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在物理课堂教学中,学生的主体作用的发挥,可通过激发学生的活动兴趣、欲望及主动精神,培养学生勤奋好学的态度,运用积极、主动的教学方法及开展鼓励为主的学习评价来实现。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationshipbetween college classroom environment, academiccheating, and the neutralization (justification) ofacademic cheating. Two-hundred eighty undergraduatestudents from two liberal arts colleges in the Midwestparticipated in the study. Participants completed theCollege and University Classroom Environment Instrument(CUCEI) and the Survey on Academic Dishonesty (SAD), with instructions to complete thesequestionnaires (anonymously) in a manner that woulddescribe their perceptions, behavior, and attitudes inthe class in which the survey was completed. Three CUCEI scales were identified that discriminatedsignificantly between admitted cheaters and noncheaters.Cheaters described their classes as significantly lesspersonalized, satisfying, and task oriented than did noncheaters. Together, the seven scales ofthe CUCEI explained 4% of the variance in cheatingbehavior. Six CUCEI scales were found to be correlatedsignificantly with a measure of cheating neutralization. Specifically, neutralization increased withdecreases in perceived classroom personalization,involvement, student cohesiveness, satisfaction, taskorientation, and individualization. Together, the seven scales of the CUCEI explained 14% of thevariance in neutralization. It is concluded thatclassroom environment is a significant situationalvariable in academic dishonesty, as both cheatingbehavior and attitudes toward cheating are related toperceptions of classroom environment.  相似文献   

本文阐述了现代教育技术在教育过程中的重要性,并就如何加速发展教育技术提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

澳门自古就是我国的领土。本文介绍了澳门的地理环境和经济特征。针对澳门经济发展的困境,提出粤港澳区域经济协调发展的策略及澳门应该采取的措施。  相似文献   

Student attitudes toward mathematics play an important role in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics as positive attitudes correlate with higher student achievement. This paper aims to develop and explore the validity of a Chinese version of the short attitudes toward mathematics inventory (short ATMI) for Taiwanese undergraduates, and further to examine the measurement invariance across gender. The results suggest that, based on the Taiwanese sample, the model with some items excluded has better fit indices than the original model. The generalization of the four-factor construct was also confirmed. The Cronbach’s alpha for total and subscales of the modified short ATMI were satisfactory, and moreover, convergent and discriminant validity were shown. Finally, measurement invariance of the inventory across gender was also demonstrated. This study suggests that the Chinese version of the short ATMI is a reliable, valid, and compact instrument that quickly and efficiently measures student attitudes toward mathematics.  相似文献   

从研究黄山风景区的区域概况和旅游活动概况入手,综合运用实验分析、现场调查等多种方法,通过风景区内的水环境、植物-土壤性质、动物、固体废弃物所发生的变化,评价旅游活动对黄山风景区自然环境的消极影响。从颁布相关法律;开展旅游地的旅游环境监测和评价,严格控制污染物的排放;建立旅游目的地环境信息系统动态监控;建立旅游环境预警系统;重视环境教育和环境解说五个方面来促进黄山旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Research on classroom assessment has tended to focus on standardized tests and has paid minimal attention to teacher-developed assessments. As a result, we have a narrow understanding of the classroom assessment environment. This study was designed to broaden that understanding by exploring the nature and quality of teacher-developed assessment. Teachers from a range of grades, subjects, and school districts described their patterns of test use, concerns about assessment, and use of performance assessment by completing an extensive questionnaire. When responses are summarized across teachers, the results suggest that the foundation and structure of classroom assessment consists primarily of teacher-developed assessments, with performance assessment serving as one of the key assessment tools. Teachers are concerned about assessment and know that improvement may be needed, but they will need help to bring about necessary changes. Action plans are suggested for enhancing the quality of teacher-developed tests.  相似文献   

In Soviet higher education, the policy of international contact constitutes an important element throughout the State programme of international co‐operation. The following article presents the main forms of and recent developments in this co‐operation. It is based on an article written by N.N. Sofinski, Deputy Minister of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education in the USSR.  相似文献   

近年来,两岸三地的课程改革均将自主学习作为一项重要目标,试图培养和巩固学生的自主学习动机与策略。西方学者的许多研究表明,倡导学生中心的课堂环境有助于促进学生自主学习能力的发展,而偏重教师中心的课堂环境则不利于学生的自主学习。本研究基于香港中小学生对课堂环境观感和自主学习动机与策略的两项调查,发现教师中心的课堂环境对香港学生的自主学习同样具有促进作用,并依此分析了华人文化情境中课堂环境及学生自主学习的特征。  相似文献   

科学的合理的英语教学设计.不仅体现教育目的性、计划性、针对性和预习性所必需.又是顺利实施教学方案、调控教学过程的前提,也是确保教学效果、提高教学质量的保证。英语教学不仅是一门学科.也是一门艺术.形成英语教学艺术特色的重要因素之一就是教学设计。  相似文献   

论当代课堂管理的变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课堂管理不仅关系到课堂教学质量的提高,而且直接影响着学生的发展状况。当今教育从学会生存到学会关心到可持续发展的价值取向及终身化、民主化、主体化、多样化和国际化的特征,对旧有的课堂管理提出了严峻的挑战。倾向于行为控制和学生服从、注重课堂秩序和程序的旧式课堂管理,伴随着教育的变革,正朝向灵活、民主、柔性的方向不断迈进。应从课堂管理的目标、课堂环境、课堂交流与沟通、学生的激励等方面构建新的课堂管理范型。  相似文献   

本文以作者的教学实践,说明用教育心理学的理论指导教学活动、讲究课堂教学的艺术性对提高教学质量的重要意义。  相似文献   

资源教室的理念与实施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
资源教室在特殊教育的实施中占有重要的位置,尤其在帮助就读于普通班级中的那些有特殊教育需要的学生,发挥积极作用。本文探讨了资源教室的意义和模式.并在资源教室的方案设计和资源教室的具体应用、布置做了理论与实践上的探索。  相似文献   

实施西部大开发战略,法制要先行,特别是要加强和完善生态环境保护法。为此,应树立可持续发展的法律发展观,协调观,价值观和行为观,建立和完善生态环境综合决策制度和宏观调控制度,综合性生态环境许可制度,公众参与生态环境管理制度,生态环境效益和影响评价制度,生态环境税,环境补偿费,生态环境费制度,清洁生产制度,生态环境综合治理制度。  相似文献   

沧源佤族自治县具有丰富的自然资源,经济发展潜力巨大,然而可持续发展观念淡薄,生态破坏严重,加上交通信息不便,科学技术落后,严重阻碍该县经济发展。因此,处理好资源开发和环境保护的关系,加快佤山环境向良性循环发展,是沧源社会经济发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

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