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This article is a critically reflexive account of how collaborative processes and democratic relations were negotiated in a doctoral research project which combined elements of institutional ethnography, self-study, and, significantly for this article, critical participatory action research. The critical participatory action research dimension of the project involved a group of academics working in the same university faculty, critically and collaboratively examining their own pedagogical practice and the conditions which constrain and enable critical pedagogical praxis in their setting. The article explores what possibilities for democratic participation were created and limited by the circumstances and conditions that constituted this critical participatory action research. I consider the kind of democratic participation that was possible, what enabled this kind of democratic participation, and challenges that emerged in attempts to realise democratic goals. The discussion highlights some of the complexities of fostering democratic participation in critical participatory action research within doctoral research.  相似文献   

Given that social work research courses are typically built on modernist principles of teaching and content, it is not surprising that the majority of social work students dread these courses. Few attempts have been made to better align the modernist content of quantitative research with the postmodern philosophy and values inherent in current social work. This article presents a decision-making flow chart in conjunction with a problem-based learning framework so that students can be self-directed in the process of determining which inferential statistic to use when given a case example.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical appraisal of approaches to reflexivity in sociology. It uses data from social network research to argue that Archer’s approach to reflexivity provides a valuable lens with which to understand how people navigate their education and career pathways. The paper is also critical of Archer’s methodology and typology of reflexivity as ‘types’; it is argued that social network research suggests people reveal different approaches to reflexivity in different situations. It concurs with Archer that the concept reflexivity is central to our understanding of the relationships between agency, structure and social change  相似文献   

This article offers an account of a doctoral insider research project that became problematic. The project was investigating mathematics teaching in a university in the UK, and by contrasting the research account with research diary entries pertaining to two interviewees, different interpretations of the interview data are evident. These differences offer illustrations of four aspects of the problematics of interviewing as follows: (1) personal relations and expectations position everyone in the interview; (2) the motivation for the research affects what the researcher learns; (3) the same material generates accounts that emphasize different things; and (4) things happen in people’s heads during the interviews that are not recorded. The argument developed by considering the examples is that authorial voice is constructed out of decisions regarding the data together with considerations regarding the researcher’s position. The validity of insider research requires reflexive consideration of the researcher’s position, and this is especially pertinent in the case of research undertaken by practitioner researchers on professional doctorates.  相似文献   

A reader of Traianou and Hammersley’s article (in this issue), which discusses at some length the work we undertook in the Evidence‐based Practice in Science Education (EPSE) Research Network, might attribute to us views that are rather different from those which we in fact hold, and which we have sought to present in our own accounts of this work. We highlight several points on which their interpretation of our work and views differs markedly from ours. The aim of the EPSE Network was to explore the practical implications of ‘evidence‐based practice’ in the context of a mainstream curriculum subject such as science, not to advocate any particular interpretation of that term. We would encourage readers interested in the relationship between research and practice in the teaching of specific subjects to base their view of our work, and the perspectives underpinning it, on our own account.  相似文献   

For graduate students and other emerging qualitative researchers, the ever-evolving and sometimes conflicting perspectives, methodologies, and practices within various post-positivist frameworks (e.g. feminist, critical, Indigenous, participatory) can be overwhelming. Qualitative researchers working within postmodern contexts of multiplicity and ambiguity are tasked with working through challenges – related to methods, interpretation, and representation – throughout the research process. Through examining related literature and incorporating my own experiences, I explore ethical dilemmas that social justice-oriented qualitative researchers may encounter as a result of conflicting multiplicities of difference among researcher(s), participants, and readers. Such dilemmas include incongruent interpretations between participants and researchers, and participants’ and researchers’ conflicting desires about what should be shared, intercultural (mis)interpretations, rapport issues, and conflicts between research life and home life. I consider how combining the practices of attending to assemblages, engaging in critical reflexivity, and centralizing communion may be useful in navigating relationships and ethical dilemmas in qualitative research.  相似文献   

The ideals that are central to action research are not often explicitly addressed in writing about action research and participation. This article argues for a more explicit dialogue about the ideals of participation and how those ideals relate to participatory practices. The lack of such a dialogue can obscure both the process of participation and the ends to which such processes are put. It offers a beginning to the conversation by drawing out the implications of five principles that underpin many of the justifications for participatory approaches, namely: community and community engagement, the change orientation of participatory research, issues of power and control, the ownership and construction of knowledge, and the combination of these principles as a form of critique of non-participatory approaches to research. The basis for, and critiques of, each of these principles are explored in turn. From these discussions a series of ‘participatory’ challenges are posed for the discussion of the participatory features of action research.  相似文献   

