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归纳推理和演绎推理这两种推理能力对于物理的学习和研究都至关重要,但是目前的高中物理课堂教学和考试评价主要针对的是演绎推理能力,而较少涉及归纳推理能力。作为学生认知发展的关键阶段,高中自然也是培养归纳推理能力的关键时期。在对现行的人教版、教科版、鲁科版、粤教版、沪教版、沪科版等六个版本新教材进行研究后发现:“归纳”一词在不同版本新教材中出现的频率并不相同,同时其培养场景也不尽相同。在教材分析的基础上,结合教学实际,给出了归纳推理能力培养的教学建议:引导学生认识到归纳推理方法的多种应用场景、引导学生感受实验归纳和理论演绎的不同作用、结合真实物理情景提升归纳推理能力。  相似文献   

中学生数学归纳推理的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
发展学生的归纳推理能力是数学课程的重要目标.初中生数学归纳推理的发展状况为:信息表征的类型随着知识量的增加而增加;归纳猜想随年级的升高而呈现缓慢增长趋势;假设检验随年级的增长并不显著;归纳推理与演绎推理在各年级中的发展不均衡.因此,在教学中加强归纳推理的教育与心理研究是十分必要也是刻不容缓的.  相似文献   

在培养小学生归纳能力的实践中,我们发现:如果教学不得法,就很可能在培养学生归纳能力的同时,使学生形成思维定势,导致学生不能适应变化了的情况,很难找出新方法去解决新问题。下面就结合五年制数学教材(第七册)中“角的认识”一课的教学,谈谈怎样在教学中培养学生的归纳能力,防止思维定势的产生。 根据归纳推理的前提是否考察了某类事物的全部对象,可把归纳推理分为完全归纳推理和不完全归纳推理两种,小学数学中常用的是不完全归纳推理。不完全归纳推理又可分简单枚举归纳推理和科学归纳推理两种,本课在指导学生认识射线和角时,应注意培  相似文献   

归纳推理是小学阶段的重要的认知活动和基本的思维形式之一.小学生通过归纳推理认知数学规律、形成数学概念、建构知识体系,又通过归纳推理解决问题,归纳推理是小学阶段提高学生数学素质特别是培养创新意识的重要的数学内容.将归纳推理纳入义务教育特别是小学数学教育,是数学教育和课程改革的重要举措.但是,人们对归纳推理在义务教育阶段,特别是小学阶段的教学基本目标、教学基本要求的认识尚在研究摸索阶段,造成目前有关归纳推理内容的课程设计与教学在总体上处于无明确目标、无序、随机的状态.这种状况与课程改革的要求相距甚运,对于小学实施素质教育是不利的,亟待从理论和实践上加以解决.本文立足当前我国小学数学课程实际,从理论和实践层面对小学数学归纳推理全面进行研究.  相似文献   

归纳 ,指的是从特殊到一般的推理。演绎指的是从一般到特殊的推理。归纳和演绎 ,两者是相辅相成的。演绎推理需归纳推理的结果作为前提 ,而归纳推理也要依赖演绎推理来证明 ,科学的思维要求归纳与演绎的统一。为此 ,我们在从事思想政治课的教学过程中 ,应该恰当地运用好归纳和演绎的思维方法。初中思想政治课三个学年的教材内容 ,分别为心理健康教育、法制教育和社会发展常识及国情教育。以一个学年的教材为单元来看 ,其教材的编排为前言和课。前言即总论 ,每一课又往往分为引言—→(节)—→框—→目。后者为前者服务 ,前者是对后者的概括…  相似文献   

数学归纳推理是通过观察和组合特殊事例的量性特征来发现一类事物的量化模式的创造性思维活动过程.数学归纳推理需经历5个基本的认知阶段——"归纳五看":个别的看、重复的看、想象的看、抽象的看和一般的看,每一个阶段都由其独特的思维模式与相应的量化模式构成."归纳五看"构成了归纳推理的认知连续体,每一个阶段都以前一个阶段为基础,并且是对前一个阶段的超越.教学中要充分利用数学归纳推理的层次性、探究性、开放性和经验性,引导学生积累丰富完整的归纳活动经验.  相似文献   

