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A model of the motion of a single‐scull rowing hull has been developed and verified against rowing performance data. The model was then used to explore the effect of changes in the cyclic rowing force on the boat speed. The calculations have shown that the shape of the rowing force curve and the proportion of recovery time in the total stroke can have an important effect on the boat speed. It has also been shown that a study of the fluid mechanics of the oar blade would be advantageous in determining whether a reduction in the power wasted can be obtained by changing the ratio of rowing force to normal force.  相似文献   

对跨栏跑的速度和速度训练的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
要提高跨栏专项成绩,就必须解决好栏上的过栏速度和栏间平跑速度。其中过栏速度靠提高起跨腿蹬地速度、摆动腿动作速度、起跨腿提拉速度和下栏转为栏间跑速度,栏间乎跑速度靠提高栏间步频为主。指出平跑速度、过栏速度的重要性,并对二者提出了科学的训练方案。  相似文献   

采用一定的运动训练方法对短道速滑青年运动员下肢小肌群的训练进行实践性干预,寻找出小肌群训练在整体短道速滑专项力量训练中的权重地位。研究认为:一般专项训练方法往往忽视小肌群的专门性训练,然而在青年期时,肌肉迅速发达起来,肌肉中的蛋白质含量不断增加,通过传统的专项训练会导致大肌肉群发展速度过快,这个时期根据运动员的自身需要,注意安排小肌群的力量练习是很有必要的。  相似文献   

曾广新 《冰雪运动》2002,(4):67-67,88
为了上好每一节冰上课,针对冰上教学的特点,就速度滑冰课教学方法进行了探讨和研究,收集总结出几种经实践证明且行之有效的冰上教学方法,对提高冰上课教学质量具有现实的意义.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether cyclists modify the pattern of force application to become more effective during a prolonged ride to exhaustion. Twelve competitive male cyclists completed a steady-rate exercise ride to exhaustion at 80% of their maximum power output at 90 rev x min(-1) on a cycle ergometer. Pedal force, pedal and crank angle data were collected from an instrumented bicycle for three pedalling cycles at the end of the first and final minutes of the exercise test with simultaneous video recording of the lower limbs. Kinematic and force data were combined to compute hip, knee and ankle joint moments. There were changes in the pattern of force application, joint kinematics and joint moments of force. Comparison of the first minute and the final minute ride revealed significantly increased peak effective force (340 +/- 65.0 and 377 +/- 74.8 N for the first and final minute, respectively; F1,11 = 7.44, P = 0.02), increased positive (28.4 +/- 4.5 and 30.5 +/- 4.8 N x s for the first and final minute, respectively; F1,11 = 7.80, P = 0.02) and negative angular impulses (-1.5 +/- 1.6 and -2.4 +/- 1.5 N x s for the first and final minute, respectively; F1,11 = 4.50, P = 0.06). Contrary to our initial assumptions, it would appear that riders became less effective during the recovery phase, which increased the demand for forces during the propulsive phase. Training the pattern of force application to improve effectiveness may be a useful strategy to prolong an endurance ride.  相似文献   

跳远运动员专项速度能力分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国内外优秀跳远运动员的专项速度能力进行分析并进行灰色关联分析,结果表明,组成跳远运动员专项速度能力的因素群为:绝对速度、速度耐力,速度力量,助跑速度等12项因素,与跳远成绩关联度最大的是立定三级跳远,其次是最后50m助跑速度。建议在跳远教学与训练中高度重视专项速度能力的培养,并运用所得方程检测评价运动员的速度能力。  相似文献   

浅析三级跳远助跑速度对选手成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对世界优秀三级跳远男运动员20人次的助跑速度及其相应成绩的数据处理,结合自身运动实践,广泛地查阅有关资料,对二间的相互影响进行了综合分析.以便从中发现问题、解决问题,从而指导运动实践。  相似文献   

推铅球最后用力新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对铅球的最后用力进行生物力学分析认为:不同技术的最后用力各有利弊;最后用力技术应遵循最大做功原则和最大冲量原则;推铅球最后用力顺序是自中同时向上向下发力。  相似文献   

本研究采用心理测量法,针对中韩不同性别、不同运动水平速滑运动员的意志品质进行比较研究,旨在探讨两国速滑运动员在意志品质方面的差异性.结果显示:性别方面,韩国男子速滑运动员在自觉性和坚韧性上好于中国男子运动员;另外,韩国女子速滑运动员在坚韧性上优于中国女子运动员.在运动水平方面,韩国国家级速滑运动员在自觉性和坚韧性上均好于中国国家级运动员;此外,韩国国际级速滑运动员则在坚韧性上优于中国国际级运动员.  相似文献   

王力 《冰雪运动》2006,(2):73-74
通过对非智力因素与速滑运动员体能训练之间关系的分析,进一步证明非智力因素在速滑运动员体能训练中对运动员的心理起着非常重要的作用,会对运动员体能训练的效果会产生重大影响。因此,教练员在训练中应当充分发挥非智力因素的作用,使训练事半功倍。  相似文献   

