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走向世界:21世纪中国高等教育研究的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2 1世纪 ,中国高教研究只有走向世界 ,才能确立在世界学术界的地位 ,才能为世界高教研究做出更大贡献。以学科改造、方法改造和队伍改造为重点的高教研究科学化改造 ,是中国高教研究走向世界的前提条件 ,高教研究的国际化是中国高教研究走向世界的有效途径。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的高等职业技术师范教育研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等职业技术师范教育作为我国师范教育体系的重要组成部分,其教学内容和课程体系既要顺应高等教育改革的总趋势,又要体现自身特色,这是关系到职技高师生存与发展的基础与前景。  相似文献   

非洲高等教育面临的挑战与发展前景   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
非洲是世界上高等教育最不发达的地区。长期存在的经济和社会危机、殖民主义遗留的影响、一些地方艾滋病的广泛传播等因素 ,是非洲高等教育发展的障碍。尽管如此 ,高等教育仍然被认为是非洲大陆发展和现代化的关键力量 ,2 1世纪非洲高等教育的发展必须取得成功。  相似文献   

21世纪: 中国成人高等教育课程体系改革的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
认真反思20世纪我国成人高等教育存在的问题,认清新世纪给我国成人高等教育发展带来的机遇和挑战,将有助于我们建立崭新的中国成人高等教育的课程体系,有利于富有个性和创新精神的人才培养,并有利于我国综合国力和国际竞争力的提高,因此,作为我国成人高等教育发展 突破口的课程体系改革应引起我们的认真思考。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍理论及研究范式简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对发展性阅读障碍(Developmental Dyslexia,DD)的理论解释主要有语音缺陷论、小脑缺陷论及一般性大细胞功能障碍理论。在这些理论基础上,研究者们采用Oddball范式、侧抑制范式、RSVP范式、TOT范式、半视野呈现范式以及错误记忆范式等对DD的特点与本质进行了全面系统的研究。本文简略阐述了DD的理论基础以及DD研究中的各种实验范式,以期更多的人参与到DD的实验研究中来。  相似文献   

多样化:21世纪初叶中国高等教育的基本走向   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
社会经济结构的多样化 ,是高等教育多样化的社会基础 ,也是我们思考 2 1世纪初叶中国高等教育改革与发展的基本前提和出发点。应制定切合实际的政策和措施 ,鼓励和保证高等教育的多样化发展 ,建立起一个包括多种办学主体、多种办学形式、多种办学类型、多种办学层次的高等教育体系  相似文献   

大学制度创新与21世纪中国高等教育跨越式发展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
2 1世纪中国高等教育改革的主要目标是实现跨越式发展。大学制度创新是高等教育跨越式发展重要的自变量。我国大学制度创新的主要任务是 :改革单位制度 ,按照学术组织的基本属性重塑大学的制度结构 ;消解制度化精英主义的思维模式和管理方式 ,营造平等竞争的大学制度环境。大学制度创新过程中 ,应避免路径的单一化 ,在移植“外生性”制度安排的基础上发展“内生性”的制度安排 ,做到他律与自律的结合  相似文献   

我们要了解21世纪国际教育的十大发展趋势,即终身化、多元化、分权化、远程化多媒体化、个性化、产业化、市场化、大众化、竞争普遍化、国际化,积极迎接知识经济的挑战,抓住机遇,促进教育的发展扣人才的培养。  相似文献   

Disability legislation demands inclusive institutional policy and practice to meet the needs of the growing numbers of students disclosing specific learning difficulties (SpLD)/dyslexia. However, surveys of provision indicate mixed levels of student satisfaction. Institutions need to be able to monitor the extent to which their practice embodies their inclusive mission statements. Fuller, Healey, Bradley and Hall developed a stage model of progress towards the fully inclusive institution which suggests that departments or individuals can remain at different stages, delaying transformation of the whole system. This case study, conducted within a small university, used documentation, interviews, questionnaires and focus groups to explore attitudes and practices at each level of the institution to establish the extent to which Fuller's model might enable identification and elimination of ‘disablist institutional practice’ and the development of the fully inclusive ethos. Policy, management, lecturers and students were surveyed to explore attitudes and practices relevant to SpLD/dyslexia. Findings indicated that Fuller's model provided a clear and practical way of charting the institution's journey towards full inclusivity. Participants demonstrated the existence of examples of inclusive culture at all levels in University X, alongside a need for strengthened and clarified systems cementing links between management policy and the work of facilitators and lecturers. Inconsistencies in the systems connecting the levels potentially allow disablist practices to survive. Hence, identifying these gaps can facilitate their closure and promote the establishment of the fully inclusive institution.  相似文献   

African higher education: Challenges for the 21st century   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
African higher education, atthe beginning of the new millennium, facesunprecedented challenges. Not only is thedemand for access unstoppable, especially inthe context of Africa's traditionally lowpostsecondary attendance levels, but highereducation is recognized as a key force formodernization and development. Africa'sacademic institutions face obstacles inproviding the education, research, and serviceneeded if the continent is to advance.Generalizing about a continent as large anddiverse as Africa is difficult. Yet there aresome common elements – and there are certainlysome common challenges. In our discussion, weare not generally optimistic either inanalyzing the current reality in much of Africaor in pointing to future prospects. The fact isthat African universities currently function invery difficult circumstances, both in terms ofthe social, economic, and political problemsfacing the continent and in the context ofglobalization, and the road to future successwill not be an easy one.Based on Africa-wide research, this articlediscusses such topics as access to highereducation, the challenges of funding, thegrowing role of private higher educationinstitutions in Africa, governance andautonomy, management challenges, gender(including the access of women to highereducation and the problems faced by womenstudents and academic staff), the role ofresearch and the problems of scholarlycommunication, language issues, and the braindrain. These issues are at the heart ofAfrica's future academic development.  相似文献   

