the effectiveness of goal-arm confinement as a reactivation treatment does not necessarily implicate processes of retrieval in delayed alternation behavior.  相似文献   

In recent years, instructors, academic programs, and innovative educational institutions have begun utilizing self-directed learning concepts and contract learning structures for assumed development of student self-directed learning outcomes. However, prior investigations of development of self-directed learning have been hortative in form or have examined correlative relationships of self-directed behavior with specific learner characteristics. Does learner participation in a self-directed contract learning course influence his/her future behavior and attitudes toward self-directed learning? This study examined the impact of a self-directed contract learning course upon participant self-directed learning behavior and attitudes. Findings of this study were examined from three forms of impact evaluation. Significant positive gains were noted on participant pre- and postgain scores on the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS). Course evaluations noted a majority of positive participant responses regarding perceived changes in knowledge and skill of self-directed learning as well as reported value of the course experience. The third form of impact evaluation came from observational diaries analysis. Diaries from selected students and the instructor were analyzed for major themes and transitions. A discussion of these themes and transition points are presented in a framework analysis of the Fuller and Bown “Concerns model.” Findings are discussed for their varying significance in understanding the development of self-directed learning behavior.  相似文献   

Fauquet, M. “Pour une formation des enseignants à et par l'audiovisuel,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 7‐23.

Teacher education geared to modern times has to deal with a new and double demand. The development of audiovisual educational technologies demands from an institution that it “educates” a teacher capable of incorporating these innovations into his practice. A training for the educational use of audio visuals presupposes an initiation into the production of audiovisual aids. It implies even more the study of semiology as well as that of psychological and sociological factors in the learning processes and communication aimed at the achievement of educational goals. This training has to be embedded in an education through the considered use of audiovisual aids. In a world where conditioning forces are ever increasing in strength it is essential that the teacher “educates himself” in such a way that he ensures his autonomy and favours that of his pupils. The strategy defined here makes possible a formative evaluation of the teacher training process. It takes as a starting point the awareness brought about by a supervised autoscopy and by discontinued teacher‐training‐periods inspires by micro‐teaching techniques which are themselves improved by sequential training techniques.  相似文献   

《红楼梦》中,贾宝玉自比"老杨树"是有深义的。"杨树"这一意象代表了贾宝玉的平民思想,体现了贾宝玉的逍遥感和虚无感。同时,"杨树"也是红楼女儿花的保护树。"坟"这一意象在《红楼梦》中也有着特殊的美学意义。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(3):135-140
This article offers ways to understand how a fifth‐grade resistant writer positioned himself socially and academically within classroom writing practices and how these positions influenced literacy learning. Classroom writing practices enabled the student to explore the possibilities of who he was as he determined what types of learning were socially available to him. The student's voice is heard to describe how he was using writing in creative ways to position himself. He engaged in positional writing practices to create spaces for himself to influence and to examine his and others' positions. Effective instructional approaches and implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

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