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在安装计算机操作系统、应用程序或新装计算机系统时需要花很长的时间.本文通过以安装Windows Server 2000为例,讲叙如何利用ghost8.0和windows系统重新封装技术,制作多张克隆光碟用于系统的备份与恢复.  相似文献   

“万能Ghost恢复光盘”可以快速地安装系统,得到了广泛的使用,但由于光盘的容量有限,不可能预先安装更多的应用软件。为了在有限的容量下安装更多的应用软件,就必须压缩光盘中的Ghost映像文件。  相似文献   

情景引入趣味感知 2008年北京奥运会全面运用人脸识别系统,人们进入场馆距门口0.5-1.2m处时,安装在门上的人脸识别系统的摄像机就可以对其面部特征进行快速核对.由此判断,人脸识别系统的摄像机的镜头相当于凸透镜还是凹透镜?  相似文献   

本文主要从以往大家所认识的绿色软件着手,考虑到现在计算机系统维护上的不便,从而探索一种新的系统安装技术--云端.使用云端可以大大减轻系统维护工作.  相似文献   

"IT&AT"由教育部和中国教育电视台共同发起,以中国教育电视台现代远程教育卫星宽带多媒体传输系统为传输平台,采用VBI和IP技术发送多媒体数据.如何从卫星上下载这些IP数据,是全国各基地,各接收点及电大当前急需解决的问题之一,本文以该系统为例,分析讲述了现代远程教育卫星接收系统的安装与配置方法.  相似文献   

"东方时空·时空调查"节目曾调查汽车安装"彩铃"是否(应该)被认同。安装了汽车彩铃的汽车,遇见路塞,不再"嘀、滴"两声,而是在音乐声中加一些"我来了/请让路/谢谢/拜拜"  相似文献   

在"TPC-H通用微机接口实验系统"的基础上,利用其J7端子的通用插座开发外接实验电路板,设计出"点阵LED显示器显示汉字"实验电路。该实验电路可在面包板上实现,实验者可根据实验原理和要求,从实验电路着手,进行面包板上的电路连接、安装,上机编程调试等操作,有助于实验者深刻理解实验原理与电路,提高动手能力。  相似文献   

与利用轨距尺进行测量或全站仪半自动测量等传统手段相比,北斗惯导小车在保证测量精度的同时,作业效率提升了20倍以上,大幅度降低了测量成本和外业复杂度. 2020年10月28日,国新办就2020年前三季度交通运输经济运行情况举行发布会.交通运输部新闻发言人、政策研究室主任吴春耕介绍,目前,大概有698.61万辆道路营运车辆已经安装使用北斗系统.  相似文献   

监控摄像头、红外线探头,这些曾是电影中保护古董名画的先进设备,现在也走入了高校大院.由东华理工学院自行设计安装的安全监测防控系统中,这些电子设备犹如一个个日夜执勤的"警察",忠于职守尽显神威,实现了学院重点监控和家属住宿区连续四年零发案率,创建起24小时电视监控报警平台,助保了学院一方平安.  相似文献   

本文从CBE/DACUM角度分析了高职"电气控制技术"课程的能力定位,根据高职"电气控制技术"课程的能力定位,指出了现行高职"电气控制技术"教材在常用控制电器选择、电气控制线路图、电气控制系统安装、接线工艺、电气控制线路故障诊断的系统方法、新型起动调速设备及控制电路、控制电路与主电路的连接等方面存在的不足和缺陷.  相似文献   

二十一世纪是信息化的时代 ,计算机辅助教学工作在全国教育战线上逐渐深入 ,根据自己的教学实践 ,对如何把信息技术容易、简便地应用在物理教学中 ,把计算机的优势发挥出来 ,更好的完成学科教学 ,进行了探讨  相似文献   

