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生活语文是培智学校开设的一般性课程,其教学设计的科学性关系到学生基础语文知识与技能的获得以及生活适应能力的提高。文章采用文本分析法对三名培智学校生活语文教师的教案从准备内容、目标设计、用具选择、过程创设、评价设定五个方面进行系统的概述和分析。结果发现,培智学校生活语文教学设计主要表现为五个方面的现实特征:教学准备抓住了教学四要素,却缺乏对教学需求的精准把握;教学目标设计突显了个别化和工具性特点,却忽视了情感领域的目标;教学用具类型多样,却未切实联系学生的已有经验;教学过程创设多样化活动,却未能融入生活语文的人文属性;教学评价设定注重个性化,却缺乏生活化和过程性的评价活动。文章基于教学设计中存在的不足提出针对性的改进路径,以期为培智学校生活语文教学设计的完善和优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Computer‐assisted learning (CAL) is becoming ever more important as a method of teaching and facilitating learning in an increasingly overburdened higher education sector in the UK. A number of authors have made pleas for more evaluation and research in the area of CAL. This study set out to evaluate the attitudes to CAL amongst over 300 business and management undergraduates using a questionnaire survey. The survey revealed a positive disposition towards CAL irrespective of age, gender or educational background. In addition respondents were asked to compare the features of CAL with those of other more traditional methods of teaching and learning. Two factors were identified, labelled CAL ‘instructional’ features and CAL ‘tutorial’ features. The instructional features of CAL were rated more highly than its tutorial features. Respondents rated CAL as better than traditional methods in terms of its instructional features and about the same as traditional methods in terms of its tutorial features. Younger respondents rated the instructional features of CAL more highly than did the older respondents. The findings were discussed in terms of their implications for the use of CAL in an expanding system of mass higher education.  相似文献   

A surge in the proliferation of educational technology tools and models means that postsecondary learners and instructional designers have more options than ever before. Selecting the most appropriate tool for a given learner-centered instructional situation is challenging. The construct of feedback is central to an effective learner-centered instructional design. The present summary of the research on feedback in learner-centered instructional design models provides a rationale for the value of defining the dimensions of a high-quality learner feedback experience. Six dimensions of feedback are proposed; namely, timeliness, frequency, distribution, source, individualization, and content. Key questions posed include whether an analysis of the learner’s feedback experience is a better proxy for measuring the quality in postsecondary online learning than grades, satisfaction, or regular and substantive contact.  相似文献   

在数字化校园环境下,以财政学为代表的理论类课程的传统教学模式无法充分利用各种数字化教学资源,应结合数字化校园环境中各种教学媒体的特点,对财政学教学过程中教师教学方式与方法、学生学习模式、学习过程管理与考核等方面进行改革与优化,以提高财政学的教学效果。  相似文献   

In this article, we address the measurement of individualized instruction in the context of regular classroom instruction. Our study assessed instructional practices geared towards individualization in German third grade reading lessons by combining self-report data from 621 students, from their teachers (n = 57), and live observations. We then investigated the reliability of these different approaches to measuring individualization as well as the agreement between them. All three approaches yielded reliable indicators of individualized practices, but not all of them corresponded with each other. We found considerable agreement between students and observers, but neither agreed with teachers' self-reports. Upon closer examination, we found that students’ ratings only correlated with teacher ratings that were provided close to the timepoint of interest. This correlation increased when teacher measures were corrected for response tendencies. We conclude with some recommendations for future studies that aim to measure individualized instruction in the classroom.  相似文献   

The researchers examined responses from 862 faculty members at 38 institutions nationwide using the blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) to supplement their face-to-face instruction. The four research questions addressed the primary uses that faculty make of blackboard, perceptions that faculty have of how certain blackboard features enhance or elevate (or might enhance or elevate) their assessment of student work and instructional capabilities, and how faculty use of blackboard might positively affect the psychosocial climate within the face-to-face classroom setting. Additional analysis sought to identify the factors that predict use and positive perception of blackboard as a supplement to face-to-face teaching activities. The results indicate that faculty primarily used blackboard as a course management/administration tool to make course documents available to students and manage course grades. Few faculty used blackboard for instructional or assessment purposes, and even fewer utilized blackboard to foster a more positive sense of community within their face-to-face classes. Faculty attitudes, on the whole, were positive when it came to the classroom management functions of blackboard, but neutral or otherwise undecided in terms of its instructional or psychosocial benefits. The main factor in determining blackboard usage—whether for course administration or instructional purposes—was experience with the tool. In addition, women had more positive attitudes than men did in terms of blackboard's potential to enhance classroom management and foster a positive relational climate. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed before concluding.  相似文献   

基于工学结合的院系两级教学管理体制改革思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校实行工学结合人才培养模式已成潮流之势,为适应这一改革需要,在教学管理上应实行个性化的院系两级教学管理模式。本文对基于工学结合的院系两级教学管理体制改革的必要性、前提条件、方式变革及重点内容做了探究。  相似文献   

Most of the currently available instructional design models were conceptualized to develop instructional solutions to needs and requirements that remain relatively stable over time. Faced with the problem of designing a knowledge management (KM) system that needed to accommodate continuously changing requirements over its fielded lifetime, we developed a new design model that is based on a living-systems approach. In this article, we briefly review currently available instructional systems design models and describe this new model and the mechanisms it contains for accommodating change and growth. We illustrate the application of the phases of the model (analyze initial requirements, design the information architecture, develop the information design, develop the interaction design, implement the Web-based system, and conduct a developmental evaluation of the system) in the development of a KM system with living-system features. All trademarks used are properties of their respective owners.  相似文献   

