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教学过程Step 1.Warmup 1.Greetings.(简单的问候,使学生自然地进入学习的状态。)2.Let’s chant Touch your head.Touch your nose.Touch your eyes.Touch your ears.Touch your mouth.Touch your face.(利用chant来复习与本课教学内容相关的单词,既调节情绪,又为新课的教学作了铺垫。)  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Play the game:Touch your nose.Touch your right ear.Touch your left leg…2.Sing"."(CAI)3.Free talk.T:I fly a kite in spring.What do you do in summer?S1:I fly a kite,too.(Asks S2)What do you do in summer?S2:I ride a bike in summer.(Asks S3)What do you do in summer?…Step2.  相似文献   

Teaching process:StepⅠ.Warming up1.Greeting.(师生相互问好)2.Play a game.(教师发指令,学生做动作表演)T:Touch your nose.Clapyour hands.Open your book.  相似文献   

教学流程: Step 1.Warming up(课前热身,设置情境) 1. Let's play a game :Touch your mouth/head/neck/legs/eyes/ ears. Show me your arms/hands.  相似文献   

天气寒冷开展活动时,让我们用用下面这些口语吧!1.Wave your fingers.摆动你的手指。2.Touch your stomach.摸摸你的肚子。3.Cover your mouth.捂上你的嘴。  相似文献   

知识内容PEP小学英语Book O neU nit Two Look at M e中有关人体部位名称head,eye,face,ear,m outh,finger,hand,body,leg,arm,foot以及句型Look at m e.Thisism y head.Touch yourhead.等。教学目标设计1.语言知识与技能目标:使学生能听说、认读head,eye,face,ear,m outh,finger,hand,body,leg,arm,foot这些关于身体部位名称的单词;能用英语介绍自己身体的相关部位,如Look at m e.This is m y head.Touch your head.等;能听懂英语指令,并做出相应的动作,如Touch your head.等。2.学习策略目标:了解学生的学习风格,积极引导学生养成…  相似文献   

Step1.Warming up(课前热身,设置情境)1.Let’s play a game:Touch your mouth/head/neck/legs/eyes/ears.Show me your arms/hands.2.Game:The opposite sen-tences.T:I say:I have long  相似文献   

教学过程一、组织教学,引出新内容。1.G reeting(问候)(满面笑容向学生挥挥手)师:H ello,boys and girls.N ice to m eet you.生:(向师挥挥手,快乐地)H ello,M issH uang.N ice to m eet you,too.2.N ow m ake a dialogue with m e.与我对话。师:H ello.W hat's your nam e?生:H i.M y nam e is G ao W ei.(多问几名学生)3.师:Can you ask m e?生:Y es.W hat's your nam e?师:(出示卡片,引出内容)M y nam e is PanPan.I'm a panda.(出示卡片)N ow I'm a cham eleon.多领读几遍后抽查。二、教学新内容1.板书课题:U nit1It's red.介…  相似文献   

听力部分(50%)一、Listen and colour.(听音,涂色。)10%二、Listen and underline.(听音,在听到的内容下画线。)16%A.blue brown B.green greatC.M iss m outh D.orange crayonE.purple pink F.paint penG.M iss Green M rGreenH.Touch yourhead.Touch the ground.三、Listen a  相似文献   

Step1.W arm-upSim on says.Sim on says:Touch your nose。Touch your body。……Sim on says:Open the windows and look out-side。(利用游戏自然地引导学生开窗看外面的天气,顺利导入新课。)Step2.PresentationT:Look outside.W hat's the weatherlike today?Ss:…根据学生的回答引出单词教学。1.Teaching wordsYes.It's rainy.H ua…It's rainy.点击CAI出现rainy图片并伴声音。同样,通过CAI引出新词sunny,cloudy,windy,snowy,教读,拼写。2.Practicea:T spells words,Ss say outthe words.b:T放一段weather report.Ss听两次…  相似文献   

