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Family and school spillover in adolescents' daily lives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined spillover between daily family stressors and school problems among 589 ninth-grade students (mean age = 14.9 years) from Mexican, Chinese, and European backgrounds. Spillover was examined using a daily diary methodology in which adolescents reported on their school and family experiences each day for 2 weeks. Analyses using hierarchical linear modeling revealed reciprocal spillover effects between adolescents' daily functioning in the family and school domains that spanned several days. Longitudinal analyses indicated that spillover between family stressors and school problems also occurs across the high school years, from 9th to 12th grade, and that both are predictive of poorer academic performance in 12th grade. These findings have practical implications for adolescents' academic achievement trajectories and general well-being.  相似文献   

Several authors have suggested that perfectionism develops in the context of a person's family of origin. However, there are few empirical studies that address the relationship between family variables and perfectionism. This study examined the relationship between family variables and multidimensional perfectionism among a sample of 253 middle‐school students. The results indicated that adaptive perfectionism was correlated with numerous positive family variables, and adaptive perfectionists tended to have more balanced, cohesive, adaptable families, with a greater perception of parental nurturance than either maladaptive perfectionists or nonperfectionists. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The sustained increase in their use of social networking facilitates the development of adolescents but comes with the risk of cyberbullying, which creates new challenges in regard to adolescent protection. Past evidence shows that family victimization may play an essential role in the way adolescents learn cyberbullying behaviors. Yet, research on the co-occurrence of family victimization and cyberbullying is limited. This study aims to investigate the associations between cyberbullying and family victimization among adolescents, and to examine the health correlates of cyberbullying and family poly-victimization. A large sample of 18,341 students, aged 15–17, from six cities in China, collected between 2009 and 2010 is employed in the present study, which investigated the association between various kinds of family victimization and adolescent cyberbullying. Data analysis was conducted in 2017. In-law conflict, intimate partner violence, elder abuse and neglect, and child maltreatment were associated with a higher possibility of children becoming internet victims. Parents’ divorce and separation, low family income, mother’s low level of education, and father’s unemployment were all associated with cyberbullying victimization. Cyber victimization was positively correlated to symptoms of PTSD and depression, self-harm, and other physical and mental health variables. Possible explanations for the relationships found in this study are discussed and implications for future research and services are provided. Proactive screening for family poly-victimization and cyberbullying is suggested. Schools are highly recommended to cooperate with parents to promote cyber safety.  相似文献   

Entry into school represents as much a challenge for children as it does for their parents. The authors examined the ways in which transition practices help children and their families feel prepared for school entry, as measured by the child's emotional adaptation during the first days in class and the family's sense of being prepared for this transition. Data were collected from a sample of 412 parents. The results indicate that children's emotional adaptation during the first days in school is related to their families' preparedness for school entry. Moreover, families' preparation is partly explained by the number of transition practices perceived by the parents. These data support the importance of transition practices in the preparation of the family as a unit. Transition practices could serve to reassure parents and their children that the school is ready to welcome them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to: (a) present an overview of family systems perspectives as they relate to the functioning of the school psychologist, (b) review briefly current available levels of family intervention, and (c) present guidelines for training school psychologists in family dynamics and family therapy. The position is taken that a family systems approach is complex and necessitates extensive coursework in family theory and therapy approaches, practica, and field supervision. As a result, while a family systems perspective is essential, family therapy will not in all probability be standard in entry level training programs, but should be a specialty level or doctoral level option.  相似文献   

The study examined the proposition that relationships between perceptions of family and school environments and measures of educational and occupational aspirations, vary for adolescents with different levels of ability and attitudes to school. Data were collected from 516 Australian students who were 11-years-old during an initial survey and 16-years-old in a follow-up study. The adolescents were classified into four groups, defined conjointly by ability and cognitive attitude to school. Within each group, regression surfaces were constructed from models that included terms to account for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relationships. The findings suggest that groups defined by ability and attitude characteristics may act as critical underlying contexts. Within those contexts, students’ perceptions of family and school environments may operate differentially to be associated with their school-related outcomes.  相似文献   

Applying single and recursive bivariate probit models that utilize micro data sets of five countries, this paper examines the concatenation between school enrollments and family background. The empirical analysis captures considerable variations in the pattern of school enrollments and school wastage according to rural–urban locations and family background variables. Income gaps are powerful and interact with gender gap to produce differential school enrollment and wastage patterns. Access to credit partially redresses the adverse effects on school enrollments of negative household economic shocks. The findings call for more concerted government efforts to increase school enrollments and retention and to improve rural education particularly for females and the underprivileged.  相似文献   

This article presents both a rationale and methodology for family involvement by school personnel and underscores the need for school psychology training programs to respond programmatically to the training of their students in understanding and working with families. A family systems approach is adopted by the authors and is presented in the form of key questions concerning some important family dynamics. Five applications of this framework in the school setting are discussed.  相似文献   

