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It’sknowntoallthatlifeisshort.Wecanobtainmanyathingmorethanonce熏butthelosttimewecan'tgetback.Wehaveonlylimitedtimetolearnunlimitedknowledge.Schoollifeisstillshorter.Thisisthemostpreciousperiodofourlife熏whichbelongstoev鄄eryonebutonce.Ifweidleitaway熏we’llhavenobetterdaysforstudy.Therefore熏wemustspendtheschooldaystothebestadvantages.Onlyinthiswaycanwereceivemoraleducation熏improveourhealthandgetrichknowledge.Onethingshouldbeborninmind押“Alazyyouth熏alousyage.”Make the Most of Our Sch…  相似文献   

郭晨 《海外英语》2012,(23):233-235,238
Popular word on line is a kind of language form which is welcomed by netizens.The popular word on line is the most active part of network language.They are made of expressions what the internet users are established by usage.The popular words on line have a very strong nature of medium.They are the comprehensive products which come from the facts of social politics,economics,culture,environment and people’s psychological activities etc.of a certain time.The total amount of new emerging popular words on line is not so many every year,but the influence of them can not be belittled.This study focuses on the popular words on line with the cases of the popular words occured in recent years.It works on the reasons for their rapid spreading.The author summarizes their characteristics and put forward some ways for the guidance of the popular words on line.  相似文献   

In recent decades, a consensus has emerged among educators and scientists that all compulsory school students need good science education. The debate about its purpose and nature as a school subject in an emerging information society has not been as conclusive. To further understand this, it helps to examine how the science curriculum has transformed and what forces have shaped it as a core curricular area over time. This article sheds light on the transformation of the science curriculum for compulsory schools in Iceland in force from 1960 to 2010. Using criteria based on curriculum ideologies regarding the function of learners, instructors and subject matter in the learning process and the orientation of content and product versus process and development, it offers findings from content analysis of the intended science curriculum. The official curriculum was studied and conceptualised as it has evolved over time. The curriculum developers appear to have been striving for a compromise between conflicting views, resulting in what the authors of this article conceive as a ‘kaleidoscopic quilt’ of ideas over the period studied.  相似文献   

无数个季节来了又去了,我不知道有多少。你是红烛,燃烧生命:你是春蚕,默默无闻:你是冬梅,吟。昌出早春之歌。无数个夜晚,  相似文献   

许多“new-fashioned”的课堂教学技巧都有“old-fashioned”的影子,在使用“new-fashioned”技巧的时候,回想一下过去的技巧,也是有它们的可贵之处的。千万别“贪新忘旧”了  相似文献   

陈卓涵 《海外英语》2020,(8):68-69,75
Four sampled corpora have been used for a quantitative analysis on usage of past participles(PPs) in maritime English (ME) and general English(GE). Part-of-speech tagging software CLAWS5 and AntConc 3.2.0 are used for extraction of PPs and da-ta collection. Standardized frequency based on 100000 words is adopted to ensure the comparability of PPs found in different corpo-ra. This study covers analysis of overall frequency distribution and different grammatical functions of PPs. Results show that ME prefers using more PPs and these PPs are more likely to be used as predicative and postpositive attribute than does GE.Detailed comparison and contrast about the use of PPs between GE and ME are also made, thus providing helpful information for learners or teachers of maritime English.  相似文献   

我们都知道目前中国基础教育学制是12年制,即9年义务教育加上3年的高中教育。如果算上学生大学四年本科教育的话,学生的整个学习年限最少达到了16年。有人提出我们学制太长,认为基础教育12年学制完全可以缩短为9年,对此,你怎么看呢?  相似文献   

高等教育步入大众化阶段以后,提高人才培养的质量必然成为高校的立足点。这不仅是国际教育发展趋势使然,也是我国新课程改革的必然要求。学校应该针对原有培养模式的不足,采取一系列切实有效的措施,实现师范教育专业人才培养模式由追求数量到提高质量的转变。  相似文献   

Teaching is a significant social good and therefore teachers as well as the state have to take responsibility for guarding the moral quality of the teaching practice. Based on this premise, the article describes and defends the view that these parties have their own particular role by means of literature review and theoretical and practical arguments.

The role of the state is necessarily limited to defining minimal moral rules and obligations, because in liberal Western democracies morality is codified in law to a minimal degree. The state also has practical reasons for such a confined position, among which are the complexities of professional practice and its implied tacit knowledge.

Teachers have to take responsibility for constructing the full width of professional morality, but particularly for defining its optimal or aspirational dimension. This dimension comprises the virtues deemed important for teachers as well as their professional ideals. Whereas the literature on professional ethics of teachers is relatively silent about professional ideals, several arguments are provided for the importance of ideals for teachers.

The final part of the article defends the claim that teachers have to articulate their professional ideals through intra‐professional dialogue. Again, theoretical and practical arguments are provided, for instance that such a debate provokes teachers to think about the best aims and means of their profession and that it contributes to the sense and meaning of their work. The article ends with some practical implications of the theoretical exposé.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the nature of the instruments used to assess students' and teachers' conceptions of the nature of science during the last four decades. Two salient points emerge from critically reviewing the various research emphases and associated assessment instruments specifically related to the nature of science. The first is to question the validity of much of the research presented on the grounds that (a) assessment instruments are interpreted in a biased manner, and (b) some assessment instruments appear to be poorly constructed. Although such comments are well founded, it is important to note that the research conclusions were unusually uniform regardless of the particular instrument used in an investigation. The second point is a more critical concern about the traditional paper and pencil approach to the assessment of an individual's understanding of the nature of science. Although not a new insight, discrepancies between the interpretation of a written response to a traditional instrument (e.g., multiple choice assessment) and the intent of the respondent have been well documented. It is suggested that the current educational research shift toward more qualitative, open-ended approaches to assessment of individuals' understanding (of any concept) be applied to the assessment of individuals' nature of science conceptions.  相似文献   

