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人工智能教育是当前教育发展的大势所趋,自提出后受到全球教育研究者的广泛关注。为充分了解当前国内人工智能教育发展的现状,文章以CSSCI期刊库为数据源,以“人工智能”和“教育”为关键词,对相关文献进行检索分析。通过可视化方法对高被引文献、高频关键词等进行呈现,并采用聚类方法对高频关键词进行分类,详细探讨各类团的研究内容。最后,总结和讨论了人工智能教育各个领域的研究现状,并提出未来发展建议,为人工智能教育的研究发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

龚放 《江苏高教》2020,(1):7-15
一百年前陶行知在南高师力主将“教授法”更名为“教学法”,看似一字之变,却彰显了教育哲学的天差地别。他的“教学合一”和“以学生为中心”思想,既脱胎于杜威的“儿童是太阳”和“新三中心论”,同时,也凸显了他对教育,特别是对大学教育问题与症结的深刻认识和犀利分析。时至今日,人们重温历史,仍然为其前卫、明晰的理念和深入浅出的阐释所深深折服。需要反思的是,对教育、教学本质内涵及要素互动的理解,是否仍有拓展的空间?对“教”与“学”角色互动和影响交互的认识,是否仍有深化可能?鉴于“以学生为中心”的提法易生歧义,“学生为本”更准确科学;而“学生为本”离不开“教师为要”;只有坚持“教师为要”,方能真正落实“学生为本”。笔者郑重建议:将“学生为本”与“教师为要”并提,作为现代大学办学的基本原则,它们如同鸟之两翼、车之两轮,互为犄角、互为表里,不可或缺也不可偏废!  相似文献   

Robert Cowen 《欧洲教育》2018,50(2):201-215
Emphasizing the important role of “history” within comparative education is the classic way, much celebrated in the writings of Andreas Kazamias, to treat this theme. This article uses a different perspective. The argument is that “comparative education” and “history” use two words as professional identifiers of a way of thinking and working. Metaphorically, they are wizard words, magical claims that mark off different epistemic territories: “context” for comparative education and “archive” for the historian. The construction and—especially—the confusions, the contradictions, and the consequences within these codings of professional identity and the relationships of the two fields of study are the themes of this article about comparative education.  相似文献   

为了解决与其他教育工作相割裂、内容较为匮乏和路径狭窄单一等问题,社会主义核心价值观教育要明确“立德树人”的目标、凸显“文化观照”的视野并遵循“细小落实”的原则。社会主义核心价值观教育的内容,不只是表述核心价值观的24字,还要按照反映中国特色、民族特性和时代特征这三项标准,从中国传统优秀文化、中国近代先进文化和世界文化精华这三大来源中,选择丰富的文化元素作为相应的内容。社会主义核心价值观教育的路径创新,关键有两个层面:一是建构和完善“国家—社会—个人三位一体”的大教育框架;二是探索和使用“国民教育融入法、社会治理贯穿法、宣传教育引导法、榜样示范表率法和优良品德修养法”全面协同的方法体系。  相似文献   

在中国传统文化中,“劳动”这个词最初并不具有人们今天所理解的“生产劳动”“生活劳动”等方面的含义,而“劳”“劳力”“劳心”“劳作”等词却已基本具有了人们今天所理解的“劳动”的基本内涵。中国传统劳动教育渗透于人们日常生活之中,主要通过礼仪制度渗透劳动教育,在学校教育中采取耕读结合的劳动教育模式,通过家训家风等途径实施劳动教育。中国传统的耕读结合的劳动教育模式、普及大众的劳动教育规范、身体力行的劳动教育典范、脍炙人口的劳动教育读本,可以为新时代的劳动教育提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

陇东方言中助词“得来”、“得”跟普通话中助词“得”相比较具有不同的用法,它们不但做助词,而且还凝固成词。本文就陇东方言中“得来”、“得”的语法现象做了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

During the 1960s and 1970s, “traditional” secondary educational systems in various Western European countries made way for comprehensive education curricula. In contrast to the reforms within the “intellectual” subjects, the field of physical education (PE) remained largely underexposed in research. This study focuses on PE reform in Belgium, the first country in the world (apart from Sweden itself) to introduce, in 1908, so-called “Swedish gymnastics” in all levels of state public education and, in 1968, the last country apart from Portugal to abandon it. The question arises as to who was responsible for Swedish gymnastics being applied for so long and, ultimately, how and by whom reform was implemented. The results show that the power of the past and the positions of “Swedists” in the Government Inspectorate, universities and professional associations, perpetuated the domination of Swedish gymnastics in Belgian education. The final “dynamisation” of the subject of PE around 1968 did not come about through “revolution” but a “natural” generational transition, whereby a new guard of young government inspectors with a drive for reform took over from their Swedish-minded predecessors. The educational climate prevailing in Belgium at the end of the 1960s facilitated this reform. The state university PE institutes lost their position as pedagogical profile keepers during this process of transformation, while the hidden curriculum of the (Catholic) university institute in Leuven implicitly shaped the educational climate. Further comparative international research into the (changed) profile, position and power of school inspectors in educational reform appears necessary.  相似文献   

