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社会实践是大学生思想政治教育的重要环节,红色文化资源是开展实践教学的鲜活教材。黄冈师范学院马克思主义学院利用地处大别山革命老区的优势,通过观看影视作品、参观考察、社会调查、亲历实践、征文活动等5种实践教学形式,将红色文化融入高校思想政治理论课之中,对大学生进行爱国主义教育、革命传统教育、革命精神教育和改革开放教育,有效地激发了大学生的学习兴趣,增强了思想政治理论课的吸引力和感染力。  相似文献   

百色革命故事作为重要的红色资源,在发挥思想政治教育中具有独特功能。作为老区高校,应深入了解革命故事的内涵,意识到百色革命故事在大学生思想政治教育中的作用,以及该如何将革命先烈故事融入大学生日常思想政治教育中。  相似文献   

进一步挖掘和创建学校人才培养工作的有效载体和鲜明特色,是党和国家在新时期关于提高大学生的思想政治素质,促进大学生全面发展而提出的具体要求。新时期高校开展革命传统教育,应坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,贯彻落实科学发展观,全面落实党的教育方针,牢固树立"学校教育,育人为本,德智体美,德育为先"的观念,紧密围绕学校发展战略目标,深入贯彻"以生为本"的育人理念,着力增强革命传统教育的针对性、实效性和吸引力,深化内涵、挖掘典型,拓宽领域、创新模式,凝聚力量、强化主体,环环相扣、细化过程,营造氛围、优化环境,构建高校革命传统教育的科学体系和长效机制。  相似文献   

Considerable research has been undertaken involving the student experience and depicting undergraduate students as consumers of education. This construction of the relationship between students and universities is based primarily on notions of economic exchange. In this paper, using the construct of the psychological contract, we show that social exchanges can also occur. In a study sponsored by the leaders of a university's science faculty, 10 student-researchers recorded their experience of being a science undergraduate student using an innovative video data collection method called VideoVoices. We present a case study using the data recorded by one student-researcher that shows that students can have more complex conceptions of their relationships than that of passive consumer with respect to their reciprocal obligations to their university and lecturers. Psychological contract theory has been widely used in management and organisation studies literature, but the use of this theory in the context of higher education is much sparser. We argue that psychological contract theory, besides encouraging a more useful and complex view of students at university, has the potential to suggest future research directions and strategies to improve relationships between students and universities.  相似文献   

人格在人的发展中起着基础性作用,而人是促进社会发展进步的最关键因素。高校思想政治理论课教学作为培养大学生良好政治素质和思想道德素质的主渠道,也是对大学生进行人格教育的主阵地。当前高校思想理论课教育对于人格教育的内容体系及其方式、方法建设则较为薄弱。因此,加强思想政治理论课中的人格教育,使得大学生具备健全成熟的人格势在必行。  相似文献   

This phenomenological study, based on ecological systems theory, examined the college student bereavement experience in a Christian university. Undergraduate students (N = 127) from a small Christian university provided answers to open‐ended questions about their experiences regarding college following a death loss. Results indicate that students are generally successful in adapting to bereavement and prefer an environment open to discussing death and asking difficult religious questions. Implications for counselors are provided.  相似文献   

培养大学生积极人格已成为大学教育关注的热点.课程教学是大学教育的主要形式,也是培养大学生积极人格的重要实践环节.以课程教学为依托,以积极人格心理学理论为指导,探究大学生积极人格培养的课程教学策略,以期给大学生积极人格培养带来有益启示.  相似文献   

This paper draws on psychoanalytic and socio-political perspectives of trauma and emotion to examine how critical emotional praxis may serve as a pedagogical tool for reconciliation education. A major challenge for teachers in traumatized societies struggling to enact reconciliation education is that emotions of trauma are often appropriated by social and political institutions, including schools, to justify particular collective narratives and ideologies. The prospects of critical emotional praxis are explored through two vignettes from an on-going ethnographic research in Cyprus, a country of protracted ethnic conflict. The first vignette focuses on how emotions of trauma are politically appropriated in a classroom while the second shows how one teacher manages to enact critical emotional praxis with her students to undermine the political appropriation of emotions of trauma. The paper concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

在分析利用红色旅游对大学生进行革命传统教育的背景的基础上,阐述了利用红色旅游对大学生进行革命传统教育的内在基石,探讨了利用红色旅游对大学生进行革命传统教育的意义,进而提出了利用红色旅游对大学生进行革命传统教育的思考。  相似文献   

