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从世界理科教育改革看我国理科教育问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了当今世界中小学理科教育改革的基本特征,论述了我国理科教育存在的主要问题及进行改革的重要性和必要性,也提出了一些改革建议。  相似文献   

要搞好科学教育,需要拓宽视野,深化认识,提升境界,减少盲目性。为此,要弄清科学的内涵、关注科学内涵的发展;要摒充狭隘的还原主义科学观,从多种角度揭示科学的内涵、本质并加以综合;要注意挖掘现代科学的文化内涵,认识它对有效培养学生科学素养的作用,重视科学文化的教育价值并用来指引科学教育的改革,不能简单地采用"科学 人文"的方式;还要抓住重点,妥善处理好科学文化各要素之间的关系。  相似文献   

教育中的科学史与科学史中的教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于科学史在科学教育中的功能问题,一些案例说明,长期以来,实际上是教育目的规定着科学史的教育作用,将这种现象可称为教育中的科学史。而随着科学史研究的发展和科学史建制的形成,现在以科学史本身为本来认识科学史的教育作用,相应的,这可被称为科学史中的教育。在科学史的研究和传播过程中,从教育中的科学史向科学史中的教育转变,能够避免对科学史的辉格式解释和对科学历史的歪曲,也有利于真正认识科学史学科的教育功能。  相似文献   

This paper reports part of a larger study which was designed to investigate current practices in initial teacher education programs in Australia. The main data collection was by telephone interviews, which were carried out with science education specialists and program coordinators at all institutions which offer primary teacher education or secondary science teacher education. The interviews focused on practices in relation to program structures, science content studies, science methods studies and links to science-related school projects or to science business/industry. A large number of innovative practices were described. In addition, several case studies were carried out, which focused on particular innovations. The study identified several aspects of science teacher education which were of concern.  相似文献   

高等职业教育是以能力培养为核心的全面发展教育,必须重视学生思想道德、科学文化和身体心理等综合素质的培养。忻州职业技术学院通过"理论和实践并重,技术与人文融通"的办学模式,把人文教育融入人才培养的全过程;并以"人文校园、职业环境"为主线,建设特色鲜明的校园文化,拓宽人文教育的实施途径;对人文教育目标规格、教育内容、方式方法、实施过程、环境与制度等做了有效地探索;构建了职业教育中科学教育和人文教育有效融通的教育模式。  相似文献   

繁荣哲学社会科学提出了理工科大学发展人文社会科学学科的任务。理工科大学办文科是当前一个重要研究课题,也是一个难题。文章从教育本质、教育思想和教育观念角度思考,认为理工科院校发展人文社会科学不单纯是一个学科本身的发展,更应从教育本质上和高等学府长远发展目标上去审视,充分理解"人文教育与科学教育融合"的教育理念及对理工科大学发展的意义。弘扬人文精神,积淀大学底蕴和塑造大学精神乃是大学的归属,从而推动理工科大学人文社会科学的发展。  相似文献   

Pupils' motivation and interest are identified as important influences on learning. Motivational orientation is a construct that links motivation and epistemology. This study attempted to explore motivational orientation as it relates to science education and two different instructional approaches. A published instrument standardized with a population from the United Kingdom that purports to identify students' preferred motivation orientations as social, consciousness, effort, or curiosity was applied to two instructional contexts (traditional school program and field centre program) in primary schools in Slovakia. Results indicated that a very high percentage of the pupils could not be classified into one of the four categories, that the traditional classroom sample differed significantly from the United Kingdom population, and that the preferred motivational orientations expressed by the pupils in the field centre sample did not differ significantly from those expressed by the pupils in the traditional classroom sample.  相似文献   

提高公众科学素养与科学教育新理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从公众科学素养的调查可见,科学教育仍然是提高公众科学素养的最基本的途径和最主要的手段。因此,科学教育的理念必须符合科学素养内涵与目标的变化与要求。这种新的理念主要是:理解科学的本质,建立科学教育整体性目标;强化通识教育,建立以适应与创新能力为核心价值的教育模式。  相似文献   

Mike Pinter  Linda Jones 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):982-996

We describe a successful collaboration between mathematics and psychological science faculty members to create a learning community for our students that linked sections of introductory mathematical reasoning and psychological science courses. The students in our learning community were in their second or third semester. The learning community is designed so that, throughout the semester, students regularly move across the border between the two linked disciplines by completing common assignments, including a group project. We modified our existing course topics and frameworks to be intentional about building connections between the courses.  相似文献   