为厘清国外虚拟现实教育应用研究演进趋势,以 “Virtualreality”和“Education”为中心关键词,利用CiteSpace对Web of Science核心合集2004-2019年间收录的658篇文献进行可视化分析。结果发现,国外虚拟现实教育研究演进趋势呈现局部到整体、整体再到局部的发展态势。 由此提出我国虚拟现实教育应用研究发展方向应集中于3个方面:①深化虚拟学习,通过在线虚拟仿真教育打造校际间深度学习共同体;②优化学习空间,构建多功能化虚拟学习环境以实现特殊教育与基础教育的有机融合;③落实教育理念,利用跨学科虚拟学习资源促进教育个性化、多样化和开放性发展。  相似文献   

纵观新中国70余年我国高等教育重点建设政策演进,政府角色、资源配置方式、建设路径、制度运作模式等都发生了重大转变。制度自信日益凸显,但渐进式政策制定模式、政府主导的政策执行过程、效率优先的政策价值基础仍是我国高等教育重点建设政策的总体特征。由此,在政策实践过程中,呈现出关于“谁是主角、谁是配角、谁是参与者”、高等教育发展效率与公平以及制度运作的适度性等问题。未来,提高重点大学政策决策的民主与科学性,进一步明晰国家、地方政府和高校在重点大学建设中的权责,完善重点建设的制度体系与配套政策,处理好重点与特色的关系,平衡重点与非重点、公平与效率等关系问题将成为“双一流”建设推进的关键。  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the extent of gender stereotypes in student evaluations of college professors on the internet site MisProfesores.com in Mexico. We downloaded more than 600,000 evaluations for the period 2008–18. The evaluations include three scores on a scale of 0 to 10: how easy it is to obtain a good grade, how much the professor helps his or her students obtain good grades, and how clearly the professor presents the concepts of the course. The site also allows students to comment on the professor and the class, and we performed a quantitative text analysis of these comments. We found that women receive lower scores than their male counterparts, although the difference is relatively small: 1–2% of a standard deviation. Students refer more to the appearance and personality of female professors, and describe them more often as “bad” or “strict.” They also refer to women in less respectful terms, calling them “maestra” (“teacher”), but calling men “profesor” or “licenciado” (the title corresponding to their academic degree), and they use less positive language for women (“good” vs. “great” or “excellent” for men). Finally, words associated with qualities of service (traditionally stereotyped as feminine) favor women more than men; whereas, words with traditionally masculine associations have a negative impact on women's evaluations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes that predict reading acquisition. Associations between (a) scaffolding errors (e.g., “torn” misread as “town” or “tarn”), other reading errors, and later reading and (b) vowel and rime inferences and later reading were explored. To assess both of these issues, 50 6‐year‐old children were shown a number of CVC words, and word reading errors were noted. Children were then taught families of riming words that could serve as a basis for rime or vowel analogies (e.g., “bark”, “mark”, “dark” → “park” or “harm”) before attempting to read the CVCs a second time. Children’s reading ability was measured at age 6 and two years later at age 8. The results showed that, among word reading error groups, only scaffolding errors at age 6 were unique predictors of reading at age 8, after reading, vocabulary, and phonological awareness were controlled. Vowel but not rime inferences predicted reading at age 8. The results are used to inform a model of the role of phoneme awareness and grapheme use in early reading development wherein vowel inference‐use helps to specify precise representations of CVC words from preliminary scaffolding errors.  相似文献   

Teacher educators’ collaboration plays an important role in the improvement of teacher education. Many studies in educational research focus on collaboration from 1 particular perspective. A focus on 2 perspectives, a qualitative (focusing on collaborative activities) as well as a quantitative (focusing on relations) perspective, and relating both perspectives, can add to our knowledge. Data were collected in 3 subject departments of a teacher education institute. Findings indicated that educators’ collaborative networks inside the departments could gain from more coherent and dense relations, and that key players were important to support and sustain collaboration. Both perspectives were mildly related, correlations were found for “degree” and “information” (r = .31, p < .05), “degree” and “joint work” (r = .38, p < .01), and “reciprocity” and “joint work” (r = .33, p < .05), no correlations were found for “degree” or “reciprocity” and “discussing”. At the department level, only mathematics showed significant correlations. Results indicated that, in further research, qualitative aspects as well as quantitative aspects should be included.  相似文献   

This study is an experimental test of the hypothesis that “emotionally charged” words will result in greater learning as measured by tests of “recall” and “printed‐word recognition” than words that are judged to be emotionally “neutral”.

