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Although his works were almost ignored for many years, on William Shakespeare's 400th birthday he is considered to have been the greatest wordsmith using the English language. Although Shakespeare's plays are fun, and are eagerly attended by the general population when presented as “entertainment” and not as “culture,” television, if the frequency of presentation is any guide, has not considered them in the mainstream of popular entertainment. This is a mistake, as the ratings and the popular accpetance of such romps as the 1956 production of “Taming of the Shrew” should prove. The following article reviews some of the major productions of Shakespearean plays over American television. This list includes most of the network presentations although many more productions have been aired over local stations. In addition, many people may have had their interest in Shakespeare aroused by other programs (such as Dr. Frank Baxter's “Shakespeare on TV”) that discussed these works, or by filmic presentations seen on the “Late Show” or its equivalent. One particularly interesting non‐network series was the BBC presentation of “An Age of Kings,” a weaving into chronological order of Shakespearean historical plays that dealt with the story of the English throne during the 14th and 15th centuries. This series of 15 television programs was seen on a number of educational and commercial television stations in the United States, and afforded the extensive audience an opportunity to witness and appreciate both the history of England and the genius of its most famous author.  相似文献   


Information overload is a problem that affects law librarians every workday. Information overload occurs when the receiver receives so much data that the receiver is unable to engage in higher levels of processing. Technology and cultural influences play a significant role in creating information overload. Law librarians are particularly susceptible to information overload due to the characteristics of their profession. We should care about information overload because it has lasting negative consequences for our profession. Even though information overload is a real problem with serious consequences, there are numerous ways to minimize information overload and its effects.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents' and young adults' use of topic avoidance with their mothers, fathers, stepmothers, and stepfathers. The types of topics avoided differed according to the type of parent-child relationship. Specifically, adolescents and young adults engaged in the most topic avoidance with their stepparents (regardless of whether the stepparent was a stepmother or stepfather), followed by their fathers, and then their mothers. Quantitative measures indicated that sex was the most frequently avoided topic across all relationship types. Open-ended responses revealed additional commonly avoided topics, including talking about the other parent/family, deep conversations, and money (e.g., child support payments). The most frequently reported reasons for this avoidance were self protection, relationship protection, and conflict. This research suggests that children in stepfamilies face unique decisions about topic avoidance. Communication Boundary Management Theory (Petronio, 1991) was used to explain how adolescents and young adults might engage in topic avoidance to regulate their personal boundaries, constructing relatively impermeable boundaries with some adults while maintaining looser boundaries with others. Finally, numerous practical suggestions are offered for understanding the balance between openness and closedness in stepfamilies and for promoting healthy stepfamily functioning.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents' and young adults' use of topic avoidance with their mothers, fathers, stepmothers, and stepfathers. The types of topics avoided differed according to the type of parent-child relationship. Specifically, adolescents and young adults engaged in the most topic avoidance with their stepparents (regardless of whether the stepparent was a stepmother or stepfather), followed by their fathers, and then their mothers. Quantitative measures indicated that sex was the most frequently avoided topic across all relationship types. Open-ended responses revealed additional commonly avoided topics, including talking about the other parent/family, deep conversations, and money (e.g., child support payments). The most frequently reported reasons for this avoidance were self protection, relationship protection, and conflict. This research suggests that children in stepfamilies face unique decisions about topic avoidance. Communication Boundary Management Theory (Petronio, 1991) was used to explain how adolescents and young adults might engage in topic avoidance to regulate their personal boundaries, constructing relatively impermeable boundaries with some adults while maintaining looser boundaries with others. Finally, numerous practical suggestions are offered for understanding the balance between openness and closedness in stepfamilies and for promoting healthy stepfamily functioning.  相似文献   

从建国初期开始,我国的档案管理就受到了前苏联档案管理模式的深刻影响。目前,我国市场经济环境下档案所有权将出现多元化的格局,而档案所有权的多元化,可能会引发档案管理模式改革。档案管理模式改革要顺应档案公平利用的社会诉求、顺应技术发展的时代潮流。  相似文献   

The Editech 2011 conference identified that publishers need to follow new paths and experiment more rapidly in all the areas of business related to a growing number of new digital publishing activities. Most important they need to rethink all the relationships actually in place with all the other factors in the publishing value chain and then radically reinvent their role in the quickly changing digital and ebook businesses. It is clear that now most of the changes are driven by the big three Google, Amazon, Apple and the publishers are following. However, especially in Europe the publishers have different approaches based on a brief review of selected key papers presented from different countries and sectors of the digital publishing industry.  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆的采购品种及其经费开支   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
美国《图书馆杂志》最近对该国1000年高校图书馆进行了一次书刊采购调查,调查显示这是一个每年拥有20亿美元商业机会的广阔而复杂的图书市场。该文同时还对美国各类高校图书馆的采购倾向、购书偏爱以及经费预算等情况进行了详细的分析和研究。  相似文献   

在印刷生产过程中,当全新的Creo滚筒扫描仪已被精心地调整,其CYMK性能已达到极致;当技术高超的工程师利用最新的X-Rite色度计把显示器调节至最佳状态,再由网屏CTP制版机制作出高档的印版;当全新的海德堡DUO多色印刷机生产出精美的印刷品,此时得到的印刷品还仅仅只是一个半成品,还必须用优良的印后装饰设备对印刷品进行最后的装饰加工,才能称其为成品.所以,优质的精美的印刷产品应该是在良好的印前技术与印刷技术应用之后,运用适当的印后装饰技术进行加工后才能得到完美的体现.这是值得业内人士特别注意的问题.  相似文献   

过去逛天桥的游客,没有不知道“小老黑”的。 “小老黑”是车技艺人,他的表演场地就在今天“天桥乐“的南口东边一点儿,昔日“小桃园”剧场的对面。在练车场的东面,立着各种自行车,有双轮的、独轮的。独轮自行车没有车把,有一米多高的,也有三米多高的。  相似文献   

没有个性的编辑不是好编辑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
云志学 《编辑学报》2006,18(1):64-65
认为科技编辑的有益个性是:编辑学与自然科学相结合以及多线性交叉的思维方式;科技编辑姓"科";勇于做"第一个吃螃蟹的人".  相似文献   

目前许多期刊在引文著录上存在着许多问题,出现诸多差错,但文后引文是学术论著的重要组成部分,图书馆学期刊应做好此项工作,提高刊物的质量。  相似文献   

谈"竹"色变 我只有5岁时,父亲就去世了,那是1958年.我是这个家庭的第六个孩子,也是唯一的男孩.父母和五个姐姐对我宠爱有加.父亲早逝,母亲就把所有希望寄托在我身上,小小年纪,逢年过节饭桌上,母亲让我坐正位,家族中的各类祭祖活动,也由我代表家庭出席,我俨然成了父亲的化身. 大约是读小学低年级时,有一天我因身体不适请假回家.进门却发现,屋内地上、桌上,就连床上也满是书籍和字画.我的突然出现,让母亲有些惊慌失色.母亲说,本想等你长大些再同你讲的,你看这幅墨竹,画得多好,这是清代大画家郑板桥的画."郑板桥"、"墨竹"就这样留存于我的脑海里.以后每到大年夜,母亲都会从箱子里取出那些字画让我看,还千叮万嘱不要到外面讲.  相似文献   

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