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To document current portrayals of women and men on primetime television, a quantitative content analysis was conducted. A 1-week composite of primetime television programming across 9 broadcast and cable networks was randomly sampled, yielding 89 programs and 1,254 characters. Consistent with prior findings, women were significantly underrepresented on primetime TV when compared with men. Analyses examined representations of gender in the realms of occupation, aggression, sexualization, and stereotypically masculine and feminine attributes, with comparisons drawn across different age groups. Contrary to popular belief, these findings suggest that the current state of primetime television does not represent a “golden age” for women. Although it appears that some gender stereotypes have declined when compared to previous decades, others (e.g., dominant men, sexually provocative women) have persisted. Implications are discussed in terms of cultivation and social cognitive theories.  相似文献   

信息经济时代,图书馆学概论类著作面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。文章以1923~2012年的图书馆学概论类著作为基础,采用内容分析法进行比较研究,梳理出图书馆学概论类著作的历史演化以及在建设中的经验与不足,最后提出解决方案,以期对该领域研究有所贡献。  相似文献   

Although sexual objectification is commonplace in media culture, music videos provide the most potent examples of it. In the current study, we developed a coding system to measure sexual objectification and its correlates in music videos. Our analysis compared sexual objectification across artists' gender and musical genres (R&B/hip-hop, pop, and country). Compared to male artists, female artists were more sexually objectified, held to stricter appearance standards, and more likely to demonstrate sexually alluring behavior. In addition, sexual objectification was more prominent in R&B/hip-hop and pop videos than in country videos. The results are discussed in light of objectification theory and sexual agency.  相似文献   

图书情报领域知识发现研究文献内容分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用内容分析方法,对图书情报领域的国内核心期刊与SCIE、SSCI上所载的有关知识发现的研究文献分别进行统计分析,比较国内外该领域研究文献的主题分布情况,得出知识发现在图书情报领域的研究热点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

高校文科图书引进的因素分析与质量评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文讨论了高校文科图书引进专款的定量化管理问题.首先,对图书引进过程作了因素分析,确定了若干基本因素.其次,基于程度分析,设计了图书引进的质量评价方法.  相似文献   

Although Facebook is primarily known for building and maintaining relationships, the 2008 presidential election highlighted this social networking website as a viable tool for political communication. In fact, during primary season until Election Day in 2008, Facebook users created more than 1,000 Facebook group pages that focused on Barack Obama and John McCain. Using quantitative content analysis, the primary purpose of this study was to assess how both John McCain and Barack Obama were portrayed across these Facebook groups. Results indicated that group membership and activity levels were higher for Barack Obama than for John McCain. Overall, Barack Obama was portrayed more positively across Facebook groups than John McCain. In addition, profanity, racial, religious, and age-related language were also coded for and varied with regard to how each candidate was portrayed. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A content analysis of rap music videos aired on BET, MTV, and VH1 examined the occurrence of controversial themes, gender differences, and skin tone distortion. The results of this study found that current rap music videos have placed an emphasis on themes of materialism and misogyny. Additionally, men and women in the videos differ in their portrayal of these themes. Specifically, female characters are significantly more likely to appear as objects of sexuality. Men and women also differ in their appearance with more African American females appearing to have Eurocentric features. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文依照分类标引的四个质量标准:准确、一致、适度和实用要求,详细评析了中文图书在版编目数据中分类标引存在的各种常见问题,如分类号不够准确、分类标引过于粗略、复分与仿分不准确、分类标引不一致、笔误或印刷错误等引起的分类标引质量不高,最后提出了加快电子在版编目(E—CIP)的进程,提高在版编目数据质量的建议。  相似文献   

文化视角的图书馆学研究包括三个命题:"文化中的图书馆"从语用层面上强调文化背景对图书馆的前提地位,多元文化必将导致图书馆学研究的多元化,由此,建构中国图书馆学遂成为题中应有之意;"图书馆作为文化"从语义层面上思考图书馆所表征的文化理念,由此,图书馆技术或现象背后的文化隐含遂成为关注焦点.上述两个命题的实质是强调图书馆与文化之间存在反映与被反映的彼此对应关系,而"图书馆的文化功能"兼及语义和语用,强调图书馆不仅反映文化或为文化所反映,而且能够改变文化的现有面貌,引领文化的应然走向,具有能动性特征.文化视角虽然拓展了图书馆学的研究领域和致思路径,但并不能取代基于语法层次的图书馆学的本体研究.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文章试图揭示出2019年以数据驱动为学术热点的中国图书馆学情报学的年度学术发展特征,并分析反映这一特征的多种学术新主题、新方法和新形态。[方法/过程]分别从数据驱动、数据引导、数据计算、数据服务、数据素养五个方面进行了分析论述。[结果/结论]2019年的图书馆学情报学最显著、最重要并对整个图书馆学情报学产生重大推动力的无疑是"数据",主要表现在这一学术研究点的热度持续升高,研究更为聚焦、更为深化、更为拓展,影响力也更为扩大、更为跨界、更加国际化,呈现出许多新的学术亮点和学术研究新命题,对于面向未来的图书馆学情报学研究而言,具有重要的开新和启迪作用。  相似文献   