杨立新 《黑河教育》2014,(12):14-14
正教学内容:三年级下学期,第三单元第一课时课前准备:挂图、多媒体、单词卡片、磁带教学设计思路:从学生的学习兴趣出发,用新颖的教学方法让学生喜欢英语课,通过互动游戏,用英语向大家介绍自己的五官,从而让学生非常轻松的融入英语课堂。教学目标:1.学生们能说出新单词nose,eye,big,small.句型hello Look at my nose.Wow!It’s big!Touch your nose!2.启发学生拓展更多词汇去思考问题,想想身体  相似文献   

Step1.Warming up1.问候。2.听一听,动一动,热热身。教师给出指令让学生迅速做出反应。(1)If your English teacheris Miss Huang,please stand up.(2)If your father is a police-man,please act like this.(3)If your mother is asinger,please sin  相似文献   

创设乐学的氛围。教学中,有目的地把教学内容融于说说笑笑、唱唱跳跳游戏活动中,或辅以电化手段,播放有关课文内容的动画录像片,这样学生就乐学。如在教学有关人体部分的生词时,如果纯粹按顺序一个个教下来,学生就会觉得枯燥、无味。可以设计“摸五官”的游戏。先叫四个学生上台表演,教师发出指令:Touch your mouth.学生马上作出反应,用手摸嘴。教师再发:Touch your ear.学生又迅速作出判断,用手摸耳朵,反复几次后,以小组为单位,并以计分的办法进行比赛,看哪个组的成绩最  相似文献   

教学过程(引入竞争机制,课前有意将学生分成四个组:Long team/Shortteam/Big team/Sm allteam,同时以不同形状的贴纸随时评价)Step1.W arm ing up1.Greeting2.Sing a song:“Hide and seek”.3.Play a gam e:Sim on says.Sim on says:Touch your nose/eyes/ears…Shake yourbod  相似文献   

1.The sooner the better.(越快越好。)2.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)3.I'm crazy about rock music.(我对摇滚乐很着迷。)4.How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)5.What was your name again?(请再说一次名字好吗?)  相似文献   

教学重点1.能正确、熟练地运用本课的日常交际用语。2.能正确听说读单词purse,perhaps,fan,um brella。教学难点1.能用正确的语音、语调、表情和动作表演对话。2.单词purse,perhaps,fan,um brella的正确发音。教学过程Step1.Singing a song“H ello,brother.”(点击鼠标,停止音乐)Step2.G reetingsStep3.Free Talk1.T:(出示玩具熊,把它置于不同的位置问学生)W here’s m y bear?2.T:(师与两三个学生对话)H ello/H i/G oodm orning.W here’s your…?M ay I have your…?3.学生之间对话,向好友索要一样东西。四人小组交换物品。犤设计…  相似文献   

Unit 1 1.how与what的区别:how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样如何,通常用来做状语、表语。what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为什么,通常做宾语,主语。How is your summer holiday?It's OK.(how表示程度做表语)  相似文献   

Teaching A im s:1.Listen and say:W hat's in your schoolbag?Ihave…2.G rasp the num bers from zero to nine andstationery item s.3.K now plural form s.4.G uide thepupils to enjoy the happiness of success of usingEnglish and train them the ability of listening andspeaking.T eaching process:Step1.W arm ing up1.Sing a song.2.Show num bers.3.A ction.(D esign m eans:通过课前热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动了学生的学习兴趣,为本课教学创造了积极的氛围。)Step2.Presentation1.Lead inT:Look,Thisism y schoo…  相似文献   

【教学过程】1.Warming up and Revi-sionT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Are you happy today?Ss:Yes,I am.(we are.)T:Show me your happyfaces,please.T:Boys and girls,what areyour favourite hobbies?S1:I like playing the piano.S2:I like playing the foot-ball.(教师重复两遍playingfootball,为了纠正学生的错误而打断学生发言。)T:I like playing football,too.(拿出软玩具足球。  相似文献   

1[.教材原文]Where is your pen pal from?你的笔友来自哪儿?[链接考点]Li Yan is my best friend. Shecomes a small village.(广西桂林)A. on B. with C. of D. from[答案与解析]选 D 项。come from 与 befrom 都有"来自……"的意思。  相似文献   

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