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Citizenship is a complex and multidimensional concept. There has been a tendency to compare traditions of citizenship in the West with those in the East, captured by a stereotype that depicts the West as individualistic and the East as collectivist. The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of citizenship is exhibited by Chinese university students, including both their civic perception and their civic participation. Using a recently developed distinction between thin and thick citizenship, the findings from both quantitative and qualitative data analysed in this study reveal that Chinese university students tend towards thin citizenship, as they demonstrate positive civic attitudes yet lack strong evidence of participatory citizenship. The paper also discusses the impact of Confucian and other Chinese traditional value systems on typical views of citizenship held by Chinese students, and offers the suggestion that the citizenship education curriculum should incorporate experiential learning.  相似文献   

Towards European Citizenship through Higher Education?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study, the first part of a recently concluded project, is to describe and analyse the perceptions that European university students have of European citizenship and to offer some insight into the term. Before describing our findings, we offer a brief review of the concept of citizenship, attempting to define it in the European context and showing how it can be attained, while demonstrating that, contrary to what one might expect, the concept is by no means easy to grasp, as young people do not have a clear idea of what Europe means or what Europe wants. Our results have implications for our understanding of European integration.  相似文献   

论高校领导干部问责的特殊性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校有自身特殊性,高校问责制亦有自己的特殊性。这种特殊性体现在三个方面,即问责主体的多元性,问责内容的模糊性,问责客体的交错性。高校领导干部问责制的设计,需要考虑这种特殊性。  相似文献   

Governance is a means for realising institutional goals and in an ideal world should enable the institution to respond to the demands of the political environment by regulating its internal affairs accordingly. In the case of universities, not only is that environment increasingly differentiated but so also is the ability of universities to access it. Changes in state funding arrangements, accountability mechanisms, the contribution of the private sector, and the public definition of university education have placed numerous and varied pressures on institutions. Yet there is a studied reluctance by institutions to accept that their ability to respond to these pressures is equally variable, that they should tailor their ambitions to their capacities, and that their internal governance should be adapted using the principle of fitness for purpose. In the main, this is because the dominant ideological themes of higher education do not support the idea of distinct university functions of equal status. Rather, they encourage the erroneous belief that all universities are homogeneous in their functions – or, at least, that all have the potential to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

高等教育问责系统可以设计成高校体内、体外两个问责子系统。高等学校内部问责子系统优化设计必须强化学术机构的作用,构建双向流通信息渠道,建立毕业生职业生涯发展信息反馈机制。高等学校体外问责循环子系统设计必须制定科学的评价标准,设立专业评估机构,建设利益相关者参与问责的渠道,切实推行高校去“行政化”。  相似文献   

实践证明,高校领导干部问责制是行之有效的一种权力监督机制,也是建立“民主、廉洁、负责任”大学的有效制度安排。但作为一项建设阶段的制度,高校领导干部问责制的现状喜忧参半,建议高校可通过建立内外互补多元化问责机制,明晰责任归属,加强追踪监督力度,形成完整的问责监督体系,浓厚问责文化氛围等措施,完善高校领导干部问责制度。  相似文献   

目前,法国建立了政府主导、社会参与、责任导向、多层次的高等教育质量保障体系,该体系以建构主义范式为理念、遵循公共治理逻辑、具有社会问责的特征。根据高等教育满足社会经济发展、师生发展和大学自身发展程度的质量标准,法国高等教育质量评估目的、评估主体、评估过程、评估结果的有效性比较高。我国应借鉴法国的积极因素,建立政府主导、社会参与、"国际视野,中国特色"的高等教育质量保障体系,明确高校是质量责任主体,提高高校在评估过程的主动性,提高评估过程透明度和评估结果的公信力。  相似文献   

公民身份是公民教育活动的出发点和旨归,公民教育是养成和塑造公民身份的有效途径,二者密不可分。对于公民身份与公民教育的研究,涉及诸多社会学科,需要一种综合性、跨学科的理论工具来整合各个学科的资源。社会理论或许是讨论公民身份与公民教育的理想平台。在社会理论的视野中,公民身份需要宽泛的理解,公民教育应涉及全球化视角、批判性认知、多元化内涵、制度化保障等诸多方面。  相似文献   

