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正常春藤联盟指的是美国东北部的8所顶尖高等学府。其实,常春藤联盟最早指的是非正式的大学橄榄球赛事。1937年纽约的《先驱论坛报》首次用常春藤来形容8所参加橄榄球比赛的名校。1945年8所大学的体育教练们签署了首个关于橄榄球的常春藤协议,1954年这项协议被扩展到其他所有运动,该年也被认为是常春藤联盟正式成立的年份。常春藤(Ivy League)联盟包括:哈佛(Harvard)成立于1636年,耶鲁(Yale)成立于1701年,宾夕法尼亚大学(Penn)成立于1740年,普林斯顿(Princeton)成立于1746年,哥伦比亚(Columbia)成立于1754年,布朗(Brown)成立于1764年,达特茅斯(Dartmouth)成立于1769年,康奈尔(Cornell)成立于1865年。这8所大学都是美国  相似文献   

Erd s 国家奖(The Paul Erdos National Award)是由国家数学竞赛世界联盟(World Fed-eration of National Mathematics Competitions,简称 WFNMC)于1991年以当代著名数学家爱尔特希(Panl Erdos 1913—)的名字命名的。国家数学竞赛世界联盟(WFNMC)成立于1984年在澳大利亚召开的第五届国际数学教育大会期间,它是在澳大利亚数学竞赛的创始人和组织者、澳大利亚堪培拉大学 P.J.奥海伦教授的积极倡导下成立的,奥海伦教授一直担任该国际组织的主席。  相似文献   

第五届APRU(Association of Pacific Rim Universities,环太平洋大学联盟)DLI(DistancE Learningand the Internet)国际会议将于10月11-13日在清华大学举行。 APRU由环太平洋地区36所著名大学组成,成立于1997年,致力于推动大学间在教育、科研等方面的合作,进而促进本地区经济、科学和文化的协调发展。目前,在我国大陆地区有五所成员学校,分别是:清华大学、北京大学、中国科学技术大学、复旦大学、浙江大学。  相似文献   

祁蕊 《煤炭高等教育》2015,(3):F0003-F0003
国际研究型大学联盟(International Alliance of Research Universities)(以下简称“联盟”)成立于2006年1月,是由10所具有相同困际视野和相似价值取向的世界著名研究型大学组成的高校联盟,致力于为未来世界培养领导人才。这10所大学分别是:澳大利亚围立大学、瑞士联邦理工学院、新加坡国立大学、北京大学、加州大学伯克利分校、剑桥大学、哥本哈根大学、牛津大学、东京大学和耶鲁大学。  相似文献   

<正>始建于1853年的墨尔本大学是澳大利亚历史上第二悠久的大学,也是维多利亚州最古老的大学,澳大利亚八校联盟和澳洲六所砂岩学府之一。墨尔本大学地处澳大利亚文化、艺术与工业中心墨尔本,是世界顶尖的研究型大学,为环太平洋大学联盟、亚太国际贸易教育暨研究联盟、国际大学气候联盟、英联邦大学协会等成员,也是U21国际大学联盟创始会员和秘书处所在地。建校以来已经培养了28万名优秀毕业生,其中包括4位澳洲总理,8位诺贝尔奖得主,  相似文献   

<正>在教育部、科技部的指导下,中国大学科技园联盟于2016年9月29日在华中科技大学国家大学科技园成立。联盟理事长由清华大学科技园启迪控股集团荣誉董事长梅萌担任。联盟成员单位由全国83家大学科技园构成。而此前成立的8个区域性大学科技园联盟是中国大学科技园联盟的有机组成部分,至此,万流归一,以"中国大学科技园联盟"为核心的"1+8"朋友圈格局已然形成。中国大学科技园联盟的成立,以创新驱动发展战略和"双创"发展策略为指导方针,实现了全国范围内双创资源的整合与共享。联盟的成立有利于推动高校  相似文献   

本刊讯5月12日,全国地方高校UOOC(优课)联盟成立大会在深圳大学举行.深圳市副市长吴以环,教育部高教司教学条件处调研员张庆国,广东省教育厅高教处处长郑文以及深圳大学、苏州大学、首都师范大学、汕头大学等56所UOOC(优课)联盟高校的代表参加成立大会.  相似文献   

