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在认知语言学界,隐喻一直被视为人类的基本思维方式,而作为修辞手段渐次为人们所遗忘。本文从批评话语分析的角度,讨论了隐喻与语言意识的交织问题,借助对政治语篇中所包含的种族歧视的分析,指出隐喻是人类观照世界的视角,是交际中不可缺少的语用策略。  相似文献   

Admittedly, a great deal of all of this speculation remains to be tested, either by modelling or by experiments. But it is today’s speculation that will guide tomorrow’s research. If genomic imprinting turns out to be more common than is currently evident, then there is no escape from a major reexamination of many sociobiological predictions. And that would certainly cause a major turmoil or a great deal of excitement, depending on how you look at it!  相似文献   

虚喻的理据及功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓虚喻,实际上是根据本体和喻体的特性这一标准划分而来的。虚喻是以情理之类虚性对象去比拟事物之类具体对象的比喻。其理论依据在于:1、虚幻的对象是大量存在的;2、比喻是艺术的联想;3、比喻是比较的一种形式。适合想象力异常丰富者的需要,长于表达灵动跳跃的思想是其主要功能。  相似文献   

Teamwork is often seen as an inseparable part of sport. Other than work done by sport psychologists, however, the topic has received scant attention. The broad aim of this article is to stimulate discussion on the topic. Specifically, I examine how we can think about and “do” teamwork in an alternative way to that presented in current psychological literature. I illustrate how a psychologistic model of teamwork—teamwork as cohesion—is based on a positivist metaphor and argue that this is simply one possible interpretation. I then propose a different metaphor that has its roots in constructionist thought. I suggest that this constructionist metaphor leads to alternative research questions and methodologies and helps us to understand teamwork more wholly.  相似文献   

A great deal has been written about the representational use of metaphor to understand teacher candidates’/new teachers’ conceptions of teacher practice. This article will discuss recent research that explored secondary visual art teacher candidates’/new teachers’ visualising of visual metaphors to provoke their a/r/tographical inquiry into their perceptions of practice. This article engages with the Deleuzian conception becoming as well as the ontology of difference to provoke the reimagination of metaphor in research. We offer new understandings about visualising the visual in research and the methodological implications of relational research practices.  相似文献   

在《羽蛇》中,D.H.劳伦斯大量使用了来自于阿兹台克文明的神话质料,将古代阿兹台克人所信奉的羽蛇神“魁扎尔科亚特尔”塑造为如“虹”一般象征了天地的融洽调顺,充满了印第安文化的异域色彩。然而,来自于犹太文明的喀巴拉神秘主义却主导了小说的隐性叙事进程,显文本中的神话修辞与潜文本中的神秘主义相互交织,共同编织了一个有着超凡魔力的隐喻。  相似文献   

<触龙说赵太后>一文开头部分如凤头,精致小巧,别具匠心;主体部分如猪肚,内容丰富,包罗甚广;结尾部分如豹尾,干净利落,简洁果断.  相似文献   

As an academic, I grapple with the role of private foundations in higher education; on the one hand, as a critical scholar-activist committed to radical social and economic change, and on the other hand, as a participant in foundation-funded academic projects. I recognize the contradictory position I occupy within an institution that has historically served the status quo. In this paper I attempt to deal with the question of whether foundation funds, historically made possible by our unjust social system, have the capacity to contribute to the systemic social and economic changes I – alongside like-minded colleagues – strive to realize. Specifically, I look at the role of foundations in American higher education for the purpose of agitating hegemonic ideas and challenging us to ask difficult questions about our day-to-day practices.  相似文献   

隐喻能力作为二语习得过程中对学习者更高的要求,是语言能力和交际能力的有益补充。文章采纳现代隐喻认知理论观点,从应用语言学的角度,结合隐喻与文化及隐喻与二语习得的关系,指出隐喻影响着我们的思维,是语言与文化联系最紧密的部分,二语教学要注意文化的导入,提高学生对隐喻的领悟能力。隐喻能力能够促进二语学习者的学习,用现代隐喻理论指导二语语言与文化习得是十分重要的,以达到用现代隐喻理论指导二语语言与文化习得的目的。  相似文献   

I begin by examining the natures of science and religion before looking at the ways in which they relate to one another. I then look at a number of case studies that centre on the relationships between science and religion, including attempts to find mechanisms for divine action in quantum theory and chaos theory, creationism, genetic engineering and the writings of Richard Dawkins. Finally, I consider some of the pedagogical issues that would need to be considered if the science/religion issue is to be addressed in the classroom. I conclude that there are increasing arguments in favour of science educators teaching about the science/religion issue. The principal reason for this is to help students better to learn science. However, such teaching makes greater demands on science educators than has generally been the case. Certain of these demands are identified and some specific suggestions are made as to how a science educator might deal with the science/religion issue.  相似文献   

Metaphor is an important device of the poetic imagination.Poets usually use metaphor to express their thoughts.Cognitive linguistics Johnson's conceptual metaphor theory.This paper takes Emily Dickinson's several poems as examples,including:I Could Not Stop for Death,I took one Draught of life,Twas warm at first like us,and analysis the metaphor about love and death in Emily's work,with conceptual metaphor theory.  相似文献   

