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《论语》一书二十篇是孔门弟子辑录的孔子言行录,也记载着一部分孔子门徒的言行,是我们研究孔子教育哲学思想所依据的主要资料。从《论语》入手分析孔子的教育哲学思想:教育对象,主张有教无类;教育内容,特别重视思想品质和伦理道德教育;教学原则和方法,主张因材施教、启发诱导、学思并重、好学乐学、立志有恒、锲而不舍、学行结合;道德教育思想,主张立志乐道、自省自克、身体力行、改过迁善;主张学而不厌,诲人不倦,平等民主的师生关系以及以身作则、身教重于言教的教师职业素质。  相似文献   

所谓探究学习,是指在教师的指引下,学生积极主动、相对独立地对问题探个究竟的过程。探究学习的精神实质有三要义,即自得、自省和自化。自得是指主体不依外力、自然而得的过程,其实现依赖于深入思考。自省则是追问之后的省察和反思,通过内视自己而明理。白化是通过感和悟的心理过程,将外在的知识内化成为主体的思想和精神的过程。  相似文献   

Adapting to curriculum change necessitates the evaluation of teaching and learning pedagogies. A new curriculum invites reflection on how knowledge is constructed and operationalised to extend higher order thinking in adolescent learners. This paper reviews contemporary empirical and theoretical literature identifying productive pedagogical practices associated with critical reading competencies in order to design and implement a curriculum intervention in a senior secondary Literature course.  相似文献   

深入挖掘孔子的学习思想并进行创造性的转化,对于建设学习型社会具有重要的现实意义。以学习型社会为视角,孔子的学习思想包括:“修己以安人”,强调学习者的自我完善和社会的和谐发展;“有教无类”,提倡全员学习;“不知老之将至”,提倡全程学习;“学无常师”,提倡全方位学习;“为仁由己”,确立学习者的主体地位。  相似文献   

内隐学习是人们无意识获得刺激环境中复杂知识的过程。内隐学习与语文教学相结合是语文课程改革中一条全新的思路,其目的是通过研究教学过程中缄默知识在教师和学生之间的传递和转化,找到一条适合汉语阅读、表达、思考的有效途径。文章从内隐学习的特征出发,结合具体的教学案例,从阅读、表达和思考三个方面来探索将内隐学习与语文教学相结合的方法。其中,在阅读方面,着重强调语法规则的抽象和人文素养的培养;在表达方面,着重强调自由表达、产生式表达和迫选式表达三种方法;在思考方面,着重强调自由扩散和逐层深入两种思考模式。内隐学习与语文教学相结合既丰富了内隐学习的研究内容,也为语文教学提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Confucian education is often associated with rote-memorisation that is characterised by sheer repetition of facts with no or little understanding of the content learnt. But does Confucian education necessarily promote rote-memorisation? What does Confucius himself have to say about education? This article aims to answer the above questions by examining Confucius’ concept of si (thinking) based on a textual study of the Analects. It is argued that Confucius’ concept of si primarily involves an active inquiry into issues that concern one’s everyday life, promotes inferential thinking, and facilitates self-examination. Far from advocating rote-memorisation, Confucius highlights the need for us to take ownership of our own learning, engage in higher order thinking, and reflectively apply the lessons learnt in our lives.  相似文献   

新媒体、新技术正以各种方式广泛而深刻地影响社会的方方面面,但是其在教育中的应用情况究竟如何?在新理念构建下的体验式学习环境中开展新媒体、新技术的学习是一个全新的课题。目前教师和学生对教学中引入新媒体与新技术并未给予足够的重视,一个很重要的原因是缺乏相应的学习体验。体验学习在促进学习者知识理解、激发学习者主动性、培养批判性思维等方面有积极影响。基于新媒体、新技术进行体验学习时,一方面要使物理环境遵循未来课堂、体验学习、场馆学习环境设计基本理念,以人为本,重视多角度、多方式地对事物进行呈现,尽可能地促进学习者直接经验的获取和反思;另一方面在体验学习活动设计时要将具体体验、反思观察、抽象概括、行动应用四个学习阶段贯穿其中,充分利用物理环境所提供的空间和技术支持,把获取经验(感知经验和领悟经验)与转换经验结合起来,实现体验学习过程的螺旋上升。  相似文献   

