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Members of the Somerset Inclusion Project and Gary Thomas (professor and reader in education at the University of the West of England, Bristol) discuss the need for schools to become more inclusive in response to the Government's recent Green Paper (DfEE, 1997), which emphasises that special schools need to work in different ways and to provide services to local mainstream schools. The notion that inclusion is right and segregation is wrong led the staff to convert the Princess Margaret School (PMS) in Taunton, Somerset to an inclusion service.  相似文献   

与其不受教百,不如不生,因为无知是不辛的根源。——柏拉图 文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响,在于能使品性变为高尚、有力。文化的作用在于裨益人生,它的目标不是美,而是善。——威廉·毛姆  相似文献   

印裔英国移民作家维迪雅达.苏拉吉普拉萨德.奈保尔2001年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。《米格尔街》是奈保尔最早创作的短篇小说集,曾获得萨姆塞特.毛姆短篇小说奖。奈保尔的这部小说集虽创作于早期,属其试笔之作,却在选材、叙述笔调的冷峻和幽默以及情节的处理方面,与短篇小说巨匠契诃夫的作品有着相似之处。  相似文献   

<正>William Somerset Maugham was a British playwright,novelist and short story writer.In his short story The Outstation,he described two different colonels who stand for different classes of UK.They come to the colony in Malaysia and have the different conception to the native residents.Cooper offends Warburton on his dignity of declining aristocrat.He also offends  相似文献   

毛姆是二十世纪英国很有影响力的小说家,他的短篇小说《不可征服的》是一首颂歌。它颂扬了不屈的民族精神,这种民族精神在毛姆笔下被演绎得荡气回肠,令人钦佩。本文分析了《不可征服的》中主人公安妮特这个不屈的反抗侵略者的形象及引人入胜的故事情节,通过这个人物毛姆把侵略者的丑恶及被压迫民族反抗侵略的不屈的斗争深刻地表现了出来。  相似文献   


Instant Muscle odd‐job service groups, run on co‐operative lines, were seen as a potentially suitable model for those rural areas and small towns in Somerset with particular youth unemployment problems. The Community Education Service of the LEA played the major role in resource and staff time provision in the establishing of one pilot group and later others around the county. Organisational, financial and practical problems were encountered, partly as a result of the inexperience of those joining and organizing groups. Other problems were those common to small business start‐ups, particularly in the volatile ‘odd jobs’ sector. The change in emphasis by Instant Muscle to the encouragement of self employment/small business ideas, together with a locally‐based part time MSC funded advisor has helped revamp the initiative, to take its place alongside other local and national initiatives. The establishment of a Somerset Enterprise Network (SEN) will serve as a forum to exchange ideas and offer support and encouragement to the variety of initiatives planned or underway.  相似文献   

《环境的力量》收录在毛姆短篇小说集《木麻黄树》中,讲述了主人公盖伊在殖民地的生活经历与情感困惑.本文运用文学伦理学批评的理论与方法探讨其中复杂的伦理关系.通过对盖伊伦理困境、伦理选择的剖析,揭示出以英国文化为代表的西方文明与以马来文化为代表的东方文明之间的不对等关系.  相似文献   

超验主义是19世纪初流行于美国的一种人生哲学,主张人在自然的启发下感悟超灵的指导,降低物质需求,注重自我提高和独立地寻求人生意义。这对于后世的许多文学作品和社会运动都有一定的启发意义。而英国作家威廉.索默斯特.毛姆(W.Somerset Maugham)发表于1925年的《面纱》,却也在宗教、道德、个人完善、自然等多方面和一百多年前的美国超验主义精神有着诸多相似之处。  相似文献   

自然主义从现实主义中分离出来,并从法国传入英国时,已是强弩之末。深受以法国为主的欧洲大陆文化熏陶的毛姆,在《人生的枷锁》中表现出了较多的自然主义倾向,并籍着对自然主义创作手法的深刻理解和熟练运用,深刻地反映了他对于生命的关注,使《人生的枷锁》流传广泛、影响深远,从而确立了他作为小说家的地位。  相似文献   

自然主义从现实主义中分离出来,并从法国传入英国时,已是强弩之末。深受以法国为主的欧洲大陆文化熏陶的毛姆,在《人生的枷锁》中表现出了较多的自然主义倾向,并籍着对自然主义创作手法的深刻理解和熟练运用,深刻地反映了他对于生命的关注,使《人生的枷锁》流传广泛、影响深远,从而确立了他作为小说家的地位。  相似文献   

