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心理调控(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文上部分主要介绍什么是心理调控,心理自我调控的方法,并介绍一种心理肌肉训练法。该方法是建立在大脑与骨骼肌之间的相互联系上,通过语言产生的表象调控运动员的心理和身体状态,实现运动所需要的自我平静和自我动员。  相似文献   

教师具备良好的心理自我调控能力是教育成功的关键,因此必须学会自我调控的方式、方法,培养自己良好的心理品质。  相似文献   

学生体育学习与训练的自我调控能力,主要是指学生在体育学习与训练中,调整与控制自己行为和心理活动的能力。体育学习与训练的自我调控,要求学生对客观的学习与训练环境有清晰的认识,自觉地将主观与客观加以比较和调整,以维持与环境的动态平衡。也就是说,自我调控必须在主体内部、主体与外界之间频繁的信息交流中才能实现。越是在复杂运动情境中的自我调控,越需要进行紧张的心理信息处理活动,以求行为的及时调节。学生的行为是在其心理支配下发生的。学生一切正常的体育学习与训练活动,都是在他们对自己的心理实行有效的调控下进行的。自我…  相似文献   

严剑葵 《体育科技》2006,27(2):61-63
田径运动竞赛使运动员承受强烈的刺激,出现心理反应异常,影响到运动员的比赛士气、信心和运动竞赛能力的充分发挥。如何调控运动员心理,对争取好的竞赛成绩具有重要意义。本文着重探讨运动员赛时异常心理反应的产生及表现,并指出调控田径运动员赛时心理的方法包括生物反馈法、控制比赛动机水平、调控信心、控制集体心理反应、自我心理控制。  相似文献   

该文针对短道速滑运动员赛前易出现紧张情绪的现象,分析讨论了自我心理调控方法问题。  相似文献   

1、射击运动员的心理调控 射击运动员最佳竞技状态的调控,是一个多因素的有机的系统,就其调控的方法、手段而论,必须根据运动员的不同个性特征、不同的心理反应、制订出长期的、系统的心理训练计划,结合赛前的任务、对象开展短期的心理训练,使运动员学会控制和调节自己的心理状态.提高大脑对内脏器官活动和思维过程的调节支配能力。加强情绪的稳定性,尤其是要加强运动员在比赛前过程中的自我控制能力。  相似文献   

参赛准备状态的调控是保证运动员在比赛中正常或超常发挥极为重要的训练阶段.本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、对比分析法等对广东省游泳队及广州体育学院游泳队参加国内外重大赛事的参赛准备状态进行研究分析,对其调控方法进行反复对比和调整,并根据运动员的个体差异进行调整.总结出参赛准备状态的调控因素:体能准备、技术准备、战术准备达到训练上的调控;合理定位、关注自我,诊断状态、调整心理达到心理上的调控;以及适应性调控和后勤调控等因素.  相似文献   

通过对有关文献资料的研究及对比赛观察,从3个方面论述了花样滑冰运动员在比赛中的心理障碍的产生原因及自我心理调控的方法.  相似文献   

通过对有关文献资料的研究及对比赛观察,从3个方面论述了花样滑冰运动员在比赛中的心理障碍的产生原因及自我心理调控的方法。  相似文献   

花样滑冰的心理训练方法   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
史燕今  蔡伟滨  赵金平 《冰雪运动》2007,29(3):29-30,34
为使运动员以良好的心态投入到训练和比赛之中,通过对花样滑冰运动员进行放松、表象、集中注意力以及模拟等心理训练,培养花样滑冰运动员良好的心理和自我调控能力,为花样滑冰运动员取得优异成绩提供参考。  相似文献   


There is considerable research interest in psychological aspects of endurance performance. Until recently, research typically lacked a theoretical underpinning, and contemporary research is particularly informed by the psychobiological model of endurance performance. In this critical review, we propose that psychological theories relating to self-regulation, particularly self-efficacy theory and the process model of emotion regulation, could shed more light on how endurance performance is determined and lead to additional understanding of how psychological interventions can be used. We argue that people encounter fewer stressors in most experimental studies than are encountered before and during real-life events. In addition, we argue that most research conducted to date has focused on the forethought and performance phases of self-regulation, rather than the self-reflection phase, and research has not considered the cyclical nature of self-regulation. We also argue that if research participants are not endurance athletes, then their motivation may not be self-determined, and self-regulatory learning may not take place. Recommendations are given for future research, and evidence-based guidance is offered on enhancing performance and improving the quality of experience for endurance athletes.  相似文献   

