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姚利 《教育学报》2001,(10):33-35
本文通过美国中学社会学教学案例,探讨了美国中学教育的特色和教育思想,为我国推进素质教育和教学改革提供参考.  相似文献   

"交流生"是一个很特别的群体:我们用一年的时间,在一个陌生国家的陌生家庭中学习、成长。在国内同龄人还在父母身边享受宠爱,并在竞争激烈的高中埋头苦读时,我们远赴异国,被"空降"到一个完全陌生的环境里。在这些美国的家庭中,我们看见了另外一个美国,感受到了那些深藏于媒体报道之外的浓厚的文化底蕴。  相似文献   

Virtual schools are a growing phenomenon in k-12 education. School systems in almost every state in the United States offer some version of fully online or blended education. It is no longer far-fetched to conclude that if the current trend continues, virtual school enrollments will eclipse those of traditional brick-and-mortar k-12 institutions within the next 10 years. This paper examines some of the challenges and strengths of virtual schools, it offers questions to consider when deciding whether or not a virtual school option would be ideal, and it draws conclusions, which provide an outlook for the future of virtual schools in k-12 education.  相似文献   

This article examines social justice in teaching and teacher education with a focus on the experiences, pedagogies, and instructional practices of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) teachers. We synthesized 37 peer-reviewed research publications on AAPI teachers’ experiences and contributions to diversity and social justice. The results show AAPI teachers disrupting Whiteness through beliefs, pedagogies, and practices that value multiple perspectives and marginalized voices. Policy implications include supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in teacher education programs and schools and providing opportunities for teachers to engage in critical praxis regarding their racial identities and issues of equity in education.  相似文献   

Career patterns of U.S. male academic social scientists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventy-four U.S. male academic social scientists provided career stage data. All were born between 1893 and 1903. The subjects were divided into four groups on the basis of their scholarly article productivity after age 59. Spilerman's conceptualization of work history guided the analysis. To a lesser extent, adult development theory (e.g., Hall and Nougaim, 1968) was also examined.Critical career events were content analyzed and compared. Distinct career paths through and beyond retirement emerged. Among other things, the active publishers have had a less varied career in terms of the different academic roles possible in colleges and universities. Obtaining the Ph.D. followed by research in one setting well beyond retirement characterize these individuals. The moderately active and inactive publishers began their work history with high school teaching and administration, later had college posts as department heads or deanships, and reported sharper separation from academic work at age 65.The importance of early start and place of work support Spilerman's contention of the organization shaping the individual. Career events did not cluster at either chronological or career ages and hence fail to corroborate adult development theorists.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the effects of principals on public high school students' academic achievement, using High School and Beyond. Despite policy relevance, previous qualitative and quantitative research provides little systematic evidence on principal effects, at least for high schools. Principal characteristics and variables designed to capture less tangible aspects of the principal's role are included in educational production functions. The results suggest principals do have a measurable impact on student achievement, through the selection of teachers and setting of academically oriented school goals.  相似文献   

This study is intended to enhance our understanding of the dramatic increase in autism prevalence rates across the United States. A robust national and multistate sample of children and youth (5–22 years of age) was gathered and analyzed, using visual and statistical analysis of autism eligibility over a 15‐ to 17‐year period. Although the impact of environmental or genetic influences cannot be entirely ruled out, we identified significant shifts in eligibility trends that substantially contribute to the remarkable increase in autism prevalence. Assessment procedures and criteria for autism have sustained an indelible influence from this diagnostic migration, which has had a lasting impact on public schools. We use this information to provide meaningful implications for practicing psychology in the schools.  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of 226 U.S. nursing schools was surveyed to determine the extent and nature of current death education training for nursing students. Of the 205 responding schools, 5 percent reported offering a required death and dying course, while an additional 39.5 percent indicated that a death and dying course was available for their students on an elective basis. The authors challenge the current pedagogical approach toward death education in U.S. nursing schools. They propose the need for the development of a model that would formally link a death education course, or courses, with the clinical phase of training. It is hypothesized that such an approach would enhance the nursing students' recognition and management of their feelings regarding death and dying and therefore result in more effective means of relating to terminally ill patients.  相似文献   

为了解美国医学院校中伦理学作为必修课的学习范围,课程目标、教学方法、教学内容、参考读物以及学生成绩评定方式,研究进行了一项调查,通过对58份医学伦理学教学大纲的重点研究,发现共有10种教学目标,平均每个院校3种;3种教学方法,平均4种;6种学生成绩评定方式,平均2种;39个方面的教学内容,平均13个。这些教学大纲共要求或推荐1191种不同的读物,其中只有8种为6所以上的院校所使用。研究表明,美国的医学伦理学教育五花八门,但“理想”的伦理学教育在实际教学中还是有所体现,几个方面的不足应引起注意。  相似文献   