Teacher research is lauded as a beneficial enterprise both for practitioners and for learners. However, teachers are sometimes accused of not possessing the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct research effectively. This article focuses on the need for teacher-researchers to find means of addressing the methodological challenges of engaging in reflexivity and establishing trustworthiness. By means of accounts written by their peers, teachers may discover how such theoretical constructs can be dealt with in practice.  相似文献   

This paper raises some questions about academic authorial honesty under the headings of Plagiarism (including self‐plagiarism), Theft, and Collusion. Compared with the medical sciences, the social sciences in general and education specifically, lag behind in terms of critical attention being paid to the problem of plagiarism, the peer review process and academic authorial ethics. The ubiquity of the Internet, the ever intensifying demand to publish or perish, and maybe, a general shift in perceptions of what constitutes ‘bad’ plagiarism and collusion which challenge traditional notions of what constitutes authorial honesty, mean that the time may be ripe for a consideration by academic writers and journal editors of how they regard and deal with the whole area. This paper makes an early contribution to the discussion.  相似文献   

Debate continues about the relationship between schools divided on ethno-religious lines and their implications for social cohesion. One argument against the existence of separate schools is that they limit opportunities for children from different groups to engage with each other, promoting intergroup suspicion and sectarianism. Using intergroup contact theory we examine the impact on outgroup attitudes of pupils attending mixed and separate post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. Data were collected through a survey of more than 3,500 pupils and analyses show that, irrespective of school type, intergroup contact at school is strongly associated with more positive orientations to the ethno-religious outgroup. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The process of becoming a qualitative researcher is fraught with challenges that are not always knowable prior to engaging in research. Coursework, reading, discussions, and writing about the process provide a foundation but cannot replace the experiential value of engaging in research. This autobiographical intrinsic case study describes the author’s first attempt conducting qualitative research as a doctoral student documenting additional challenges after the participant, my mother, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Using document analysis, I chronicled and made meaning of this first experience, especially how my relationship with the participant impacted my understanding and applying the concepts of rapport, reflexivity, subjectivity, and intersubjectivity.  相似文献   

近30年来兴起的世界价值观调查正在将思辨层面的价值观纳入实证研究的范畴,并提出"观念改变世界"的观点,即人类价值观的改变对社会变迁具有重大影响。世界价值观调查从不同国家国民的基础价值观中提炼出代表性的文化特征,并绘制世界价值观地图,解释社会现实并推演未来发展趋势。本文在描述价值观转变规律和世界价值观地图的同时,评价了近30年来世界范围内价值观调查关于文化、宗教、全球化趋势和民主发展等方面的理论成果,以期通过对这些结论进行分析以获得社会发展规律及其研究方法上的启示。  相似文献   

The paper makes a connection between transmission modes and constructivism in sociology and education, respectively. There are parallels between Archer’s criticism of upward and downward conflation in social theory, and approaches to learning in education. In her 2012 book, Archer seeks to reconceptualise socialisation as relational reflexivity. This paper seeks to connect this idea to thinking about learning in relational terms and links the analysis to Young’s account of ‘bringing knowledge back in’. The paper uses an example from field work on participation in learning to provide concrete examples that illuminate the points being made. It argues that learning theory needs to move away from transmission and the constructivists’ ideas about education and to consider the relational aspects of learning.  相似文献   

Both local and global issues are typically dealt with in the Social Studies curriculum, or in curriculum areas with other names but similar intents. In the literature about Social Studies the imagination has played little role, and consequently it hardly appears in texts designed to help teachers plan and implement Social Studies lessons. What is true of Social Studies is also largely reflected in general texts concerning planning teaching. Clearly many theorists and practitioners are concerned to engage students' imaginations in learning, even though they use terms other than 'imagination' in doing so. This article suggests that a more explicit attention to imagination can make our efforts to engage students in learning more effective. We provide, first, a working definition of imagination, then show how students' imaginations can be characterized in terms of the 'cognitive toolkits' they bring to learning. We look at such 'cognitive tools' as stories, images, humor, binary oppositions, a sense of mystery and how these can be used to engage students' imaginations in learning Social Studies and other content from kindergarten to about grade four. We then consider 'cognitive tools' commonly deployed by students from about grade four to grade nine, including a sense of reality, the extremes of experience and limits of reality, and associating with the heroic. We also provide examples of how using such tools could influence planning and teaching Social Studies topics.  相似文献   


As teacher confidence in helping children with speech impairments is reported as being low, mainstream teachers may welcome the introduction of specialist speech therapist support in schools through the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (NSF). This reflexive account is offered to develop awareness and understanding of the psycho-social effects of cleft palate and to encourage mainstream teachers and careers of young people who have speech difficulties and disorders to develop individual and classroom-based strategies that facilitate the young person's personal, social and emotional development alongside the parallel, more technical work of specialist speech therapists.