孟子是我国古代的大思想家。我们从他的章中所创造的成语、名言警句以及修辞学(比喻)方面的独特表现,可以看出他在语言学方面所作的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

In the continuing concern about academic standards in the higher education sector a great deal of emphasis has been placed on quality assurance procedures rather than on considering how university tutors learn to grade the quality of work produced by students. As part of a larger research project focused on how tutors grade student coursework, this paper offers a new metaphor for such tutor learning, based on a sociocultural perspective. The research project used think‐aloud protocols recorded as university tutors graded student coursework, and this was followed by semi‐structured interviews. The voluntary participants consisted of 25 lecturers in four contrasting domains—humanities, art and design, medicine and teacher education—in three universities, two teaching‐led and one research intensive. We developed a metaphorical framework that helps to understand the work and learning of the lecturers and tested it by applying it to analysis of the tutor interview data. Grading, writing feedback, second marking and moderation are important situated professional learning opportunities for tutors to debate and reach agreement on the academic standard demonstrated by student coursework. The metaphor considers professional learning as interplay between the vertical domain of public knowledge and the horizontal domain of teachers' practical wisdom. The metaphor presented in this paper is proposed for critical consideration and wider use by academics, teachers, academic developers and teacher educators as an aid to better understanding of teacher's professional learning.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to research into mathematical thinking, such as the study of misconceptions and tacit models, have brought significant insight into the teaching and learning of mathematics, but have also left many important problems unresolved. In this paper, after taking a close look at two episodes that give rise to a number of difficult questions, I propose to base research on a metaphor of thinking-as-communicating.This conceptualization entails viewing learning mathematics as an initiation to a certain well defined discourse. Mathematical discourse is made special by two main factors: first, by its exceptional reliance on symbolic artifacts as its communication-mediating tools, and second, by the particular meta-rules that regulate this type of communication. The meta-rules are the observer’s construct and they usually remain tacit for the participants of the discourse. In this paper I argue that by eliciting these special elements of mathematical communication, one has a better chance of accounting for at least some of the still puzzling phenomena. To show how it works, I revisit the episodes presented at the beginning of the paper, reformulate the ensuing questions in the language of thinking-as-communication, and re-address the old quandaries with the help of special analytic tools that help in combining analysis of mathematical content of classroom interaction with attention to meta-level concerns of the participants.  相似文献   


In working together to deliver discipline‐specific workshops, we have had to focus on communicating effectively with each other. We have come to recognize that our biggest obstacle has been divergent ways of thinking and speaking, due to different disciplinary cultures. The metaphor we now use to conceptualize our relationship and deal more effectively with our miscommunications is ‘bridging cultures’ and ‘crossing borders’. We have learned a great deal from trying to make crossing borders more explicit in our work together; our learnings form the basis of this paper.  相似文献   

Hello and welcome to this month' s IELTS strategy session. Let' s look at a few strategies that you can employ to deal with the reading module. How Should You Read?The IELTS test requires that you read effectively and efficiently. Being an effective and efficient reader means more  相似文献   

修辞学一直把隐喻看作是正规语言的偏离和变异。但是认知语言学者认为:隐喻不仅仅是普通语言现象,而且还是一种认知过程,一种思维模式,与文化息息相关。由于受人类共同的"非文化知识"的影响,英汉隐喻都有三种类型:结构隐喻、方位隐喻和容器隐喻。同时,由于受制于各自不同的文化,尤其是不同地域文化、思维方式、价值观念和民族传统和习俗等因素的影响,造成了英汉隐喻概念的极大的差异性。外语教学中,可以以隐喻为突破口,不断提升文化导入在外语教学中的作用.  相似文献   

This essay examines the role of information-processing theories in the historical search for a guiding metaphor of educational psychology. First, I show how information processing can be viewed as the second in a series of three metaphors that developed during this century and, more specifically, as a bridge from associationist to constructivist visions of learning. Second, I provide a definition of information processing based on the premise that humans are processors of information. Third, I distinguish between literal and constructivist interpretations of two key elements in information-processing; theory, namely, the nature of information and the nature of processing. Then, I summarize the contributions and limitations of the information-processing approach. Finally, I examine possible future directions for the search for educational psychology's guiding metaphor.  相似文献   

二语词汇习得一直是二语习得者学习过程中的难点,概念隐喻作为一种认知思维方式,在二语词汇习得中可发挥重要作用。从认知角度分析对词汇的隐喻解读可使词汇习得更加生动,有利于学习者的二语词汇习得。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,艾青曾选择桂林作为将近一年避难的驿站。同时,这一年也成为艾青诗歌创作生涯的一个黄金点:不少诗歌作品既在当时产生了极大的反响,又能顺利保存至今。仔细分析艾青诗歌得以传承的原因,可以发现其中之一得益于他在诗歌意象具体化方面所下的功夫,而比兴手法的使用令其增色不少。作为艾青诗歌意象系统组成部分之一的"比兴"意象,主要可以分作三种类型进行更进一步地探究:象征型意象、比喻型意象和综合型意象。  相似文献   

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