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A survey of novice community college teachers in Arizona examined what learning experiences are available to help them learn to teach, and how valuable they consider those experiences to be in learning to teach. These activities can be organized into four general categories: reflective activities, classroom application, formal methods of learning teaching strategies, and college-based activities. Of these activities, new teachers value reflective activities the most, followed by classroom application, then formal methods of learning teaching strategies. College-based activities got the lowest ranking. These rankings raise two questions that warrant further professional exchange and research. First, are college-based professional development activities actually less valuable in promoting student success, or are they simply perceived that way by faculty members? Second, is there an intuitive process that new teachers use to learn to teach that relies more heavily on reflective and applied activities?  相似文献   

Middle-level students have unique emotional and academic needs. As a result, it is important for middle-level educators to realize these needs when creating a caring and engaging classroom climate that results in successful student achievement. This article describes the Caring Community Teaching Model (CCTM), which is a synthesis of affective teaching as well as learning practices tailored to meet the unique needs of middle-grade students. The CCTM is designed as a program with a two-function approach to enhance student engagement: (1) caring relationships and (2) instructional strategies. The authors describe the theoretical framework that underpins the CCTM as well as the emerging literature that creates its needs. Additionally, the CCTM is highlighted through the lens of a case example in which the authors provide concrete examples of CCTM being used in a middle-level classroom.  相似文献   


How to prepare teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students and families is an important aspect of teacher education as classrooms continue to diversify. Community-based approaches to teaching offer promising strategies for addressing this need. This article offers one example of an English as a Second Language literacy methods course that built preservice teachers’ understanding of and experiences with diverse language communities. Tara Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) framework provided a theoretical lens for the course and guided the preservice teachers’ teaching and reflections. The preservice teachers engaged in various activities that included literacy teaching, visiting places in their students’ communities, learning their students’ language, and creating narrative videos with the students and their families. The findings from this course show how the CCW framework can be a constructive method for identifying community assets when combined with a variety of activities for preservice teachers to engage with students and their families.  相似文献   

Supervisory skills play an important role in individual staff development and the achievement of organizational objectives. These skills are vital to professionals in community college student affairs, who support a diverse student population and a wide array of programming. This study was conducted to describe the kind of supervisory training experience student affairs professionals received. Through interviews with community college student affairs professionals, we found that many experienced a lack of formal training and acquired supervisory skills over time on the job, through trial and error, and from workshops.  相似文献   

针对社会发展对不同层次人才的不同素质需求,指出我国高等院校在开展素质教育时应不同层次区别对待.提出本科生应重点学会学习、硕士生应重点学会研究、博士生应重点学会创新的素质教育培养目标,同时就如何实现相应的素质教育培养目标提出建议.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning database design is difficult for both instructors and students. Students need to solve many problems with feedback and corrections. A Web‐based specialized expert system was created to enable students to create designs online and receive immediate feedback. An experiment testing the system shows that it significantly enhances student learning. The system also provides a more neutral learning environment in terms of personal factors such as gender and prior class work.  相似文献   

该文介绍了使用ActionScript 3.0设计音乐播放器的过程,该播放器对一些使用Flash制作的播放器进行了一些改进,实现了对多首歌曲的加载,播放、暂停、停止、调节音量、显示进度和显示歌曲演唱者姓名和歌曲名称等功能.  相似文献   

毕业设计环节是高职教育培养学生技能的重要组成部分。对于高职电气自动化专业,可根据学生所学知识情况与社会需求之间存在的对接情况(以电气自动化专业学生毕业设计"材料自动分拣系统"为例),通过毕业设计的硬件设备的选择、简单控制系统的安装和调试、整个系统的综合调试等环节,让学生通过毕业设计环节学会知识的自主更新,最终实现促进就业的目标。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):170-175
Writing to learn is a pedagogical approach grounded in the belief that the reasoning required to write about a topic or concept will help students gain understanding. However, research indicates that the impact writing has on student learning depends on context. Using a mixed-method, quasi-experimental, repeated measures design, we examined how embedding writing-to-learn pedagogy in a required college course impacted students’ learning as well as their perceptions of writing to learn. Our quantitative analysis revealed that writing to learn did not have a differential effect on student achievement of course goals. However, qualitative analysis revealed evidence indicating students valued writing to learn as a way to make sense of course content by reasoning through their ideas and responses to class experiences. From the instructor's perspective, writing to learn also helped build rapport with students. Our results indicated that in our context, writing to learn pedagogy had benefits and limitations. We offer practical implications and pedagogical suggestions based on our experiences and findings.  相似文献   

Self-Efficacy: An Essential Motive to Learn   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
During the past two decades, self-efficacy has emerged as a highly effective predictor of students' motivation and learning. As a performance-based measure of perceived capability, self-efficacy differs conceptually and psychometrically from related motivational constructs, such as outcome expectations, self-concept, or locus of control. Researchers have succeeded in verifying its discriminant validity as well as convergent validity in predicting common motivational outcomes, such as students' activity choices, effort, persistence, and emotional reactions. Self-efficacy beliefs have been found to be sensitive to subtle changes in students' performance context, to interact with self-regulated learning processes, and to mediate students' academic achievement. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Web3.0时代的互联网技术综合了Web1.0与Web2.0的技术特点,并采用智能整合的方式,为用户提供了一种基于个性化信息需求的聚合平台。文章在分析基于Web3.0的信息服务平台基础上,设计了一个基于Web3.0的个性化信息服务系统模型,并对该模型进行了简要分析,以期为基于Web3.0的个性化信息服务系统设计和Web3.0在网络教育中的应用提供依据。  相似文献   

分析了JavaEE服务器端组件模型EJB3.0的体系结构,并介绍了它的新特性,讨论了开发EJB3.0组件的过程,并通过对现有系统的移植阐述了EJB3.0组件在分布式信息系统中的应用。  相似文献   

The road to Kananaskis Village curves up from Highway 40 in a long twisting arc.  相似文献   

常见的三种社区治理模式本质都是"决策——执行"模式,创建的依然是行政组织,而无法解决社区自组织的问题。建立针对个体需求的治理机制是治理体系现代化的指标之一、参与民主与协商民主的目标之一,是社区自组织发展的必然结果。街道党委和社区党支部根据信息公共空间产生的代表意见制定规划并预测资源分配,街道根据相关规划和额度指标,发布年度街道支持组织创建项目和社会服务项目引导文件,统筹缺口经济组织和非经济组织类型,这样设置了专项服务资质的获得环节。  相似文献   

In this article, an emerging framework for investigating and interpreting the experiences of learning in later life is presented. This framework is contextualized by a study in which the lived experiences of later-life computer learners were investigated. Significant ontological and existential interpretations from the study provided insights into the meaning of time in later life. Time for the omega generation is particularly important because people look to the past and the present for both meaning and integrity. They then use this knowledge to look to the future for a time when they will no longer be living. The period of older adulthood is also unique in the life course as an opportunity to learn. With no time constraints, people in later life are able to devote time to learning in a way not previously experienced. Interpretations from the research project provide a link between learning in later life and the ontological and existential search for meaning. These three related constructs (i.e., time, later life, and learning) are explored in this article.  相似文献   

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