亚太管理学院(Asia Pacific ManagementInstitute,APMI)于1991年成立,主要代办海外大学的学士课程、硕士课程及行政人员管理课程。现时透过 APMI 报读课程的人士,已超过2000名毕业生。APMI 总部设于新加坡,除香港外,在台湾亦设有分校。  相似文献   

国家数学竞赛世界联盟(简称WFNMC)成立于1984年,它是在澳大利亚数学竞赛的创始人和组织者、堪培拉大学P·J·奥海伦教授的积极倡导下成立的。奥海伦一直担任该国际组织的主席。WFNMC  相似文献   

"常春藤"联盟在19世纪美国高等教育快速发展的进程中成立和壮大,已经成为世界顶尖大学的代表之一。联盟通过合作、交流对各所大学竞争力进行整合,优缺互补,互相促进。C9联盟是中国首个名校联盟,成立至今不到10年,9所高校虽致力于优势资源互补,协同发展,但目前而言联盟发展缓慢,知名度不高,与国外高校联盟差距明显,并未真正发挥其核心作用;因此努力从国外最具代表性的大学联盟———常春藤联盟的发展来探讨中国C9联盟的未来发展之路。  相似文献   

We report on a series of pilot programs that we developed and carried out to support the success and satisfaction of new faculty, particularly faculty of color. We hope that others committed to retaining and supporting underrepresented faculty can apply our learning from this pilot project, as a whole or in part.Fred P. Piercy, Ph.D. (University of Florida), M.Ed. (University of South Carolina), B.A. (Wake Forest University) is the Department Head of the Department of Human Development at Virginia Tech. His professional interests include family therapy education, HIV social science research and prevention, and family intervention for adolescent drug abusers. Valerie Giddings, Ph.D., M.S. (Virginia Tech), B.S. (Bennett College) is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Lifelong Learning at Winston-Salem State University. Her professional interests include anthropometry and apparel fit, cultural aesthetics for apparel, and diversity issues in higher education. Katherine R. Allen, Ph.D., M.A. (Syracuse University), B.S. (University of Connecticut) is a Professor in Human Development at Virginia Tech. Her interests include family diversity over the life course, adult sibling ties in transition, and persistence of women and minorities in IT majors. Benjamin Dixon, Ed.D. (University of Massachusetts), M.A.T. (Harvard University), B.Mus.Ed. (Howard University) is the Vice President for Multicultural Affairs at Virginia Tech. His interests include diversity, multicultural education, ethical pluralism, and equity and inclusion issues related to organizational management and development. Peggy S. Meszaros, Ph.D. (University of Maryland), M.S. (University of Kentucky), B.S. (Austin Peay State University) is the William E. Lavery Professor of Human Development and the Director of the Center for Information Technology Impacts on Children, Youth, and Families at Virginia Tech. Her interests include positive youth development, leadership issues, female career transitions, and mother/daughter communication. Karen Joest, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech), M.S. (Chaminade University), B.S. (Indiana State University) is an Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta. Her interests include adolescents exposed to domestic violence, use of qualitative research, and use of technology and feminist pedagogy  相似文献   

示范性基层电大创建与系统发展规划拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央广播电视大学以"创建示范性基层电大(教学点)"等方式,拓展性地实施了"电大系统建设推进工程"。争建示范性基层电大的单位,在项目建设的过程中发挥主观能动性,创造出许多可圈可点的业绩。中央广播电视大学和省级电大按照"创建示范性基层电大(教学点)项目的通知",组织了项目建设和申报评审工作。该项目的成功运作,不仅放大了电大系统的社会影响,推动了电大系统的事业发展,而且为电大系统贯彻落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,将广播电视大学建设成为具有中国特色的现代远程开放大学和国家远程继续教育资源中心,作了必要的铺垫。  相似文献   

