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程序设计类课程教学模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析当前程序设计类课程教学主要问题的基础上,结合认知心理学的相关理论,设计了该类课程的教学模式.即对比教学模式和关联教学模式,并通过示例演示了两种教学模式的思想.实验表明,采用这两种教学模式,能使学生有效、快速、准确地掌握相关知识,也能温故而知新,教学效果较好.  相似文献   

Learning and Teaching Programming: A Review and Discussion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this paper we review the literature relating to the psychological/educational study of programming. We identify general trends comparing novice and expert programmers, programming knowledge and strategies, program generation and comprehension, and object-oriented versus procedural programming. (We do not cover research relating specifically to other programming styles.) The main focus of the review is on novice programming and topics relating to novice teaching and learning. Various problems experienced by novices are identified, including issues relating to basic program design, to algorithmic complexity in certain language features, to the “fragility” of novice knowledge, and so on. We summarise this material and suggest some practical implications for teachers. We suggest that a key issue that emerges is the distinction between effective and ineffective novices. What characterises effective novices? Is it possible to identify the specific deficits of ineffective novices and help them to become effective learners of programming?  相似文献   

信息技术迅速发展,信息化教育深入人心。计算机高级程序设计语言作为信息技术应用的重要媒介,学习需求不断加大加深。在该门课程的教学过程中,需把握好三个切入点,以促进教学的有效性和课堂的高效性。  相似文献   

伴随着互联网技术、多媒体技术以及数据库技术的发展,网络教学平台已广泛应用于教学的组织与管理,为教师开展教学工作提供了有力支持,为学生进行自主学习提供了有效帮助。文章总结了作者近年来利用网络教学平台组织和实施教学过程、进行教学改革的经验,对提高教学针对性、提升教学效果进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

We have conducted a web-based questionnaire on the various concepts and topics of object-oriented programming that students on introductory courses found most difficult to cope with.A statistical analysis of our results shows that those topics that rely on a clear understanding of pointers and memory-related concepts (such as copy constructors and virtual functions) prove to be the most difficult. In other words, we believe these concepts are only hard because of the student's inability to comprehend what is happening to their program in memory, as they are incapable of creating a clear mental model of its execution.These results would suggest that a clearer approach to teaching these topics would be beneficial to students. We are currently working on a visualization-based approach to address these issues.  相似文献   

为了解决程序设计课程"教学模式单一、实践能力弱化"问题,依托杭州电子科技大学在线学习与评测系统,构建了一种"课内外贯穿,竞赛教学融合"的程序设计教学模式,引导学生从课内基本实验、课外自主实验,到训练与竞赛逐步提升程序设计能力。实践表明,该模式有效地拓展了程序设计课程教学的时间和空间,激发了学生的学习兴趣和热情。此外,实施"全面机试,面向过程"的考核和评价方式,以客观、准确地评价学生,并促进学生通过大量实践提高自己的程序设计能力。  相似文献   

程序设计语言可分为面向过程程序设计语言和面向对象程序设计语言,但不论是哪种程序设计语言,学习方法和编程能力的培养是一致的。以C程序设计语言为例,当我们要解决一个问题时,要做的工作是分析问题、构思编程思路、设计算法,然后在读程序和程序填空等技巧训练中学习和巩固语法知识和程序结构,为编写程序打下扎实的基础。  相似文献   

New high-frequency, automated data collection and analysis algorithms could offer new insights into complex learning processes, especially for tasks in which students have opportunities to generate unique open-ended artifacts such as computer programs. These approaches should be particularly useful because the need for scalable project-based and student-centered learning is growing considerably. In this article, we present studies focused on how students learn computer programming, based on data drawn from 154,000 code snapshots of computer programs under development by approximately 370 students enrolled in an introductory undergraduate programming course. We use methods from machine learning to discover patterns in the data and try to predict final exam grades. We begin with a set of exploratory experiments that use fully automated techniques to investigate how much students change their programming behavior throughout all assignments in the course. The results show that students’ change in programming patterns is only weakly predictive of course performance. We subsequently hone in on 1 single assignment, trying to map students’ learning process and trajectories and automatically identify productive and unproductive (sink) states within these trajectories. Results show that our process-based metric has better predictive power for final exams than the midterm grades. We conclude with recommendations about the use of such methods for assessment, real-time feedback, and course improvement.  相似文献   

编程课程的深度学习具有一定的领域特殊性,体现为学习者深度应用编程知识解决现实问题的程序设计策略构建与编程自我效能感培养。项目式编程学习不应局限于学习者对于领域知识的理解与配对应用,更需要关注学习者在项目驱动的编程问题解决过程中程序设计策略的构建与迁移。本研究以优化设计项目式编程学习为核心目标,融合编程领域深度学习的特殊性,构建项目式编程学习“四层”过程模型;基于编程方案生成与评估以及程序设计策略构建等过程,梳理编程项目设计原则;结合程序设计支持技术、阶段性结果及启发性问题,结构化地设计促进学习者有效完成程序设计的项目支架。学习者自我感知的程序设计策略水平和编程自我效能感在前测与后测中出现了显著性差异,验证了编程项目设计原则与项目支架设计的有效性。  相似文献   

教与学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
注重创造积极的课堂气氛,促使学生自然地学会目标语言.  相似文献   

一位父亲教他儿子认识数字,首先认识“1”。儿子很快就学会了。第二天,父亲正在擦桌子,同时,儿子在旁边看他擦桌子。父亲用抹布在桌子上写了一个大大的“1”,让儿子读。但儿子却不认识。“你应该认识啊!难道你不记得了吗?这是我昨天教你的。”父亲对他说道。  相似文献   

教与学一位父亲教他儿子认识数字,首先认识1。儿子很快就学会了。第二天,父亲正在擦桌子,同时,儿子在旁边看他擦桌子。父亲用抹布在桌子上写了一个大大的1,让儿子读。但儿子却不认识。你应该认识啊!难道你不记得了吗?这是我昨天教你的。  相似文献   

Java程序设计教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱平 《培训与研究》2006,23(2):46-48
Java程序设计是面向对象的程序设计,本文介绍了Java语言的基本特点,比较了Java与C 的主要区别,详细的讨论Java程序设计教学的基本内容和教学难点,包括语法学习和类库学习以及面向对象的编程思想。  相似文献   

在"Java程序设计"教学中,通过基于项目的教学活动的开展,在"做"中给学生创设真实问题环境和协作学习环境,在激发学生"学"兴趣的同时,提升学生的综合能力,对于计算机类教学有借鉴意义。通过自身教学改革的具体案例,描述了这样一个过程,来探讨"做中学"教学过程应注意的一些问题和和面向过程考核的优劣。  相似文献   

网络研究性学习中的教与学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络研究性学习是一种崭新的教学模式,是现代教育技术发展的产物,是现代课程与教学论研究的热点。本分析网络研究性学习的特点,研究网络研究性学习过程中教师与学生的关系,并阐述了教师在网络研究性学习各个阶段的职能。  相似文献   

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