运用现代教育技术原理,针对健美操教学训练的特点,阐述了运用多媒体计算机辅助创编出健美操动作套路,以及如何运用现代教育技术提高健美操教学和训练的质量。  相似文献   

Interviews with 216 Grades 4–8 teachers and observations in 21 classrooms show that computers are widely used to teach writing across Canada. Restricted access to computers plays a role in the frequency and types of interactions that students and teachers have with computers in writing classes. Equally influential are assumptions about writing development and effective teaching practice. Many participating teachers believe that spell checkers hamper students’ spelling development. They view computers as tools to extend and support their teaching of mini‐lessons.  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards produce a need to understand how digital tools can support literacy instruction. The purpose of this case study was to explore how a language arts teacher's integration of computers and iPads empowered and constrained her and the resulting classroom instruction. Constraining factors included (a) inadequate technological knowledge, (b) expectations of students’ comfort with technology, (c) inappropriate expectations for assignments, and (d) limited conceptions of the purposes of technology. Subthemes related to enhancement included: enhancement of classroom environment, simplicity and sophistication equal innovation and empowerment, combining tools, and digital tools support multimodal communication.  相似文献   

Nowadays,computers are widely used as useful tools for our daily life.So you can see students using computers everywhere.The purpose of our survey is to find out the answers to the following questions:1.What brand of computers do students often choose?2.What is the most important factor of choosing computers in students’idea?3.What do students want to do with computers most?After that,we hope the students will know what kind of computers they really need and how many factors must be thought about when buying computers.  相似文献   

Using Luhmann’s communication theory and affordance theories, we develop a framework to examine how kindergarten-grade 2 students interact with tablet computers. We assessed whether cognitive ability and device configuration influence how successfully children use tablet computers. We found that children’s limited ability to direct their cognitive resources affects child–tablet communication (i.e., sending and receiving information to and from the device). While it may appear that children simply know how to use this technology, they are actually engaged in a systematic assessment of the device governed by their level of attentional maturity. Interestingly, tablet computers designed for adults result in a higher frequency of successful communication but prolonged communication was most likely to take place on child-focused tablet computers. It seems that communication success and user engagement are independent.  相似文献   

IPv6在Linux和Windows2000下的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着移动PC机和笔记本电脑的普及,移动计算机网络和主机数量增加,IP地址资源也日趋紧张,彻底的解决方案是实施IPv6.本文论述了IPv6的特点,IPv6的报头格式,IPv6的地址;重点讨论了如何平稳地从现有IPv4网络结构过渡到IPv6的策略,详细阐明了在Linux和Windows2000操作系统下如何实现IPv6协议,以及所进行的IPv6联通实验。  相似文献   

It is time to recognize that educational technology cannot be considered a panacea for educational reform. Technology, when properly used, can be a very effective tool for improving and enhancing instruction and learning experiences in the content areas. However, incorporation of electronic tools, such as computers and videodiscs, into classrooms must be accompanied by systemic change in the educational process. Successful utilization of technology depends on how we provide teachers with the necessary environment for training, tools for instruction, and technology evaluation skills. This paper examines some of the misuses of technology and then explores the appropriate use of technology in the context of current educational reform. The focus is on the integration of technology in the educational process that provides a learning environment allowing discovery and creativity through the use of computer visualizations. The teacher is seen as the essential element, requiring a solid foundation in the general applications of technology, and the ability to evaluate and select systems that are effective and efficient for specific applications.  相似文献   

较系统地论述了计算机作为物理教学媒体的特点,计算机在物理教学中的运用,计算机辅助物理教学中的注意事项。  相似文献   

This study investigated major course changes in 11 sections of a stand-alone educational technology course redesigned around 21st century skill sets as opposed to technical skill development. Conducted in the fall of 2007 and spring 2008 with a random sample of 100 pre-service teachers, independent and paired sample t tests and correlational analyses were used to examine differences in students’ computer attitude, self-efficacy, and computer skills before and after instruction. Results of the study suggest that, even in a more rigorous course, pre-service teachers became less anxious about computers, their belief in the value of using technology to enhance teaching and learning as well as their self-efficacy toward integrating technology in the classroom significantly improved, and they became more advanced in their technical skills and knowledge of how to apply these skills in the classroom.  相似文献   

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