天津工商大学成立于1921年,是西学东渐的产物。伴随着中国近现代历史的变迁,天津工商大学在90年的风雨历程中,校名几易,精神传承。天津工商大学(1921-1933)、天津工商学院(1933-1948)、津沽大学(1948-1952)、天津外国语大学(1964-2011)在学缘和地缘上都成为天津工商大学这棵参天大树的枝蔓。天津工商大学在我国教会大学史上占有重要的历史地位,它是近代海河高等教育的文化先驱之一。  相似文献   

戴维·乔纳森博士现为美国密苏里—哥伦比亚大学教育学院杰出教授。自 1976 年取得坦普尔大学教育媒体与教育心理学博士学位以来,乔纳森先后在世界上多所大学任教,例如美国的宾夕法尼亚州立大学、科罗拉多大学、北卡罗纳大学,荷兰的特温特大学,巴西的巴西利亚大学,新家坡的南洋理工大学,挪威的卑尔根大学等。乔纳森教授发表了 27 本专著以及大量的文章、论文,其研究领域涉及视觉文化、认知风格、教学设计、基于计算机的学习、超媒体、建构主义、建构主义学习环境以及认知工具等。最近编辑出版的专著有:《学习环境的理论基础》(2000)、《学会用技术解决问题:一个建构主义者的观点》(2003)、《教育传播与技术研究手册》(2004)和《学会解决问题:教学设计指南》(2004)。乔纳森博士当前的研究主要关注认知建模与认知任务分析、问题解决、建构主义学习环境设计、学习中认知工具的开发等。乔纳森教授的个人网站:http://www.coe.missouri.edu/~jonassen  相似文献   

为持续收集和深入地分析中国民办本科院校及独立学院的科研发展状况,评价研究团队在2020年继续组织开展了中国民办本科院校及独立学院科研竞争力评价的研究工作。2020年的评价仍然坚持系统性、可比性、可操作性、可持续性、可重复验证和结合民办本科院校及独立学院当前实际等六大原则,评价对象包括170所民办本科院校和238所独立学院,数据时间为2018-2019年,其中2019年的数据权重占60%,2018年的数据权重占40%。研究结果显示:(1)民办本科院校及独立学院目前的整体科研实力仍然十分薄弱;(2)西京学院、宁波财经学院及浙江树人学院等高校处于民办本科院校排行榜前列;电子科技大学中山学院、厦门大学嘉庚学院及北京师范大学珠海分校等高校处于独立学院排行榜前列(3)近两年来民办本科院校中科研业绩有明显进步的高校主要有无锡太湖学院、西安培华学院和阳光学院;独立学院中主要有西安交通大学城市学院、新乡医学院三全学院和四川外国语大学重庆南方翻译学院等。  相似文献   

一个好校长就是一所好学校。这句话在教育界已基本达成共识。竺可桢在浙江大学担任校长历时13年(1936—1949),在这13年中,竺可桢通过艰苦卓绝地经营学校、不拘一格地网罗人才、以身示范地树立校训、廉洁自律地匡正校风、唯是以从地精研学术,终于把浙江大学从一所地方性的大学变成了当时国内四所著名的大学之一(北大、清华、南开、浙大),并获得“东方剑桥”的美誉。浙江大学之所以在当时能跻身于全国著名大学行列,是因为她拥有竺可桢这样一位好校长。  相似文献   

Iris Marion Young is Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago.She is affiliated with the Gender Studies Center and the Human Rights Program.Her research interests are in contemporary political theory, feminist social theory and normative analysis of public policy.Her books include Justice and the Politics of Difference (Princeton University Press, 1990), Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays in Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory (Indiana University Press, 1990), Intersecting Voices: dilemmas of gender, political philosophy, and policy (Princeton University Press, 1997) and Inclusion and Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2000).Her writings have been translated into several languages, including German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.She has lectured widely in North American, Europe, Australia and South Africa.Professor Young's teaching interests range broadly, including contemporary theories of justice, democracy and difference; feminist political theory; continental political theory including Foucault and Habermas; ethics and international affairs; gender, race and public policy.Professor Young holds a PhD in philosophy from the Pennsylvania State University, 1974.Before coming to the University of Chicago she taught political theory for nine years in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and before then taught philosophy at several institutions, including the Worchester Polytechnic Institute and Miami University.During the summer term of 1995, Professor Young was a Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt Germany.Dr Young has held a visiting Fellowship at several universities around the world including Princeton University, the Institute for Human Science in Vienna, Australian National University and the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa.Her work continues to receive world wide acknowledgement and recognition  相似文献   

