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在一般人眼中,中等学历者找个好工作不容易,更与"高薪"、"白领"等字眼无缘.然而,随着社会的发展,各式各样的新职业不断涌现,很多低门槛的职业,其收入已经跨入了"白领高薪"阶层."速录师"就是这其中发展最快、人气最旺的职业.  相似文献   

五一劳动节的时候,<羊城晚报>刊登了一组文章,题目是<五一节关注劳动者·"七领"旺羊城>.文章将劳动者按照职业特点统统地划归到了"七领"范围之中.这"七领"除了我们常说的"金领"、"白领"、"蓝领"、"灰领"而外,还有"粉领"、"彩领"和"无领".  相似文献   

优雅的女性需懂得让面部晶莹剔透的诀窍,借助粉底与干粉上妆,无论是塑造古铜色的"海滩妆",还是淡雅清新的"白领职业妆",都会使你无往不胜.  相似文献   

在一般人眼中,当前连大学生都难找好工作的时代.中等学历更是与“高薪”“白领”无缘的、然而随着社会的发展各式各样的新职业不断涌现很多低门槛的职业其收人已经跨入了“白领高薪”阶层“速录师”就是这其中发展最快人气最旺的职业之一。  相似文献   

眼下被奉为职场生存宝典的<杜拉拉升职记>迎来疯狂追捧.其实所谓职场,并不是白领的专利.作为一名师范专业的毕业生最顺其自然的职场就是学校了.而在学校,教师肩负着培养全面发展的高素质人才的使命,所以又显得与众不同.如何做好由一名师范院校大学生向一位教师的职业转换呢?作为一名高级中学的青年教师,我经常思考这一问题.因为"通则不痛",只有思想通达,才不会在职业的阵痛中沦陷,才会在职业的选择后坚守.  相似文献   

在一般人眼中,中等学历者技个好工作不容易,更与“高薪”、“白领”等字眼无缘。然而,随着社会的发展,各式各样的新职业不断涌现,很多低门槛的职业,宾收入已经跨人了“白领高薪”阶层。“速录师”就是这其中发展最快、人气最旺的职业。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,职业成为人们最重要的社会地位标志。由职业团体所构成的社会阶层在社会结构中的重要性与日俱增。同一或相近职业的同质性较高,再加上白领概念本身也是由职业划分而产生的。所以,分析新白领的特征,必然要从其所从事的职业入手。新白领的职业通过对当前青年热门职业的梳理与分析,对比不同职业的声望以及从业青年的特征,我们发现,新白领所从事的职业普遍具有较高的知识科技含量、较复杂的职业技能、较高的收入等特点。具体来讲,新白领主要集中在以下职业范围:1知识创新、科学技术业。包括基础研究、应用技术开发、管理、制度…  相似文献   

当今世界各行各业对商务人才的要求,日趋看重人才在专业知识背后的人格魅力、道德修养、社交综合能力和团队合作精神等人文方面的综合素质.本文从职业白领的概念和内容出发,着重论述职业白领形象礼仪的五项修炼.即肢体动作修炼、形象礼仪魅力修炼、个人形象包装礼仪修炼、社交礼仪习惯修炼、语言形象礼仪修炼.  相似文献   

一日,一个画家和一个白领相遇了。白领对画家说:“你的职业没有我的职业好!”画家问道:“为什么呢?”白领说:“你的职业只能让你天天背着画板到处流浪,在纸上画一些无聊的东两。不仅赚不  相似文献   

随着社会对人才在技能和实用性方面要求的不断提高,以及对职业健康的越发关注,高职院校在体育教学中实施职业实用性教育是形势所趋。本文以"准职业白领"为例,对高职院校实施职业实用性体育教育的必要性和意义进行了分析与研究,并对实施职业实用性体育教育过程中应采取的教学方式、教学办法和教学内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