Theoretically, reflection is known to be an essential skill for improving learning on a metacognitive level. In practice, students may not use it of their own accord to improve this kind of learning because it can be mentally demanding. The author reports on the legitimation of an instrument measuring self-induced self-reflective thinking, which is reflection of one's own accord focused on improving general knowledge of the learning process. In 2 studies, the psychometric properties and nomological validity of open-ended self-induced self-reflective thinking questions were examined. Senior high school students responded to these questions and several measures of general knowledge of the learning process. Results showed statistically significant relationships between self-induced self-reflective thinking and general knowledge of the learning process. Implications for educational research are discussed.  相似文献   

Confucius, known as sage and , was a great thinker and educator in ancient China with the Analects of Confucius to record the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, a tangible carrier of his educational concepts. In teaching practice, Confucius stressed that gentlemen, juzi in Chinese, should learn to be decent and well-educated in moral integrity in self-examination and self-cultivation, besides the acquisition of knowledge. Learners were guided patiently and systematically to mobilize the learning motivation and interest, cultivate independent and innovative way of thinking learning. The present study provides good implications for the innovation of teaching methods for ideological and political course teaching to explore the ideological connotations and situated use of Confucius’ educational methods to combine learning and practice, learning and thinking, enlightenment and inducement teaching.  相似文献   

慈善事业是以爱人为基础,在自愿之下,向社会的弱势群体提供一定的无偿的物质和精神援助,而使弱势群体的基本生存需要得到满足的社会行为,在某种意义上就是爱人和富民的行为。《论语》中的"爱人"思想具有爱每一个现实中的人的博爱精神,且"爱人"的实现具有"我欲仁,斯仁至矣"的实践意识,更具有立己立人、达己达人、欲己欲人的社会道德责任;其"富人"的思想具有"使民以时"、"博施于民而能济众"、要少收赋税的内容。它们对中华民族的民族性格和民族精神的形成产生了重要影响。在大力发展中国的慈善事业的今天,可以汲取它们的精华,以便更好的发展现代慈善事业,为社会主义和谐社会建设服务。  相似文献   

通过分析创新性学习和创新性人才的含义,给出了创新性学习的主要特征是:一、在思想观念上,不满足于现有知识的掌握,而着眼于获得未来发展;二、在学习态度上,将科学思考、自主探索相结合,运用辩证法进行复合思维;三、在学习活动中,开放性地积极参与各种学习活动,善于吸收他人的智慧;四、在学习品质上。知识博与专相济,将知识活化。  相似文献   

This article describes the Biology Critical Thinking (BCT) project in which carefully designed activities for developing specific critical thinking skills are incorporated into the biology curriculum. The objectives were to find out whether the BCT project contributes to the development of critical thinking skills in various biological and nonbiological topics and how it affects students' biological knowledge and classroom learning environment. The study consisted of 678 seventh graders who were assigned randomly into two groups that studied the same seventh-grade biology textbook. Only one group, the experimental, completed the BCT activities. The results indicate that the students in the experimental group improved their critical thinking skills compared to their own initial level and compared to their counterparts in the control group. Improved critical thinking skills were observed in a new biological context and nonbiological everyday topics, suggesting generalization of thinking skills across domains. The experimental students scored significantly higher than the control on a knowledge test, suggesting that “knowledge of facts” as one educational goal and “learning to think” as another, need not conflict, but rather can interact with each other. Finally, the results show that BCT involvement decreased the frequency of teacher-centered teaching and enhanced student-centered, more active learning.  相似文献   

