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随着农村中小学现代远程教育工程建设的不断推进,教师的资源应用能力对农村中小学现代远程教育质量和效益的影响越来越突出。为此,我们对宁夏地区农村中小学教师的现代远程教育资源应用能力现状进行了调查,在调查分析的基础上,提出了提高农村中小学教师现代远程教育资源应用能力的具体措施。  相似文献   

教师职业的专业性要求教师具备一定的专业能力,远程开放教育因为教学的分离特征.要求教师必须具备更好的信息技术素养,能够运用现代信息技术媒体开展远程教育教学活动。通过对教师专业能力及其构成、远程开放教育教师的角色要求以及地方开放大学教师的职能定位的分析,提出了地方开放大学远程开放教育教师专业能力结构框架。  相似文献   

教师队伍专业发展水平是远程开放教育事业发展的关键因素,教师专业发展问题是远程开放教育管理者不断研究的一个重要课题。以内蒙古广播电视大学教师队伍为研究对象,对远程开放教育教师专业发展中存在的一些问题进行初步分析,并提出教师专业发展应具备的能力和促进远程开放教育教师专业发展的实施策略。  相似文献   

发展远程培训 创新教师继续教育模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对北京市中小学教师继续教育远程培训进行了较为全面调查的基础上,从中小学教师、培训者与培训管理者的需求;构建教师终身教育体系;创新教师培训模式;促进教育均衡化发展;缓解教师继续教育工学矛盾和提高培训效率等几个方面阐述了在教师继续教育中发展远程培训的必要性。同时从信息化条件、新知识获取的方式和利用网络资源学习的能力等方面论证了教师远程培训的可行性,对"十二五"教师远程培训提出了建议。  相似文献   

在计算机、互联网技术飞速发展的当下,远程培训已经成为中小学教师继续教育的一种重要形式。中小学教师普遍存在教学任务繁重的情况,而远程培训可以打破这种时间、空间限制,一定程度上减轻了中小学教师的压力和负担,因此远程培训模式正成为中小学教师队伍不断提升素质、能力的一个重要途径。基于"互联网+"对中小学教师远程培训模式进行深入研究,旨在为中小学教师远程培训有效性的提高提供更多有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   

网络远程教师多维导学能力新解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络远程教师的导学能力非常重要。网络远程教师的导学能力可以从3个视角进行解析:一是生本观,认为导学能力的本质功能是网络远程教师基于"学"、为了"学"、促进"学"而采取的多种性质和多种方式的"导";二是生态观,认为导学能力是一种复杂、高级的教学能力,包括网络远程教育情境中的规定性能力和生态性能力,而这两种不同性质的能力能否统筹协调将从根本上制约导学能力的发展;三是基准观,认为应该将基准方法引入到网络远程教师的导学能力研究中,可以提高导学能力的可操作性和教师有关导学品质的自导意识与自导能力以及教师自主建构导学能力的主动性、积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

"国培计划"远程培训项目是提高教师应用信息技术优化课堂,转变学习方式,实现教师专业发展,促进教师终身学习的有效途径。该文从"国培计划"实施背景和西藏自治区"国培计划"实施情况出发,以《中小学教师信息技术应用能力标准(试行)》为依据,对西藏自治区中小学教师远程培训需求进行实地调研与分析;文章最后对调查结果进行讨论,总结出"国培计划"远程培训取得的成果和培训过程中存在的问题,旨在对进一步提升"国培计划"中小学教师远程培训效果起到积极地推动作用,使其能够满足教师培训需求,确保项目设置的针对性和科学性。  相似文献   

学校鼓励教师进行信息技术课程的进修和参与远程培训的活动,这让很多教师在此活动中受益匪浅,教师的教育理念、教学目的、教学内容等方面都有了很大的改变,并且经过课改后专家呼吁要重视学生在课堂上的"主体地位",这就对教师的教育能力提出更高的标准和要求。然而教师如何通过远程培训提高自身的教育能力呢?从多个方面进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

远程教师教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁红丽 《教育探索》2004,(11):121-122
现代远程教师教育是当前国内外教师教育的发展趋势。因此,有必要对国内外教师教育状况和远程教师教育的优势进行分析,对开展远程教师教育中存在的问题进行剖析,进而对远程教师教育发展取向进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

导学能力是远程教师的专业核心能力,但已有研究仅从教师角色和教学过程来探讨导学能力的构成要素,把导学能力局限为几种如何导的操作能力,忽略了导学能力的生长情境、生长过程和各要素之间的联系机制,这既对导学实践、导学能力培训考评等缺乏指导意义,也对导学能力的自主建构缺乏引导意义。本文从教师能力生长角度,探讨了远程教师多维导学能力在生长机制上的多源性、生长过程上的多态性、生长方式上的多交性,以及生长本质上的多变性等四种生态特征,以期为远程教师多维导学能力的建构提供些许有效参考。  相似文献   

从令人痛楚:中国农村教师教育现状;当务之急:加大农村中小学教师培训力度;快捷高效:中国远程教师教育特色;迫切需求:中国农村开展远程教师教育等4个方面对农村教师教育问题进行了研究,提出了改变当前我国农村教师教育现状的若干思考和对策,对我国在新世纪充分发挥现代远程教师教育手段开展农村教师教育作出展望。  相似文献   

