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在现代五项游泳运动中,运动员的肩关节损伤是非常常见的,研究运动员肩关节损伤的发病原因、症状规律以及有效的防治方法,对降低肩关节损伤的发病率,减小损伤对运动员的危害,提高游泳运动训练水平具有重要意义.基于对国内大量游泳运动肩关节损伤文献的归纳分析,对肩关节的生理结构、肩关节损伤的症状、肩关节损伤的原因以及肩关节损伤的防治...  相似文献   

寻红星 《体育科研》2022,(4):98-104
为了进一步明确国内外水球运动员肩关节损伤现状,为该项目肩关节损伤预防和康复提供理论参考,研究采用文献综述法,在文献数据库中进行检索,围绕水球运动员肩关节损伤的发生率、特点、因素、康复方法进行归纳和评述。发现水球运动员肩关节要承受投掷、游泳、对抗带来的负荷,损伤高发;水球运动员肩关节主要的损伤部位为冈上肌肌腱、冈下肌肌腱、肱二头肌长头肌腱等,盂唇的损伤主要是后上部,不同水平的运动员损伤略有不同;对水球运动员肩关节训练负荷、肩胛骨功能、内外旋肌力比、活动度等参数进行监控,采取优化肩关节活动度与肩胛骨功能、强化肌力训练等主动康复的方法,可以在一定程度上恢复运动员肩关节的运动能力,助其重返赛场。  相似文献   

刘雪凯 《游泳》2005,(2):47-48
游泳运动中,肩关节损伤不仅影响正常 的运动训练与运动成绩的提高,而且影响到 运动员的身体健康,本文通过对游泳运动中 肩关节损伤问题的探讨,提出了预防和治疗 肩关节损伤的方法。 1、肩关节结构特点 周围韧带对关节活动的限制较小,关节  相似文献   

王嵘 《精武》2012,(24):17-18
肩关节损伤对游泳运动员来说,是最常见的伤病现象,给运动员的训练和健康带来了极大的困扰,甚至会给运动生涯带来致命打击。因此,教练员或者体育教师应该掌握游泳运动员肩关节损伤的规律、救治方面的知识,归纳损伤的原因,采取相应的预防措施,避免伤病的发生。本文结合游泳运动员肩关节损伤的治疗情况,探讨游泳运动肩关节损伤症状及预防保护,为游泳运动肩关节损伤的治疗提供一定的参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

肩关节损伤是羽毛球运动员的常见损伤,对正常训练、提高技术水平以及延长运动寿命影响很大。本文对肩关节肌肉的收缩形式和肩关节损伤的原因进行分析,并提出加强肩关节训练的方法和建议。  相似文献   

肩关节是上肢的主要关节,日常活动或体育运动多数由肩关节参与。肩关节损伤是田径运动中最常见的一种运动损伤,特别是"肩袖"损伤、肱二头肌、长头肌腱鞘炎和肩峰撞击综合征三种损伤在田径投掷项目中时有发生。因此,了解肩关节的解剖结构、损伤原因及如何防治肩关节损伤,对于广大教练员和运动员都是十分重要和必要的。  相似文献   

目的:通过对江苏游泳项目运动员的肩关节旋转肌力-肩损伤的队列研究,探寻肩部旋转肌力和肩关节损伤的因果关系,为肩损伤的预防和康复,提供更为有力的支持和指导。方法:对游泳运动员进行肩关节等速旋转肌力的测试,在随后的26个月内,采集受试运动员肩关节损伤发生率。用生存分析的方法得出旋转肌力指标和肩关节损伤风险的关系,为被动治伤和积极防伤提供参考。结果:男子运动员的外旋肌力量作为降低风险的因素存在(p=0.000),女子运动员的外旋肌力量作为降低风险的因素存在(p=0.003)。结论:从预防游泳运动员肩关节损伤的角度,应该积极加强肩部外旋肌力的训练。  相似文献   

高水平游泳运动员肩关节损伤的特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用献资料、问卷调查、访问调查和数理统计,对1999年全国游泳冠军赛和锦标赛的18个省市代表队120名优秀运动员的肩关节损伤进行调查。结果显示:我国优秀游泳运动员肩关节损伤高达47.4%,且多为训练年限在6~9年的健将级以上运动员。患急性肩关节损伤多为主项爬泳、仰泳或蝶泳的。肩关节损伤的症状不同,治疗手段亦不尽相同。损伤的主要原因有局部训练负荷过重、训练水平不够、技术动作不合理等。针对肩关节损伤的发病原因、机理、症状,提出预防和治疗肩关节损伤的可行性建议。  相似文献   

叶仲荣 《游泳》2001,(5):5-6
游泳运动员肩关节损伤是游泳训练中最常见的一种损伤 ,是游泳运动员的天敌 ,对游泳运动训练和比赛造成很大威胁。我们时常发现有些很有发展前途的优秀游泳运动员 ,由于肩关节损伤而导致不能按计划要求进行训练 ,妨碍运动成绩的提高 ,甚至缩短运动寿命。因此 ,为了搞好医务监督 ,掌握运动员肩关节损伤的规律 ,探索与研究其发病原因和症状 ,以及有效的防治方法 ,对预防和减少肩关节损伤的发病率 ,提高训练水平有着重要意义。一、损伤症状与治疗游泳运动员肩部肌肉劳损初期 ,肩部的感觉与平时不同 ,即肌肉的酸痛比平时厉害 ,继续训练后 ,肩部的…  相似文献   

肩关节损伤,在体育运动中常见。尤以排球、体操、投掷、举重、游泳等运动中多见。据1990年对我院(北院)学生损伤普查和1995年排球专项课损伤调查,肩关节损伤分别占损伤总人数的65%和75%。由此可见,肩关节损伤是影响学生学习和身心健康发展的因素之一。  相似文献   

