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1.最近的邮局离这儿大约五公里远。【误】The nearest post office is about five kilo- metres far from here.【正】The nearest post office is about five kilo- metres away from here.【析】far不能和表示具体数字的词连用,而 away则可以。但如对句中five kilometres 提问,仍需用far。  相似文献   

The results of the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise were presented in several places, notably in The Higher, in the form of a league table. The article discusses how this table was compiled and points to a number of fundamental problems in the way in which the data were handled. It goes on to discuss some more general issues in the calculation of league tables and shows the extreme sensitivity of the RAE data to certain arbitrary assumptions that have to be made. It concludes by urging caution on any who may be tempted to draw conclusions from such tables as well as on those who might compile such tables in the future.  相似文献   

The argument presented in this paper is that effective instruction of children with reading difficulties relies little on accurate diagnosis either of the apparent cause of the reading problem or the nature of the reading problem. The former argument—that the diagnosis of the underlying cause of the problem is futile—is not new but bears restatement as there is no sign that the practice is abating among certain health professionals. The latter argument—that the diagnosis of the child's relative strengths and weaknesses in reading is also irrelevant to instruction—is more controversial as it contradicts standard educational practice. It is considered that standardised reading tests, if properly administered and interpreted, have a part to play in the identification of children with reading problems, but not in the diagnosis or treatment of such problems. Children with reading difficulties would be better served if more attention were paid to instruction and less to diagnosis.  相似文献   

We give a simple way of demonstrating that coincidences really are “out there”, as probability theory predicts- if we take the trouble to look.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the relationships between learning styles and learning preferences with the aim of tailoring teaching methods to the ways that students prefer to learn. This study used a sample of 201 management undergraduates to examine the relationships between Kolb's four learning styles and four learning types, and 12 different learning preferences. Only three significant relationships were found. It is suggested that large individual differences in learning preferences within each style and type, and small differences in learning preference mean scores show that, overall, there are weak linkages between learning styles and learning preferences. It is recommended that researchers control for Type I error rates and present effect sizes when statistically significant relationships are found to prevent chance and trivial findings from influencing educators. It is recommended that educators use a variety of learning methods and encourage students to be receptive to different learning methods rather than try to link specific learning methods to specific learning styles.  相似文献   

Plagiarism in UK law schools: is there a postcode lottery?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The discussion of issues relating to academic dishonesty in the UK higher education sector has become increasingly intense in recent years and has often been subject to the media spotlight. This study examines the policies, procedures and penalties at law schools across the UK when dealing with allegations of plagiarism. Data were obtained in two stages via questionnaires and structured interviews with members of staff. The considerable degree of diversity which emerges is discussed and the possible implications of such diversity are examined.  相似文献   

“爱的哲学”是冰心早期创作的基本主题,其精魂是现代人对真善美的向往与追求,它既是对理想社会形态的追寻,又是对现代人格精神的构建,在人类文明史上具有久远的价值。  相似文献   

Moral education and ethical reflection are always dependent on the content of the internalized norms, principles and values of the individual. As we demonstrate, this also means that there is no instance of feeling, emotion, spontaneity, or care that can be independent of norms, rules, and values outside human discourse. In light of this, Noddings’ theory of the ethic of care is a contentious theory of child education, as it is linked with the presupposition that we can turn a blind eye to the symbolic field, to the network of rules/principles and their values, when we educate. Education that is derived only from caring, without being derived from reflection on education’s specific values, can lead to education that supports, for instance, racist ideology and racist education. This is not, of course, something that the ethic of care would advocate; however, as an educational theory, it is flawed in that, due to the rejection of reflection through principles in general, it fails to provide the educator with a conceptual apparatus through which he/she could analyze and reflect upon—could understand—what he/she is doing with regard to the norms of his/her culture. Society and educators cannot tacitly allow or be benevolent toward such fundamental mistakes in moral education.  相似文献   

Training can often be the right answer—or part of the right answer—to help people learn how to do something that is new for them. Although some may be tempted to ignore instructional design when faced with a tight time line, that is exactly when following a systematic process can provide a recipe for success. Given six important questions, the right ingredients, and the right recipe, even quick development efforts will benefit from instructional design.  相似文献   


This article analyses the progresses and challenges in education in Latin America since the Salamanca World Conference on Special Needs Education. The main advances have been in the access to education of a greater number of students derived from a higher public expenditure. The challenges that still exist can be summed up through insufficient educational quality, especially with regard to the situation of teachers and the infrastructure of schools. It’s difficult to collect appropriate, rigorous and accurate data for special needs education. The article concludes by pointing out the importance of rebuilding three bridges to move faster in the inclusive process: first, a political bridge to agree on the improvement of the educational budget during the next decade; a social and cultural bridge that supports attitudes of citizens in favour of diversity and inclusion; and finally, an educational bridge with two fundamental pillars: education of infant and young children and training and professional development for teachers.  相似文献   

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