Online distance education creates increased opportunities for continuing education and advanced training for allied health professionals living in underserved and geographically isolated areas. The purpose of this article was to explore attitudes on barriers and benefits of distance education technology among underrepresented minority allied health students. It also addressed potential issues to geographic isolation that may contribute to the shortage of adequately trained health professionals in the Mississippi Delta. Community college students, faculty, and staff of Mississippi Delta allied health programs were interviewed about their experience, barriers and benefits to participation, and self efficacy with distance education. Four focus groups meetings with 34 participants were conducted to understand perceptions of community college students and professionals about distance education. Exposure to and experience with online and distance learning format, frequent Internet usage, and plans to matriculate to a four-year university are significant factors when examining attitudes on barriers and benefits. Faculty and staff perceive that community college students would be more confident during discussions in an online environment; that an online class will reduce out-of-pocket educational expenses; and online learning will save time by making all course materials accessible from one webpage. Attitudes on benefits to distance education should be evaluated to assess whether distance education programs meet the needs of the students in underserved areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, I advocate for enhancing critical thinking skill development in undergraduate education by taking advantage of the increased experiential maturity of today's students. I argue that many undergraduates are in fact ‘adults’, by virtue of their age or experiential maturity, and they should be educated as such. Undergraduates who have not yet transitioned into ‘adulthood’ would also benefit greatly from exposure to the adult education teaching techniques that emphasize critical thinking development. The demographics of higher education today demand a reexamination of outdated pedagogical practices. Considering college and university students to be the adults that most of them are, or soon will be, would more effectively educate all of today's undergraduate students.  相似文献   

为提高大学生的综合素质,促进其对社会主义核心价值观的深度认同,临沂大学以美育促进德育为宗旨,以倡导高雅艺术为引领,以协同创新为原则,依托沂蒙革命老区丰富的红色文化资源,打造红色艺术精品,丰富高校校园文化生活,构建了以红色育人为特色的地方高校艺术教育的模式。  相似文献   

在当前构建和谐校园的进程中,着眼于"积极心理学"来探讨女大学生心理健康教育的具体问题是一种极有价值的尝试。积极心理学以其积极的理论体系为女大学生心理健康教育工作提供了一种全新的思维方式和认识视野,它提倡对女大学生的心理健康教育由问题导向转向健康关注,注重积极人格特质的培养,强调积极的情绪体验,为女大学生构建了积极的心理健康教育系统。  相似文献   

本文介绍了普通高校大学生艺术团建设的现状和存在的问题,从育人工作以及工科院校大学生艺术团建设的特点出发,对育人工作在工科院校大学生艺术团建设中的具体体现进行了分析。并通过笔者自身的实践探索,提出育人工作与工科院校艺术团建设相互渗透的优势,以育人促进工科院校大学生艺术团的健康发展,使其在高校素质教育中充分发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   


This study chronicles a semester long inquiry focused on the impacts of pedagogical strategies informed by the tenets of third space theory on my own practices and understanding of students’ learning outcomes in an action research course. As I applied new instructional strategies to promote discourse and critical inquiry, I reflexively explored how these approaches enhanced my impacts on students’ learning and praxis of action research. This paper first provides a brief introduction to third space theory and then describes how I infused this framework into my course approach, the different types of data collected and analyzed to gauge the impacts of new pedagogies, and findings that emerged. These are summarized in relation to the conditions that both undergirded and elevated students’ engagement, and directions for further research to advance the praxis of action research across teacher education contexts.  相似文献   

Staff and student perceptions of what constitutes good academic writing in both further and higher education often differ. This is reflected in written assignments which frequently fall below the expected standard. In seeking to develop the writing skills of students and propose potential solutions to writing difficulties, a study was conducted in a university and a nearby further education college in the north west of England to explore barriers and solutions to AW difficulties. This paper reports the findings generated using unmoderated focus groups with second-year university health studies students (n=70) and moderated focus groups with further education college teachers (n=3) and health studies lecturers in a university (n=6).

Findings indicated that staff and students’ perceptions of what constitutes AW differed. The barriers to academic writing that were identified included lack of time and confidence; lack of extended writing at FE level; lack of reading and understanding of academic texts or journals; referencing; and academic jargon.  相似文献   

In California, the majority of students of color who enter postsecondary education do so in the community colleges. However large numbers of them leave and do not transfer to four-year institutions; in particular to highly selective public four-year colleges and universities. By using the theoretical perspective of critical race theory, transfer can be seen as a dual commitment between both the sending and receiving institution as we put forth the conceptual framework of a “transfer receptive culture.” We define a transfer receptive culture as an institutional commitment by a four-year college or university to provide the support needed for students to transfer successfully—that is, to navigate the community college, take the appropriate coursework, apply, enroll, and successfully earn a baccalaureate degree in a timely manner. We outline five elements, informed by critical race theory, that are necessary to establish a transfer receptive culture and outline specific strategies within each element that practioners can employ on their home campuses.  相似文献   

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