ADDIE教学设计模型在外语教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将教学设计理论模型引入到外语教学,旨在系统有序地安排教学过程,控制变量,优化教学效果。通过专业学位研究生英语课程的ADDIE模式个案分析,探讨ADDIE模式从分析到评估阶段的内核和关键要素,指出引入教学理论模型改变了教学活动单一、孤立的状态,有助于形成教学活动内的微观小循环及不同教学活动间的宏观大循环。  相似文献   

广播电视大学实施性教学计划是开放教育教学计划的重要组成部分。实施性教学计划的清理、审核工作,对进一步完善开放教育人才培养方案,保证应用型人才培养目标的实现有重要意义。但是,清理中也发现了诸如课程资源重复建设;实施性教学计划的常规管理松懈,缺乏规范管理制度,实施性教学计划的制定过程、审核档案资料不齐;未严格按照要求设置统设必修课程,选修课程设置有较大的随意性,缺乏特色,且课程教学资源比较缺乏等问题与困惑。基于此,结合工作实际,粗谈几点思考。  相似文献   

利用多学科设计优化(MDO)对教学系统进行总体设计,是对传统教学设计的一大拓展。传统教学设计不能很好地实现各个学科之间的协同效应,所取得的最终设计结果往往不是系统的全局最优解。基于MDO的教学设计能在很大程度上克服传统教学设计的弊端,实现教学设计的整体效益最大化。  相似文献   

Current procedures for diagnosing perceptual and language deficits in the face of academic underachievement have resulted in a categorical expression—learning disabilities. In this paper, the contention is offered that learning disabilities so ascertained constitutes, at best, an expression, not a diagnosable entity. Current definitions may be incapable of describing a meaningful population for research or providing data that are useful for instructional management or placement. Two features are described that could become central in a diagnosable entity termed a learning disability.  相似文献   

学分制条件下基础课程体系的构建与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着学分制改革的深入,公共基础课程教育理念、教学资源和管理方式面临着巨大挑战。从完善公共基础课程选课制、建设师资队伍和建设教学环境的"软硬件"等方面,探讨一种过程管理和结果管理相结合、形成性和终结性相统一的动态管理运行机制,保障学分制下公共基础课程体系的构建与顺利实施。  相似文献   

教育个性化观念之管见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育个性化观念主张教育部门努力形成自己的特色,保证教育环境和教育影响的人性化,以促进受教育者个性的健康发展。教育个性化即促进学生个性和谐发展,形成教育个性的过程。为此,教育应弘扬民族精神,倡导各级各类教育分工明晰化,各学校应努力形成独特的学校文化。各个教师要形成有自己个性特征的工作方式。体现教育个性化观念应促进教育体制、学校课程改革,促进教育过程人性化。  相似文献   

随着低碳时代的到来,多媒体教学环境被赋予了新内涵,而物联网作为新一代的智能网络,可以有效满足其新需求。在对多媒体教学环境进行现状分析的基础上,提出了在设计理念、节能减排、人员管理和资产管理等方面的新要求,接着阐述了物联网的内涵、特征及对多媒体教学环境的支持,又介绍了研究团队开发的物联网多媒体教学环境控制系统以及使用评价的状况,说明其可行性和有效性,以期推动物联网在教育中的应用,进一步加快物联网教育领域的发展。  相似文献   

Counselor-education programs may be enriched through the use of modularized learning experiences. This article notes several recent articles on competency-based counselor education, the concepts of simulation and modularization, and describes the process of developing a modularized master's program at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. Such an approach to counselor education offers a flexibility and individualization not often available in traditional programs and integrates theory and practice. The program consists of 26 one-credit modules of 10 contact hours plus practicum. The modules include a statement of instructional experiences, resources, and performance criteria for evaluation. The modules in the program are grouped in four levels of application taken sequentially: didactic, simulation, performance, and experiential. A discussion of experiences with the program is included.  相似文献   

论当代课堂管理的变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课堂管理不仅关系到课堂教学质量的提高,而且直接影响着学生的发展状况。当今教育从学会生存到学会关心到可持续发展的价值取向及终身化、民主化、主体化、多样化和国际化的特征,对旧有的课堂管理提出了严峻的挑战。倾向于行为控制和学生服从、注重课堂秩序和程序的旧式课堂管理,伴随着教育的变革,正朝向灵活、民主、柔性的方向不断迈进。应从课堂管理的目标、课堂环境、课堂交流与沟通、学生的激励等方面构建新的课堂管理范型。  相似文献   

Hypertext is a nonlinear way of presenting content consisting of nodes and links that a person can access using a variety of search and browsing strategies. In this article, we focus on the use of hypertext as an instructional tool. We compare hypertext instruction with traditional instructional formats. We offer some initial guidelines relating to guidance and control, development and implementation, multiuser management, user interface, and content representation. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations of learner control as an instructional strategy, and the need for careful instructional design of hypertext instructional programs.  相似文献   

“混沌”的基本特征及其在教学设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混沌学是现代科学和现代技术结合的产物。20世纪70年代末,混沌学的理论已渗透到教学设计领域。简要介绍混沌学的基本特征,结合现代教育理论,从教学设计中的非线性思想、教学设计中的蝴蝶效应、元认知学习与分形以及教学评价与奇怪吸引子等方面探讨混沌学原理在现代教学设计中的应用。  相似文献   

目前网络课程教学视频存在画面、声音、后期制作费时等问题.在了解Wirecast直播软件的基础上.利用Wirecast软件的相关功能和简单配置,对教学视频前期准备工作、中期的拍摄过程以及后期制作等进行全面优化.提高网络课程教学视频的质量,从而提高学习者网络学习效率。  相似文献   

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