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As a whole, this is an extraordinary book if you wish to study and understand the evolution of higher education—especially in Europe in these times of change of educational paradigms generated by the Bologna Process. However, if the subject of this book is relevant to you as a learning technologist, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. Jesus Garcia Laborda  相似文献   

Here is a well written and well edited book with focus on the concept of design in modern educational technology practice. It is for both new and experienced designers; those new to the field might find opportunities to expand their practice, while experienced designers will find affirmation of many past practices and the opportunity to explore new ideas for future projects. If you think this book is likely to be of value to you, I suggest you buy your own copy Diane P Janes  相似文献   

The world of education progresses by succeeding in its own challenges. This attractive volume excels in suggesting key issues that will need to be addressed in the next years by researchers, teachers and students. If you think the content of this book may be relevant, I recommend that you buy a copy for your own use. Jesús García Laborda  相似文献   

This monograph, addressed to higher education teachers, concerns learning in a Web 2.0 world, together with new, open forms of assessment and quality development. I find interesting the rich chapters on quality and assessment but less convincing the initial analysis and classification of Web 2.0 learning environments and landscapes. If you are likely to find this book relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of interest or use. Giuliana Dettori  相似文献   

This collection of explanations of terms across the field of educational communications and technology offers scholars and practitioners a comprehensive and coherent overview of the domain. It presents short key educational discussions, annotated explanations, and avenues to further scholarly works. I recommend borrowing the book, and for educational leaders, it could fruitfully feature as a useful reference text in their personal libraries. Nancy El‐Farargy  相似文献   

This book combines cultural models with practice‐based learning to develop a new theory of cultural learning. Drawing on insights from anthropology, it argues how collective and social cultures can emerge from an “engaged” learning process. The book opens a new window on human learning; however, you will probably find only parts of it of some interest or use. Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan  相似文献   

Ubiquitous learning is new, so therefore still very far from universal implementation in education. This volume offers support for interested teachers and researchers. It brings both theoretical and practical ideas to implement ubiquitous contexts for learning. While paying attention to the development of both individual and collective learning, it also creates the reader's interest in going into further depth. A great volume written to learn, create and enjoy: if this is, or could be, your field, I recommend you buy a copy. Jesús García Laborda  相似文献   

With its thorough review of the uses of relevant techniques in education, this provides useful information for educators. It covers research, theory, pedagogy, and strategies for using e‐learning. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, we recommend you borrow a copy for a while. Melissa Hoffmann & William Brescia  相似文献   

This book seeks to formalise approaches to e‐learning by ensuring that e‐resource design is evaluated and appropriately supported by evidence. The book is aimed at academics who design e‐learning systems and need to devise scholarly evaluation research to assess their success. If this book's likely to relate closely to what you do, I suggest you borrow a copy so you can assess it for yourself. John G Hedberg  相似文献   

The aim of the book is to promote an evidence‐based and theory‐driven approach to school improvement. While it targets all professionals working in education, it could be argued that officials in education policy, academics, and school management teams would gain most from reading it. Indeed, if this book's content is likely to be relevant, you should arrange to borrow a copy for a time. David I Leece  相似文献   

The authors provide some useful ideas and a bridge from face‐to‐face into blended learning contexts that teachers interested in inquiry pedagogy may find useful. There are various scaffolds and exemplars as well as exploration of appropriate digital tools that can be of use for critical inquiry. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise you may find only parts of it of interest or use. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

As the title makes clear, this is a book devoted to coaching—in this context, a one‐to‐one approach to development in which the coach, ideally an applied psychologist, identifies the needs of the coachee and pro‐actively sets out to prompt the coachee to perceive and address his/her needs regarding decision‐making and career choices, and to make these choices expeditiously. If you believe the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. John Cowan  相似文献   

This is written as an up‐to‐date guide to the effective and imaginative use of information technology in primary classrooms, in a range of subjects and activities. However, much of its content and approach will offer ideas and inspiration to those who teach at other levels. If the content of this book may well be relevant, I recommend you buy your own copy. John Cowan  相似文献   

Informative, useful, and with practical inputs on quality assurance and accreditation in open, distance and e‐learning education, this book is worthy to be consulted by teachers, researchers, quality technicians, practitioners, and policy makers. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, you should arrange to borrow a copy for a while. Ramesh Sharma  相似文献   

The authors provide some useful ideas and a bridge from face‐to‐face into blended learning contexts which teachers interested in an inquiry pedagogy may find useful. There are various scaffolds and exemplars as well as exploration of appropriate digital tools which can be used for critical inquiry. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. Robyn Smyth  相似文献   

Nelson and Erlandson have collated a summary of the work of early designers and researchers into virtual worlds for learning and assessment. While it is confined to those experiences already well known in the literature, it does provide a basic introduction for undergraduates. If it seems that this book could be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. John G Hedberg  相似文献   

Primary schools and ict addresses the integration of information technology into primary school education in the UK. Using a mixed methods approach, it builds a unique case study of learner perspectives and outlines recommendations for the sector. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you borrow a copy for a while. Michael Thomas  相似文献   

This book examines strategic curriculum change through a study of change activities within a group of international research‐based universities. It echoes a range of concepts, processes and tools relevant to curriculum change by way of real world (even if occasionally rarefied) case studies from each of these institutions. The target readers include university leaders at all levels and academic curriculum developers. Sara Hammer  相似文献   

This book is largely about how people connect with each other and with digital technologies, and how this affects their learning. It reviews existing literature on networked learning and describes the role of universities and academics in that approach. Jones's book targets anyone interested in learning technology, and— if you are in that group—I recommend that you borrow a copy for a while. Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan  相似文献   

This book looks at the impact of digital technologies on the teaching and learning of mathematics. The focus is on learning at school and most of the twenty‐nine invited contributions are drawn from England and the US. Mathematics education with digital technology will be of interest to school teachers, teacher‐educators and educational technologists. If it is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you borrow a copy for a while. Pete Cannell  相似文献   

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