The aim of this phenomenographic study was to discover the educationally critical aspects of learning conceptions among health education student teachers (N = 20). The qualitative data consisted of written essays and semi-structured interviews. Six qualitatively distinctive conceptions of learning could be discerned, namely learning as 1) the reproduction of acquired health knowledge, 2) the application of health knowledge, 3) developing personal meanings on health matters, 4) the transformation of individual thinking, 5) personal growth, and 6) collective meaning-making. These qualitatively distinct categories were reflected through three themes, which embodied critical aspects: the nature of the knowledge involved, the nature of the reflection involved, and the role of the social environment. In bringing new insights into the existing literature, this study confirms a need for research on learning conceptions across different cultural and educational contexts.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis have become common techniques used in undergraduate molecular and cell biology labs. Although students enjoy learning these techniques, they often cannot fully comprehend and analyze the outcomes of their experiments because of a disconnect between concepts taught in lecture and experiments done in lab. Here we report the development and implementation of novel exercises that integrate the biological concepts of DNA structure and replication with the techniques of PCR and gel electrophoresis. Learning goals were defined based on concepts taught throughout the cell biology lab course and learning objectives specific to the PCR and gel electrophoresis lab. Exercises developed to promote critical thinking and target the underlying concepts of PCR, primer design, gel analysis, and troubleshooting were incorporated into an existing lab unit based on the detection of genetically modified organisms. Evaluative assessments for each exercise were aligned with the learning goals and used to measure student learning achievements. Our analysis found that the exercises were effective in enhancing student understanding of these concepts as shown by student performance across all learning goals. The new materials were particularly helpful in acquiring relevant knowledge, fostering critical-thinking skills, and uncovering prevalent misconceptions.  相似文献   

学者对《史记·孔子世家》一文存在不少争议,要之有二:一是体例上,司马迁著孔子之传是挂靠“列传”还是入籍“世家”?二在内容上,太史公述孔子言行是尤多“妄言”还是别有“诗心”?孔子言行是否尤多妄言虚语。对于前者,古代学者有一个误解,即认为“世家体”在司马迁时代已是一种述史定例。司马迁实际上是因孔子“追修经述”以“拨乱反正”白于伟大历史实践才将其列人世家的。对于后者,古代学者只知其一,未明其二。太史公实际上是有意运用不实史料以揭示孔子一生“不用”的悲剧,以表达自己的悲孔惜圣之心。  相似文献   

反求诸己,是贯穿《孟子》一书的主要哲学观念,是中国文化传统中思维指向与思维形式概括与准确的表述之一。理解与把握这种思维指向与思维形式,于当下的文化建设与个人修养,仍有十分重要的意义。孟子的反求诸己,直接源自孔子。反求诸己"心",是孟子反求诸己的理论基础。如何对待"横逆",是孟子于反求诸己的突出贡献。  相似文献   

计算是学生在小学阶段必须要掌握并具备的一种能力,也是学生深入学习数学知识的必要条件。数学教师应重视学生计算能力的培养,明确教学目标,整合教材内容;结合现实生活,创设教学情境;妙用错题示范,激发学生学习兴趣;采用小组合作交流,提高学生学习技巧;加强巩固练习,培养学生创造性思维。  相似文献   

CBI核心教学理念是将语言学习和学科内容有机地融合在一起,通过学习学科知识自然地获得语言发展能力。CBI主题模式为我国陷入困境的大学英语课堂教学模式改革提供了一条新的思路。通过分析CBI教学模式的理论基础和英语教学的实践优势提出了CBI教学法运用于我国高校英语教学中的紧迫性,并且对实际运用存在的困难进行分析并提出解决方法,为下一步大学英语教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

为了应对网络时代知识碎片化的挑战,新建构主义学习理论提出了零存整取式学习策略。其实质就是通过不断地改写、使碎片化的知识逐渐整合起来,并与个人原有的知识体系实现对接,从而达到化零为整的目的,最终实现知识创新。"零存"的关键是学会选择,"整取"的关键是不断写作,因为写作可以促进思考。零存整取式学习既可以基于博客,也可以基于其他多种平台与工具。其常见的问题是对该策略的精髓理解不透、信心不足,思维与写作能力欠缺,选择及创新意识不强以及缺少内读的意识与能力等。零存整取式学习策略除了可以指导个体学习之外,还可以指导协作学习。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的发展,深度学习已成为促进学习者发展的重要方式之一,但学习不太深入的现象仍然比较普遍。目前,创新型人才培养已经成为社会各界共同追求的目标。创新型人才培养要求学习者必须改变固有思维习惯,提升批判性思维能力,而批判性思维能力的提升也会促进深度学习的有效发生。因此,基于批判性思维的深度学习研究具有一定现实意义。在深入分析深度学习和批判性思维内涵特征与实现过程基础上,提出实现深度学习的4个过程阶段,并提取批判性思维培养的7个核心过程要素。通过分析各核心过程要素特点和作用时机,将其融入深度学习4个过程阶段中,构建基于批判性思维的深度学习活动模式,以期更好地促进深度学习的有效发生。  相似文献   

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