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The 1975 Reform of Higher Education

The reform of higher education resolved on by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) in 1975 and implemented from July 1, 1977, was preceded by long preparations. During the 1960s — as before and after that decade, though with different emphases — quantitative problems relating to the labour market had carried a lot of weight in the planning of higher education. Even when the decision to reform higher education is regarded as part of the democratization of Swedish education, the main focus of attention has been on such outward planning questions as numbers of students and localization. Insofar as qualitative issues have been considered, the approach to them has often been one-dimensional, the implication being that there was one type of knowledge which was best, and that this knowledge should be transmitted to everybody or to as many people as possible. The technological approach to education fitted in nicely with this basic view. It was assumed that exact educational objectives could be stated — they expressed the best knowledge already referred to — and that the achievement of those objectives would then be a limited executive task of a technical and administrative nature.  相似文献   

The discourse of urban science education is often framed by discussions of achievement gaps and limited resources. Although these realities are part of the urban education landscape, they focus on deficits—what urban youth and their teachers and schools lack. We argue that it is more productive to frame urban science education as a function of place. Place, in the urban classroom, accounts not only for the physical spaces of the community but also for the historical and sociocultural dimensions that play out as people interact with and in place. We argue that becoming an insider within the multidimensions of place is critical to science teaching environments that value and sanction their students' unofficial and often non-dominant ways of knowing.  相似文献   

Rival Conceptions of Practice in Education and Teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some initial reflections on the theoretical status of philosophy of education suggest that it seems appropriate to regard education and teaching as practices in some sense. Following a distinction between teaching as an institutional and professional role and teaching as a more basic form of moral association, however, some key aspects of this distinction are explored via a contrast between MacIntyrean notions of moral and social practice and more mainstream Aristotelian virtue-ethics concepts of moral character and agency. The paper proceeds to argue that, notwithstanding any and all pressure to regard teaching in institutional and professional contexts as a form of technical or managerial expertise directed to specific social ends, neither teaching nor the moral ends which it more widely serves seem reducible to practices in any such socially defined sense.  相似文献   

The aim of this mainly theoretical article is to sketch a curriculum model, based upon Stenhouse (1975), for the education of primary school teachers with a focus on their teaching of science. Arising from practical concerns, the purpose is to outline a framework for creative compliance with the more retrogressive characteristics of the national requirements. A distinction between training and education leads to a conceptualization of education as a process of becoming. This is applied to aspects of science and to aspects of education separately, and then brought together to envisage a moderated approach to the teaching and the assessment of student teachers which could guide practice.  相似文献   

Theories,generalisation and practice in distance education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Otto Peters was the first Vice‐Chancellor (or Rektor) of the Distance Teaching University in West Germany, The Fernuniversitat, a post he occupied from 1975‐84. Since that time he has been mainly occupied with research. His interpretation of distance study as an industrialised form of teaching and learning has attracted unusual attention. It is often referred to in discussions about distance education, and has been quoted and dealt with more than 50 times in the literature since Borje Holmberg and Desmond Keegan first began reporting it in the late seventies and early eighties. As can be expected with such a controversial issue discussion of it suffers from a number of misunderstandings. Otto Peters agreed to respond to them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contention that achievement in research is a prerequisite for effective teaching in higher education. It also explores university level teaching more generally with the purpose of examining the links between teaching and research. Concept mapping, in particular, is described as a means of exploring both the knowledge structures of experts (teachers and researchers) and the cognitive changes that are indicative of meaningful learning among students. We use the approach to suggest that rich and complex networks are indicative of expert status, but that these are seldom made explicit to students in the course of teaching. Instead, simple, linear structures comprise most lesson plans or teaching sequences. This linearity is often made transparent through the lecturers’ use of PowerPoint presentations to structure teaching. Thus the transmission mode of teaching predominates in HE and evidence of authentic research‐led teaching remains scant. This is likely to reinforce surface learning outcomes among university students and be an impediment to the emergence of expert status. The linear chains that are commonly espoused in teaching lend themselves to rote learning strategies rather than to individual meaning making. The approach we describe here has the potential to reinstate expert status as the prime qualification for teaching in higher education. Where concept mapping is used to share and explore knowledge structures between students and experts, then learning can be shown to occur in ways that are synonymous with research and discovery. Using this approach, the teacher–student distinction becomes legitimately blurred so that the sharing and advancement of knowledge are concomitant. In conclusion, we suggest that this is a basis for a pedagogy that is appropriate to HE and distinct from the compulsory sector.  相似文献   