This article reviews the literature related to the nature and treatment of cleft palates, parental coping, adolescent social development and adult coping. This is interwoven with personal stories from the life course of the author, a former teacher who herself has cleft palate speech. Current clinical focus is critiqued for being overly focused on the functional effects of speech disorder in childhood and this leaves a significant gap in the adolescent's social development and ill prepares them for the possibility of speech impairments persisting into adulthood.

Some supportive factors are identified to facilitate and encourage cooperation between teachers and other professionals involved in the care and treatment of young people with cleft palates.  相似文献   

The unwillingness of the Somali community to finance higher education has largely gone unnoticed within the academic literature and government policy documents. This study explores the role of religion and the influence of Shari'ah scholars on the use of interest-bearing student loans within the Somali community. In the absence of any theoretical framework on this topic, we explore the multiple socioeconomic factors that may influence the attitude, perception of need, motivation and action of using student loans for higher education, by proposing the UK Somali Muslims Acceptance of Interest-bearing Student Loan Model. This is also a community-based participatory study that actively involved Somali community members in exploring and interpreting the results. This was achieved through regular consultations with the sampled Somali Muslim communities within the UK. Our results contribute to the broader debate on the effect of cultural, religious and social values of marginalised communities on inclusion and widening access policies for higher education. The findings reemphasise that people sharing the same location do not necessarily share the same level of opportunities for higher education because of the intersectionality of race, religion, gender and class. The results also show the complexity of the issue of exclusion and the atheoretical nature of student loans as a financial instrument for improving financial inclusion and widening access to higher education among Somali residents in England.  相似文献   

As teacher confidence in helping children with speech impairments is reported as being low, mainstream teachers may welcome the introduction of specialist speech therapist support in schools through the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (NSF). This reflexive account is offered to develop awareness and understanding of the psycho-social effects of cleft palate and to encourage mainstream teachers and careers of young people who have speech difficulties and disorders to develop individual and classroom-based strategies that facilitate the young person's personal, social and emotional development alongside the parallel, more technical work of specialist speech therapists.
This article reviews the literature related to the nature and treatment of cleft palates, parental coping, adolescent social development and adult coping. This is interwoven with personal stories from the life course of the author, a former teacher who herself has cleft palate speech. Current clinical focus is critiqued for being overly focused on the functional effects of speech disorder in childhood and this leaves a significant gap in the adolescent's social development and ill prepares them for the possibility of speech impairments persisting into adulthood.
Some supportive factors are identified to facilitate and encourage cooperation between teachers and other professionals involved in the care and treatment of young people with cleft palates.  相似文献   

Despite the fluid and nonlinear nature of data analysis, specifically in qualitative research, published work in comparative education has rarely discussed the messy aspects of data analysis. This Forum addresses the complexity of the analysis stage faced by three doctoral researchers in terms of: considering data analysis when selecting data collection tools; messiness of data analysis deriving from fieldwork and data collection; integrating different data sources; practising reflexivity during data analysis; and ethical issues arising from data analysis. The Forum aims not only to offer suggestions and tips to deal with data analysis but also to encourage more open discussions on this topic within the research community.  相似文献   

Critical reflection is important to vital process issues within social work practice; thus, it warrants attention in teaching and supervisory contexts. Autoethnography is a newer qualitative research methodology that uses the experiences of the author/researcher to extend social science understanding (Sparkes, 2000). In this article, the authors use autoethnography to frame critical reflection as a process of exploring social work knowledge and its potential implications, given that such knowledge is situated within fragmented and diverse selves and identities. Thus, good autoethnography is a unique way of accessing knowledge within intersubjective realities, which simultaneously generates a form of critical reflection (the comparison and assessment of emergent knowledge situated within selves and identities). Purposely incorporating an autoethnographic strategy, the authors draw from their experiences to show how personal narratives, the core of autoethnography, might be used to infuse critical reflection into social work education and practice.  相似文献   

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