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My Dream Home     
<正>Hello! My name is Zhang Yuxin. My dream home is very beautiful. It is near the sea. It has an area of 300 square meters. It has two floors.On the first floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. After dinner, I can watch TV in the living room.  相似文献   

My Dream Home     
<正>Welcome to my dream home!It’s not very large.It’s near the sea.There’s a big balcony on the first floor.I can look out at the sea and the beach there.On the first floor are my own bedroom and study.I can read or chat with my friends in the study.On the ground floor,there  相似文献   

My Dream Home     
My dream home is near the sea.It has 2 floors and there are 10 rooms in it.It has a big living room and five nice bedrooms.I have a big study of my own.Behind the house,there is a big football field.I can enjoy playing football with my friends there.And I also like walking on the beach with my parents after supper every day.  相似文献   

My Dream Home     
<正>My dream home is not far from the sea.It is a large house on the beach.It has an area of over 500 square meters.There are about 20 rooms in it.I have my own bedroom and study in it.My favorite place is the football field in front of my house on the beach,because I can invite my friends to play beach football with me there.I think my dream home is cool.What about yours?  相似文献   

Killy一到加拿大,就受到Brad一家的热情欢迎,邀请她在开学前到他们的家中小住,这可是难得的机会,Kitty可以充分感受当地文化.第二天,她就和Brad、Wendy到了附近的廉价旧货市场,了解当地旧货市场的习俗和深意,着实让人印象深刻.而此时,也正值圣诞节光临,满街的节日装饰和氛围,不仅大饱眼福,Killy更被人们在节日期间的喜悦和幸福所感染.  相似文献   

②My home have funny a dog.③Its name is Mantou.④It eat steamed(蒸的) mantou.⑤It has a brown and whitefur(软毛).  相似文献   

Mr Jenkins works in a factory. As a head of his of-fice, he always goes to work on time. 1 of his work-mates are young and he's friendly to them but tellsthem not to 2 .And they often help each other. One day Mike,a workmate of his, 3 him to goto his birthday party. He started on time and boughtsome nice 4 in a shop on his way there. But soon af-ter that he had to 5 his car by the side of the street  相似文献   

也谈在家上学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,“在家上学”虽属自发产生的个别现象,其影响却不可低估。它既对公办学校提出了挑战。也是对义务教育法的挑战。  相似文献   

1.Dad:How do you put an elephant in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,put the elephant in,and close the door. Dad:How do you put a giraffe in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,take the elephant out,put the giraffe in,and close the door.  相似文献   

一、学生及教材分析:四年级的小学生活泼好动,充满想象力,有一定的语音基础,并初步形成了自己的价值观和审美能力,他们乐于接受具有挑战性的任务,在各类活动中感知语言、习得语言。在此之前学生已经初步掌握了用简单的英语介绍自己的教室,本节课学习家中各个房间的名称及其功能。  相似文献   

精神家园是人们诗意栖居之地,贾平凹的文学创作表现出对失落的家园的苦苦寻觅.他对人类精神家园的探寻在作品中是从不同角度表现出来的,小说的家园意识体现了贾平凹对人文精神的关怀,对人类生存状况及传统文化与现代文化的双向思考,流露出了现代人对生存困境的文化焦虑和精神漂泊。  相似文献   

当前,越来越多的农民背井离乡外出务工,他们中的很多人把子女留给家中的老人或寄养到其他亲戚家,于是在农村学校中就出现了一个特有的人群——“留守生”。“留守生”泛指父母一方或双方长期在外务工,孩子留在户籍所在地并因此不能和父母双方共同生活在一起,由他人教育管理的未成年学生。  相似文献   

长篇小说《我寂寞的时候,菩萨也寂寞》,以别出机杼的叙事艺术,将欲望化时代的爱情和浓得化不开的乡情,根植入大足石刻艺术的佛性中去拷问与抒写,直抵人性中的善与恶、美与丑。作者通过忆君面对人生变故和爱情无常所表现出来的豁达与宽容,也昭示了平民的幸福和俗世的快乐,在于安贫乐道,与世无争。  相似文献   

马睿 《双语学习》2009,(7):I0031-I0031
Do you know about the family life of ants? Shall we go and visit an ant's family? Some insects live alone, but ants are different. They live in a large nest, in which each ant has a job. Their home is like a big palace underground.  相似文献   

①When George was thirty-five,hebought a small plane and learned to flyit.He soon became verygood and made his planedo all kinds of tricks.  相似文献   

动漫的世界就是一个梦想的世界,她是属于我们幻想的国度。那一个个幻想的故事,虽远离现实,却寄托着我们的梦想;那一个个不存在的人物,虽不食人间烟火,却吸引着我们,甚至影响着我们的生活。  相似文献   

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