We exploit presumably exogenous variation in the availability of college-educated workers at the province level produced by a reform that increased the supply of higher education to estimate human capital production externalities for Italian manufacturing firms. We show that when the potential endogeneity of local human capital is addressed, the elasticity of white-collar workers’ wages with respect to the local college share is around 0.1, while we find no evidence of a positive effect of local human capital on blue-collar workers’ wages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of exposure to information about white-collar crime among college students on changes, if any, in their opinion toward it. The research design employed a one-group pretest–posttest design. Undergraduate students enrolled in a college course on white-collar crime answered a survey that measured their level of knowledge about crimes of the powerful and general sentiments toward them both on the first and last day of the semester. With the notable exception of environmental racism, subjects’ knowledge about white-collar crime—which was already high at time 1—did not statistically increase during the course of the semester. Similarly, attitudes toward white-collar crime remained both negative and stable. Correlational analyses between knowledge gains and changes in sentiments revealed that better-informed subjects were generally more likely to consider white-collar crime a serious issue and to recommend tougher sanctions against its perpetrators.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge regarding involuntary work transitions among laid-off workers. It is part of an ongoing cooperation with two outplacement agencies enrolling white-collar workers. The particular arrangements, which are based on collective agreements, include relatively generous support, both economically and regarding the educational and counselling arrangements offered. A narrative research approach is used and the analysis is based on interviews with 15 people, conducted on two occasions with about a year in between. Conceptualizing the transition as a biographical learning process, the findings point out a great variety within and between cases. While the basic distinction is drawn between people who have changed their status and those who have not, a number of rhetorical varieties are identified, pointing to different modes of biographical learning. The originality of the paper lies in its narrative approach and the particular conceptual framework showing that biographical learning is a vital part of enforced work transitions.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a national longitudinal survey of 240 college graduates with hearing loss. Results confirm that economic benefits resulted from these alumni's postsecondary training. Most respondents were relatively successfully employed and satisfied with life. Over time, increasing numbers had completed higher degrees and secured white-collar positions. Between 1988 and 1998, men in the study sample made more consistent earnings gains than their female counterparts. Larger proportions of deaf alumni had earned advanced degrees and secured white-collar jobs than hard of hearing alumni. Deaf alumni also earned more. Results also showed that recipients of associate's degrees earned more than recipients of bachelor's degrees. Implications of the findings for secondary educators, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and postsecondary service providers are discussed. Recommendations are made on how to improve career decision making by deaf and hard of hearing adolescents, enrich the career potential of deaf and hard of hearing women, and increase the productivity of workers with hearing loss.  相似文献   

社会学视野中的白领阶层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白领阶层虽然已为众多研究者们所瞩目,但学长界至今尚未形成统一的认识,仍然是一种众说纷纭的局面。文章分析了西方白领阶层研究的历史和中国白领阶层的发展。从社会学视角来看,白领阶层是一个其成员具有中高等教育程度、拥有专业性和脑力劳动性的职业,形成了独特生活方式(或品味)、具有较高的社会声望,收入水平在特定社区内处于当地中等层次的社会群体。  相似文献   

财务管理是现代企事业单位中不可缺少的一项工作项目,在企事业单位的发展中具有十分重要的作用。在一般人看来,财务管理是一项比较清闲的工作:高级白领、天天与钱打交道,却不知财务管理工作其实十分单调,几乎天天与数字打交道,工作时间久了,难免会有厌烦情绪,同时压力也很大,由于事关单位的经济"要塞",稍有不慎就会带来很大的损失,甚至承担法律上的责任。同时财务管理也是一项综合性很强、实践性很强、个性很强的一项工作,所以,需要对财务管理进行一个全面的认识,才能更好的做好这项工作。本文就笔者的一些思考,简单谈一下我的一些见解。  相似文献   


Recognition of the significance of white-collar crime has grown substantially in recent years, but this growth has not been reflected adequately in the field of criminal justice or in the criminal justice curriculum. Through a content analysis of criminal justice and criminology textbooks and program course offerings the authors demonstrate the relative neglect of white-collar crime, and especially its marginal position in the criminal justice curriculum. Some hypothetical reasons for this relative neglect are explored. An argument is made on both theoretical and pragmatic grounds for more sustained and more systematic integration of white-collar crime into the criminal justice curriculum.  相似文献   

农民工型白领是指14岁前生活在农村,目前在企事业单位从事专业技术、教育、管理和文职工作并在工作城市生活的群体。通过2008CGSS数据,对农民工型白领群体的社会融合状况进行多元线性回归方程模型分析,社会融合分为心态融合、经济融合、社会交往融合、自我身份认同、城市情感五个维度。研究表明,工作收入感知、政治关系感知、与同事关系、认识正确的人的重要性、所属阶级、薪水满意度、与老板上司关系、联系非同住家人数和教育年限等因素对不同维度的社会融合产生显著影响。为了进一步实现社会融合,应采取加强双向互动性、政府干预防范人才外流、多维度社会融合等措施。  相似文献   

Based on a sample survey on 487 white-collar youths in the Pudong New Development Zone in Shanghai, this article examines the behaviors and psychological characteristics of a group of white-collar professionals regarding job changes, job satisfaction, criteria in career choices, career views, and other related areas. Further, it analyzes the effect of age, gender, education, income, workplace, and other factors on this group of professionals; discusses how to look at the job changes of white-collar youths accordingly; and makes relevant policy suggestions.  相似文献   

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