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台湾问题是影响中美两国关系健康发展的一个核心问题。早在20世纪40年代末,随着中国革命的不断胜利,美国政府便酝酿调整其对台政策,设计了种种方案,试图与国民党政权这艘“沉船”拉开距离,最大限度地维护美国在西太平洋地区的战略利益。但是,此时的杜鲁门政府奉行的是一套互为矛盾的对华政策,所有对台湾政策的考虑只不过是权宜之计,其最后的结果只能是与国民党重新结合在一起。及至朝鲜战争爆发,美国的政策也最终明朗化。美国对台政策的转变产生的后果是极为严重的,它使得中美两国更加敌对。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国聋教育先后经历了以1956—1957年聋校班级教学计划、1984年教学计划、1993年课程计划、2007年课程实验方案和2017年课程标准为代表的课程变革。在此进程中,聋校课程发展经历了从模仿借鉴到本土化课程探索再到中国特色聋校课程体系建立的内在发展逻辑。这个过程既是聋校课程与普通学校课程良性互动的过程,也是兼顾国家统一要求与地方和学校特色发展的调适过程,是培养社会公民的一致要求与发展学生个性的特殊需要的平衡过程。经过70年的发展演进,我国已逐步建立起具有中国特色的聋校课程体系。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国聋教育先后经历了以1956-1957年聋校班级教学计划、1984年教学计划、1993年课程计划、2007年课程实验方案和2017年课程标准为代表的课程变革。在此进程中,聋校课程发展经历了从模仿借鉴到本土化课程探索再到中国特色聋校课程体系建立的内在发展逻辑。这个过程既是聋校课程与普通学校课程良性互动的过程,也是兼顾国家统一要求与地方和学校特色发展的调适过程,是培养社会公民的一致要求与发展学生个性的特殊需要的平衡过程。经过70年的发展演进,我国已逐步建立起具有中国特色的聋校课程体系。  相似文献   

1945~1949年美国海军陆战队驻青岛达四年之久,主要任务一是平衡苏联在东北的势力;二是帮助蒋介石训练海军,实现美蒋军事合作,以确保战后中国的亲美倾向。但内战形势的发展变化使美国不得不考虑青岛驻军的留、撤问题,至上海解放,青岛美军无奈撤离。这一过程充满了希望与犹疑,从侧面反映出美国对华总体构想逐步破灭的阶段性变化。  相似文献   

文章通过校本培训指导者范围界定、必备素质及角色定位等三方面,以描述的方式作了分析,试图作为校本培训指导者自身问题的一个侧面思考.  相似文献   

In 1898, students at the University of Toronto founded Torontonensis, the university’s first yearbook. Fashioned as a remembrance of university, from its inception the yearbook was fraught with conflict and contestation particularly around how male students were represented and how their college experiences were made, and not made, meaningful. The vociferous debates that ensued in campus newspapers, particularly among the graduating classes, fractured the ostensibly smooth recounting of this ‘souvenir remembrance’, bringing into question who is allowed to ‘speak’ on behalf of whom and what it is acceptable to ‘say’. The authors enquire into the way university yearbooks served to construct normative definitions of what constituted ‘students’, ‘student cultures’ and forms of gendering within the educational landscapes in which they were enmeshed. Through an examination of Torontonensis, they highlight the multiple and often contradictory meanings and constructions of the student yearbook from the perspectives of their producers, subjects and audiences.  相似文献   

美国驻大连领事馆始建于1904年,1941年珍珠港事件后闭馆。1946年5月20日重新设馆,1949年10月21日闭馆。1946-1949年间美国驻大连领事馆的主要活动,是观察这一冷战"前哨"和"锁孔"的不可或缺的切入点,从而为多角度深入研究二战后中、美、苏三国关系的发展变化提供了填补空白式的珍贵素材,对大连地方史考证同样具有极高的参考价值。  相似文献   

The authors provide an overview of 21 articles from several countries focusing on families with deaf members published in the literary issues of the American Annals of the Deaf from 1996 to 2000. Four categories were identified: Interaction and Involvement, Support Services, Stress and Coping, and Decision Making. The articles represent a commendable expansion of focus from the mother-child dyad to increased attention to fathers, siblings, extended family members, and significant nonfamily members such as deaf adults. The heterogeneity of families was a striking factor, even within those studies dealing with relatively homogeneous populations. Services appeared to be most effective within middle-class, educated family units, illustrating the need for more comprehensive services sensitive to the needs of families from less affluent backgrounds and with lower levels of education. In general, services to families with deaf children may be characterized as better than in the past but still in need of significant sensitivity and improvement. The presence of a deaf child in a family with hearing parents may cause stress, but parents have the flexibility to respond in a positive and beneficial way, especially when provided adequate information and support. The idea that hearing parents go through a grieving process involving the identification of deafness in their child seems to be an overstatement.  相似文献   