Ten third‐grade subjects were pre‐tested on “printed‐word recognition” of ten words judged by two clinical psychologists to be “emotionally charged” and similarly pre‐tested on ten words judged to be emotionally “neutral.” After equal exposure to both “neutral” and “emotionally charged” words on four successive teaching days, subjects were post‐tested for “recall” and “printed‐word recognition” five days after the last teaching session.

The results strongly indicate for both the “recall” and “printed‐word recognition” that there is a significantly greater retention of the “emotionally charged” words over the “neutral” words. Despite the fact that a significantly greater number of “neutral” words was recognized in print at the outset of the study, the final performance level for “printed‐word recognition” for both the “emotionally charged” and “neutral” words is identical.

The major implications of the results obtained in this study is that the content of reading materials and the methods for teaching them must be revised so that reading deals with events, ideas, and feelings which are emotionally significant to the child, A personally relevant reading program will not only facilitate the task of learning to read, but will capture and explore the feelings and emotions of each child, as well.  相似文献   

钟彩虹 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(10):127-128,134
运用语言学理论,从句法和语义两个角度对出现在单句中的时间词“刚”、“刚才”和“刚刚”进行对比。主要对“刚”与“刚才”对谓语的要求,与“了”、“在”、否定词、时间词的共现情况及二者能互换的语境进行考察,并从语义上进行解释。其次分别对“刚刚”与“刚”、“刚才”与“刚刚”的异同进行考察,揭示这三个时间词的区别。  相似文献   

文章首先总结了推动学习科学从学术研究殿堂走向课堂教学和教师教育实践的三个关键因素:一是脑研究技术及其研究成果的爆发式进展,二是人工智能技术的飞速发展,三是新时代以学生为中心教育生态重构的现实需求。随后,文章阐释了学习科学研究和教育教学实践变革之间“转化者”的角色,并介绍了四位先行者。最后,文章分析了“应用学习科学改进教学策略”课程,提出教师教育MOOC在“互联网+”时代所承担的新型“转化者”作用。  相似文献   

Successful word problem performance often requires understanding the linguistic relations between characters and objects. However, the keyword method promotes associating specific words with mathematical operations while neglecting the situational context. Research has thoroughly investigated the detrimental effects of individuals associating relational terminology (e.g., “more”) with mathematical operations (e.g., “addition”). The current study expands upon this line of research by examining whether undergraduate students associate verbs with mathematical operations and if verbal associations affect word problem performance. Similar to relational terminology, the participants associated verbs with operations, which significantly impacted performance. The educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以两种算法自建70周年和65周年国庆外媒英语报道语料库,从新闻标题、国庆英文表述和新闻内容等维度考察国庆70周年外媒报道话语特征。研究发现,英美两国媒体在传递中国国家形象时大量使用“劫持”策略;中国国家领导人的领导力形象认知度显著提升,且已能与中国国家形象形成较高关联度;繁荣、发展、进步和国际领导力成为中国国家形象的一部分。研究还发现,对中国国情认识的常识错误普遍存在;各国媒体的关注主题各有不同。  相似文献   

Higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide have been undergoing significant levels of structural change for a number of years, ranging from minor re‐alignments of roles and responsibilities to radical changes such as the creation of new roles and new models of operating. This article discusses some initial findings from a recent UK‐focused research project that investigated the challenges and changes associated with the composition of “top management team” (TMT) structures in HEIs. Using the key findings from desk research and empirical investigation in a sample of UK institutions, the article identifies some of the key changes in the roles and responsibilities of the TMT, and identifies examples of good “practice” or “process” within institutions.  相似文献   

地方课程是基础教育课程体系中的有机组成部分。其发展大致经历了四个阶段。在发展过程中还存在一些问题,在基础教育课程体系中,地方课程是个薄弱环节。对地方课程发展的检视,应聚焦于课程定位,关键是对“地方性”的再讨论,不妨将“地方性知识”作为课程支撑理论之一。但要从中国文化出发,进行时代转换,厘清“国家性”“民族性”与“地方性”,“一体”与“多元”,“和”与“异”等关系,把握好国家课程与地方课程等关系。要在基于与超越“地方性”中,进行地方课程的再建构,将地方课程纳入更高水平的育人体系,探索地方课程落实立德树人根本任务的实现方式。  相似文献   

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