在学前儿童家庭科学教育中,家长应树立正确的科学教育观,创设适宜的心理环境,支持和引导儿童的经验建构,提高其科学能力,并善于进行随机教育,培养其科学探究习惯。  相似文献   

This study examined changes in personal science teaching self-efficacy (PSTE), outcome expectancy (STOE), and science conceptual understanding and relationships among these in preservice teachers. Seventy preservice teachers enrolled in science teaching methods courses participated in this study. PSTE, STOE, and science conceptual understanding increased significantly during participation in the course. The study established that novice learners with minimal prior knowledge could not be expected to understand and employ core concepts in their learning schema without extensive guidance. The relationship between science learning confidence and science teaching confidence has not been theoretically delineated in the area of science teacher education. Findings suggest there may be important connections between the 2 for preservice teachers that would be fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to study the role of empirical evidence in the interpretation of psychological and epistemological aspects of Piagetian theory. According to Galilean methodology, after having asked the right question, a scientist could experimentally vary one impediment, and observe what happens to the dependent variable, as it approaches the ideal limiting case. Following Galileo's idealization, scientific laws being epistemological constructions do not describe the behavior of actual bodies. It is plausible to suggest that just as Galileo's ideal law can be observed only when all the impediment variables approach zero, similarly individuals in the real world have various `impediments' and it is only when these impediments are gradually removed by experimental manipulation that the real performance of individuals can approximate the competence of Piaget's epistemic subject (ideal knower). Finally, evidence is presented to the effect that by experimentally manipulating the impediment variables (e.g., Pascual-Leone's M-demand and Witkin's perceptual field effect of a task), performance of the real subjects approximates the competence of the ideal epistemic subject, which leads to the construction of a neo-Piagetian epistemological theory.  相似文献   

现代科学教育的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学教育指的是数学与自然科学教育以及在它们的基础上形成的各种交叉科学、综合科学和技术科学的教育。各级各类学校中进行的科学教育具有系统性、客观性、抽象性和继承性等特点  相似文献   

为提高大学生的现代生命科学意识,进一步完善我校学生的知识结构,在面向全校理、工、文科学生的生命科学教学中,对教学内容、教学手段、考核方式以及实验开设方式进行了改革与实践,构建了生命科学系列课程的多媒体教学、实验教学一体化的特色模式,并取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

朱小蔓 《中国德育》2007,2(4):16-18
儿童、青少年的情绪、情感发展与科技素养的形成具有内在有机联系。科学与技术教育要重视儿童情绪、情感发展的生理、心理机制。教师可以利用科学内在的人文性进行科学教育,利用科学教育中的美对学生进行情感教育,让学生在合作与探究的过程中欣然地接受科技教育。  相似文献   

话语研究及其在教育学中的渐进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,研究教育中的话语以及从话语的角度研究教育已经成为教育学研究领域中的一种趋势。从现有的文献资料来看,关于话语的文章在数量上并不占优势,但是从历时性看,有关话语的研究呈上升趋势确是事实。教学实践中的话语研究尤为必要,“教育叙事”作为教师日常话语研究中的一种新的视角将显示出其独特的生命力。  相似文献   

针对理工科教学中人文素质教育缺乏的现状,分析了其原因及其危害.在科学教育和人文素质教育的密切联系的基础上,论证了理工科自然科学教育中实施人文素质教育的可行性,提出了一些理工科基础课教育中进行人文素质教育的有效方法;同时论述了人文素质教育对理工科高校教师的要求.  相似文献   

人文教育与科学教育的融合,是当今高等教育发展和人才培养模式改革的趋势。在我国众多高校尤其是理工高校,两种教育的融合仍然存在着诸多困境。实现两种教育的融合,是提高高等教育质量和人才培养质量的迫切需要。理工高校可以通过四条路径实现人文教育与科学教育的融合,即通过树立现代大学教育的新理念提升人文教育的地位;在科学教育中挖掘弘扬人文价值,在人文教育中崇尚追求科学价值;通过实施素质教育达到两种教育的融合;营造两种教育融合的大学校园文化场。  相似文献   

思维旅行是学生与教师在一种想象的旅行环境中以专门设计的讨论为基础的教学方式。目前,已在科学教学中得到广泛的应用。由此,对这种教学方式的理论基础、基本特点以及在科学教育中的重要功能作出了详细的介绍,并选择了概念图、思维导图和虚拟现实技术作为中介工具,对思维旅行在科学教育中的实际运用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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