通过对国内外大学教学计划和课程设计的教学与比较,以及对我国成人高等教育历史上所确立的教育目标,培养规格,专业培养目标和课程指导思想的检讨和反思,有肋于我们科学在确定21世纪中国成人高等教育才培养规格。  相似文献   

Dyslexia is defined as a disability that primarily affects reading and writing. Internationally, the number of dyslexic students entering higher education is on the rise. It is estimated that students with dyslexia represent a small but significant minority. Many English-speaking countries have developed support services and teaching practices to accommodate dyslexic students' educational needs. In Greece, research on dyslexia is very limited. The purpose of this study is to define the incidence of dyslexia among the Greek student population and to examine dyslexic students' age, gender and major field of study. Data were collected from a total of 406 departments at all Greek public institutions of higher education (n = 32). The existing practices for identifying and provisions for supporting dyslexic students were also examined. The incidence of dyslexia in Greek higher education was estimated to be 0.16%, which is far below the estimated incidence in the general population. Interesting results were yielded regarding the variability of higher education institutions' responses to dyslexia. In almost all Greek institutions, provision takes place in the form of oral examinations and generic counseling. technological education institutions (TEIs) seem to be more aware of the educational needs of dyslexic students, possibly because they have three times more dyslexic students than higher education institutions (HEIs). All Greek universities deal with the needs of dyslexic students on an individual basis, making provision reactive rather than proactive. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of inclusive education and equality of opportunity for students who learn in a different way but do not differ from their counterparts in terms of intelligence or general abilities.  相似文献   

试论21世纪的大学文学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的大学需要加强非文学专业的文学教育。这种文学教育,应当是一种以民族的、传统的、优秀的文学为主,融汇现代文学,吸纳外域文学,以作品为主、兼顾作家、史论并举、赏析结合,怡情养性、培植素养、化育闳才的主流的泛文学教育。加强大学文学教育,必须以更新大学教育理念为前提。加快教学体制改革是其保证,创新文学教育课程是其根本,营造人文熏陶环境是其关键。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to discussion of theory application in higher education research. We examine 59 empirical research papers from specialist journals that use a particular theory: activity theory. We scrutinise stated reasons for choosing the theory, functions played by the theory, and how the theory is valorised. We find that the theory is usually chosen for its direct empirical applicability; used for abstraction, explanation and contextualisation; and valorised for apprehending complex situational dynamics. It is rarely chosen to challenge conceptualisation of the research object; used to establish investigative paradigms; or valorised in ways that implicate wider bodies of knowledge or potential theory development. We argue that higher education researchers should reconsider how their application of activity theory is interwoven with interpretative processes, how the theory might frame research design rather than simply data analysis, and how they account for the range of roles that the theory actually plays across research endeavours.  相似文献   

本文从"学会生存"--终身教育和学习化社会的观念出发,在生物科学迅速发展的时代,生物教育所培养的人应当适应未来社会发展的需要,同时适应学生个人发展的需要,作为与人类社会发展关系密切的生物科学,应当综合考虑社会、环境、个人、科学素质等方面的教育目标,努力培养学生成为完善的人.  相似文献   

试述面向二十一世纪图书馆员继续教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2l世纪的现代化图书馆正从传统的人力管理向自动化、网络化、智能化方向发展演变,图书馆技术方法服务手段和以信息为主体服务内容的变化,对图书馆员的素质和能力提出了高要求,新时期的馆员必须加强继续教育,不仅掌握图书馆学知识,还需最大限度地了解信息科学知识,相关自然科学和人文科学知识,建构自己复合型的知识结构,才能应对知识经济的挑战,更好地为社会经济发展提供有力服务。  相似文献   

本文从高等教育的数量、质量、结构和投入四个方面,采用一系列指标,分析得出了二十一世纪初山东省高等教育区域化的特征。山东省属于经济发展水平发达,高等教育发展水平发达地区。高校规模大,办学效益好。高等职业教育是山东省高等教育的重要组成部分。但是办学水平不高,研究生教育发展不足,生均教育投入低于全国平均水平,并且出现负增长。针对这些特征,作者提出了山东省高等教育发展的对策。  相似文献   

21世纪的高等工程教育--循环创新模型与21世纪大学建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在知识经济的浪潮中,显著的科技、经济、文化发展正在重新定义传统意义上的“大学”。荷兰德尔特理工大学与一批世界顶尖工科大学正在研究的“循环创新模式”与“21世纪大学建构”对正面临同样挑战的我国高等工程教育是一个有益的启示。  相似文献   

21,我国高等教育改革的主要特点是改革的动因更加复杂,目标更加清晰、内容更加深刻、模式更加完善、策略更加科学、价值取向更趋于功效性。  相似文献   

IntroductionaConstructionmanagementeducation(CME),anewspecialtydevelopedwiththeeconomicreformandextensivemunicipalconstructioninChina,hasbeenofferedinmorethan200higheracademiesthroughtwentiesyearsresearch,innovation,collaborationanddevelopment.However,onlysixuniversitieshavepassedtheStateEducationalMinistry’sevaluationonit.Asin21stcentury,greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthemission,aspectsandcontent,especiallyenviron-mentthatinfluencetheeducationofconstructionmanagement.Thispaperpresentssomeinn…  相似文献   

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