对短道速滑走产业化道路进行可行性分析和研究,提出了加强我省短道速滑后备人才的培养、吸引更多群众参加该项运动、提高短道速滑比赛的观赏性及做好体育市场的培育工作等建议.  相似文献   

速度素质在现代三级跳远中的重要作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料的分析方法,对速度素质在现代三级跳远中的作用进行了研究.结果认为,在现代三级跳远中,助跑速度不但对提高运动成绩起决定性的作用,同时也是影响运动员采用何种技术类型的主要因素之一.减少三跳中的速度损失率体现了现代三级跳远技术的灵魂,更是现代三级跳远技术发展趋势的重要特征.  相似文献   

通过影像测量方法,探讨了速滑姿势与能量输出之间的关系。结果认为:功率与步频和滑行姿势密切相关;在滑行同一距离项目中,输出功率总量决定水平相近的运动员之间成绩上的微小差异:绝对意义的低姿势只能是躯干保持水平位置,而相对意义的低姿势以发挥下肢蹬伸力量为前提;高的能量输出主要是通过大量的蹬伸做功而产生。  相似文献   

Coaches have identified the batter's weight shift as a critical component for promoting proper timing and balance in a baseball swing. Analysing the weight shift through maximum horizontal (Fx) and vertical (Fz) ground reaction forces (GRFs) of professional batters (N = 29; height = 185 +/- 6 cm; mass = 92 +/- 9 kg), the purpose of this study was to compare GRFs among swings against fastballs and changeups. General linear models were used to compare three conditions of interest: successful results against fastballs, successful results against changeups, and unsuccessful results against changeups. Batters had a similar loading mechanism and initial weight transfer from back foot to front foot regardless of pitch type, but peak front foot GRFx and GRFz occurred with significantly different magnitudes and at significantly different times, depending on the pitch type and hit result. Peak front foot GRFs were greater for successful swings against fastballs compared to both successful and unsuccessful swings against changeups. Peak front foot GRFs of unsuccessful swings against changeups occurred, on average, 15-20 ms earlier than successful swings against changeups and 30-35 ms earlier than successful swings against fastballs, quantifying how a changeup can disrupt the coordination of a hitter's weight shift.  相似文献   

如何增强学生体质,增进学生健康,如何采取行之有效、简便易行的健身方法,是本课题研究的主要内容.通过实验,健身跑对增进大学生身体健康有着积极影响.  相似文献   

Tackling in rugby is now a major cause of injury. The use of rugby shoulder pads is intended to reduce injury from front-on tackles, although the pad's ability to reduce injury has not been examined. This paper strives to present a novel method, using Tekscan sensors, for measuring in vivo impact intensities during a front-on tackle to assess the effectiveness of rugby shoulder padding in reducing peak force during impact. It was hypothesized that padding would not significantly reduce peak impact force. Rugby pads were instrumented with thin film force sensors to measure impact intensities during tackles with and without pads. Sensors were first statically then dynamically calibrated using force plate data. Results showed that the pad significantly reduced peak impact force by up to 35% when impacted with an object and by 40% overall for all tackles. The hypothesis that the shoulder pad could not significantly reduce peak force at impact was rejected, since the pad reduced peak force by 41% in tackles with a run-up and 40% overall for all tackles. However, this reduction in force was localized directly above the acromioclavicular joint, while forces in the surrounding areas were not reduced.  相似文献   

为帮助短道速滑教练、运动员认清比赛中犯规的原因,进而提高训练水平,规范竞赛行为,适应国际比赛的要求,对短道速滑比赛中的犯规区域和犯规行为进行了分析和研究.结果发现,入弯道区是犯规的多发区,犯规行为由多到少依次为推人、阻挡、碰撞、横切.  相似文献   

在文献研究的基础上,通过对杭州市西溪湿地龙舟赛的个案进行分析研究,探讨民俗体育赛事对旅游休闲业的影响与作用,研究表明民俗体育赛事对丰富旅游文化内涵,增加旅游收益,提升旅游景区的知名度,塑造旅游品牌和促进旅游休闲业的发展都具有重要的作用和意义,并对西溪龙舟赛事旅游的发展提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

对提高速滑教学效果的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李福贵  高冬霞 《冰雪运动》2003,(3):60-60,74
经过长期的教学实践,总结出一套科学、合理、有效的教学方法,对学生尽快掌握技术动作,提高速度滑冰课的教学质量,收到了事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

张兴波 《冰雪运动》2006,(3):86-86,129
在速度滑冰教学与训练中,直观教学自然重要,但它离不开学生积极思维方式。将直观教学、理论知识和学生积极思维密切结合,会取得良好的教学效果,它是获得教学与训练成功的一条捷径。  相似文献   

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