现有的归纳推理模型都是领域一般性的,这些模型的局限性和遭遇到的困难说明在领域一般性的意义上考察归纳推理可能是行不通的。而且逻辑学的研究已经承认,要建立一个完全的归纳逻辑也是不可能的。因此,对归纳推理研究应该放弃领域一般性的思路,而采用领域特殊性的视角和功能分析的研究方法可能会给归纳推理研究带来新的活力。  相似文献   

初中数学教学过程是培养初中生探究意识的重要阶段.在初中数学教学的过程中,积极地向学生进行归纳意识的渗透,能够有效地培养学生的数学探究能力,使学生充分体会到发现规律的喜悦,从而极大地提高了初中学生进行数学学习与探究的积极性与主动性.基于归纳推理意识渗透在初中数学教学过程中的重大现实意义,笔者就我国初中数学教学中归纳推理意识的渗透问题展开讨论.文章首先论述了归纳推理意识的渗透在初中数学教学中的积极意义,继而分析了笔者在课堂教学中所使用的一个案例进行说明,最后提出了在初中数学教学中渗透归纳推理意识的课堂教学设计,以期能够对我国广大的初中数学教学工作者提供一些可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

休谟提出的"归纳问题"及归纳推理的形式化刻画是归纳逻辑留下的两大难题.深入考察归纳推理的各个环节就可发现,归纳不是一种单纯的思维方法,而是综合、抽象、虚拟等多种方法结合运用的复合方法.它在本质上是对单称命题的综合,其运算形式是一种加法;抽象为它提供前提中的性质命题,并为它进行归并运算提供可能;由想象补充的"虚拟前提"使不完全归纳演变成完全归纳,确立了归纳方法的合理性.由此得到归纳推理的通用演算形式:s1(∩)p+s2(∩)p+s3(∩)p+〈n〉(s(∩)p)=(A)×(s(∩)p).  相似文献   

归纳推理能力是个体认知能力的核心要素之一.幼儿归纳推理能力的发展在幼儿各种认知能力的形成与发展过程中起着重要作用.有关幼儿归纳推理的研究,目前主要有相似性覆盖模型(SCM)、基于特征的归纳模型(FBIM)、标签属性模型(LAAM),以及基于结构的归纳模型(SBIM).这些模型阐述了幼儿归纳推理的原理与规律.然而,由于对归纳推理的界定不一,以及在研究方法上的局限性,这些理论模型仍然存在着很多值得商榷的问题.  相似文献   

近年来,关于婴幼儿归纳推理能力的发展研究受到国际心理学界的重视,其中婴幼儿是否能够基于概念进行归纳推理是一个焦点问题。Mandler等人利用概括化模仿技术对婴儿的归纳推理进行了研究,发现:9-20个月的婴儿的归纳推理受到领域水平的概念类别所限制,是一个基于概念的过程;Gelman等人探讨了类别成员关系、语言标签、心理本质主义在幼儿的归纳推理中的作用,发现:2-4岁幼儿的归纳推理受基本水平的类别成员关系所限制,也是一个基于概念的过程。二者的分歧可以用语言的作用加以解释。  相似文献   

The tendency to generalize from specific experiences leading to new, more abstract concepts is a natural aspect of human thought. Generalizations are the end result of an inductive process that begins with the identification of similarities in seemingly disparate situations. It is the existence of such generalizations that makes it possible for us to understand each other and the world around us. It is pedagogically weak to present generalizations to students and expect them to know how and when to apply them. On the other hand if students experience the inductive process in classrooms and discover generalizations, they are likely to remember and use this process when tackling other problems. The authors illustrate the pedagogical value of such an approach and the interdisciplinary nature of the inductive process by reflecting on teaching practices in English literature and mathematics in a high school classroom. In particular the authors reflect on how the inductive process was applied to four short stories and four problem-solving situations, which resulted in high school students arriving at generalizations that characterized the stories and the problems. A conceptual model that illustrates how inductive processes facilitate generalizations in the classroom is presented.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated kindergarten through fourth-grade children's and adults' (N = 128) ability to (1) evaluate the certainty of deductive inferences, inductive inferences, and guesses; and (2) explain the origins of inferential knowledge. When judging their own cognitive state, children in first grade and older rated deductive inferences as more certain than guesses; but when judging another person's knowledge, children did not distinguish valid inferences from invalid inferences and guesses until fourth grade. By third grade, children differentiated their own deductive inferences from inductive inferences and guesses, but only adults both differentiated deductive inferences from inductive inferences and differentiated inductive inferences from guesses. Children's recognition of their own inferences may contribute to the development of knowledge about cognitive processes, scientific reasoning, and a constructivist epistemology.  相似文献   