不良的家庭教育会给中学生的身心打下深刻的烙印,不利于他们健康人格的形成,导致诸多不良行为的发生,给学校教育带来难度。因此,教育干预不良家教形式,提高家长素质,使家庭、学校教育协调一致,共同为中学生营造一个健康、积极向上的成长氛围,有助于阻止不良行为的发生。  相似文献   

论学校对单亲家庭学生的教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济和社会的发展,我国单亲家庭数量不断增多,单亲家庭子女的教育受到社会各界的关注。学校应根据单亲家庭学生的特点,针时单亲家庭学生的实际对他们进行科学的教育,促进学生的健康发展。  相似文献   

高校家庭经济困难学生认定存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校家庭经济困难学生认定程序的科学、完善、可操作性,直接关系到能否真正实现教育的公平、公正和教育平等,关系到能否保持大学校园及社会的稳定、和谐、进步。经济困难学生认定工作中存在着认定程序不规范,量化标准存争议;认定方法不科学,界定过程缺乏监督;大学生诚信意识淡薄,社会责任感缺失等问题。因此,应从以下几方面入手,建立一个科学有效的认定经济困难学生的方法和休系。一是制定严格的符合高校实际情况的科学可行的认定程序;二是规范家庭经济困难学生贫困标准,建立高校和全国高校关于贫困生情况的中心数据库;三是建立严格的跟踪调查和监督制度;四是建立生源地家庭经济困难学生认定监督与责任追究机制。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between family systems and high school students’ career development. Family adaptability and family cohesion were considered as indicators of family function, and career attitude maturity was conceptualized as a representative factor explaining adolescents’ career development. A total of 634 high school students participated in this study. Overall, the results showed that family adaptability and family cohesion were both significant predictors of tenth graders’ career attitude maturity. The effects of parents’ educational backgrounds on career attitude maturity were negligible. However, the relationships were inconsistent across gender. For female students, family cohesion was a more influential predictor of career attitude maturity than family adaptability, while the opposite pattern was observed for the male students.  相似文献   

Kate Pahl  Sally Kelly 《Literacy》2005,39(2):91-96
In this article, the relationship between literacy practices and spatiality is explored in the context of family literacy. The article draws on fieldwork in family literacy classrooms as part of two evaluations in Croydon and Derbyshire of family learning provision. Methods of evaluation included classroom observations in rural and suburban locations. In addition, teachers and parents were interviewed. In this instance, family learning included literacy and language activities with parents and children in school and nursery settings. These were learning spaces where parents and children collaborated on joint projects including book making, storytelling, the making of visual artefacts and reading and writing activities. The research revealed how family literacy classrooms could be understood as ‘third spaces’, between home and school, offering parents and children discursive opportunities drawing on both domains.  相似文献   

The study, which is a follow-up analysis of an earlier investigation in theJournal, examined relationships between adolescents’ perceptions of family and school environments, their aspirations and measures of social-status attainment, for young adults with different levels of ability and varying attitudes to school. Data were collected from 330 Australians who were 11-, 16-, and 21-years-old, respectively, during three surveys. The young adults were classified into four groups, defined conjointly by ability and cognitive attitudes to school. Within each group, regression surfaces were constructed from models that included terms to account for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relationships. The findings indicated that within various ability-attitude contexts, adolescents’ perceptions of environments and their aspirations operated differentially to be related to measures of young adults’ social-status attainment. Thus, the two longitudinal studies, when considered together, suggest that our understanding of variations in students’ school-related outcomes may be enhanced by exploring in greater detail contexts that are defined by ability and attitude dimensions.  相似文献   

针对当前未成年人犯罪居高不下的状况,本文从家庭、学校及社区三方面来分析在未成年人的教育与成长中存在的问题,明确这三者在预防未成年人违法犯罪中的责任,力求培养遵纪守法的好公民。  相似文献   

Three studies were carried out to examine the extent to which family composition, size and atmosphere, parental control, and the level of parental education and socioeconomic status, are associated with young people’s problems at school, and later on in society. In study 1, twenty-four 13- to 14-year-old underachievers, and 24 of their matched-pair controls, and 24 overachievers and 24 of their matchedpair controls, were compared according to their family background. In study 2, sixteen low achieving pupils, 20 vocational school pupils and 21 senior high school pupils, aged between 14 and 19, were examined. In study 3, twenty unemployed young adults, 14 students with health problems, and 23 vocational school students were again compared according to their family background variables. The results showed that underachievers, low achievers and “society drop-outs” typically came from a family in which their biological father was not present, either due to single motherhood or re-marriage. They also reported a lower level of parental control, and a more negative family atmosphere than the students in the control groups. In turn, the overachievers came from intact families with a positive atmosphere. Problems at and after school were not associated with the level of parental education.  相似文献   

家族具有传承与延续生命、感情寄托、供养等功能。家族成员之间的关系构成为一种家族契约,家族契约的优势在于利他性和责任。家族企业的本质就是家族契约的优势对企业中的要素契约劣势的部分替代,它决定了家族企业的功能是多方面的。要实现家族企业永续经营就要在家族层面和企业层面上充分发挥家族契约的优势。  相似文献   

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