比较了《辞海》、部分教育学、教学论等著作中关于教学原则的论述,指出这些论述既不完全一样,又具有基本的一致性。指出还存在教学原则的另一类表达:关于教学应遵循的基本要求的论述就起到教学原则的作用,可以称为教学原则的广义表达。在地理学科教学原则方面也是这样。就地理教学应该遵循的基本要求来说,地理课程标准中关于教学的要求就起到了地理教学原则的作用。  相似文献   

短语动词由动词和小品词(介词或空间副词)两部分构成,表达一个不可分割的动词概念。传统语言学侧重于研究其句法特点,相比之下,认知语义学的研究的更能揭示其语义和句法的实质。本文运用认知语义学的基本理论对带"up"短语动词中小品词"up"的语义,短语动词的整体意义以及动词与小品词的相互作用进行分析,从而探讨这种分析方法对短语动词教学的一些启示。  相似文献   

动词приказывать1和命令1在深层语义结构及释义内容上基本一致,但二者在表层句法结构中不完全对应。从语义学角度出发,利用莫斯科语义学派的元语言释义理论、支配模式理论对动词приказывать1/命令1的语义进行俄、汉的对比分析,直观地揭示俄汉语中该动词在句法语义方面的差异,以更好地指导外语教学。借助词汇函数,全面描写关键词的词汇搭配情况,确定与其在意义上存在联系的所有词(词组)。该研究成果有利于机器翻译的发展,同时也为其他言语行为动词的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

多词动词是英语教学和英语学习中的难点之一.作为一种特殊的动词,它有其本身特有的一些词汇特征,如转类性、动态性以及表达形式的丰富性等.了解这些特征有助于更好地掌握和使用多词动词.  相似文献   

大学生学习获得感是"获得感"的下位概念,特指大学生群体在校学习生活中的获得感,具有普遍性与差别性相统一、客观性与主观性相统一、生成性与终结性相统一的特征,与幸福感、学习满意度等概念既有联系又存在区别。大学生学习获得感的要素主要包括资源拥有感、个人成长感、成就达成感。大学生学习获得感的研究拓展了"人民获得感"的外延,反映了高校落实"立德树人"根本任务的要求,更有助于促进高校课堂教学观念的转变和课程教学的改革;其生成建立在个体期待的基础上,是大学生通过个人付出,利用各方资源和条件,努力实现预期目标,对客观回报、目标达成度等进行再评价进而产生获得感,最终形成身份认同的动态过程。  相似文献   

Recently, developmentally appropriate practices have been distinguished from traditional practices and have been advocated as one way to reform primary general education classrooms. Relatively little research has examined the efficacy of developmentally appropriate versus traditional practices. In particular, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of this approach for students with disabilities. This study examined the relationship between primary teachers' implementation of developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching methods and the mathematics achievement of general and special education students. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used to measure the mathematics teaching practices used with general and special education students. Because developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching practices are often characterized in terms of a continuum, principal components methods were used to generate continuous composite variables that described teacher presentation, materials, grouping, and curriculum. The outcome measure was a curriculum- based measure of mathematics achievement. Principal components results showed that the composite variables most clearly associated with the developmentally appropriate v. traditional continuum were not related to mathematics achievement. Instead, consistent with previous research, achievement was associated with a reported measure of instruction that emphasized mathematical processing and strategy instruction. Further, a reported "laissez faire" method that emphasized individual student choice and treated special education students like general education students was negatively related to achievement, as was placement in special education class.  相似文献   

情态动词是一种复杂的语言现象,其意义的多取向辨析对人类来说是一个极其复杂的认知过程。情态动词之间具有非常细微的含义变化,与其他词类相比,情态动词的习得对二语学习者来说显得更为困难。认知语言学的出现为解释和理解语言现象提供了新的视角,也为语言教学特别是二语教学提供了新的方法。在大学英语二语教学实践中,恰当引入相关认知语言学概念,对提高教学效果有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