摔跤是同场对抗性的运动项目,双方运动员对抗激烈,变化多端,对运动员的体能、心智能力的要求较高,随着摔跤比赛技战术水平的提高运动员的心理素质对比赛结果的影响越来越大。文章拟从心理学的角度对摔跤运动员赛前可能出现的不良心理状态进行分析,在了解运动员不良心理状态的基础上,提出稳定情绪法、合理比赛目标法、树立信心,激发斗志法、模拟训练法、专门化知觉训练、语言激励法、表象训练法、活动调节法、自我暗示法的赛前心理调控方案,希望通过本研究对摔跤运动的科学化训练提供理论参考,促进我国摔跤运动的发展。  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a scoping review of the sport literature (2000–2014) on psychological and social outcomes relevant to youth alcohol and illicit drug use. Prior reviews report that sport is related to increased alcohol use and reduced illicit drug use among youth, yet provide little guidance regarding the mechanisms that can explain this relationship. We reviewed the literature on sport participation and psychological and social outcomes to identify factors that could help explain this link. Psychological and social factors were selected as they play a paramount role in understanding youth alcohol and drug use. Fifty-nine articles were identified and included in the review. The literature generally supported connections between sport and positive psychological and social outcomes, including self-esteem, self-regulation, general life skills, and pro-social behaviour. Yet limitations in the methods and measures limit the ability to draw conclusions from the literature. In addition, the diversity of youth and sport was generally ignored in the literature. This article suggests a number of directions for future research that might improve our understanding of how sport impacts psychological and social outcomes along with alcohol and illicit drug use.  相似文献   

Guided by social cognitive theory (SCT), we investigated whether exercise self-regulatory efficacy beliefs can be activated nonconsciously in individuals experienced and inexperienced in exercise self-regulation, and whether these beliefs are automatically associated with exercise self-regulation processes. The study used a 2 (Exercise Self-Regulation Experience Group) × 3 (Prime Condition) between-subjects design in which individuals experienced and inexperienced in exercise self-regulation were randomly assigned to receive subliminal, supraliminal, or no priming of exercise self-regulatory efficacy beliefs. Participants completed hypothetical diary entries, which were assessed for exercise self-regulatory efficacy and self-regulation expressions using content analyses with a SCT coding system and the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) text analysis program. For both exercise self-regulation experience groups, self-efficacy priming led to more expressions of low exercise self-regulatory efficacy and dysfunctional exercise self-regulation strategies compared with the control prime. For participants experienced in exercise self-regulation, supraliminal priming (vs. control priming) led to more expressions of high exercise self-regulatory efficacy and functional exercise self-regulation strategies. For the experienced groups, priming led to automaticity of exercise expressions compared with the control condition. For inexperienced participants in the subliminal prime condition, priming led to automaticity of self-regulatory efficacy beliefs and work-related goals compared with the control condition. Automatic activation of exercise self-regulatory efficacy and exercise self-regulation processes suggests that self-regulation of exercise behavior can occur nonconsciously.  相似文献   

根据元认知和自我监控理论,研究在技术学习中培养学生的自我监控能力,同时通过自我监控能力的提高促进技术技能的掌握。并利用董奇的《学习自我监控量表》进行实验前后学生自我监控能力的差异比较。结果表明,在技术学习中培养学生的自我监控能力可促进技术技能的形成,提高了学生的能力和运动技术学习的效果。  相似文献   

自我调控是指为达到自我设置的目标,根据表现的回馈而有计划逐步调整自己产生的观点、感受和行为。自我调控的回馈循环线划分为3个阶段:预想阶段、表现控制阶段和自我反省阶段。目前对自我调控理论的研究已经从最初研究学生学习的个体差异逐渐深入到运动技能学习中,特别是对篮球投篮的研究表明进行自我调控干扰能够有效影响被试投篮命中的次数。  相似文献   

大学是人们成长的一个重要时期。随着经济社会迅速发展,大学生承受着生活、学习与就业双重压力,在成长发展过程中必然会遭受到各种打击,有些大学生自我调节能力较差,这时若没有获得有效的帮助与指导,再加上自身生活习惯较差,不仅仅影响到大学生身心健康,更不利于他们的健康成长。所以怎样对大学生进行身心教育及引导,怎样引导他们养成较好的生活习惯以及提高其心理素质,培养出综合素质强的21世纪人才成为了当前高校教育的重点关注问题。  相似文献   

为了深入了解体育专业舞蹈生情绪管理能力的现状,本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查以及数理统计的方法从自我觉察、自我调控、觉察他人、自我激励和人际关系5个方面对西北民族大学体育专业舞蹈大2、大3学生的情绪管理能力进行调查研究。结果显示:(1)大3和大2学生在以上五个方面的能力具有显著差异(P<0.05);(2)大3学生在自我激励和人际关系比大2的好,但在其他3方面均比大2的略低;(3)男生和女生在以上前3个方面的能力具有显著差异(P<0.05);(4)男生在自我觉察与自我调控两方面的能力均比女生好,但在觉察他人方面的能力却低于女生。根据研究结果分析其薄弱环节并对其进行可能的原因分析与讨论。  相似文献   

Childhood sport participation is argued to be important to understand differences in self-regulation and performance level in adolescence. This study sought to investigate if football-specific activities in childhood (6–12 years of age) is related to self-regulatory skills and national under 14- and 15-team selection in Norwegian elite youth football. Data of practice histories and self-regulatory skills of 515 youth football players selected at Norwegian regional level were collected and further analysed using multilevel analyses. The results revealed that high self-regulated players were more likely to be selected for national initiatives, and increased their involvement in peer-led football practice and adult-led football practice during childhood, compared to players with lower levels of self-regulation. While national level players reported higher levels of peer-led football play in childhood, the interaction effect suggest that the regional level players increased their involvement in peer-led play during childhood compared to national level players. In conclusion, the findings indicate that childhood sport participation may contribute to later differences in self-regulation, and highlights the importance of childhood engagement in football-specific play and practice in the development of Norwegian youth football players.  相似文献   

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