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The earth is big. It is a big round ball.There are rocks on the earth. There are fields onthe earth. There are seas and rivers on the earth.  相似文献   

One of the factors that affect the parameters of an underground cable is earth return path impedance. Pollaczek developed a formula for the case of one-layer (homogenous) earth. But in practice the earth is composed of several layers. In this study we develop a new formula for earth return path impedance in the case of a three-layer earth. To check the accuracy of the obtained results, a comparison has been made with the finite element method (FEM). A comparison between the results of the Pollaczek formula and results of the obtained formula for a three-layer earth has been made, showing that the use of the Pollaczek formula instead of the actual formula can cause serious errors.  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Powerful Evidence Geography teacher:Xiao Qiang,give me three reasons to prove the earth is round.Xiao Qiang:Mother says the earth is round.Father says the earth is round.And you say the earth is round.[汉语翻译]  相似文献   

The Wind     
The sun can make the wind blow! The sun can make air move across the earth in a wind.First, sunshine makes the earth warm. Then when the air is close to the earth, the earth makes it warm. As the air gets warmer, it also gets lighter. It goes up while cooler air moves in to fill its place. This is like a turning wheel(车轮)--as one part is going up, another part is moving along the ground.The warm air grows cool when it is high above the earth, and then it comes down again. Once more the ear…  相似文献   

The earth is the most beautiful planet in the space.But nowadays,the earth is destroyed by some activities of mankind-There’s a lot of pollution all over the world,such as air pollution,water pollution and so on.It is important for us to save the earth.But how can we save the earth?Here are my suggestions.First,weshouldprotecttheplants.Weshouldn’tcuttrees,walkongrassandpickflowers.Second,weshouldpayattentiontorecycle.Andthenweshouldsaveenergyandwater.Weshouldturnoffthelightwhenitisnottood…  相似文献   

It intends to explore the roles earth plays in Michael K’s passive resistance against the patriarchal authority.Inspired by Homi Bhabha’s concept of“unhomeliness”,it illustrates how earth gives K the sense of homeliness.As the female is closely connected to earth,it also explains how earth helps K get free from the patriarchal wars.By portraying a deformed colored K,Coetzee expresses that the disadvantaged and inferior could resort to mother earth to get freedom and dignity.The female features of protection and nurture are crucial to help the discriminated groups to resist the patriarchal authority.  相似文献   

The earth moves round the sun,and the moonmoves round the earth.When our past of the earth  1  away from the sun,it is night.When our pastof the earth runs to the sun,it is day.The sun is much  2  than the moon. Butsometimes the moon   3  bigger than the sun,because it is much  4  to the  5  .The sun is very bright.It  6  very stronglight.The moon looks quite bright.  7  .But it 8  give any light at all.The light from the mooncomes  9  the sun.The moon looks  10  bigger …  相似文献   

The earth itself is thought to be more than twice as old as life on it.Two billion years ago,the earth was like a great ball about as hot on its surface as boiling water.As the earth蒺s surface becam e less hot,the thick clouds round it,from which waterwenton raining down,gotthinner.The m ore sunlightcould getthrough to the surface ofthe earth.Sunlightis necessary for lifeon earth,as airand waterare.Life began,m en think,in the saltsea.Nearthe land,where the waters werenotdeep,very sm allone…  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Powerful Evidence Geography teacher:Xiao Qiang,give me three reasons to prove the earth is round.Xiao Qiang:Mother says the earth is round.Father says the earth is round.And you say the earth is round.[汉语翻译]强有力的证据地理老师:小强,给我三条理由证明地球是圆的。  相似文献   

Most of the earth is covered with water. About 70 per cent of the water on earth is in the oceans,but water also exists in rivers and lakes. It occurs as ice or water vapour in the air. All together, there are about 330 million cubic (立方体的) miles of water on earth.  相似文献   

What is the greatest in your heart? Have you ever thought about this question?Someone will say in confidence: "Man!" Maybe you are not wrong, but I don' t agreewith you.There is a special heavenly body called the earth in the cosmic space. The earth isthe only place suitable for human beings to live on."Do you know where life came from?" "From the earth!" "Right!""Do you know where man was born?" "On the earth!" "Right!"Where is there life without the earth? Where can man exist without the eath?the eath  相似文献   

①What is known to us is that the earth is round. ② That the earth is round is known to us. ③ It is known to us that the earth is round. ④ The earth is round, which/as is known to us. ⑤ As is known to us, the earth is round.这五句话几乎是废话嘛!无非就是说"地球是圆的",这地球人都知道!但是别小看它们哦,它们虽然意思相同,但是结构各异。我们来仔细看看它  相似文献   

Unit19Modern agricultureⅠ.单项填空1.What are you doing here?A.on the earth B.on earthC.in earth D.over the earth2.Today CCTV offers a great of programs to meet the differeneeds and.A.deal;likes B.variety;tastesC.many;interests D.number;habits3.Many great  相似文献   

If a man in a spaceship looked down at the earth from many mileshigh above the island of Tahiti(南太平洋中的塔希提岛),he would seemainly water.He might think that the earth was a very very large oceanwith little land. If,however,he looked down at the earth from a position above Eu-  相似文献   

请看习题: 1)——is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every.month.(NMET2001) 2)——is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.  相似文献   

Unit9 Saving the earth 1.20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.地球上20%的人无法得到干净的饮用水。此处on earth=on the earth在地球上。accessn.[不可数名词]进入(的道路),通道;能接近,了解,使用(权)。例如:The only access to the cottage is a dirt road.只有一条土路通向那间农舍。Access to the town was across anarrow bridge.进城的路经过一座很窄的桥。  相似文献   

To lower the cost of polyketone synthesis, rare earth coordinate catalyst was introduced to the copoiymerization of carbon monoxide (CO) and styrene (ST) to synthesize aliphatic polyketone STCO. The catalytic system was composed of rare earth neodymium acetate, yttrium acetate, 2,2'-bipyridine, p-toluensulfonic acid, cupric p-toluensulfonate, and 1,4-benzoquinone. The catalyst and the copolymer were characterized by infrared spectrum and X-ray photoelectron spectrosco py respectively. The effects of each component of catalytic system and the kinds of rare earth acetates on catalytic activity of copoiymerization were investigated. The results show that the proposed rare earth has distinct catalytic activity in the copoiymerization of CO and ST and the maximum activity can reach 303.3 gSTCO/(mol·h).  相似文献   

Volcanoes There are thou-sands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens? The inside of the earth is very hot. Be-cause it is very,very hot,the rock has melted like ice.It has become liquid,like water.It is always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot be-cause the outside of the earth is too thick…  相似文献   

Noah''''s Ark     
This is the story of Noah.Noah was a righteous man,the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God.He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now Godsaw that the whole world was corrupt and full of violence.In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all menhad lived corrupt lives on earth. God said to Noah, "Theloathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, forthrough them the earth is full of violence. I intend todestroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself anark…  相似文献   

How Far Can You See? If you stood on the shore looking across the sea to the horizon (地平线 the line appearing to separate earth from sky), you might be able to see about two and a half miles. But the higher you stood the farther you would be able to see. As the earth is curved  相似文献   

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