This paper draws on three case studies to demonstrate that categorising teachers in terms of their orientation towards teaching masks the uniqueness of each teacher's approach. The implications of the principle of teacher uniqueness for teacher education is discussed and it is argued that teacher education programs which attempt to teach skills and competencies independently of values and contextual considerations violate this principle.  相似文献   

In higher education, approaches to teaching are becoming more student-centred, which demands different teaching competencies. Therefore, it is necessary to have an adequate framework of teaching competencies that can be used for evaluation purposes. The weaknesses of the existing frameworks are that they do not pay attention to the person as teacher, they are too narrowly defined, they are not validated and they are not adjusted to modern approaches to teaching. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a framework of teaching competencies in higher education. A framework for teaching competencies was therefore constructed containing the following domains: The Person as Teacher, Expert on Content Knowledge, Facilitator of Learning Processes, Organiser and Scholar/Lifelong Learner. The framework was validated using a Delphi method. Educational experts (N = 63) were asked: ``How important are the following teaching competencies in each domain for an experienced teacher in higher education?'' A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the adequacy of the domains. After two rounds, the shift in ratings was minimal, so the results were considered stable. The response rate was 82%. From the original list with 134 items, 30 items were omitted because many experts failed to respond to them. The experts reached consensus on 61 out of the resulting 104 items (59%). A confirmatory factor analysis on the three best scoring items in each domain confirmed the model. A framework of teaching competencies was developed and validated that can be used as a starting point for teacher evaluation in higher education.  相似文献   

远程教育教师的素质与远程教育的教学质量有着密切联系,关乎远程教育的可持续发展。目前国内外对远程教育教师素质的研究都是基于远程开放教育的教学特点展开的。本文综合已有研究成果,从学习者的视角就“电大学生心目中的好教师”这一主题开展大样本调查,主要包括基本职业素养、专业知识水平、教学方法和策略、教学评价与反馈,以及资源开发与技术应用五个方面。结果显示,大部分学习者认为电大教师这五个方面的素质比较全面;在认同程度方面,成人学习者非常认同教师应具备的教学方法和策略,胜过对教师高学历学位的认同,不同分校在这方面的认同程度又存在差异;对于教师“基本职业素质”的认同程度在统计意义上的差异并不显著,其他方面都显示有差异;学习者对教师的教学技术应用方面存在不同程度的认同;学习者对教学生动性、实用性的期望值较高,并且渴望教师的充分理解以及与教师的沟通交流。  相似文献   


Physical education teachers face considerable sociopolitical challenges that can impede quality instruction and complicate recruitment into the profession. Physical education teacher education faculty members may not be prepared to address these challenges during their doctoral education. Accordingly, the purpose of the paper was to utilize the lessons learned from occupational socialization research to propose competencies that can be integrated into doctoral education to help future faculty members integrate sociopolitical learning into physical education teacher education. These include: (a) understanding socialization literature and the implications for teacher education, (b) helping doctoral students understand their own prior socialization experiences, (c) recruiting highly qualified preservice teachers, (d) helping preservice teachers question their subjective theories, (e) developing and coordinating field experiences, and (f) preparing preservice teachers for the sociopolitical realities of schools. These competencies align with the proposed addition of a new standard for initial teacher education that addresses sociopolitical learning.  相似文献   

This article reports on the gender differences in self‐perceived computer competencies among distance education learners at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Four aspects of competencies that are related to computer usage and its applications were studied; these were competencies in the usage of general computer software, usage of networking software, handling of computer hardware and performing computer maintenance. The results showed that there are no significant differences between the genders in terms of the competencies in the usage of general computer software as well as networking software. These are directly linked to the educational purposes needed to support and facilitate learning in distance education. However, gender differences are observed regarding competencies in their handling of most aspects of computer hardware as well as performing computer maintenance.  相似文献   

现代远程教育的发展增加了社会成员接受高等教育和选择的机会,全方 位、互动交流的教育环境便利了师生之间的交流,为建立平等、民主、和谐的新型师生关系创造了条件。本文试图从师生角色观的变化的视角探讨现代远程教育中的师生关系变化,并分析了影响远程教育中师生关系的因素。  相似文献   

This article has an overall aim as follows: to develop an alternative understanding to a narrow view of education, and in particular teacher training—preparatory and continuing—in terms of economy, as well as the competencies needed for the teaching profession. It takes the view that such an alternative is or could be found in the ideas put forward by Paul Standish, where poetry, or a more poetic understanding of education, is necessary—particularly in regards to teacher training.  相似文献   

整个的教育过程只不过是学生和教育环境之间的交互过程。而对远程教育而言,教师和学生以及学生之间在空间和时间上的差异所带来的交互困难可以用科技的手段,即媒体来填补。网络教育通常被称为第三代远程教育,对于这种特殊的远程教育,存在四种教育交互形式,即学生和教师的交互,学生和教学资源的交互,学生之间的交互及学生和技术的交互。确保其交互程度,是远程教育健康发展的根本保证之一。  相似文献   

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