In this case study the delivery of business courses as a result of the partnership between the African Virtual University (AVU) and Curtin University in Western Australia is described. From 2004 to 2008, degree and diploma business courses were delivered using WebCT in the four AVU partner locations: Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Kigali Institute of Science & Technology (Rwanda), Kenyatta University (Kenya) and University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). In spite of significant hurdles that made delivery of the business courses challenging, 188 students graduated as a result of this initiative. This case study is significant because it describes the outcomes of an AVU Phase 2 initiative.  相似文献   

It is uncontested that British African Caribbean men are minimally represented in elite UK higher education institutions. Even as data demonstrates that African Caribbean males are more likely to study further education than White males 1 1 Research indicates that the proportion of UK‐domiciled Black students pursuing higher education degree courses has increased since the academic year 2003/04 (ECU, 2014 ).
and that the proportion of UK ‐domiciled Black students pursuing higher education has increased since the 2003/04 academic year (ECU , 2014), the representation of Black students throughout the Russell Group remains low. 2 2 It is important to acknowledge that on the whole, undergraduate Black students are over‐represented in higher education and in 2012/13 experienced the largest increase in the proportion of all BME students attending university to 6.3% (ECU, 2014 , p. 114). However, the majority of this increase in Black student representation is accounted for in non‐Russell Group institutions, particularly at the less prestigious universities that comprise the Million+ Group. The Million+ Group comprises the following universities: Abertay University, Anglia Ruskin University, Bath Spa University, University of Bedfordshire, University of Bolton, Canterbury Christ Church University, University of Cumbria, University of East London, Edinburgh Napier University, London Metropolitan University, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, Staffordshire University, University of Sunderland, University of West London, University of the West of Scotland and Southampton Solent University ( www.millionplus.ac.uk/who-we-are/our-affiliates/ ).
Less than 3% of the entire Russell Group's student population comprised British African Caribbean students in 2011/12 and 2012/2013 (ECU , 2013, p. 203; ECU , 2014, p. 358). However, according to the 2011 Census, ‘Black’ people represent 5.5% (3.1 million) of the total UK population (ONS , 2015). For the few Black men who are successful in attaining acceptance at these exclusive universities, to what assets or capitals do these young men attribute their ability to get to and successful graduate from these institutions? Interviews with 15 Black male students who attended Russell Group universities in England and Wales were analysed and several ‘capitals’ or resources were identified as beneficial to their ability to succeed. Drawing on Bourdieu's work on cultural and social capital, this paper advances the concept of ‘faith capital’ as a unique recognised asset that six of the participants described and reflected upon as being influential on their academic trajectories. Based on findings from the ESRC ‐funded research Exploring the narratives of the few: British African Caribbean male graduates of elite universities in England and Wales , this paper discusses these six participants’ accounts of their higher education journeys in relation to how they identified faith as a resource that was influential to their academic success.  相似文献   

漳州师院大一学生适应现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对漳州师范学院2008级大一学生进行了适应现状调查,为有效地进行心理健康教育提供科学依据.方法对漳州师范学院5168名大一学生施测中国大学生适应量表,并与北京化工大学、全国大学生常模比较.结果(1)漳州师范学院学生适应量表各因子及总分的均分比北京化工大学的低,但适应总分的均分高于全国大学生常模;(2)性别比较得出:女生在校园生活适应和自我适应上的均分显著低于男生,男生在择业适应因子上的均分显著低于女生;(3)文理科比较得出:理科在校园生活适应、情绪适应、自我适应、满意度及总分上的均分显著高于文科.结论高等院校在开展心理健康教育的基础上,应着重加强新生的心理健康教育,并针对性别及文理科的不同,分别进行辅导.  相似文献   

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