Teaching approaches whereby young children listen to their own recorded voices as a means of improving reading, writing, memory and other skills have begun to be developed. Some of the advantages of ARROW, described here by Dr Colin Lane, head of the special unit, Hugh Sexey Middle School, Blackford, Somerset, are that it has been applied to a wide range of learning difficulties and curriculum areas, is economical in teaching time and can be organised by teaching assistants, parents or other volunteers.  相似文献   

威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆是一位风格独特的英国现代作家。他站在传统与现代的历史交叉口上,其小说创作体现出现实主义与现代主义的双重特征,对于东方文明的描绘是毛姆书中的亮点之一。在西方殖民者统治下,东方民众生活表面上似乎生活在西方人的阴影之下。但是,那些在西方文化的土地上成长起来的西方人也在潜移默化中接受着东方文化的影响和渗透。渗透之后所导致的结果有两种:一是被东方文明所异化,另一种是借助东方文明以寻求精神解脱。毛姆小说中所呈现的东方文明恰恰证明了这一点。  相似文献   

Colin Conner, University of Cambridge Institute of Education, Learning: Principles, Processes and Practices, Rosemary J. Stevenson and Joy A. Palmer. London: Cassell, 1994. 216 pp. pb ISBN 0 304 32563 5, £12.99

Caroline Lodge, NAPCE National Committee, Life Goes On, Two training videos from St Margaret's Somerset Hospice. Taunton, Somerset: Emerald Films Production. £50 each, £75 for two +£1.75 p + p.

Caroline Lodge, NAPCE National Committee, Chasing Rainbows: Children, Divorce and Loss , by Brynna Kroll. Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing Limited, 1994. 187pp. pb ISBN 1 898924 10 4, £14.95

Carrie Herbert, Carrie Herbert Consultancy, Cambridge, Bullying and the Dysfluent Child in the Primary SchoolA pack to help teachers with a dysfluent child in their class and speech and language therapists working with small groups of dysfluent children. Produced by Siobhan Mooney and Jim Lewis for The British Stammering Association, 15 Old Ford Road, London E2 9PJ. £18.90.  相似文献   

The editorial team of TRACEY, an online drawing journal hosted by Loughborough University School of Art & Design, was interested to learn more about John Willats’s current thinking on the subject of drawing and to put to him a number of specific questions to do with the functions of drawn marks, notions of pictorial syntax, the role of ambiguity and imprecision in drawing and future directions for drawing research. He kindly agreed to an interview, which took place in his Somerset studio on Thursday 6th December 2001. The following is an edited version of that interview.  相似文献   

语言作为意义的载体体现了语言使用者的交际意图,在语言交际中人们往往会有意识地选择所使用的措辞以达到其交际的目的。在这个过程中人们要么遵循会话原则,要么违反这些原则,无论作者或说话人做出什么选择,其最终目的都是为了达到其所期待的效果。文学作品虽然与日常的交际会话不同,其所表达的内涵也往往需借助语用原则尤其是会话原则理论才能得以充分的理解。本文试图通过分析英国作家毛姆的短篇小说《万事通先生》(Mr.Know-all)来说明语用原则对文学作品理解的作用。  相似文献   

随着语料库语言学在语言研究领域的广泛应用,借用现代语料库技术分析文学作品中的语言使用特征,为语言学的研究提供了一种全新的视角和手段。借助Wordsmith Tools语料库索引软件的搜索功能,以英国小说家毛姆的代表作品《午宴》为语料,在语言学数据提取的基础上,通过基于词表的文本基本情况分析,基于主题词的故事情节分析,以及基于索引的修辞分析三个方面对这部作品中的语言使用特点进行数据解读,以期对于语料库的实证研究能有所借鉴。  相似文献   