Respect is a core concept in citizenship debates. South African high school educators often draw upon respect as a key value within citizenship education. Their teaching of this value is often conflated with promotion of the practice of responsible citizenship. The constructions of respect and responsibility in these situations are imbued with assumptions around authority and power relations, such that learners’ are expected to take responsibility for demonstrating respect for in an unequal rather than reciprocal understanding of respect. Thus, negotiations of different kinds of respect are highlighted. The need for schools to embody a culture or ethos of respect is noted if learners are to be expected to recognise and adopt respect as a key element to citizenship in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

本研究通过对664名大学教师采用自编的教师组织公民行为问卷,探讨了大学教师组织公民行为的现状特点。结果表明:本研究自编的大学教师组织公民行为量表达到心理测量学上所认可的信度和效度,它包括三个维度:热爱学校、帮助同事和自我发展。大学教师组织公民行为在年龄和职称上有显著的差异,年龄越大,组织公民行为越多,但在50岁后开始下降;在职称上出现"两头高中间低"的现象,初级职称和高级职称的大学教师的组织认同公民行为得分要高于中级职称的大学教师。  相似文献   

Across the country, states are considering policies that support civic learning among youth. Recent initiatives at the state level have changed graduation requirements and state assessments around high school civics. These initiatives can be grouped into three types: coursework, assessments, and accountability. The first type, coursework, refers to whether a state’s graduation requirements include a course in civics. The second, assessments, encompasses state requirements that students be assessed on civics or citizenship education. The third type, accountability, refers to whether a state’s accountability system includes state assessments in civics or citizenship education. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to describe state policies in civics education and the variation in them among the American states, (2) to document the changes in state policies between 2004 and 2016, and (3) to help unpack the reasons behind changes to civics education policy among the American states. We find considerable variation in civics education policies across states, as well as substantial changes within states over time. Using event history analysis, we exploit the variation to examine the extent to which political, economic, and demographic factors inside a state as well as the actions of neighboring or regional states condition adoption of assessment policies. We find evidence that the proportion of Hispanic and black populations in a state are positively associated with adoption and discuss implications and areas for future research.  相似文献   

大学学术不端行为问责作为新时代加快推进学术治理能力现代化的关键举措,是一种内省、内生性保障学术自由向善发展的规制方式。大学学术不端行为问责不同于一般意义上的行政问责,其具有惩罚性、报应性、互动性与救济性等特征;伦理学依据、事实依据以及法律依据是其在实践层面的依据指向。文章在论证问责逻辑构架分析标准的基础上,基于问责主体、问责客体、问责依据、问责程序以及责任类型构建大学学术不端行为问责的内容构架,这符合学术治理所要解决现实问题的事实逻辑与价值逻辑。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,大学生公民教育受到了冲击和挑战,对此,应加强当代大学生公民教育。我们应以爱国主义教育为重点,构建大学生公民教育的内容体系;应以重大活动和重大事件为契机,营造良好的公民教育环境:应重视民族传统文化在大学生公民教育中的重要作用;应强化阵地意识,加强社会主义理想信念教育。  相似文献   

为了加强高校德育效果,公民教育的基础地位需要强化。原因在于:第一,从教学目的看,将要全面进入社会生活的大学生首先要成为合格的公民,这是高校德育必须达到的底限目标;第二,“自下而上”的对话式教学理念是公民教育的长处,它可以化解学生对传统说教方式的抵触情绪;第三,公民教育对独立思考能力的强调适应大学生的心智状态,以智育手段提高德育效果有助于大学生有效养成健康的公民心态。  相似文献   

Does Higher Education Need a Hippocratic Oath?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking as a starting point Eric Ashby's proposal that academic staff should swear to inculcate ‘the discipline of constructive dissent’, this paper explores the question of whether or not contemporary society's ethical expectations of higher education should be codified. Three types of relationship between the university and its communities are explored: ‘first order’, arising from the university just being there; ‘second order’, being largely structured by contracts; and ‘third’ order, between the institution and its members. This leads to discussion of partnerships, stakeholding, of governance, of the public interest and of academic citizenship. Ashby's approach to academic values is then contrasted with that of the Institute of Business Ethics and the Council for Industry and Higher Education, as well as Macfarlane's concept of academic virtues. The author concludes with a proposed set of ‘10 commandments’ for members of universities and colleges.  相似文献   