教师职业幸福感群体缺失的制度困境与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业幸福感体现着教师的职业认知、职业素养和职业价值观,是构成教师职业动力、职业道德和教育伦理体系的重要基础,体现为教师不仅满足于自己日常教育教学工作和教育成就感、遵守一定的教育伦理规范,而且对教育伦理具有深切的认同感,将教育伦理作为自己的生命追求去恪守。基于教师教育终身发展的视角探讨了普通中小学教师职业幸福感缺失的制度成因,并反思重建尊重教师个性和教师终身发展的内生性教师制度变革。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the role of teacher racial identity on teaching strategy and the treatment of race in classroom discussions. I explicate how the pattern of minimizing the negative racial comments made to English language learners played out in participants’ teaching and how it is reflective of socially constructed notions of race and racial discourse. The treatment of racial issues, in this sense, can be seen as a microcosm of larger social, historical, and political factors that shape individuals’ thinking about equity and diversity. I argue that by analyzing these underlying factors in teacher education courses, the unconscious and often subtle ways that stereotypes based on race, culture, or English language proficiency, can be demystified and disrupted.  相似文献   

Alex Kendall 《Literacy》2008,42(3):123-130
In this paper I will argue that while young adult readers may often be represented through ‘othering’ discourses that see them as ‘passive’, ‘uncritical’ consumers of ‘low‐brow’, ‘throw‐away’ texts, the realities of their reading lives are in fact more subtle, complex and dynamic. The paper explores the discourses about reading, identity and gender that emerged through discussions with groups of young adults, aged between 16 and 19, about their reading habits and practices. These discussions took place as part of a PhD research study of reading and reader identity in the context of further education in the Black Country in the West Midlands. Through these discussions the young adults offered insights into their reading cultures and the ‘functionality’ of their reading practices that contest the kinds of ‘distinction[s]’ that tend to situate them as the defining other to more ‘worthy’ or ‘valuable’ reading cultures and practices. While I will resist the urge to claim that this paper represents the cultures of young adult readers in any real or totalising sense I challenge the kinds of dominant, reductive representations that serve to fix and demonise this group and begin to draw a space within which playfulness and resistance are alternatively offered as ways of being for these readers.  相似文献   

Recently, developmentally appropriate practices have been distinguished from traditional practices and have been advocated as one way to reform primary general education classrooms. Relatively little research has examined the efficacy of developmentally appropriate versus traditional practices. In particular, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of this approach for students with disabilities. This study examined the relationship between primary teachers' implementation of developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching methods and the mathematics achievement of general and special education students. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used to measure the mathematics teaching practices used with general and special education students. Because developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching practices are often characterized in terms of a continuum, principal components methods were used to generate continuous composite variables that described teacher presentation, materials, grouping, and curriculum. The outcome measure was a curriculum- based measure of mathematics achievement. Principal components results showed that the composite variables most clearly associated with the developmentally appropriate v. traditional continuum were not related to mathematics achievement. Instead, consistent with previous research, achievement was associated with a reported measure of instruction that emphasized mathematical processing and strategy instruction. Further, a reported “laissez faire” method that emphasized individual student choice and treated special education students like general education students was negatively related to achievement, as was placement in special education class.  相似文献   

语感作为人把握语言的主要方式,它的好坏直接关系到一个人语言学习能力的高低和语言学习效果的优劣。本就语感和它在语言学习中的作用;语言学习的任务与语感的关系;设计语感教学,培养语感能力3个方面的问题比较了前人的理论成果,并阐述了自己的认识和见解。  相似文献   

中美小学教育在课程设置、教学内容、教材选取、授课方式、成绩评定等方面存在显著差异.这些差异源于双方基础教育理念上的根本不同:中国基础教育的本质特征是B型血的智力竞争型教育,偏重知识性的成绩比拼,应试教育痕迹明显;美国基础教育则是兴趣与快乐主导的O型血教育,注重激发学生潜能和自主求知意识,强调教师、家长和社会的全员参与.这种区别,直接关系到学生高等教育阶段的知识获取与创新意识,成为教育改革牵一发而动全身的重要环节.  相似文献   

以本校优秀典型素材作为"原理"课教学案例具有较强的针对性、贴近性和感染性。须充分提炼本校优秀典型案例,加强大学生思想政治教育:以道德模范为榜样,加强大学生责任感教育;以自主创业为典范,加强大学生就业观教育;以优秀获奖为个案,加强大学生自信心教育;以《教育人生》专访片为题材,加强大学生集体归属感教育。  相似文献   

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