Refugee youth attend schools in every state in the United States. Yet, little is known about their schooling experiences or the ways in which schools engage their parents. In this paper, we resituate notions of parent involvement by focusing on the interactions between refugee parents and U.S. schools Drawing on data collected during a twenty-six month ethnography of refugees in a Northeastern city, we examine how the influx of refugee students into one school district, not only changes the district’s student demographics, but also leads to policy changes mediated by the repositioning of refugee parents’ involvement in decision-making at one public school, and a reconfiguring of the school leadership advisory team. We document the ways in which refugee parents, when joined with others, engage in what Das Gupta (2006) calls space-making, or the process by which transnational migrants make spaces for themselves within, between, and outside of existing policies, practices, assumptions, and expectations. We show refugee parents advocating for themselves and their children, and working with teachers and community members to navigate uncertain and unfamiliar educational spaces and to build new, more adequate spaces for the emergent needs of a school with changing demographics.  相似文献   

社会法在致力于解决社会问题的过程中迈上了从法律规范到法群再到第三法域的发展路径上来。立足于社会本位思想的指导,以社会利益为重的社会法在解决这些社会难题时展现了蕴涵其中的实质社会正义、社会连带责任、人权保障及社会协调的法律思想。笔者阐述了法律社会化思潮下社会法发展的过程,并分析了社会法的法律思想。  相似文献   

论美国国会对中美关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三权分立的美国,国会的主要功能是立法,但冷战后国会插手政府外交政策的情况越来越多,近十年来,中美关系曲折的历程充分反映了这一点.国会与政府对外交主导权的争夺表面上给人留下府会对立、分裂的印象,实际上却有利于美国外交利益的更好实现,二者并没有根本的利害冲突.  相似文献   

门户开放政策是19世纪末20世纪初美国针对中国的特殊政策,也是美国在孤立主义外交方针指导下,协调列强在远东国际关系,谋求对外扩张,争取远东国际事务首席发言权的早期外交政策,这一政策在远东国际关系史上曾发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Distance learning in higher education has developed differently in the United States from the way it developed many other countries. Driven by the developments in technology and fueled by partnerships with industry, distance education in the U.S. is charting unmapped waters. For over a century, universities have relied on students coming to them. Now they find that they must go to the students. This article examines some of the history, technology, research, and trends in distance education and raises key questions. What part does the profit motive play in the corporatization of education? How can traditional universities adjust to meet the needs of a changing population, and who will be the gatekeepers? The opportunity is here to improve on existing educational institutions and add flexibility to the monolithic institutions of traditional universities. Distance educators will need to be vigilant to ensure that the strengths of sound pedagogy are not lost in the race to embrace new technologies.  相似文献   

The American daily press has recently reported the approval by a Soviet Committee of a new textbook in U.S.S.R. history.  相似文献   

美国政府对西部土地实行的是“公共土地”政策,在经历了从邦联到联邦政府的转变之后,内容日趋完善,而联邦政府更能适应西部社会的实情,及时调整西部土地出售标准,不断颁布减轻移民负担的各种经济法规,最具代表性的是承认“先购权”原则的实施,同时,联邦政府对西部土地的综合治理策略也体现了它的远见卓识,由此可知,美国政府的西部土地政策是积极可行的,它对我国正在进行的西部开发有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A ‘social pedagogy’ approach is increasingly being adopted by professional agencies in the United Kingdom involved in dealing with the welfare, care and education of children. This paper argues that, in the context of schools, social pedagogy can be characterised as taking an integrated view of the needs of the whole child in terms of five key dimensions: care and welfare; inclusion; socialisation; academic support; and social education. Whether or not these changes in professional practice lead to the widespread employment of a professional called a ‘social pedagogue’ remains to be seen. However, integrated working practices have already had an impact on how teachers are expected to deal with the needs of pupils identified as giving a cause for concern.  相似文献   

在美国,国家教育进展评估(NAEP)也被称为"国家成绩单"。2001年《一个孩子都不能掉队》(NCLB)法案通过之后,国家教育进展评估成为衡量全国、各州和越来越多的大城市教育进展的一个重要工具。《一个孩子都不能掉队》法案规定四年级和八年级学生应该参加国家和州级的阅读和数学测试,同时,州级的科学和写作测试也享有很高的优先权。此外,国家教育进展评估也对其他科目,包括公民学、历史和经济学进行不定期测试。然而,在测试艺术和外语方面,国家教育进展评估并未取得成功。本文介绍了美国国家教育进展评估的主要内容,同时探讨了这一评估目前所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

对20世纪美国社会的稳定和发展而言,美国现代公益基金会扮演着重要角色。本文从美国现代基金会发挥的社会功能出发,通过对基全会的行业组织和主管部门的考察.探讨现代基金会与美国政府的关系,从而呈现出美国政府如何对基金会进行有效的管理。通过这三方面的考察。揭示了美国政府的政策和治理方式对美国现代基金会的发展的巨大影响,对于一些发展中国家日益发展的慈善事业的规范和管理具有理论价值争现实意义。  相似文献   

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