CALIS中文图书数据库数据质量分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以具体的数据为例,分析了CALIS中文数据库的书目数据质量,指出了数据质量参差的原因,并提出了加强书目数据质量控制的建议。  相似文献   

安徽存藏古籍数量与质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对安徽公共图书馆系统、高校图书馆系统、博物馆系统等单位所藏古籍进行的调查、统计和分析,摸清了安徽存藏古籍的家底,指出安徽所藏古籍数量较多,质量颇高,内容全面。安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。  相似文献   

信息科学方法论问题十分复杂,如某些具体研究方法在方法论体系中的定位就是难题之一.为此,笔者调研国内外有关内容分析法的研究成果并对其进行比较分析,从广义信息科学和狭义信息科学(信息管理学)两个角度出发,指出内容分析法在广义信息科学方法论体系中从属于专有方法范畴,在狭义信息科学方法论体系中从属于文献分析法的子方法--定量分析法范畴.最后,笔者对以上两种定位方式进行了若干思考.  相似文献   

信息科学方法论问题十分复杂,如某些具体研究方法在方法论体系中的定位就是难题之一。为此,笔者调研国内外有关内容分析法的研究成果并对其进行比较分析,从广义信息科学和狭义信息科学(信息管理学)两个角度出发,指出内容分析法在广义信息科学方法论体系中从属于专有方法范畴,在狭义信息科学方法论体系中从属于文献分析法的子方法——定量分析法范畴。最后,笔者对以上两种定位方式进行了若干思考。  相似文献   

Abstract The Vietnamese Women’s Museum (VWM) opened in 1995 with the mission to improve public knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage of Vietnamese women in the nation’s 54 ethnic community groups. The VWM aimed to be a center for cultural exchange with women from other nations with the goal of fostering “equality, development, and peace.” At the outset it honored the positive role played by women in general, and presented some typical individuals acclaimed for their contributions and sacrifices. After some visitor research, the museum is now using a gender‐specific approach, playing the role of social critic, reflecting contemporary life, and targeting marginalized women groups.  相似文献   


This study examined the amount and types of sexual content in adolescent programs popular with tweens (teen scene; 8 to 11 years old) and young adolescents (12 to 15 years old). Adolescent programming, as a whole, does not have an excessive amount of sexual content, but young adolescent programs have significant numbers of specific sexual behaviors (kissing, hugging, intimate touching, sexual suggestiveness, homosexual references, and implied heterosexual intercourse). There are few messages about sexual risk and responsibility. Most main characters in young adolescent programs were sexually active and not virgins. Compared to U.S. teens, sexual activity on television is underrepresented on teen scene programs and overrepresented on young adolescent programs.  相似文献   

CALIS西文图书联合目录数据库为我国西文图书编目工作提供了重要的书目数据源。但由于种种原因,其数据质量参差不齐。文章以抽样调查的方式分析了该数据库目前存在的典型问题,并提出了提高书目数据质量的措施,如改变分编人员的观念,加强规范化、标准化,健全校对制度和动态完善机制等。  相似文献   

CALIS西文书目数据库质量分析及质量保障机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CALIS西文图书联合目录数据库为我国西文图书编目工作提供了重要的书目数据源,但由于种种原因,其数据质量参差不齐。文章以抽样调查的方式分析了该数据库目前存在的典型问题,并提出了提高书目数据质量的措施,如改变分编人员的观念,加强规范化、标准化,健全校对制度和动态完善机制等。  相似文献   

结合当前流行的流媒体技术,深入分析了流媒体技术及其文件格式,讨论了如何实现流媒体高质量的视频内容.在此基础上,本文实现了一个基于流媒体的高质量视频内容的设计.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role that age plays in gender portrayals in contemporary television commercials. A content analysis of 2,315 characters appearing in commercials aired during a composite week of prime-time programming on 6 major broadcast networks was conducted. The study compared images of female participants from childhood through the senior years to identify the extent to which female members of different age groups replicate conclusions drawn about images of females-in-general in advertising. The study also contrasted images of female characters from different age groups with their same-age male counterparts to shed additional light on the complexity of gender portrayals in prime-time commercials. The findings indicate significant differences among same-age gender portrayals and same-gender age portrayals. Results are interpreted within a social cognitive theory framework and directions for future research are articulated.  相似文献   

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