This article offers a new approach to quality, focusing on the dimensions that gather around it. The mismatched goals of controlling and improving higher education continue to trouble the conceptual clarity of accountability. Quality in higher education emerges as something agreed upon (to varying efficacy) through accountability measures, rather than dictated or scheduled. A concept of purchase (the connectedness of accountability with quality) informs discussion. Following an overview of what quality means logically and in the operational context of high rates of access to and participation in higher education, the argument proceeds to a schema of complementary types, or personages, of accountability (transactional, political, bureaucratic, institutional and disciplinary). Throughout, the desire to be viewed well and self-awareness interplay, rendering the various approaches to quality assurance presences to be acknowledged in their own right.  相似文献   

Robin Alexander 《Literacy》2010,44(3):103-111
Taking the 2009 UKLA conference theme of “making connections and building literate communities” and recalling Hoggart's plea for literacy to be critically and morally engaged rather than merely functional, this paper calls for a reassessment of the pursuit of literacy in schools so as to connect the language of learning with the language of democratic participation. Given what we know about the way classroom talk mediates both learning and culture, the paper takes such talk as its focus, comparing the author's principles of dialogic teaching with Resnick's criteria for accountable talk. The paper then contrasts these idealised versions of the discourse of pedagogy with the public discourses of power, noting the prevalence of four discourse types – derision, dichotomy, myth and meaninglessness – through which, in pursuit of political goals, governments rewrite history, simplify the problematic, dignify the mundane and marginalise unpalatable evidence. This prompts an addition, in the interests of meaningful citizenship as well as effective learning, to Resnick's criteria of accountability to the learning community, standards of reasoning and knowledge: accountability to language itself.  相似文献   

This article reviews 1) the establishment and functioning of EU citizenship, 2) the resulting perception of education for European active citizenship and 3) the question of its adequacy for enhancing democratic values and practices within the Union. Key policy documents produced by the EU help to unfold the basic assumptions on which democratic principles and values are being promoted through education; while the literature produced primarily in political and social science challenges these assumptions.
By doing so, the author argues that citizenship of the Union is creating new mechanisms of exclusion rather than promoting social equality and a strong sense of belonging to a bonding multicultural community, which are at the very core of democratic participation processes. Thus, the rhetoric embedded in the integrative process of the Union — based on the recognition of equal opportunities, access and democratic participation of all EU citizens — is founded on a limited interpretation of democratic citizenship rather than its concretisation as a multiple citizenship.
As a result, the mechanisms in place at European level are creating specific patterns of social exclusion supported by educational reforms. Most citizens are therefore being excluded, due to the distinction between active and non-active citizens, which results from institutional demand on individual's conduct, whereas little, if any, attention is paid to actual institutional practices. On the contrary, this shift in paradigm — i.e. from the institutional demand on citizens to the recognition of citizens as performing subjects — challenges the 'activism' embedded in recent debate on citizenship. Therefore it needs to be properly addressed, from a multicultural perspective, if education and learning processes are to sustain full democratic participation of all citizens and the construction of a multicultural Europe.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify how uncertainty and insecurity in the post-2008 period have reshaped risk management in the university systems. The study scrutinises internal control in the contexts of the English university system and the State University of New York (SUNY) system. It utilises the concept of ‘risk’ by exploring ‘risk society’ theses. The paper argues that uncertainty, anxiety and distrust following the 2008 financial crisis did not reshape the risk management mechanisms in England and the SUNY system. The adaptive reactions of these university systems against the crisis were immediate responses to fiscal shortage, rather than reforming of their internal control mechanisms. This suggests that the uncertain environment may thrust the universities into a reflexive mode; however, it is not necessary to bring about substantial structural changes.  相似文献   

网络问责通过网络媒体、传统媒体和公众的交互作用形成一种网络公共舆论,从而形成一种交往权力,影响并制约政府行政权力来达到问责的目的。网络问责促进了我国行政问责文化和责任行政理念的形成;推动了行政问责的制度化进程;壮大了异体问责的力量;拓展了行政问责途径,对我国行政问责制度产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

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