This study examined demographic and clinical data from a specialty deaf inpatient unit so as to better understand characteristics of severely and chronically mentally ill deaf people. The study compares deaf and hearing psychiatric inpatients on demographic variables, psychiatric discharge diagnoses, a language assessment measure, a cognitive ability measure, and a measure of psychosocial functioning and risk of harm to self and others. Overall, findings indicate a broader range of diagnoses than in past studies with posttraumatic stress disorder being the most common diagnosis. Compared with hearing patients in the same hospital, deaf patients were less likely to be diagnosed with a psychotic or substance abuse disorder and more likely to be diagnosed with a mood, anxiety, personality, or developmental disorder. Psychosocial functioning of the deaf patients was generally similar to hearing psychiatric patients. Deaf patients presented significantly higher risks than hearing patients in areas of self-harm and risk of sexual offending. Cognitive scores show that both the deaf and hearing inpatient population is skewed toward persons who are lower functioning. An additional surprising finding was that 75% of deaf individuals fell into the nonfluent range of communication in American Sign Language.  相似文献   

1944年中国共产党开始探索独立自主的外交实践。但是国民党政府是当时的中央政府,中国共产党不能以中国政府的名义对外交往,故又有“半独立性”。文中作者运用历史研究和理论分析的方法,从半独立外交的内涵、推行背景、实践情况和产生影响几个方面对这具有重要意义的课题展开初步探讨,最后得出结论:半独立外交是中共在特殊时期所采取的特殊形式的外交探索,它对中国革命的成功作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

基于近代中国高等教育的发展脉络,新中国成立前高等教育机构的地理分布变迁分为五个阶段.从总体上看,中国近代高等院校的地理分布所经历的是一个内部自发与外部调整互动的过程.分析中国高等教育发展初始阶段地域分布的阶段性变迁特征,探索高等教育发展与经济、政治、文化之间的相互制约关系,对当今的高等教育改革和发展有一定裨益.  相似文献   

《奏定学堂章程》的颁行,标志着中国现代语文课程的出现,白话文开始进入中小学语文课程当中。但中国现代中小学语文课程的转型,并非简单地以白话文代替了文言文。文言文未曾退出中小学语文课程的舞台,白话文也从未一枝独秀。在《奏定学堂章程》颁行以后的半个世纪里,文言文在中国现代中小学语文课程当中仍然占据着重要地位。  相似文献   

1944年中国共产党开始探索独立自主的外交实践.但是国民党政府是当时的中央政府,中国共产党不能以中国政府的名义对外交往,故又有"半独立性".文中作者运用历史研究和理论分析的方法,从半独立外交的内涵、推行背景、实践情况和产生影响几个方面对这具有重要意义的课题展开初步探讨,最后得出结论:半独立外交是中共在特殊时期所采取的特殊形式的外交探索,它对中国革命的成功作出了重要的贡献.  相似文献   

本文从新闻出版单位的秩序建构和新闻出版物的规范两个层面梳理了1949至1956年间上海新闻出版业之改造.在此过程中,公私单位在数量多寡和实力优劣上发生了逆转;行业内部构建起专业化、分工化、等级化的结构关系.本文认为,共和国初期上海新闻出版机关缺乏一个关于新民主主义和社会主义文化的明确蓝图."新连环画"、"新年画"等代表了新闻出版机关所致力追求的理想的文化产品.但这种规范恰恰是基于与旧连环画、旧年画等相区分,并对其旧品格进行破坏、删除、改造而建构出来的.新的文化秩序在体制改造中或可较为快速地完成建构,但文化品格的规范却路途漫漫.  相似文献   

禁诉命令是美国解决国际平行诉讼的一种手段,是当事人用来逃避外国法院诉讼的一个强有力的工具。禁诉命令有利于保护美国法院的管辖权和重要公共政策,维护美国国家利益,却有悖于国际礼让原则,损害外国国家主权。美国法院发布禁诉命令时适用宽松的标准或限制的标准,两种标准各有优缺点。  相似文献   

乡土小说是中国新文学的重要小说类型之一,方言是其"土气息、泥滋味"的重要表征。在中国现代乡土小说发展史上,乡土小说家、评论家大都审慎而艺术地运用方言,方言在乡土小说中也具有多重审美内涵。乡土小说发展到十七年(1949—1966)时,方言却只简单地成为作者创作、思想立场的表征。在十七年乡土小说中,方言泛滥与审美质素的消弭成为一个饱含思想史命题的语言症候。作家周立波的创作正是这一问题的典型个案。  相似文献   

This article examines issues affecting the education of deaf people under Nigeria's 6-3-3-4 system of education. The system was introduced in 1976 and serves all categories of learners in Nigeria, irrespective of disability. The broad aim of education under the system is to provide all Nigerian learners a wide variety of educational and vocational opportunities to ensure the optimum development of their potential. Evidence indicates that the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system in Nigerian schools, including schools for the deaf, remains unsatisfactory. A plethora of problems running the gamut from inadequate personnel training programs, lack of facilities, failure of inclusion programs, to limited vocational preparation opportunities, inadequate funding of services, and absence of a legislation supporting the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system are identified as the major factors militating against the effective implementation of the system in Nigerian schools, including schools for the deaf. The implications for improvements in these areas to achieve a more meaningful implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system are discussed.  相似文献   

Art. 1. In accordance with Article 3 of the Provisional Regulations for Institutions of Higher Learning, to meet the needs of our national construction junior colleges [literally, "special-course schools"] will be established to train technicians; these specialists will be taught by a method that combines theory and practice so as to develop them into technicians who can master modern scientific and technological achievements, and who will be totally dedicated to the building of new democracy in our country.  相似文献   

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