The practice of integrating songs into educational research is seen as an emerging phenomenon, focusing on students’ existential situation from the perspective of culture. This paper explores the connections between the songs selected and children’s life experiences in different periods between the 1950s and the present. There exist numerous songs involving the theme of schoolbags over the past 70 years. In 14 typical popular songs, the cultural implications of schoolbags roughly fall into four categories, namely political, emotional, playful, and visionary, each respectively reflecting different degrees of weight captured by the song originators. Accompanied by the diversity of musical rhythms and melodies, the musical images of schoolbags may vary in terms of phenomenology and schooling culture. The nature of schoolbags in songs keeps changing, closely related to the micro-political experiences of the singers. Therefore, as a teaching resource outside the classroom, popular songs exert a greater influence on students’ spiritual cultivation than formal knowledge.  相似文献   

现在完成时和一般过去时的区别一直是语言学家和语法家们争论的焦点。“关联理论”和“不确定的过去理论”是两个颇有影响的理论,在解释现在完成时和一般过去时的区别时各有优势和局限。本文试图从语用和话语分析的角度来辨析现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ beliefs about and responses to children’s withdrawn behaviors (reticence and solitary-passive behavior) and aggressive behaviors (relational and physical aggression) on the playground across grades (preschool through 2nd grade) and by gender. Participants included 171 female teachers of preschool (n = 46), kindergarten (n = 45), 1st-grade (n = 41), and 2nd-grade (n = 39) classes from a Mountain West community. Overall, reticence was perceived as less appropriate than solitary-passive behavior, and physical aggression was perceived as less appropriate than relational aggression, although both forms of aggression were seen as less appropriate than both forms of withdrawal. Likewise, it was found that teachers do not take as proactive an approach to dealing with all withdrawn behaviors as they do in dealing with aggressive behaviors. Practice or Policy: Important gender differences were found and are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 52 children across two schools was tracked for the first four years of their school life. Adopting a naturalistic research strategy, relying on classroom observation of children and depth interviews with teachers, the emergence of each child's identity was monitored as it became revealed to their teacher. This investigation into early school careers suggests that children quickly acquire one of two distinct identities: either normal or deviant. The vast majority of children fall into the ‘normal’ category. Within the ‘normal’ category there seems to be a particular type of pupil who is to be found at the core of this socially constructed world of normality: the ‘average’ child. Acquiring an identity as an ‘average’ child seems to have important consequences for the child's experience of schooling. Whereas deviant pupils are conspicuous and continually noticeable, ‘average ‘pupils represent a conformity in classroom life which makes them apparently less visible to teachers. ‘Average’ pupils appear to conform to such an extreme degree that for much of their time in school they become ‘invisible’. This is an apparent anomaly for teachers in the early years when, in spite of a commitment to individualism, and often a tradition of child‐centredness, it seems teachers may be ‘blind’ to certain individuals in their class, especially those for whom teachers have recognised an identity as an ‘average’ child.

Research in early years education has understandably given prominence to issues of pedagogical practice, policy formation and curriculum development (Richards, 1982; Blenkin and Kelly, 1988). As in all sectors of education the concerns of educationists as practitioners or policy‐makers have often driven the quest for understanding and provided the dominant ethos of inquiry. In the field of early years education, the issues for debate, and consequently the questions generated for research, have rarely been prompted by the concerns of social scientists in their pursuit of more esoteric domains of theory construction.  相似文献   

This is a photograph I took during my trip to Sanya.That wasmy first trip by air.I had been looking forward to being there for along time.  相似文献   

Assessment is a critical issue in the teaching andlearning of mathematics. For many students, theassessment is still one that is based on a behaviouristapproach where discrete facts and skills are tested,where grading and ranking are the primary goals.Kilpatrick argues that an alternative vision isnecessary for today's classrooms. The challenge is toproduce an assessment practice that does more thanmeasures a person's mind and then assign a mindtreatment. We need to understand how people cometo use mathematics in different social settings and  相似文献   

Taiwan is the biggest island of the People' s Republic of China, lying in the southeast of China. It's surrounded by the sea. The population of it is more than 22 million. It has not only modern harbors but also famous international airports. Taibei, the capital of Taiwan province, is one of the most prosperous international metropolises(大都市) in the world.  相似文献   

There was a dreamLong tim e agoThere was a dreamD estined to growFor a lifetim e of progressThat runs here todayW e’ll go all the w ayH ey they feel like having the tim e of our livesLet’s light the fire find the plainLet’s go together as one insideCau…  相似文献   

Research on learning and instruction of science has shown that learning environments applied in preschool and primary school rarely makes use of structured learning materials in problem-based environments although these are decisive quality features for promoting conceptual change and scientific reasoning within early science learning. We thus developed and implemented a science learning environment for children in the first years of schooling which contains structured learning materials with the goal of supporting conceptual change concerning the understanding of the floating and sinking of objects and fostering students' scientific reasoning skills. In the present implementation study, we aim to provide a best-practice example of early science learning. The study was conducted with a sample of 15 classes of the first years of schooling and a total of 244 children. Tests were constructed to measure children's conceptual understanding before and after the implementation. Our results reveal a decrease in children's misconceptions from pretest to posttest. After the curriculum, the children were able to produce significantly more correct predictions about the sinking or floating of objects than before the curriculum and also relative to a control group. Moreover, due to the intervention, the explanations given for their predictions implied a more elaborated concept of material kinds. All in all, a well-structured curriculum promoting comparison and scientific reasoning by means of inquiry learning was shown to support children's conceptual change.  相似文献   

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