浅谈毛姆《午餐》中的十种修辞格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛姆是现代英国著名小说家,他的语言明白畅达、形象生动、简洁和谐,其中不少作品被改编为剧本在舞台上演出或拍为电影公映,这与作者能够熟练运用丰富多变、独具艺术表现力的各种修辞格有关。在其名著《午餐》中,作者就熟练运用了多达十种修辞格,即:understatement(低调陈述),irony(反语),innuendo(暗指/影射),transferredepi—thet(移就),contrast(对照),antithesis(平行对照),rhetoricalquestion(修辞性疑问),climax(层递),metaphor(隐喻),par-allelism(平行)。但在大学英语教学中,或限于篇幅,或限于时间,教师们难以就此进行深入探讨,文章对《午餐》上述十种修辞格的分析能使师生们更深刻地理解和欣赏毛姆这位西方短篇小说大师的语言魅力。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of research into parental experiences of the Somerset (UK) “Time Together” home visiting intervention, with regards to its impact on the parent-child relationship. The research was carried out using an Attachment Theory lens in order to understand the qualitative experiences of seven parents of children in the early years who were identified as being socially isolated and/or having difficulties relating to their child. The key findings were that parents experienced a change within their notion of self, seeing their child as a separate self and seeing the world more through their child’s eyes. They experienced a wider range of play activities which brought about greater levels of attunement and enjoyment. The parent and home visitor relationship served to empower parents. A flow diagram was created to illustrate the processes of the research interactions and outcomes. This provides a model of how parents can be supported to experience greater enjoyment within their relationship with their child, and increase their level of social engagement.  相似文献   

BURKE AND THE NATURE OF POLITICS: THE AGE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. By Carl B. Cone. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1957; pp. xvi+415. $9.00.

THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EDMUND BURKE (Volume I, April 1744—June 1768). Edited by Thomas W. Copeland. Cambridge: The University Press and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958; pp. xxvi+377. $8.00.

A CHECKLIST OF THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EDMUND BURKE. By Thomas W. Copeland and Milton Shumway Smith. Cambridge: The University Press for the Index Society, 1955; pp. xvíii+481. No list price.

A NOTE‐BOOK OF EDMUND BURKE. Edited by H. V. F. Somerset. Cambridge: The University Press, 1957; pp. xii+120. $3.50.

THE MORAL BASIS OF BURKE'S POLITICAL THOUGHT: AN ESSAY. By Charles Parkin. Cambridge: The University Press. 1956; pp. viii+145. $2.50.

EDMUND BURKE AND THE NATURAL LAW. By Peter J. Stanlis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1958; pp. xv+311. $5.75.

A PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF OUR IDEAS OF THE SUBLIME AND BEAUTIFUL. By Edmund Burke. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by J. T. Boulton. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul and New York: Columbia University Press, 1958; pp. cxxx+197. $5.00.

EDMUND BURKE. By T. E. Utley. (Writers and Their Work: No. 87.) Lendon: Longmans, Green for The British Book Council and the National Book League, 1957; pp. 36. Two shillings.

REFLECTIONS ON THE REVOLUTION IN FRANCE. By Edmund Burke. Edited with an Introduction by Thomas H. D. Mahoney and an Analysis by Oskar Piest. (The Library of Liberal Arts, No. 46.) New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1955; pp. xliv+307. Paper $1.25, cloth $2.50.  相似文献   

What Katy Did     
What Katy Didwas the second of more than twenty books written for children by Susan Coolidge, the pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905). Early in Sarah's childhood, the Woolseys moved from Cleveland to Connecticut, where she and her younger sisters and brother grew up. They and her relations provided the models for the fictional Carr family of the Katy novels, Sarah having much in common with Katy herself. What Katy Didwas published by Roberts Brothers of Boston in 1872 and is often compared with Louisa M. Alcott's Little Women,published very successfully by the same firm only four years earlier. Katy Carr was as immediately popular as Jo March, who may well have created an eager market for her. Elizabeth Jennings was born in 1926 in Boston, Lincolnshire, but since the age of six has lived mostly in Oxford. She was educated at Oxford High School and read English Language and Literature at Oxford University. Her first book,Poems (1953), won an Arts Council Award, andA Way of Looking brought her the Somerset Maugham Award in 1956. The latter enabled her to make the first of many visits to Rome, a city which has had a formative influence on her work. She has published fifteen volumes of poetry as well asCollected Poems (1986), which was awarded the W. H. Smith Award in 1987. She has also written two books of poems for children (now out of print) calledThe Secret Brother andAfter the Ark, has translated Michelangelo'sSonnets (reissued in 1988), has edited four anthologies, and has written four critical books, includingEvery Changing Shape andRobert Frost. Over the years she has received five Arts Council prizes or bursaries.CLE invited her to revisit a favorite book of her childhood.  相似文献   

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