肩关节损伤在乒乓球运动损伤中最为常见,损伤不仅影响运动员运动成绩的提高、运动寿命的减短,甚至给运动员的生理、心理造成严重的影响。本文分析了乒乓球运动员肩关节损伤的原因,并相应提出有效的预防措施,旨在为保证训练的正常进行及提高运动员的运动寿命提供参考。  相似文献   


Kinematic analysis of swimming is of interest to improve swimming performances. Although the video recordings of underwater swimmers are commonly used, the available methodologies are rarely precise enough to adequately estimate the three dimensional (3D) joint kinematics. This is mainly due to difficulties in obtaining the required kinematic parameters (anatomical landmarks, joint centres and reference frames) in the swimming environment. In this paper we propose a procedure to investigate the right upper limb’s 3D kinematics during front crawl swimming in terms of all elbow and shoulder degrees of freedom (three rotations of the shoulder, two of the elbow). The method is based upon the Calibrated Anatomical Systems Technique (CAST), a technique widely used in clinics, which allows estimation of anatomical landmarks of interest even when they are not directly visible. An automatic tracking technique was adopted. The intra-operator repeatability of the manual tracking was also assessed. The root mean squared difference of three anatomical landmarks, processed five times, is always lower than 8 mm. The mean of the root mean squared difference between trajectories obtained with the different methodologies was found to be lower than 20 mm. Results showed that complete 3D kinematics of at least twice as many frames than without CAST can be reconstructed faster and more precisely.  相似文献   

In volleyball, the dominant shoulder of the athlete undergoes biomechanical and morphological adaptations; however, definitive conclusions about their exact nature, aetiology, purpose and associations with shoulder injury have not been reached. We present a systematic review of the existing literature describing biomechanical adaptations in the dominant shoulders of volleyball players and factors that may predispose to shoulder pain/injury. A thorough literature search via Medline, EMBASE and SCOPUS was conducted for original studies of volleyball players and 15 eligible articles were identified. Assessment of study quality was performed using the STROBE statement. The reviewed literature supports the existence of a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) and a possible (and less pronounced) external rotation gain in the dominant vs. the non-dominant shoulder of volleyball athletes. Unlike other overhead sports, the GIRD in volleyball athletes appears to be anatomical as a response to the repetitive overhead movements and not to be associated with shoulder pain/injury. Additionally, the dominant shoulder exhibits muscular imbalance, which appears to be a significant risk factor for shoulder pain. Strengthening of the external rotators should be used alongside shoulder stretching and joint mobilisations, core strengthening and optimisation of spike technique as part of injury management and prevention programmes.  相似文献   

膝关节是人体负重和运动的主要关节,前交叉韧带(ACL)损伤是膝关节最常见运动损伤之一,而健美操运动也是造成膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的项目之一,本文通过运用文献综述的方法,广泛收集有关膝关节ACL损伤的基本理论及防治知识,通过前交叉韧带的生理解剖结构,并结合健美操项目的运动特点来分析造成前交叉韧带一度损伤的原因及根据原因提出预防措施,针对前交叉韧带一度损伤的早、中、晚三期的病理演变特征提出康复方案,对以后前交叉韧带一度损伤保守治疗的快速康复提供理论基础,并对以后健美操训练中前交叉韧带损伤的预防和韧带重建术后康复训练有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对国家队激流回旋运动员损伤状况的检查和治疗发现 ,肩关节脱位发生率比较高 ,女性高于男性 ;肩关节脱位与肩周围软组织损伤密切相关 ;“爱斯基摩翻滚”是导致肩关节脱位的主要技术动作。据此 ,提出了 4项建议  相似文献   

沙滩排球扣球起跳阶段人体环节运动的生物力学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用运动学手段对沙滩排球上步扣球起跳阶段人体环节的运动特征进行了研究,结果表明:“重心最低”时刻右踝角较小并没有影响人体的整体姿位;右踝角在缓冲阶段屈曲幅度较大,而在蹬伸阶段屈曲幅度较小;髋、膝二关节伸展过早,影响了下肢三关节蹬伸运动的连贯性;起跳时肩关节发力过早影响了上、下肢动作配合的协调性。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、测试法、数理统计法,探讨和研究了舞龙运动员等速运动状态下肩关节屈伸肌群的力学特征以及肌力的相互关系。结果表明:舞龙运动员肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩随着测试角速度的增加而下降;且左侧肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩均大于另一侧;肩关节屈伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩值均表现为伸肌群明显大于屈肌群;肩关节伸肌的峰力矩均大于屈肌的峰力矩;伸肌群的平均功率也明显大于屈肌群的平均功率。  相似文献   

Repetitive stresses and movements on the shoulder in the volleyball spike expose this joint to overuse injuries, bringing athletes to a career threatening injury. Assuming that specific spike techniques play an important role in injury risk, we compared the kinematic of the traditional (TT) and the alternative (AT) techniques in 21 elite athletes, evaluating their safety with respect to performance. Glenohumeral joint was set as the centre of an imaginary sphere, intersected by the distal end of the humerus at different angles. Shoulder range of motion and angular velocities were calculated and compared to the joint limits. Ball speed and jump height were also assessed. Results indicated the trajectory of the humerus to be different for the TT, with maximal flexion of the shoulder reduced by 10 degrees, and horizontal abduction 15 degrees higher. No difference was found for external rotation angles, while axial rotation velocities were significantly higher in AT, with a 5% higher ball speed. Results suggest AT as a potential preventive solution to shoulder chronic pathologies, reducing shoulder flexion during spiking. The proposed method allows visualisation of risks associated with different overhead manoeuvres, by depicting humerus angles and velocities with respect to joint limits in the same 3D space.  相似文献   

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