作为西方教育科学发展的主题之一,西方教育科学研究方法经历了逻辑性演绎、实证性归纳、演绎与归纳相结合以及多样化发展的不同时期。西方教育科学研究方法的发展历史在显示自身演进规律的同时,还从一个侧面展示了西方教育科学发展的过程。  相似文献   

Inductive reasoning is a core cognitive process of fluid intelligence, predicting a variety of educational outcomes. The Cognitive Training for Children (CTC) program is an educational intervention designed to develop children's inductive reasoning skills, with previous investigations finding substantial effects of the program on both inductive reasoning ability and classroom learning. The present study assessed both individual and small‐group CTC training against a no‐treatment control condition to investigate the effects on inductive and deductive reasoning and mathematics achievement in a primary school‐aged Australian cohort. Students who received individual training outperformed those in the control condition on measures of inductive and deductive reasoning, and those in the small‐group condition also outperformed the control condition on a measure of inductive reasoning 3 months following training. However, hypotheses regarding transfer effects to mathematics achievement were not supported. Directions for future research, focusing on extended longitudinal studies and motivational variables, are discussed.  相似文献   

STEM教育理念融入小学科学教学既有可行性也有必要性。教师在将STEM教育理念融入小学科学教学实践过程中,可采取以下四环节教学策略:第一,引入生活,创设情境,提出科学探究问题;第二,设定方案,选择材料,制作解决问题工具;第三,小组合作,科学验证,技术检测解决问题;第四,归纳分析,得出结论,联系实际归纳提升。这个过程中,可培养学生的科学素养、工程素养、技术素养和数学素养,进而在综合性的科学课堂教学中提升学生的动手能力和创新思维。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of an inductive versus a deductive instructional approach on the constructive feedback and problem-solving skills of supervisors. Sixteen supervisors were randomly assigned to either an inductive or a deductive instructional group for one of the instructional units in a supervisory training program. The topic of the unit was the constructive feedback process. Supervisors' acquisition and transfer of skill in giving constructive feedback, problem-solving skill, facilitation of subordinate problem-solving skill, and attitudes toward training were assessed. The findings showed that while supervisors in the deductive group demonstrated greater ability to transfer their learning, supervisors in the inductive group perceived that the quality of their training experience was better. No significant differences were found on either measure of problem-solving skill. Implications of these findings for instructional design theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

在归纳问题的解决方式上,金岳霖与罗素有师承关系,金岳霖对归纳问题的解决是对罗素归纳思想的深化,他们的共同之处主要表现在:都把对归纳问题的解决建立在归纳原则的合理性上。他们不同在于:前者对归纳原则的永真性进行了论证,而后者对纳原则的合理性主要建立在信念上。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2003,13(4):381-402
A study is presented into the effect of familiar and abstract task content on self-directed inductive learning. Two groups of learners performed a self-directed inductive learning task in which they conducted experiments to discover the model describing the relations between five independent variables and a dependent variable. One group performed a task of familiar content, the other performed an isomorphic abstract task. During learning, indicators of the inductive learning process were gathered by means of think-aloud protocols and asking standardized questions to the learners. As expected, learning outcome was higher in the group performing the concrete task. It appeared that the number of hypotheses, research plans and inferences stated were predictive for successful learning outcome, especially in the abstract task. The content effect was explained in terms of a narrowing down of the number of possible hypotheses to be considered in the concrete task, compared to the abstract task.  相似文献   

休谟的怀疑主义不仅终结了理性主义,也终结了经验主义。休谟在《人性论》中对因果关系理论进行了论证,其中包括三个前提条件和一个原则,使归纳问题的本质得到说明。归纳问题使归纳推理的合法性受到挑战,后来的哲学家们对此纷纷讨论,其中卡尔纳普的概率逻辑方案备受关注。卡尔纳普用演绎方法研究归纳过程,引进了概念确证度或说是验证度。通过论证,卡尔纳普把逻辑地确定概率P的问题转换成确定状态描述的概率,使归纳问题得到解决。然而,用演绎的方法来研究非演绎性的归纳逻辑是不可取的。  相似文献   

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